800 Never use filenames or directories that contain spaces. Make filenames as long or short as you would like, but strictly avoid spaces. Stick to upper or lower case letters (without accents), the digits, the hyphen and the full stop or period. |
800 Never use filenames or directories that contain spaces. Make filenames as long or short as you would like, but strictly avoid spaces. Stick to upper or lower case letters (without accents), the digits, the hyphen and the full stop or period. |
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804 Recommended Reading |
804 Recommended Reading |
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807 1. *LaTeX Wikibook* |
807 1. *LaTeX Wikibook* |
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809 2. *The Not So Short Introduction to LaTeX2e* by Tobias Oetikar et al.. |
809 2. *The Not So Short Introduction to LaTeX2e* by Tobias Oetikar et al.. |
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815 |
816 .. LocalWords: LaTeX Lamport tex documentclass pdf pdflatex dvi topmatter ToC |
817 .. LocalWords: FOSSEE tocdepth addcontentsline toc emph |