Add acceptedStudentsCSVExport function to script.
This funtion is used to generate CSV with all accepted students. It still needs some work and I left TODOs there. I also added helper function for saving data to CSV, which can be reused for other kinds of reports.
--- a/scripts/ Mon May 18 14:23:29 2009 +0200
+++ b/scripts/ Mon May 18 14:05:38 2009 +0200
@@ -357,6 +357,87 @@
cPickle.dump(target, f)
+def acceptedStudentsCSVExport(csv_filename, program_key_name):
+ """Exports all accepted Students for particular program into CSV file.
+ """
+ # TODO(Pawel.Solyga): Add additional Program parameter to this method
+ # so we export students from different programs
+ # TODO(Pawel.SOlyga): Make it universal so it works with both GHOP
+ # and GSoC programs
+ from soc.models.student_project import StudentProject
+ from soc.models.student import Student
+ from soc.models.organization import Organization
+ getStudentProjects = getEntities(StudentProject)
+ student_projects = getStudentProjects()
+ student_projects_amount = len(student_projects)
+ print "Fetched %d Student Projects." % student_projects_amount
+ print "Fetching Student entities from Student Projects."
+ accepted_students = {}
+ student_organization = {}
+ counter = 0
+ for sp_key in student_projects.keys():
+ key = student_projects[sp_key].student.key().name()
+ accepted_students[key] = student_projects[sp_key].student
+ org_name = student_projects[sp_key]
+ student_organization[key] = org_name
+ counter += 1
+ print str(counter) + '/' + str(student_projects_amount) + ' ' + key + ' (' + org_name + ')'
+ print "All Student entities fetched."
+ students_key_order = ['link_id', 'given_name', 'surname',
+ 'name_on_documents', 'email', 'res_street', 'res_city', 'res_state',
+ 'res_country', 'res_postalcode', 'phone', 'ship_street', 'ship_city',
+ 'ship_state', 'ship_country', 'ship_postalcode', 'birth_date',
+ 'tshirt_size', 'tshirt_style', 'name', 'school_name', 'school_country',
+ 'major', 'degree']
+ print "Preparing Students data for export."
+ students_data = [accepted_students[i].toDict(students_key_order) for i in accepted_students.keys()]
+ print "Adding organization name to Students data."
+ for student in students_data:
+ student['organization'] = student_organization[program_key_name + '/' + student['link_id']]
+ students_key_order.append('organization')
+ saveDataToCSV(csv_filename, students_data, students_key_order)
+ print "Accepted Students exported to %s file." % csv_filename
+def saveDataToCSV(csv_filename, data, key_order):
+ """Saves data in order into CSV file.
+ This is a helper function used with acceptedStudentsCSVExport().
+ """
+ import csv
+ import StringIO
+ from soc.logic import dicts
+ file_handler = StringIO.StringIO()
+ writer = csv.DictWriter(file_handler, key_order, dialect='excel')
+ writer.writerow(dicts.identity(key_order))
+ # encode the data to UTF-8 to ensure compatibiliy
+ for row_dict in data:
+ for key in row_dict.keys():
+ value = row_dict[key]
+ if isinstance(value, basestring):
+ row_dict[key] = value.encode("utf-8")
+ else:
+ row_dict[key] = str(value)
+ writer.writerow(row_dict)
+ csv_data = file_handler.getvalue()
+ csv_file = open(csv_filename, 'w')
+ csv_file.write(csv_data)
+ csv_file.close()
def main(args):
"""Main routine.
@@ -411,6 +492,7 @@
'startSpam': startSpam,
'reviveJobs': reviveJobs,
'deidleJobs': deidleJobs,
+ 'acceptedStudentsCSVExport': acceptedStudentsCSVExport,
interactive.remote(args, context)