1 % Created 2010-10-12 Tue 16:22 |
2 \documentclass[presentation]{beamer} |
3 \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} |
4 \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} |
5 \usepackage{fixltx2e} |
6 \usepackage{graphicx} |
7 \usepackage{longtable} |
8 \usepackage{float} |
9 \usepackage{wrapfig} |
10 \usepackage{soul} |
11 \usepackage{t1enc} |
12 \usepackage{textcomp} |
13 \usepackage{marvosym} |
14 \usepackage{wasysym} |
15 \usepackage{latexsym} |
16 \usepackage{amssymb} |
17 \usepackage{hyperref} |
18 \tolerance=1000 |
19 \usepackage[english]{babel} \usepackage{ae,aecompl} |
20 \usepackage{mathpazo,courier,euler} \usepackage[scaled=.95]{helvet} |
21 \usepackage{listings} |
22 \lstset{language=Python, basicstyle=\ttfamily\bfseries, |
23 commentstyle=\color{red}\itshape, stringstyle=\color{darkgreen}, |
24 showstringspaces=false, keywordstyle=\color{blue}\bfseries} |
25 \providecommand{\alert}[1]{\textbf{#1}} |
26 |
27 \title{Other type of plots} |
28 \author{FOSSEE} |
29 \date{} |
30 |
31 \usetheme{Warsaw}\usecolortheme{default}\useoutertheme{infolines}\setbeamercovered{transparent} |
32 \begin{document} |
33 |
34 \maketitle |
35 |
36 |
37 |
38 |
39 |
40 |
41 |
42 |
43 |
44 \begin{frame} |
45 \frametitle{Outline} |
46 \label{sec-1} |
47 |
48 \begin{itemize} |
49 \item Scatter plot |
50 \item Pie chart |
51 \item Bar chart |
52 \item Log-log Plot |
53 \item \texttt{matplotlib} help |
54 \end{itemize} |
55 \end{frame} |
56 \begin{frame} |
57 \frametitle{Exercise 1: Scatter plot} |
58 \label{sec-2} |
59 |
60 Plot a scatter plot showing the percentage profit of Company A from the year 2000 |
61 to 2010. The data for the same is available in the file \texttt{company-a-data.txt}. |
62 \end{frame} |
63 \begin{frame}[fragile] |
64 \frametitle{\texttt{scatter()} function} |
65 \label{sec-3} |
66 |
67 \begin{itemize} |
68 \item \emph{Syntax :} scatter(x,y) |
69 |
70 \begin{itemize} |
71 \item x, a sequence of data |
72 \item y, a sequence of data, the same length of x |
73 \end{itemize} |
74 |
75 \end{itemize} |
76 |
77 \begin{verbatim} |
78 In []: scatter(year, profit) |
79 \end{verbatim} |
80 \end{frame} |
81 \begin{frame}[fragile] |
82 \frametitle{Exercise 2: Scatter plot} |
83 \label{sec-4} |
84 |
85 Plot a scatter plot of the same data in \texttt{company-a-data.txt} with red diamond markers. |
86 \begin{verbatim} |
87 |
88 \end{verbatim} |
89 |
90 \textbf{Clue} - \emph{try scatter? in your ipython interpreter} |
91 \end{frame} |
92 \begin{frame} |
93 \frametitle{Pie chart} |
94 \label{sec-5} |
95 |
96 Pie chart - a circle graph divided into sectors, illustrating proportion. |
97 \end{frame} |
98 \begin{frame}[fragile] |
99 \frametitle{Exercise 3: Pie chart} |
100 \label{sec-6} |
101 |
102 Plot a pie chart representing the profit percentage of company A, with the data |
103 from the file \texttt{company-a-data.txt}. |
104 \begin{verbatim} |
105 |
106 \end{verbatim} |
107 |
108 \emph{(we can reuse the data in lists year and profit)} |
109 \end{frame} |
110 \begin{frame}[fragile] |
111 \frametitle{\texttt{pie()} function} |
112 \label{sec-7} |
113 |
114 \begin{itemize} |
115 \item \emph{Syntax :} pie(values, labels=labels) |
116 |
117 \begin{itemize} |
118 \item values, the data to be plotted |
119 \item labels, the label for each wedge in the pie chart |
120 \end{itemize} |
121 |
122 \end{itemize} |
123 |
124 \begin{verbatim} |
125 In []: pie(profit, labels=year) |
126 \end{verbatim} |
127 \end{frame} |
128 \begin{frame}[fragile] |
129 \frametitle{Exercise 4: Pie chart} |
130 \label{sec-8} |
131 |
132 Plot a pie chart with the same data with colors for each wedges as white, red, |
133 magenta, yellow, blue, green, cyan, yellow, magenta, and blue. |
134 \begin{verbatim} |
135 |
136 \end{verbatim} |
137 |
138 \textbf{Clue} - \emph{try pie? in your ipython interpreter} |
139 \end{frame} |
140 \begin{frame} |
141 \frametitle{Bar chart} |
142 \label{sec-9} |
143 |
144 Bar chart - a chart with rectangular bars with lengths proportional |
145 to the values that they represent. |
146 \end{frame} |
147 \begin{frame}[fragile] |
148 \frametitle{Exercise 5: Bar chart} |
149 \label{sec-10} |
150 |
151 Plot a bar chart representing the profit percentage of company A, with the data |
152 from the file \texttt{company-a-data.txt}. |
153 \begin{verbatim} |
154 |
155 \end{verbatim} |
156 |
157 \emph{(we can reuse the data in lists year and profit)} |
158 \end{frame} |
159 \begin{frame}[fragile] |
160 \frametitle{\texttt{bar()} function} |
161 \label{sec-11} |
162 |
163 \begin{itemize} |
164 \item \emph{Syntax :} bar(x, y) |
165 |
166 \begin{itemize} |
167 \item x, a sequence of data |
168 \item y, a sequence of data, the same length of x |
169 \end{itemize} |
170 |
171 \end{itemize} |
172 |
173 \begin{verbatim} |
174 In []: bar(year, profit) |
175 \end{verbatim} |
176 \end{frame} |
177 \begin{frame} |
178 \frametitle{Exercise 6: Bar chart} |
179 \label{sec-12} |
180 |
181 Plot a bar chart which is not filled and which is hatched with |
182 $45^o$ |
183 slanting lines as shown in the image. The data for the chart may be |
184 obtained from the file \texttt{company-a-data.txt}. |
185 \begin{center} |
186 \includegraphics[scale=0.3]{bar-chart-hatch} |
187 \end{center} |
188 \textbf{Clue} - \emph{try bar? in your ipython interpreter} |
189 \end{frame} |
190 \begin{frame} |
191 \frametitle{Log-log graph} |
192 \label{sec-13} |
193 |
194 \begin{itemize} |
195 \item Log-log graph |
196 |
197 \begin{itemize} |
198 \item 2-dimensional graph. |
199 \item uses logarithmic scales on both axes. |
200 \item graph appears as straight line due to non-linear scaling. |
201 \end{itemize} |
202 |
203 \end{itemize} |
204 \end{frame} |
205 \begin{frame} |
206 \frametitle{Exercise 7:} |
207 \label{sec-14} |
208 |
209 Plot a log-log chart of |
210 $y = 5x^3$ |
211 for x from 1-20. |
212 \end{frame} |
213 \begin{frame}[fragile] |
214 \frametitle{\texttt{loglog()} function} |
215 \label{sec-15} |
216 |
217 \begin{itemize} |
218 \item \emph{Syntax :} loglog(x, y) |
219 |
220 \begin{itemize} |
221 \item x, a sequence of data |
222 \item y, a sequence of data, the same length of x |
223 \end{itemize} |
224 |
225 \end{itemize} |
226 |
227 \begin{verbatim} |
228 In []: loglog(x, y) |
229 \end{verbatim} |
230 \end{frame} |
231 \begin{frame} |
232 \frametitle{Getting help on \texttt{matplotlib}} |
233 \label{sec-16} |
234 |
235 \begin{itemize} |
236 \item Help |
237 |
238 \begin{itemize} |
239 \item \hyperref[sec-16]{matplotlib.sourceforge.net/contents.html} |
240 \end{itemize} |
241 |
242 \item More plots |
243 |
244 \begin{itemize} |
245 \item \hyperref[sec-16]{matplotlib.sourceforge.net/users/screenshots.html} |
246 \item \hyperref[sec-16]{matplotlib.sourceforge.net/gallery.html} |
247 \end{itemize} |
248 |
249 \end{itemize} |
250 \end{frame} |
251 \begin{frame} |
252 \frametitle{Summary} |
253 \label{sec-17} |
254 |
255 \begin{itemize} |
256 \item Scatter plot (\texttt{scatter()}) |
257 \item Pie chart (\texttt{pie()}) |
258 \item Bar chart (\texttt{bar()}) |
259 \item Log-log plot (\texttt{loglog()}) |
260 \item \texttt{matplotlib} online help |
261 \end{itemize} |
262 \end{frame} |
263 \begin{frame} |
264 \frametitle{Thank you!} |
265 \label{sec-18} |
266 |
267 \begin{block}{} |
268 \begin{center} |
269 This spoken tutorial has been produced by the |
270 \textcolor{blue}{FOSSEE} team, which is funded by the |
271 \end{center} |
272 \begin{center} |
273 \textcolor{blue}{National Mission on Education through \\ |
274 Information \& Communication Technology \\ |
275 MHRD, Govt. of India}. |
276 \end{center} |
277 \end{block} |
278 \end{frame} |
279 |
280 \end{document} |