Updated the script to:
* Include a comment describing what it does
* Use variables for anything non-standard
* Use the --parse-only flag of epydoc
* Exclude all 'django' modules through --exclude=
* Run on '../app' by default, no more arguments needed
* Clean up the output directory before running
--- a/scripts/build_epydocs.sh Thu Sep 11 20:50:58 2008 +0000
+++ b/scripts/build_epydocs.sh Thu Sep 11 21:30:08 2008 +0000
@@ -1,10 +1,27 @@
+# Generates epydoc for $target to $outdir, while ignoring $exclude
+# WARNING: The contents of $outdir are -deleted- before the running epydoc
+# This way there are no 'stale files' when the script finishes.
+ outdir="../../wiki/html/epydoc"
+ target="../app ../tests"
+echo "Cleaning out $outdir..."
+rm -f $outdir/*
+echo "Done."
echo "Running epydoc..."
-echo $1
+echo "$target -> $outdir"
+echo "================="
epydoc --html -v --show-private --inheritance=included --graph=all \
- -o ../../wiki/html/epydoc $1
+ --parse-only --exclude=$exclude -o $outdir $target
+echo "================="
echo "Done."
+echo "Goodbye."