Added slides for LaTeX.
authorPuneeth Chaganti <>
Tue, 31 Aug 2010 18:50:20 +0530
changeset 105 bba1ae4ef1ae
parent 104 828c65311bdf
child 106 43ca1381dbef
Added slides for LaTeX.
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/latex/slides.tex	Tue Aug 31 18:50:20 2010 +0530
@@ -0,0 +1,839 @@
+% generated by Docutils <>
+\usepackage{fixltx2e} % LaTeX patches, \textsubscript
+\usepackage{cmap} % fix search and cut-and-paste in PDF
+  language=TeX,
+  basicstyle=\small\ttfamily,
+  commentstyle=\ttfamily\color{blue},
+  stringstyle=\ttfamily\color{orange},
+  showstringspaces=false,
+  breaklines=true,
+  postbreak = \space\dots
+\newlength{\DUtablewidth} % internal use in tables
+  \usetheme{Warsaw}
+  \useoutertheme{infolines}
+  \setbeamercovered{transparent}
+\author[FOSSEE] {FOSSEE}
+\institute[IIT Bombay] {Department of Aerospace Engineering\\IIT
+  Bombay}
+%% Delete this, if you do not want the table of contents to pop up at
+%% the beginning of each subsection:
+  \begin{frame}<beamer>
+    \frametitle{Outline}
+    \tableofcontents[currentsection,currentsubsection]
+  \end{frame}
+  \begin{frame}<beamer>
+    \frametitle{Outline}
+    \tableofcontents[currentsection,currentsubsection]
+  \end{frame}
+% Document title
+  \maketitle  
+  \frametitle{\LaTeX~- Introduction}
+  \begin{itemize}
+  \item Typesetting program
+  \item Excellently Typeset Documents - specially Math
+  \item Anything from one page articles to books. 
+  \item Based on \TeX
+  \item Pronounced ``Lah-tech'' or ``Lay-tech''
+  \end{itemize}
+  \frametitle{This Course}
+  \begin{itemize}
+  \item Look at Sample document - \texttt{sample.pdf}
+  \item The document will be produced by the end of the course. 
+  \item First Hour - Basic Structure
+  \item Second Hour - Text, Tables, Figures, References
+  \item Third Hour - Math, Bibliography, Presentations
+  \end{itemize}
+  \frametitle{A Look at the Sample Document}
+  \begin{itemize}
+  \item Title, Author, Date
+  \item Abstract
+  \item Sections
+  \item Subsections
+  \item Appendix
+  \item References/Bibliography
+  \item Tables
+  \item Figures
+  \item Math
+  \end{itemize}
+  \frametitle{The source \& compilation}
+  Write the following code into the file \texttt{draft.tex}.
+  \begin{lstlisting}
+    \documentclass{article}
+    \begin{document}
+    SciPy is open-source software for mathematics, 
+    science, and engineering.   
+    \end{document}
+  \end{lstlisting}
+  To compile the document, do the following in your terminal: 
+  \begin{lstlisting}[language=bash]
+    $ pdflatex draft.tex
+  \end{lstlisting}
+  This produces the output file \texttt{draft.pdf} %%$
+  Note: \texttt{latex} command is often used to get \texttt{dvi}
+  output. Throughout this course, we shall use \texttt{pdflatex} to
+  compile our documents to \texttt{pdf} output.
+\section{Structure of the Document}
+  \frametitle{\lstinline+documentclass+}
+  \begin{itemize}
+  \item \LaTeX~typesets based on \lstinline{documentclass}
+  \item Defines structure and formatting of a document
+  \item \LaTeX~is a document based mark-up
+  \item Mark-up --- a system of annotating text, adding extra
+    information to specify structure and presentation of text
+  \item Document based markup $\rightarrow$ you don't have to worry
+    about each element individually 
+  \item Allows you to focus on content, rather than appearance.
+  \end{itemize}
+  \frametitle{Environments and Commands}
+  \lstinline{document} is an environment, present in every document. 
+  \begin{itemize}
+  \item Environments
+    \begin{itemize}
+    \item \lstinline{\begin} and \lstinline{\end} define the beginning
+      and end of an environment
+    \item All the content of the document is placed inside the
+      \lstinline{document} environment 
+    \end{itemize}
+  \item Commands
+    \begin{itemize}
+    \item All commands begin with \textbackslash
+    \item They are case-sensitive
+    \item Only alpha caracthers; other characters terminate commands
+    \end{itemize}
+  \end{itemize}
+  \frametitle{Top Matter}
+  Let's add the Title, Author's name and the date to the document.
+  \begin{itemize}
+  \item Add title, author and date. Compile. Nothing changes.
+  \end{itemize}
+  \begin{lstlisting}
+    \title{A Glimpse at Scipy}
+    \author{FOSSEE}
+    \date{June 2010}
+  \end{lstlisting}
+  \tiny{See \texttt{hg} rev1 of draft.}
+  \frametitle{Top Matter \ldots}
+  \begin{itemize}
+  \item \lstinline{\maketitle} command inserts the top-matter.
+  \item Compile again. 
+  \item If no date is specified, today's date is automatically
+    inserted.
+  \end{itemize}
+  \begin{lstlisting}
+    \begin{document}
+    \maketitle
+    SciPy is open-source software for mathematics, science, and engineering.   
+    \end{document}
+   \end{lstlisting}
+  \tiny{See \texttt{hg} rev2 of draft.}
+  \frametitle{Abstract}
+  \begin{itemize}
+  \item The abstract environment is placed at the location where it's
+    put in the source. 
+  \end{itemize}
+  \begin{lstlisting}
+    \begin{abstract}
+      This document shows a glimpse of the features of Scipy that will
+      be explored during this course.
+    \end{abstract}
+  \end{lstlisting}
+  \tiny See rev3 of \texttt{hg}
+  \frametitle{Sectioning}
+  \begin{itemize}
+  \item \lstinline{\section}, \lstinline{\subsection}
+    \lstinline{\subsubsection}
+  \item Auto numbered sections!
+  \item \* to prevent numbering of a section
+  \end{itemize}
+  \begin{lstlisting}
+    \section{A Glimpse of Scipy functions}
+    \subsection{Matrix Operations}
+    \subsubsection{Inverse}
+  \end{lstlisting}
+  \tiny See rev4 of \texttt{hg}
+  \frametitle{Sectioning \ldots}
+  \begin{itemize}
+  \item Longer documents, use \lstinline{report} or \lstinline{book}
+    class
+  \item Chapter can be added using \lstinline{\chapter}
+  \end{itemize}
+  \begin{lstlisting}
+    \documentclass{report}
+    \chapter{One}
+  \end{lstlisting}
+  \begin{itemize}
+  \item subsections do not get numbering
+  \item Change \lstinline{secnumdepth}
+  \end{itemize}
+  \begin{lstlisting}
+    \setcounter{secnumdepth}{3}
+  \end{lstlisting}
+   \tiny See rev5 of \texttt{hg}
+  \frametitle{Appendices}
+  \begin{itemize}
+  \item Anything following the \lstinline{\appendix} command is added
+    to the Appendix. 
+  \end{itemize}
+  \begin{lstlisting}
+    \appendix
+    \section{Plotting using Pylab}
+  \end{lstlisting}
+  \tiny See rev7 of \texttt{hg}
+  \frametitle{Table of Contents [TOC]}
+  \begin{itemize}
+  \item Our document is short, but let's learn to add a TOC.
+  \item Add \lstinline{\tableofcontents} where you want TOC to
+    appear.
+  \item Compile. 
+  \item Only headings appear. No page numbers. 
+  \item A \lstinline{\.toc} file is generated. 
+  \item Re-compile.
+  \item Any numbered section/block automatically appears
+  \end{itemize}
+  \tiny See rev8 of \texttt{hg}
+  \frametitle{TOC \ldots}
+  \begin{itemize}
+  \item To add un-numbered sections, use \lstinline{\addcontentsline}
+  \end{itemize}
+  \begin{lstlisting}
+    \section*{Introduction}
+    \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Intro}
+  \end{lstlisting}
+  \tiny See rev9 of \texttt{hg}
+  \frametitle{Bibliography}
+  We shall look at Bibliographies, later in the course. 
+\section{Typesetting Text}
+  \frametitle{Line breaks, Paragraphs}
+  \begin{itemize}
+  \item Add the text of second paragraph in the introduction section. 
+  \item Compile. 
+  \item An empty line starts a new para
+  \item New paragraphs are indented
+  \item Multiple spaces or empty lines are considered as one
+  \item To start a new line \lstinline{\\} or \lstinline{\newline}
+  \end{itemize}
+  \tiny See rev10 of \texttt{hg}
+  \frametitle{Quotation Marks}
+  \begin{itemize}
+  \item The quotation marks around Sigh Pie are not formatted properly
+  \item Use \`~ (accent) for left quote
+  \item Use \'~ (apostrophe) for right quote
+  \item For double quotes, use them twice
+  \end{itemize}
+  \begin{center}
+    \`~\`~Sigh Pie\'~\'~
+  \end{center}
+  \tiny See rev11 of \texttt{hg}
+  \frametitle{Fonts - Emphasis, Fixed width, \ldots}
+  \begin{itemize}
+  \item \lstinline{\emph} gives emphasized or italic text
+  \item \LaTeX environments can be nested
+  \item Let's add sub-package names as text, before learning to
+    typeset tables
+  \item Note multiple spacing won't work
+  \end{itemize}
+  \begin{lstlisting}
+    Subpackage - Description\\
+    cluster - Clustering algorithms\\
+    constants - Physical and mathematical constants\\
+    fftpack - Fast Fourier Transform routines\\
+  \end{lstlisting}
+  \begin{center}
+    \hspace{1in}\vdots
+  \end{center}
+  \tiny See rev12 of \texttt{hg}
+  \frametitle{Fonts - Emphasis, Fixed width, \ldots}
+  \begin{itemize}
+  \item Use \lstinline{\texttt} for sub-packages names - fixed width
+  \item \lstinline{\textbf} for bold face
+  \item \lstinline{-} can be replaced with \lstinline{--} or
+    \lstinline{---} for better formatting
+  \end{itemize}
+  \begin{lstlisting}
+    \textbf{Subpackage} --- \textbf{Description}\\
+    \texttt{cluster} --- Clustering algorithms\\
+    \texttt{constants} --- Physical and mathematical constants\\
+    \texttt{fftpack} --- Fast Fourier Transform routines\\
+  \end{lstlisting}
+  \begin{center}
+    \hspace{1in}\vdots
+  \end{center}
+  \tiny See rev13 of \texttt{hg}
+  \frametitle{Lists}
+  \begin{itemize}
+  \item \lstinline{enumerate} environment is used for numbered lists
+  \item \lstinline{itemize} environment gives un-numbered lists
+  \item Each item in the list is specified using \lstinline{\item}
+  \item Nested lists are also easily handled, as expected
+  \item Example on next slide
+  \end{itemize}
+  \tiny See rev14 of \texttt{hg}
+  \frametitle{Lists \ldots}
+  \begin{lstlisting}
+    \begin{enumerate}
+    \item Plotting
+    \item Matrix Operations
+      \begin{itemize}
+      \item Inverse
+      \end{itemize}
+    \item Solving Equations
+      \begin{itemize}
+      \item System of Linear equations
+      \end{itemize}
+    \item Integration 
+      \begin{itemize}
+      \item Quadrature
+      \item ODEs
+      \end{itemize}
+    \end{enumerate}
+  \end{lstlisting}
+  \frametitle{Footnotes}
+  \begin{itemize}
+  \item Add footnote for \lstinline{pylab}
+  \item It's easily done using \lstinline{\footnote} command 
+  \end{itemize}
+  \begin{lstlisting}
+    Plotting \footnote{using \texttt{pylab} - see Appendix A} 
+  \end{lstlisting}
+  \begin{itemize}
+  \item We have just written down the name of the appendix
+  \item But if another section is added before it, the reference has
+    to be changed
+  \item \LaTeX provides labels and references
+  \end{itemize}
+  \tiny See rev15 of \texttt{hg}
+  \frametitle{Labels and References}
+  \begin{itemize}
+  \item First add a label to the section that we wish to refer to
+  \item \lstinline+\label{labelname}+
+  \item Change footnote to use the reference
+  \item \lstinline+\ref{labelname}+
+  \item Compile twice
+  \end{itemize}
+  \begin{lstlisting}
+    \section{Plotting using Pylab}\label{mpl}
+    Plotting \footnote{using \texttt{pylab} - see Appendix \ref{mpl}} 
+  \end{lstlisting}
+  \tiny See rev15 of \texttt{hg}
+  \frametitle{Including code}
+  \begin{itemize}
+  \item Instead of using \lstinline{\texttt} we could use
+    \lstinline{\verbatim} 
+  \item \lstinline{listings} is a powerful package
+  \item \lstinline+\usepackage{listings}+ needs to be added 
+  \item Tell \LaTeX the language, you are going to use
+  \end{itemize}
+  \begin{lstlisting}
+    \usepackage{listings} 
+    \lstset{language=Python,
+      basicstyle=\ttfamily\bfseries,
+      showstringspaces=false}
+  \end{lstlisting}
+  \tiny See rev16 of \texttt{hg}
+  \frametitle{Including code}
+  \begin{itemize}
+  \item Use \lstinline{lstlisting} for a block of code
+  \item \lstinline+\lstinline+ for inline code
+  \item Let's add the code to Appendix
+  \end{itemize}
+  \begin{lstlisting}
+    \begin{lstlisting.}
+      In []: x = linspace(0, 2*pi, 50)
+      In []: plot(x, sin(x))
+      In []: title('Sine Curve between 0 and $\pi$')
+      In []: legend(['sin(x)'])
+    \end{lstlisting.}
+  \end{lstlisting}
+  \tiny See rev16 of \texttt{hg}
+\section{Figures, Tables \& Floats}
+  \frametitle{Figures}
+  \begin{itemize}
+  \item Let's add the figure in the Appendix
+  \item \lstinline+\usepackage{graphicx}+
+  \item To add a graphic, use \lstinline{\includegraphics} command
+  \item We give the relative path to the \lstinline+.png+ image
+  \end{itemize}
+  \begin{lstlisting}
+    \usepackage{graphicx}
+    \begin{figure}[h!]
+    \begin{center}
+      \includegraphics[scale=0.4]{../sine.png}      
+    \end{center}
+    \caption{Sine Curve}
+    \label{fig:sin}
+    \end{figure}
+  \end{lstlisting}
+  \tiny See rev17 of \texttt{hg}
+  \frametitle{\lstinline{includgraphics}}
+  It takes following optional arguments
+  \begin{itemize}
+  \item \lstinline+scale+ --- specifies the factor by which to scale
+    the image 
+  \item \lstinline+height+, \lstinline+width+ --- If only one of them
+    is specified, aspect ratio is maintained 
+  \item \lstinline+keepaspectratio+ --- boolean value to keep aspect
+    ratio or not 
+  \item \lstinline+angle+ --- specify by what angle the image should
+    be rotated 
+  \end{itemize}
+  \frametitle{Floats}
+  \begin{itemize}
+  \item Graphics (\& Tables) are special because they cannot be broken
+    across pages 
+  \item They are ``floated'' to the next page, if they don't fit in
+    the current page 
+  \item Enclose graphic within \lstinline+figure+ environment to make
+    it float 
+  \item Figure environment takes additional parameter for location of
+    float 
+  \end{itemize}
+  \begin{table}
+    \caption{Permission Specifiers}
+    \begin{tabular}{|c|c|}
+      Specifier & Permission\\\hline
+      t & Top of page\\
+      b & Bottom of page\\
+      p & Separate page for floats\\
+      h & here (the same place where command appears in source)\\
+      ! & override \LaTeX's internal parameters for good position
+    \end{tabular}
+  \end{table}
+  \frametitle{Captions and References}
+  \begin{itemize}
+  \item Figure environment allows us add a caption
+  \item To place the image in the center we enclose it in the
+    \lstinline+center+ environment 
+  \item We can label images too
+  \item label shoule be added after the caption command
+  \item Figures are auto numbered
+  \end{itemize}
+  \tiny See rev17 of \texttt{hg}
+  \frametitle{Tables}
+  \begin{itemize}
+  \item \lstinline+tabular+ is used to typeset a table
+  \item It is enclosed in a \lstinline+table+ environment to make it a
+    float 
+  \item \lstinline+table+ environment also gives captions, auto
+    numbering  
+  \end{itemize}
+  \frametitle{\lstinline+tabular+}
+  \begin{itemize}
+  \item tabular takes formatting of each column as argument
+  \end{itemize}
+  \begin{table}
+    \caption{tabular environment}
+    \begin{tabular}{|l|l|}
+      \lstinline+l+ & left justified column content\\\hline
+      \lstinline+r+ & right justified column content\\\hline
+      \lstinline+c+ & centered column content\\\hline
+      \lstinline+|+ & produces a vertical line\\
+    \end{tabular}
+  \end{table}
+  \begin{itemize}
+  \item also takes an optional parameter for specifying position of
+    table 
+  \item \lstinline+t+ for top, \lstinline+b+ for bottom, \lstinline+c+
+    for center 
+  \item each column of table is separated by \&
+  \item each row is separated by newline \lstinline{\\}
+  \item \lstinline+\hline+ give a horizontal line between two rows
+  \end{itemize}
+  \tiny See rev18 of \texttt{hg}
+  \frametitle{\lstinline+tabular+ \ldots}
+  \begin{lstlisting}
+    \begin{table}
+      \caption{Sub-packages available in Scipy}
+      \label{subpkg}
+      \begin{tabular}{|l|l|}
+        \hline
+        \textbf{Subpackage} & \textbf{Description}\\
+        \texttt{constants} & Physical and mathematical constants\\
+        \hline
+        \texttt{fftpack} & Fast Fourier Transform routines\\
+        \hline
+        \end{tabular}
+      \end{table}
+    \end{lstlisting}
+  \frametitle{List of Tables, Figures}
+  \begin{itemize}
+  \item \lstinline+listoftables+
+  \item \lstinline+listoffigures+
+  \end{itemize}
+\section{Typesetting Math}
+  \frametitle{Math in \LaTeX}
+  \begin{itemize}
+  \item Math is enclosed in a pair of \lstinline{$} signs o
+    \lstinline+\(  \)+ %$
+  \item Used for typesetting inline Math. 
+  \item \lstinline+\usepackage{amsmath}+
+  \item Let's now move on to matrices. 
+  \end{itemize}
+  \frametitle{Matrices}
+  \begin{itemize}
+  \item \lstinline+\bmatrix+ is used to typeset the matrix A
+  \item It works similar to ta tabular environment
+  \item \lstinline+&+ for demarcating columns
+  \item \lstinline+\\+ for demwarcating rows
+  \end{itemize}
+  \begin{lstlisting}
+    Let $\mathbf{A}$ be the matrix 
+    \(
+    \begin{bmatrix}
+      1 &3 &5\\
+      2 &5 &1\\
+      2 &3 &8
+    \end{bmatrix}
+    \)
+  \end{lstlisting}
+  \tiny See rev19 of \texttt{hg}    
+  \frametitle{Matrices \ldots}
+  \begin{itemize}
+  \item There are 5 other matrix environments 
+  \end{itemize}
+  \begin{table}
+    \center
+    \begin{tabular}{c|c}
+      \lstinline+matrix+  &  none\\
+      \lstinline+pmatrix+ &  \lstinline+(+\\
+      \lstinline+Bmatrix+ &  \lstinline+{+\\
+        \lstinline+vmatrix+ &  \lstinline+|+\\  
+        \lstinline+Vmatrix+ &  \lstinline+||+
+    \end{tabular}
+  \end{table}
+  \frametitle{Superscripts \& Subscripts}
+  \begin{itemize}
+  \item \lstinline+^+ for superscripts
+  \item To have multiple characters as sub/superscript, enclose in
+    \lstinline+{ }+
+  \item \lstinline+_+ for subscripts
+  \end{itemize}
+  \frametitle{Summation \& integration}
+  \begin{itemize}
+  \item \lstinline+\sum+ command gives the summation symbol
+  \item The upper and lower limits are specified using the
+    \lstinline+^+ and \lstinline+_+ symbols. 
+  \item Similarly the integral symbol is obtained using
+    \lstinline+\int+ command. 
+  \end{itemize}
+  \frametitle{\lstinline+displayed+ math}
+  \begin{itemize}
+  \item The equation in Determinants section is different. 
+  \item It is a displayed equation. 
+  \item \LaTeX~ or \lstinline+amsmath+ has a number of environments
+    for ``displaying'' equations, with minor differences. 
+  \item In general, enclose math in \lstinline+\[+ and \lstinline+\]+
+    to get displayed math. 
+  \item \lstinline+\begin*{equation}+ is equivalent to this.
+  \item Use \lstinline+\begin{equation}+ to get numbered
+    equations. %%\end{equation} 
+  \end{itemize}
+  \begin{lstlisting}
+    \[ \left|\mathbf{A}\right|=\sum_{j}\left(-1\right)^{i+j}a_{ij}\mathbf{M}_{ij} \]
+  \end{lstlisting}
+  \tiny See rev20 of \texttt{hg}    
+  \frametitle{Groups of equations}
+  \begin{itemize}
+  \item The \lstinline+equation+ environment allows typesetting of
+    just 1 equation. 
+  \item \lstinline+eqnarray+ allows typesetting of multiple equations 
+  \item It is similar to the \lstinline+table+ environment
+  \item The parts of the equation that need to be aligned are
+    indicated using \& symbol.
+  \item Each equation is separated by a \lstinline+\newline+ command
+  \end{itemize}
+  \begin{lstlisting}
+    \begin{eqnarray*}
+      x^3 - 2x^2 - \frac{1}{2}x + 1 = 0\\
+      x^2(x-2) - \frac{1}{2}(x-2) = 0\\
+      (x-2)(x^2 - \frac{1}{2}) = 0\\
+      (x-2)(x - \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}})(x + \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}) = 0
+    \end{eqnarray*}    
+  \end{lstlisting}
+  \tiny See rev21, 22 of \texttt{hg}    
+  \frametitle{Fractions \& Surds}
+  \begin{itemize}
+  \item Fractions are typeset using \lstinline+\frac+ command 
+  \item \lstinline+\frac{numerator}{denominator}+ is typeset as
+    $\frac{numerator}{denominator}$
+  \item Surds are typeset using \lstinline+\sqrt[n]+ command
+  \end{itemize}
+  \frametitle{Greek characters \& Spacing}
+  \begin{itemize}
+  \item Typesetting Greek characters is simple
+  \item \lstinline+\alpha+, \lstinline+\beta+, \lstinline+\gamma+,
+    \ldots \lstinline+\Alpha+, \lstinline+\Beta+, \lstinline+\Gamma+
+    \ldots 
+  \item To get additional spacing in Math environments ---
+ Abbrev. & Spelled out & Example  \\
+ \lstinline+\,+ & \lstinline+\thinspace+ & $A\,B$ \\
+ \lstinline+\:+ & \lstinline+\medspace+ & $A\:B$ \\
+ \lstinline+\;+ & \lstinline+\thickspace+ & $A\;B$ \\
+   & \lstinline+\quad+ & $A \quad B$ \\
+   & \lstinline+\qquad+ & $A \qquad B$ \\
+ \lstinline+\!+ & \lstinline+\negthinspace+ & $A!B$ \\
+   & \lstinline+\negmedspace+ & $A \negmedspace B$ \\
+   & \lstinline+\negthickspace+ & $A \negthickspace B$ \\
+  \end{itemize}
+  \frametitle{Bibliography}
+  \begin{itemize}
+  \item \lstinline+thebibliography+ environment provides a clean and
+    simple way to add a bibliography to \LaTeX documents. 
+  \item \lstinline+\begin{thebibliography}+ takes as argument the
+    maximum with of the label that references will have. 
+  \item Each item of the Bibliography is similar to an item in a
+    list. 
+  \item \lstinline+\bibitem[label]{name}+ followed by the actual
+    reference info. 
+  \item label replaces auto enumeration numbers 
+  \item \lstinline+\cite{name}+ is used to \lstinline+cite+ the
+    \lstinline+bibitem+ 
+  \item You will need to compile twice. 
+  \end{itemize}
+  \frametitle{Bibliography}
+  \begin{lstlisting}
+    \begin{thebibliography}{9}
+    \bibitem{scipy} 
+      Eric Jones and Travis Oliphant and Pearu Peterson and others,
+      \emph{SciPy: Open source scientific tools for Python}, 2001 -- , 
+      \url{} 
+  \end{lstlisting}
+  \tiny See rev23 of \texttt{hg}    
+\section{Presentations - Beamer}
+  \frametitle{Beamer}
+  \begin{itemize}
+  \item Use beamer since your report's \LaTeX~ would be re-usable.
+  \item It is recommended to start with on of the beamer templates.
+  \item Let's look at speaker introduction template.
+  \item \lstinline+\documentclass{beamer}+ tells \LaTeX~ to start a
+    beamer presentation. 
+  \item A beamer document is very similar to any other \LaTeX~
+    document except that content is divided into slides. 
+  \end{itemize}
+  \frametitle{Beamer \ldots}
+  \begin{itemize}
+  \item \lstinline+\usetheme+ command is used to specify the theme of the
+    presentation. 
+  \item \lstinline+\usecolortheme+ command is used to specify the color
+    theme. 
+  \item The content of a slide is enclosed within
+    \lstinline+\begin{frame}{Title}{Subtitle}+ and
+    \lstinline+\end{frame}+ 
+  \item If the slide contains \lstinline+verbatim+
+    \lstinline+lstlisting+ environments, the \lstinline+\begin{frame}+
+    should be passed an additional argument \lstinline+[fragile]+
+  \item Overlays can be achieved using the \lstinline+\pause+
+    command. 
+  \item To achieve more with beamer, it is highly recommended that you
+    look at the \texttt{beameruserguide} 
+  \end{itemize}