author Mario Ferraro <>
Sun, 15 Nov 2009 22:12:20 +0100
changeset 3093 d1be59b6b627
parent 323 ff1a9aa48cfd
permissions -rw-r--r--
GMaps related JS changed to use new google namespace. Google is going to change permanently in the future the way to load its services, so better stay safe. Also this commit shows uses of the new melange.js module. Fixes Issue 634.

from import BaseCommand, CommandError
from django.core import serializers

from optparse import make_option

class Command(BaseCommand):
    option_list = BaseCommand.option_list + (
        make_option('--format', default='json', dest='format',
            help='Specifies the output serialization format for fixtures.'),
        make_option('--indent', default=None, dest='indent', type='int',
            help='Specifies the indent level to use when pretty-printing output'),
        make_option('-e', '--exclude', dest='exclude',action='append', default=[], 
            help='App to exclude (use multiple --exclude to exclude multiple apps).'),
    help = 'Output the contents of the database as a fixture of the given format.'
    args = '[appname ...]'

    def handle(self, *app_labels, **options):
        from django.db.models import get_app, get_apps, get_models

        format = options.get('format','json')
        indent = options.get('indent',None)
        exclude = options.get('exclude',[])
        show_traceback = options.get('traceback', False)

        excluded_apps = [get_app(app_label) for app_label in exclude]

        if len(app_labels) == 0:
            app_list = [app for app in get_apps() if app not in excluded_apps]
            app_list = [get_app(app_label) for app_label in app_labels]

        # Check that the serialization format exists; this is a shortcut to
        # avoid collating all the objects and _then_ failing.
        if format not in serializers.get_public_serializer_formats():
            raise CommandError("Unknown serialization format: %s" % format)

        except KeyError:
            raise CommandError("Unknown serialization format: %s" % format)

        objects = []
        for app in app_list:
            for model in get_models(app):
            return serializers.serialize(format, objects, indent=indent)
        except Exception, e:
            if show_traceback:
            raise CommandError("Unable to serialize database: %s" % e)