author Mario Ferraro <>
Sun, 15 Nov 2009 22:12:20 +0100
changeset 3093 d1be59b6b627
parent 323 ff1a9aa48cfd
permissions -rw-r--r--
GMaps related JS changed to use new google namespace. Google is going to change permanently in the future the way to load its services, so better stay safe. Also this commit shows uses of the new melange.js module. Fixes Issue 634.

 A limited test module is used for a limited spatial database.
import os, unittest
from models import Country, City, State, Feature
from django.contrib.gis import gdal
from django.contrib.gis.geos import *
from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured

class GeoModelTest(unittest.TestCase):
    def test01_initial_sql(self):
        "Testing geographic initial SQL."
        # Ensuring that data was loaded from initial SQL.
        self.assertEqual(2, Country.objects.count())
        self.assertEqual(8, City.objects.count())
        self.assertEqual(2, State.objects.count())

    def test02_proxy(self):
        "Testing Lazy-Geometry support (using the GeometryProxy)."
        #### Testing on a Point
        pnt = Point(0, 0)
        nullcity = City(name='NullCity', point=pnt)

        # Making sure TypeError is thrown when trying to set with an
        #  incompatible type.
        for bad in [5, 2.0, LineString((0, 0), (1, 1))]:
                nullcity.point = bad
            except TypeError:
      'Should throw a TypeError')

        # Now setting with a compatible GEOS Geometry, saving, and ensuring
        #  the save took, notice no SRID is explicitly set.
        new = Point(5, 23)
        nullcity.point = new

        # Ensuring that the SRID is automatically set to that of the 
        #  field after assignment, but before saving.
        self.assertEqual(4326, nullcity.point.srid)

        # Ensuring the point was saved correctly after saving
        self.assertEqual(new, City.objects.get(name='NullCity').point)

        # Setting the X and Y of the Point
        nullcity.point.x = 23
        nullcity.point.y = 5
        # Checking assignments pre & post-save.
        self.assertNotEqual(Point(23, 5), City.objects.get(name='NullCity').point)
        self.assertEqual(Point(23, 5), City.objects.get(name='NullCity').point)

        #### Testing on a Polygon
        shell = LinearRing((0, 0), (0, 100), (100, 100), (100, 0), (0, 0))
        inner = LinearRing((40, 40), (40, 60), (60, 60), (60, 40), (40, 40))

        # Creating a State object using a built Polygon
        ply = Polygon(shell, inner)
        nullstate = State(name='NullState', poly=ply)
        self.assertEqual(4326, nullstate.poly.srid) # SRID auto-set from None

        ns = State.objects.get(name='NullState')
        self.assertEqual(ply, ns.poly)
        # Testing the `ogr` and `srs` lazy-geometry properties.
        if gdal.HAS_GDAL:
            self.assertEqual(True, isinstance(ns.poly.ogr, gdal.OGRGeometry))
            self.assertEqual(ns.poly.wkb, ns.poly.ogr.wkb)
            self.assertEqual(True, isinstance(ns.poly.srs, gdal.SpatialReference))
            self.assertEqual('WGS 84',

        # Changing the interior ring on the poly attribute.
        new_inner = LinearRing((30, 30), (30, 70), (70, 70), (70, 30), (30, 30))
        ns.poly[1] = new_inner
        ply[1] = new_inner
        self.assertEqual(4326, ns.poly.srid)
        self.assertEqual(ply, State.objects.get(name='NullState').poly)

    def test03_contains_contained(self):
        "Testing the 'contained', 'contains', and 'bbcontains' lookup types."
        # Getting Texas, yes we were a country -- once ;)
        texas = Country.objects.get(name='Texas')
        # Seeing what cities are in Texas, should get Houston and Dallas,
        #  and Oklahoma City because MySQL 'within' only checks on the
        #  _bounding box_ of the Geometries.
        qs = City.objects.filter(point__within=texas.mpoly)
        self.assertEqual(3, qs.count())
        cities = ['Houston', 'Dallas', 'Oklahoma City']
        for c in qs: self.assertEqual(True, in cities)

        # Pulling out some cities.
        houston = City.objects.get(name='Houston')
        wellington = City.objects.get(name='Wellington')
        pueblo = City.objects.get(name='Pueblo')
        okcity = City.objects.get(name='Oklahoma City')
        lawrence = City.objects.get(name='Lawrence')

        # Now testing contains on the countries using the points for
        #  Houston and Wellington.
        tx = Country.objects.get(mpoly__contains=houston.point) # Query w/GEOSGeometry
        nz = Country.objects.get(mpoly__contains=wellington.point.hex) # Query w/EWKBHEX
        ks = State.objects.get(poly__contains=lawrence.point)
        self.assertEqual('New Zealand',

        # Pueblo is not contained in Texas or New Zealand.
        self.assertEqual(0, len(Country.objects.filter(mpoly__contains=pueblo.point))) # Query w/GEOSGeometry object

        # OK City is contained w/in bounding box of Texas.
        qs = Country.objects.filter(mpoly__bbcontains=okcity.point)
        self.assertEqual(1, len(qs))
        self.assertEqual('Texas', qs[0].name)

    def test04_disjoint(self):
        "Testing the `disjoint` lookup type."
        ptown = City.objects.get(name='Pueblo')
        qs1 = City.objects.filter(point__disjoint=ptown.point)
        self.assertEqual(7, qs1.count())
        # TODO: This query should work in MySQL, but it appears the
        # `MBRDisjoint` function doesn't work properly (I went down
        # to the SQL level for debugging and still got bogus answers).
        #qs2 = State.objects.filter(poly__disjoint=ptown.point)
        #self.assertEqual(1, qs2.count())
        #self.assertEqual('Kansas', qs2[0].name)

    def test05_equals(self):
        "Testing the 'same_as' and 'equals' lookup types."
        pnt = fromstr('POINT (-95.363151 29.763374)', srid=4326)
        c1 = City.objects.get(point=pnt)
        c2 = City.objects.get(point__same_as=pnt)
        c3 = City.objects.get(point__equals=pnt)
        for c in [c1, c2, c3]: self.assertEqual('Houston',

    def test06_geometryfield(self):
        "Testing GeometryField."
        f1 = Feature(name='Point', geom=Point(1, 1))
        f2 = Feature(name='LineString', geom=LineString((0, 0), (1, 1), (5, 5)))
        f3 = Feature(name='Polygon', geom=Polygon(LinearRing((0, 0), (0, 5), (5, 5), (5, 0), (0, 0))))
        f4 = Feature(name='GeometryCollection', 
                     geom=GeometryCollection(Point(2, 2), LineString((0, 0), (2, 2)), 
                                             Polygon(LinearRing((0, 0), (0, 5), (5, 5), (5, 0), (0, 0)))))

        f_1 = Feature.objects.get(name='Point')
        self.assertEqual(True, isinstance(f_1.geom, Point))
        self.assertEqual((1.0, 1.0), f_1.geom.tuple)
        f_2 = Feature.objects.get(name='LineString')
        self.assertEqual(True, isinstance(f_2.geom, LineString))
        self.assertEqual(((0.0, 0.0), (1.0, 1.0), (5.0, 5.0)), f_2.geom.tuple)

        f_3 = Feature.objects.get(name='Polygon')
        self.assertEqual(True, isinstance(f_3.geom, Polygon))
        f_4 = Feature.objects.get(name='GeometryCollection')
        self.assertEqual(True, isinstance(f_4.geom, GeometryCollection))
        self.assertEqual(f_3.geom, f_4.geom[2])
    def test07_mysql_limitations(self):
        "Testing that union(), kml(), gml() raise exceptions."
        self.assertRaises(ImproperlyConfigured, City.objects.union, Point(5, 23), field_name='point')
        self.assertRaises(ImproperlyConfigured, State.objects.all().kml, field_name='poly')
        self.assertRaises(ImproperlyConfigured, Country.objects.all().gml, field_name='mpoly')

from test_feeds import GeoFeedTest
from test_sitemaps import GeoSitemapTest
def suite():
    s = unittest.TestSuite()
    return s