--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/pavement.py Tue Jun 30 10:59:05 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+Example Usage
+The following commands can be run from the root directory of the Mercurial
+repo. To run ``paver``, however, you'll need to do ``easy_install Paver``.
+Most of the following commands accept other arguments; see ``command --help``
+for more information, or ``paver help`` for a list of all the valid commands.
+ ``paver build``
+ Builds the project. This essentially just runs a bunch of other tasks,
+ like ``pylint``, ``django_zip`` and ``tinymce_zip``, etc.
+ ``paver pylint``
+ Runs PyLint on the project.
+ ``paver django_zip``
+ Builds the Django zip file.
+ ``paver tinymce_zip``
+ Builds the TinyMCE zip file.
+If you specify ``--dry-run`` before a task, then the action of that task will
+not actually be carried out, although logging output will be displayed as if
+it were. For example, you could run ``paver --dry-run django_zip`` to see what
+files would be added to the ``django.zip`` file, etc.
+from cStringIO import StringIO
+import sys
+import zipfile
+import paver
+import paver.easy
+import paver.tasks
+from paver.easy import *
+from paver.path import path
+# Paver comes with Jason Orendorff's 'path' module; this makes path
+# manipulation easy and far more readable.
+PROJECT_DIR = path(__file__).dirname()
+# Set some default options. Having the options at the top of the file cleans
+# the whole thing up and makes the behaviour a lot more configurable.
+ build = Bunch(
+ project_dir = PROJECT_DIR,
+ app_build = PROJECT_DIR / 'build',
+ app_folder = PROJECT_DIR / 'app',
+ app_files = ['app.yaml', 'cron.yaml', 'index.yaml', 'main.py',
+ 'settings.py', 'shell.py', 'urls.py', 'gae_django.py'],
+ app_dirs = ['soc', 'ghop', 'gsoc', 'feedparser', 'python25src',
+ 'reflistprop', 'jquery', 'ranklist', 'shell', 'json',
+ 'htmlsanitizer', 'taggable-mixin', 'gviz'],
+ zip_files = ['tiny_mce.zip'],
+ skip_pylint = False,
+ )
+# The second call to options allows us to re-use some of the constants defined
+# in the first call.
+ clean_build = options.build,
+ tinymce_zip = options.build,
+ django_zip = Bunch(
+ prune_dirs = ['.svn', 'gis', 'admin', 'localflavor', 'mysql',
+ 'mysql_old', 'oracle', 'postgresql',
+ 'postgresql_psycopg2', 'sqlite3', 'test'],
+ **options.build
+ ),
+ pylint = Bunch(
+ check_modules = ['soc', 'reflistprop', 'settings.py', 'urls.py',
+ 'main.py'],
+ quiet = False,
+ quiet_args = ['--disable-msg=W0511,R0401', '--reports=no',
+ '--disable-checker=similarities'],
+ pylint_args = [],
+ ignore = False,
+ **options.build
+ )
+# Utility functions
+def django_zip_files(django_src_dir):
+ """Yields each filename which should go into ``django.zip``."""
+ for filename in django_src_dir.walkfiles():
+ # The following seems unnecessarily unreadable, but unfortunately
+ # it seems it cannot be unobfuscated any more (if someone finds a
+ # nicer way of writing it, please tell me).
+ if not (filename.ext in ['.pyc', '.pyo', '.po', '.mo'] or
+ any(name in filename.splitall()
+ for name in options.django_zip.prune_dirs)):
+ # The filename is suitable to be added to the archive. In this
+ # case, we yield the filename and the name it should be given in
+ # the Zip archive.
+ paver.tasks.environment.info(
+ '%-4sdjango.zip <- %s', '', filename)
+ arcname = path('django') / django_src_dir.relpathto(filename)
+ yield filename, arcname
+def tinymce_zip_files(tiny_mce_dir):
+ """Yields each filename which should go into ``tiny_mce.zip``."""
+ for filename in tiny_mce_dir.walkfiles():
+ if '.svn' not in filename.splitall():
+ # In this case, `tiny_mce/*` is in the root of the zip file, so
+ # we do not need to prefix `arcname` with 'tinymce/' (like we did
+ # with `django.zip`).
+ paver.tasks.environment.info(
+ '%-4stiny_mce.zip <- %s', '', filename)
+ arcname = tiny_mce_dir.relpathto(filename)
+ yield filename, arcname
+def write_zip_file(zip_file_handle, files):
+ if paver.tasks.environment.dry_run:
+ for args in files:
+ pass
+ return
+ zip_file = zipfile.ZipFile(zip_file_handle, mode='w')
+ for args in files:
+ zip_file.write(*args)
+ zip_file.close()
+def symlink(target, link_name):
+ if hasattr(target, 'symlink'):
+ target.symlink(link_name)
+ else:
+ # If we are on a platform where symlinks are not supported (such as
+ # Windows), simply copy the files across.
+ target.copy(link_name)
+# Tasks
+ ('app-folder=', 'a', 'App folder directory (default /app)'),
+ ('pylint-command=', 'c', 'Specify a custom pylint executable'),
+ ('quiet', 'q', 'Disables a lot of the pylint output'),
+ ('ignore', 'i', 'Ignore PyLint errors')
+def pylint(options):
+ """Check the source code using PyLint."""
+ from pylint import lint
+ # Initial command.
+ arguments = []
+ if options.quiet:
+ arguments.extend(options.quiet_args)
+ if 'pylint_args' in options:
+ arguments.extend(list(options.pylint_args))
+ # Add the list of paths containing the modules to check using PyLint.
+ arguments.extend(
+ str(options.app_folder / module) for module in options.check_modules)
+ # By placing run_pylint into its own function, it allows us to do dry runs
+ # without actually running PyLint.
+ def run_pylint():
+ # Add app folder to path.
+ sys.path.insert(0, options.app_folder.abspath())
+ # Add google_appengine directory to path.
+ sys.path.insert(0,
+ options.project_dir.abspath() /
+ 'thirdparty' / 'google_appengine')
+ # Specify PyLint RC file.
+ arguments.append('--rcfile=' +
+ options.project_dir.abspath() /
+ 'scripts' / 'pylint' / 'pylintrc')
+ # `lint.Run.__init__` runs the PyLint command.
+ try:
+ lint.Run(arguments)
+ # PyLint will `sys.exit()` when it has finished, so we need to catch
+ # the exception and process it accordingly.
+ except SystemExit, exc:
+ return_code = exc.args[0]
+ if return_code != 0 and (not options.pylint.ignore):
+ raise paver.tasks.BuildFailure(
+ 'PyLint finished with a non-zero exit code')
+ return dry('pylint ' + ' '.join(arguments), run_pylint)
+ ('app-build=', 'b', 'App build directory (default /build)'),
+ ('app-folder=', 'a', 'App folder directory (default /app)'),
+ ('skip-pylint', 's', 'Skip PyLint checker'),
+ ('ignore-pylint', 'i', 'Ignore results of PyLint (but run it anyway)'),
+ ('quiet-pylint', 'q', 'Make PyLint run quietly'),
+def build(options):
+ """Build the project."""
+ # If `--skip-pylint` is not provided, run PyLint.
+ if not options.skip_pylint:
+ # If `--ignore-pylint` is provided, act as if `paver pylint --ignore`
+ # was run. Likewise for `--quiet-pylint`.
+ if options.get('ignore_pylint', False):
+ options.pylint.ignore = True
+ if options.get('quiet_pylint', False):
+ options.pylint.quiet = True
+ pylint(options)
+ # Clean old generated zip files from the app folder.
+ clean_zip(options)
+ # Clean the App build directory by removing and re-creating it.
+ clean_build(options)
+ # Build the django.zip file.
+ django_zip(options)
+ # Build the tiny_mce.zip file.
+ tinymce_zip(options)
+ # Make the necessary symlinks between the app and build directories.
+ build_symlinks(options)
+ ('app-build=', 'b', 'App build directory (default /build)'),
+ ('app-folder=', 'a', 'App folder directory (default /app)'),
+def build_symlinks(options):
+ """Build symlinks between the app and build folders."""
+ # Create the symbolic links from the app folder to the build folder.
+ for filename in options.app_files + options.app_dirs + options.zip_files:
+ # The `symlink()` function handles discrepancies between platforms.
+ target = path(options.app_folder) / filename
+ link = path(options.app_build) / filename
+ dry(
+ '%-4s%-20s <- %s' % ('', target, link),
+ lambda: symlink(target, link))
+ ('app-build=', 'b', 'App build directory (default /build)'),
+def clean_build(options):
+ """Clean the build folder."""
+ # Not checking this could cause an error when trying to remove a
+ # non-existent file.
+ if path(options.app_build).exists():
+ path(options.app_build).rmtree()
+ path(options.app_build).makedirs()
+ ('app-folder=', 'a', 'App folder directory (default /app)'),
+def clean_zip(options):
+ """Remove all the generated zip files from the app folder."""
+ for zip_file in options.zip_files + ['django.zip']:
+ zip_path = path(options.app_folder) / zip_file
+ if zip_path.exists():
+ zip_path.remove()
+ ('app-build=', 'b', 'App build directory (default /build)'),
+ ('app-folder=', 'a', 'App folder directory (default /app)'),
+def django_zip(options):
+ """Create the zip file containing Django (minus unwanted stuff)."""
+ # Write the `django.zip` file. This requires finding all of the necessary
+ # files and writing them to a `zipfile.ZipFile` instance. Python's
+ # stdlib `zipfile` module is written in C, so it's fast and doesn't incur
+ # much overhead.
+ django_src_dir = path(options.app_folder) / 'django'
+ django_zip_filename = path(options.app_build) / 'django.zip'
+ if paver.tasks.environment.dry_run:
+ django_zip_fp = StringIO()
+ else:
+ # Ensure the parent directories exist.
+ django_zip_filename.dirname().makedirs()
+ django_zip_fp = open(django_zip_filename, mode='w')
+ # Write the zip file to disk; this uses the `write_zip_file()` function
+ # defined above. The try/except/finally makes sure the `django.zip` file
+ # handle is properly closed no matter what happens.
+ try:
+ write_zip_file(django_zip_fp, django_zip_files(django_src_dir))
+ except Exception, exc:
+ # Close and delete the (possibly corrupted) `django.zip` file.
+ django_zip_fp.close()
+ django_zip_filename.remove()
+ # Raise the error, causing Paver to exit with a non-zero exit code.
+ raise paver.tasks.BuildFailure(
+ 'Error occurred creating django.zip: %r' % (exc,))
+ finally:
+ # Close the file handle if it isn't already.
+ if not django_zip_fp.closed:
+ django_zip_fp.close()
+ ('app-folder=', 'a', 'App folder directory (default /app)'),
+def tinymce_zip(options):
+ """Create the zip file containing TinyMCE."""
+ # This is very similar to django_zip; see the comments there for
+ # explanations.
+ tinymce_dir = path(options.app_folder) / 'tiny_mce'
+ tinymce_zip_filename = path(options.app_folder) / 'tiny_mce.zip'
+ if paver.tasks.environment.dry_run:
+ tinymce_zip_fp = StringIO()
+ else:
+ # Ensure the parent directories exist.
+ tinymce_zip_filename.dirname().makedirs()
+ tinymce_zip_fp = open(tinymce_zip_filename, mode='w')
+ try:
+ write_zip_file(tinymce_zip_fp, tinymce_zip_files(tinymce_dir))
+ except Exception, exc:
+ tinymce_zip_fp.close()
+ tinymce_zip_filename.remove()
+ raise paver.tasks.BuildFailure(
+ 'Error occurred creating tinymce.zip: %r' % (exc,))
+ finally:
+ if not tinymce_zip_fp.closed:
+ tinymce_zip_fp.close()
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