Add acceptedStudentsCSVExport function to script.
authorPawel Solyga <>
Mon, 18 May 2009 14:05:38 +0200
changeset 2322 98fe07a5542f
parent 2321 b8d460ebcddd
child 2323 b3daada52dd3
Add acceptedStudentsCSVExport function to script. This funtion is used to generate CSV with all accepted students. It still needs some work and I left TODOs there. I also added helper function for saving data to CSV, which can be reused for other kinds of reports.
--- a/scripts/	Mon May 18 14:23:29 2009 +0200
+++ b/scripts/	Mon May 18 14:05:38 2009 +0200
@@ -357,6 +357,87 @@
   cPickle.dump(target, f)
+def acceptedStudentsCSVExport(csv_filename, program_key_name):
+  """Exports all accepted Students for particular program into CSV file.
+  """
+  # TODO(Pawel.Solyga): Add additional Program parameter to this method 
+  # so we export students from different programs
+  # TODO(Pawel.SOlyga): Make it universal so it works with both GHOP 
+  # and GSoC programs
+  from soc.models.student_project import StudentProject
+  from soc.models.student import Student
+  from soc.models.organization import Organization
+  getStudentProjects = getEntities(StudentProject)
+  student_projects = getStudentProjects()
+  student_projects_amount = len(student_projects)
+  print "Fetched %d Student Projects." % student_projects_amount
+  print "Fetching Student entities from Student Projects."
+  accepted_students = {}
+  student_organization = {}
+  counter = 0
+  for sp_key in student_projects.keys():
+    key = student_projects[sp_key].student.key().name()
+    accepted_students[key] = student_projects[sp_key].student
+    org_name = student_projects[sp_key]
+    student_organization[key] = org_name
+    counter += 1
+    print str(counter) + '/' + str(student_projects_amount) + ' ' + key + ' (' + org_name + ')'
+  print "All Student entities fetched."
+  students_key_order = ['link_id', 'given_name', 'surname', 
+      'name_on_documents', 'email', 'res_street', 'res_city', 'res_state',
+      'res_country', 'res_postalcode', 'phone', 'ship_street', 'ship_city',
+      'ship_state', 'ship_country', 'ship_postalcode', 'birth_date', 
+      'tshirt_size', 'tshirt_style', 'name', 'school_name', 'school_country',
+      'major', 'degree']
+  print "Preparing Students data for export."
+  students_data = [accepted_students[i].toDict(students_key_order) for i in accepted_students.keys()]
+  print "Adding organization name to Students data."
+  for student in students_data:
+    student['organization'] = student_organization[program_key_name + '/' + student['link_id']]
+  students_key_order.append('organization')
+  saveDataToCSV(csv_filename, students_data, students_key_order)
+  print "Accepted Students exported to %s file." % csv_filename
+def saveDataToCSV(csv_filename, data, key_order):
+  """Saves data in order into CSV file.
+  This is a helper function used with acceptedStudentsCSVExport().
+  """
+  import csv
+  import StringIO
+  from soc.logic import dicts
+  file_handler = StringIO.StringIO()
+  writer = csv.DictWriter(file_handler, key_order, dialect='excel')
+  writer.writerow(dicts.identity(key_order))
+  # encode the data to UTF-8 to ensure compatibiliy
+  for row_dict in data:
+    for key in row_dict.keys():
+      value = row_dict[key]
+      if isinstance(value, basestring):
+        row_dict[key] = value.encode("utf-8")
+      else:
+        row_dict[key] = str(value)
+    writer.writerow(row_dict)
+  csv_data = file_handler.getvalue()
+  csv_file = open(csv_filename, 'w')
+  csv_file.write(csv_data)
+  csv_file.close()
 def main(args):
   """Main routine.
@@ -411,6 +492,7 @@
       'startSpam': startSpam,
       'reviveJobs': reviveJobs,
       'deidleJobs': deidleJobs,
+      'acceptedStudentsCSVExport': acceptedStudentsCSVExport,
   interactive.remote(args, context)