implemented nu nt nd ng na notifications.
Mon, 01 Mar 2010 11:52:00 +0530
changeset 161 74ef330c9185
parent 160 05157d35d66f
child 162 d378eff02f2e
implemented nu nt nd ng na notifications.
--- a/taskapp/events/	Mon Mar 01 05:46:13 2010 +0530
+++ b/taskapp/events/	Mon Mar 01 11:52:00 2010 +0530
@@ -57,11 +57,6 @@
         elif request_obj.role == "DV":
             if reply:
-                ## tell only the user who made him a DV
-                ## drop a welcome message to that fucker
-                changeRole(role=request_obj.role, user=request_obj.replied_by)
-                create_notification(request_obj.role, request_obj.sent_by, request_obj.replied_by, reply, requested_by=request_obj.sent_by)
                 ## here we look for requests that are similar => requesting for DV and make them invalid
                 ## also we drop a notification to user who made request
                 pending_requests = request_obj.replied_by.request_sent_to.filter(is_valid=True,is_replied=False,role="DV")
@@ -71,14 +66,19 @@
                     create_notification(role = req.role, sent_to = req.sent_by, sent_from = replied_by, reply = False, \
                                         remarks = "User has accepted a similar request and has rights same or higher privileged than the request", \
                                         requested_by = req.sent_by )
+                ## tell only the user who made him a DV
+                ## drop a welcome message to that fucker
+                create_notification(request_obj.role, request_obj.sent_by, request_obj.replied_by, reply, requested_by=request_obj.sent_by)
+                create_notification("ND", request_obj.replied_by, requested_by=request_obj.sent_by)
+                changeRole(role=request_obj.role, user=request_obj.replied_by)
                 create_notification(request_obj.role, request_obj.sent_by, request_obj.replied_by, reply, remarks=request_obj.remarks, requested_by=request_obj.sent_by)
         elif request_obj.role == "MG":
             if reply:
                 ## tell all the MG and AD
-                ## drop a welcome message to that fucker
-                changeRole(role=request_obj.role, user=request_obj.replied_by)
                 alerting_users = Profile.objects.filter(user__is_active=True).exclude(rights="CT").exclude(rights="DV")
                 for a_profile in alerting_users:
                     create_notification(request_obj.role, a_profile.user, request_obj.replied_by, reply, requested_by=request_obj.sent_by)
@@ -93,17 +93,16 @@
                     create_notification(role = req.role, sent_to = req.sent_by, sent_from = replied_by, reply = False, \
                                         remarks = "User has accepted a similar request and has rights same or higher privileged than the request", \
                                         requested_by = req.sent_by )
+                ## drop a welcome message to that fucker
+                create_notification("NG", request_obj.replied_by, requested_by=request_obj.sent_by)
+                changeRole(role=request_obj.role, user=request_obj.replied_by)
                 create_notification(request_obj.role, request_obj.sent_by, request_obj.replied_by, reply, remarks=request_obj.remarks, requested_by=request_obj.sent_by)
         elif request_obj.role == "AD":
             if reply:
-                ## tell all the AD
-                ## drop a welcome message to that fucker
-                changeRole(role=request_obj.role, user=request_obj.replied_by)
-                alerting_users = Profile.objects.filter(user__is_active=True).filter(rights="AD")
-                for a_profile in alerting_users:
-                    create_notification(request_obj.role, a_profile.user, request_obj.replied_by, reply, requested_by=request_obj.sent_by)
                 ## here we look for requests that less or similar => requesting for DV or MG or AD and make them invalid
                 ## also we drop a notification to user who made request
@@ -115,6 +114,15 @@
                     create_notification(role = req.role, sent_to = req.sent_by, sent_from = replied_by, reply = False, \
                                         remarks = "User has accepted a similar request and has rights same or higher privileged than the request", \
                                         requested_by = req.sent_by )
+                ## tell all the AD
+                alerting_users = Profile.objects.filter(user__is_active=True).filter(rights="AD")
+                for a_profile in alerting_users:
+                    create_notification(request_obj.role, a_profile.user, request_obj.replied_by, reply, requested_by=request_obj.sent_by)
+                ## drop a welcome message to that fucker
+                create_notification("NA", request_obj.replied_by, requested_by=request_obj.sent_by)
+                changeRole(role=request_obj.role, user=request_obj.replied_by)
                 create_notification(request_obj.role, request_obj.sent_by, request_obj.replied_by, reply, remarks=request_obj.remarks, requested_by=request_obj.sent_by)
--- a/taskapp/utilities/	Mon Mar 01 05:46:13 2010 +0530
+++ b/taskapp/utilities/	Mon Mar 01 11:52:00 2010 +0530
@@ -115,6 +115,33 @@
             notification.message += "</ul><br />"
         notification.message += "Happy Mentoring."
+    elif role == "NU":
+        start_here_url = '<a href="/about/starthere/" taget="_blank">start here</a>'
+        notification.sub = "Welcome %s"%sent_to.username
+        notification.message = "Welcome to PyTasks %s.<br />"%sent_to.username
+        notification.message += "If you are lost and have no clue, %s"%start_here_url
+    elif role in ["ND", "NG", "NA"]:
+        rights_dict = dict(RIGHTS_CHOICES)
+        if role == "ND":
+            role_rights = rights_dict["DV"]
+        elif role == "NG":
+            role_rights = rights_dict["MG"]
+        elif role == "NA":
+            role_rights = rights_dict["AD"]
+        requested_by_url = r'<a href="/user/view/uid=%s">%s</a>'%(, requested_by.username)
+        role_learn_url = r'<a href="/about/%s" target="_blank">click here</a>'%role_rights.lower()
+        a_or_an = "an" if role_rights == "Admin" else "a"
+        notification.sub = "You are now %s %s"%(a_or_an, role_rights)
+        notification.message = r"You have accepted the request made by %s asking you to act as %s %s in the site "%(requested_by_url, a_or_an, role_rights)
+        notification.message += "and you are now %s %s in the site.<br /> %s to learn more on %s."%(a_or_an, role_rights, role_learn_url, role_rights)
     elif role in ["CM", "CD"]:
         notification.sent_from = sent_from