Redone the Request object to contain a message property and work on ID-basis.
authorLennard de Rijk <>
Sun, 25 Oct 2009 16:24:34 -0700
changeset 3046 cd08e035ac9e
parent 3045 b6b5ad155dd9
child 3047 cdc652533fcc
Redone the Request object to contain a message property and work on ID-basis.
--- a/app/soc/models/	Sun Oct 25 15:39:50 2009 -0700
+++ b/app/soc/models/	Sun Oct 25 16:24:34 2009 -0700
@@ -26,21 +26,35 @@
 from django.utils.translation import ugettext
-import soc.models.user
+from soc.models.base import ModelWithFieldAttributes
+from import Group
+from soc.models.user import User
-class Request(soc.models.linkable.Linkable):
+class Request(ModelWithFieldAttributes):
   """A request is made to allow a person to create a new Role entity.
+  #: The internal name of the role
   role = db.StringProperty(required=True)
-  role.help_text = ugettext(
-      'This should be the type of the role that is requested')
+  #: The user this request is from
+  user = db.ReferenceProperty(
+      reference_class=User,
+      required=True, collection_name='requests',
+      verbose_name=ugettext('User'))
-  role_verbose = db.StringProperty(required=True)
-  role_verbose.help_text = ugettext(
-      'This should be the verbose name of the role that is in this request')
+  #: The group this request is for
+  group = db.ReferenceProperty(
+      reference_class=Group,
+      required=True, collection_name='requests',
+      verbose_name=ugettext('Group'))
+  #: An optional message shown to the receiving end of this request
+  message = db.TextProperty(required=False, default='',
+                            verbose_name=ugettext("Message"))
+  message.help_text = ugettext(
+      'This is an optional message shown to the receiver of this request.')
   # property that determines the status of the request
   # new : new Request
@@ -52,7 +66,10 @@
   #           the user access to create the role
   status = db.StringProperty(required=True, default='new',
       choices=['new', 'group_accepted', 'completed', 'rejected','ignored'])
-  status.help_text = ugettext('Shows the status of the request')
+  status.help_text = ugettext('Shows the status of the request.')
   #: DateTime when the request was created
   created_on = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)
+  #: DateTime when this request was last modified
+  modified_on = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now=True)