Updated tot.tex and session 2 slides.
authorSantosh G. Vattam <vattam.santosh@gmail.com>
Fri, 22 Jan 2010 20:00:45 +0530
changeset 362 26c215c5a53b
parent 357 75e997864adb
child 363 20ec695eff0b
Updated tot.tex and session 2 slides.
--- a/day1/session2.tex	Thu Jan 21 15:39:26 2010 +0530
+++ b/day1/session2.tex	Fri Jan 22 20:00:45 2010 +0530
@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@
   \frametitle{How to come out of the \texttt{for} loop?}
-  Hit the ``ENTER'' key twice to come to the previous indentation level
+  Hit the ``ENTER'' key twice to return to the previous indentation level
     In []: for time in t:
      ....:     tsq.append(time*time)
--- a/day1/tot.tex	Thu Jan 21 15:39:26 2010 +0530
+++ b/day1/tot.tex	Fri Jan 22 20:00:45 2010 +0530
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
 \author[FOSSEE] {FOSSEE}
 \institute[IIT Bombay] {Department of Aerospace Engineering\\IIT Bombay}
-\date[] {28 January, 2010\\Day 1, Introduction}
+\date[] {28 January, 2010\\Day 1, Tricks of the Trade}
@@ -125,28 +125,29 @@
   \frametitle{Workshop Schedule: Day 1}
-	\item[Session 1] Mon 09:00--10:00
-	\item[Session 2] Mon 10:05--11:05
-	\item[Session 3] Mon 11:20--12:20
-	\item[Session 4] Mon 12:25--13:25
-        \item[Quiz 1] Mon 14:25--14:40
-        \item[Exercises] Mon 14:40--15:25
-        \item[Session 5] Mon 15:40--16:40
-        \item[Quiz 2] Mon 16:45--17:00
+	\item[Tricks of the trade] Thu 09:00--09:30
+	\item[Session 1] Thu 09:30--10:30
+	\item[Session 2] Thu 10:45--11:45
+	\item[Session 3] Thu 11:50--12:30
+	\item[Session 4] Thu 12:30--1:30
+        \item[Quiz 1] Thu 14:30--14:45
+        \item[Exercises] Thu 14:45--15:30
+        \item[Session 5] Thu 15:45--16:45
+        \item[Quiz 2] Thu 16:50--17:05
   \frametitle{Workshop Schedule: Day 2}
-	\item[Session 1] Tue 09:00--10:00
-	\item[Session 2] Tue 10:05--11:05
-	\item[Session 3] Tue 11:20--12:20
-	\item[Session 4] Tue 12:25--13:25
-        \item[Quiz 1]  Tue 14:25--14:40
-        \item[Exercises] Tue 14:40--15:25
-        \item[Session 5] Tue 15:40--16:40
-        \item[Quiz 2]  Tue 16:45--17:00
+	\item[Session 1] Fri 09:00--10:00
+	\item[Session 2] Fri 10:05--11:05
+	\item[Session 3] Fri 11:20--12:20
+	\item[Session 4] Fri 12:25--13:25
+        \item[Quiz 1]  Fri 14:25--14:40
+        \item[Exercises] Fri 14:40--15:25
+        \item[Session 5] Fri 15:40--16:40
+        \item[Quiz 2]  Fri 16:45--17:00
@@ -190,13 +191,13 @@
   Hello, World!
   In []: ^D(Ctrl-D)
   Do you really want to exit([y]/n)? y
-\section{Loops - Indentation and Breaking out of loops}
 Breaking out of loops
@@ -208,9 +209,40 @@
   Hello, World!^C(Ctrl-C)
-\emphbar{\alert{Indentation: Notice the 4 spaces before\\} \typ{print "Hello, World!"}}
+  \frametitle{Indentation}
+  \begin{lstlisting}
+  In []: while True:
+    ...:     print "Hello, World!"
+    ...:     
+  \end{lstlisting}
+\emphbar{\alert{Indentation: Notice the 4 spaces before\\} \typ{print "Hello, World!"}\\
+  Hit the ``ENTER'' key twice to return to the previous indentation level}
+\section{Tab completion}
+  \frametitle{Tab completion}
+  Type \typ{pri} and hit the Tab key
+  \begin{lstlisting}
+    In []: pri <Tab>
+    In []: print
+  \end{lstlisting}
+  Type \typ{whi} and hit the Tab key
+  \begin{lstlisting}
+    In []: whi <Tab>
+    In []: while
+  \end{lstlisting}
+\section{Tab Suggestion}
+  \frametitle{Tab suggestion}
 \section{Saving Commands}
@@ -241,7 +273,11 @@
   \frametitle{Scite - How to \ldots}
-  \item Opening scite - run scite from command line
+  \item Opening scite
+    \begin{itemize}
+    \item GNU/Linux: Applications $\rightarrow$ Programming $\rightarrow$ SciTE Text Editor
+    \item Windows: Double click on Desktop icon
+    \end{itemize}
   \item Type the contents
   \item Saving the file with a filename \alert{File $\rightarrow$ Save as}
   \item Exiting the editor  \alert{File $\rightarrow$ Exit}