author Mario Ferraro <>
Sun, 15 Nov 2009 22:12:20 +0100
changeset 3093 d1be59b6b627
parent 323 ff1a9aa48cfd
permissions -rw-r--r--
GMaps related JS changed to use new google namespace. Google is going to change permanently in the future the way to load its services, so better stay safe. Also this commit shows uses of the new melange.js module. Fixes Issue 634.

from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
from django.contrib.gis.geos import fromstr, Point, LineString, LinearRing, Polygon

class GEvent(object):
    A Python wrapper for the Google GEvent object.

    Events can be attached to any object derived from GOverlayBase with the
    add_event() call.

    For more information please see the Google Maps API Reference:


      from django.shortcuts import render_to_response
      from import GoogleMap, GEvent, GPolyline

      def sample_request(request):
          polyline = GPolyline('LINESTRING(101 26, 112 26, 102 31)')
          event = GEvent('click', 
            'function() { location.href = ""}')
          return render_to_response('mytemplate.html', 
          {'google' : GoogleMap(polylines=[polyline])})

    def __init__(self, event, action):
        Initializes a GEvent object. 

          string for the event, such as 'click'. The event must be a valid
          event for the object in the Google Maps API. 
          There is no validation of the event type within Django.

          string containing a Javascript function, such as 
          'function() { location.href = "newurl";}'
          The string must be a valid Javascript function. Again there is no 
          validation fo the function within Django.
        self.event = event
        self.action = action

    def __unicode__(self):
        "Returns the parameter part of a GEvent."
        return mark_safe('"%s", %s' %(self.event, self.action))

class GOverlayBase(object):
    def __init__(self): = []

    def latlng_from_coords(self, coords):
        "Generates a JavaScript array of GLatLng objects for the given coordinates."
        return '[%s]' % ','.join(['new GLatLng(%s,%s)' % (y, x) for x, y in coords])

    def add_event(self, event):
        "Attaches a GEvent to the overlay object."

    def __unicode__(self):
        "The string representation is the JavaScript API call."
        return mark_safe('%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.js_params))

class GPolygon(GOverlayBase):
    A Python wrapper for the Google GPolygon object.  For more information
    please see the Google Maps API Reference:
    def __init__(self, poly, 
                 stroke_color='#0000ff', stroke_weight=2, stroke_opacity=1,
                 fill_color='#0000ff', fill_opacity=0.4):
        The GPolygon object initializes on a GEOS Polygon or a parameter that
        may be instantiated into GEOS Polygon.  Please note that this will not
        depict a Polygon's internal rings.

        Keyword Options:

            The color of the polygon outline. Defaults to '#0000ff' (blue).

            The width of the polygon outline, in pixels.  Defaults to 2.

            The opacity of the polygon outline, between 0 and 1.  Defaults to 1.

            The color of the polygon fill.  Defaults to '#0000ff' (blue).

            The opacity of the polygon fill.  Defaults to 0.4.
        if isinstance(poly, basestring): poly = fromstr(poly)
        if isinstance(poly, (tuple, list)): poly = Polygon(poly)
        if not isinstance(poly, Polygon): 
            raise TypeError('GPolygon may only initialize on GEOS Polygons.')

        # Getting the envelope of the input polygon (used for automatically
        # determining the zoom level).
        self.envelope = poly.envelope

        # Translating the coordinates into a JavaScript array of 
        # Google `GLatLng` objects.
        self.points = self.latlng_from_coords(

        # Stroke settings.
        self.stroke_color, self.stroke_opacity, self.stroke_weight = stroke_color, stroke_opacity, stroke_weight
        # Fill settings.
        self.fill_color, self.fill_opacity = fill_color, fill_opacity
        super(GPolygon, self).__init__()
    def js_params(self):
        return '%s, "%s", %s, %s, "%s", %s' % (self.points, self.stroke_color, self.stroke_weight, self.stroke_opacity,
                                               self.fill_color, self.fill_opacity)

class GPolyline(GOverlayBase):
    A Python wrapper for the Google GPolyline object.  For more information
    please see the Google Maps API Reference:
    def __init__(self, geom, color='#0000ff', weight=2, opacity=1):
        The GPolyline object may be initialized on GEOS LineStirng, LinearRing,
        and Polygon objects (internal rings not supported) or a parameter that
        may instantiated into one of the above geometries.

        Keyword Options:
            The color to use for the polyline.  Defaults to '#0000ff' (blue).
            The width of the polyline, in pixels.  Defaults to 2.

            The opacity of the polyline, between 0 and 1.  Defaults to 1.
        # If a GEOS geometry isn't passed in, try to contsruct one.
        if isinstance(geom, basestring): geom = fromstr(geom)
        if isinstance(geom, (tuple, list)): geom = Polygon(geom)
        # Generating the lat/lng coordinate pairs.
        if isinstance(geom, (LineString, LinearRing)):
            self.latlngs = self.latlng_from_coords(geom.coords)
        elif isinstance(geom, Polygon):
            self.latlngs = self.latlng_from_coords(
            raise TypeError('GPolyline may only initialize on GEOS LineString, LinearRing, and/or Polygon geometries.')

        # Getting the envelope for automatic zoom determination.
        self.envelope = geom.envelope
        self.color, self.weight, self.opacity = color, weight, opacity
        super(GPolyline, self).__init__()
    def js_params(self):
        return '%s, "%s", %s, %s' % (self.latlngs, self.color, self.weight, self.opacity)

class GMarker(GOverlayBase):
    A Python wrapper for the Google GMarker object.  For more information
    please see the Google Maps API Reference:


      from django.shortcuts import render_to_response
      from import GMarker, GEvent
      def sample_request(request):
          marker = GMarker('POINT(101 26)')
          event = GEvent('click', 
                         'function() { location.href = ""}')
          return render_to_response('mytemplate.html', 
                 {'google' : GoogleMap(markers=[marker])})
    def __init__(self, geom, title=None):
        The GMarker object may initialize on GEOS Points or a parameter
        that may be instantiated into a GEOS point.  Keyword options map to
        GMarkerOptions -- so far only the title option is supported.

        Keyword Options:
           Title option for GMarker, will be displayed as a tooltip.
        # If a GEOS geometry isn't passed in, try to construct one.
        if isinstance(geom, basestring): geom = fromstr(geom)
        if isinstance(geom, (tuple, list)): geom = Point(geom)
        if isinstance(geom, Point):
            self.latlng = self.latlng_from_coords(geom.coords)
            raise TypeError('GMarker may only initialize on GEOS Point geometry.')
        # Getting the envelope for automatic zoom determination.
        self.envelope = geom.envelope
        # TODO: Add support for more GMarkerOptions
        self.title = title
        super(GMarker, self).__init__()

    def latlng_from_coords(self, coords):
        return 'new GLatLng(%s,%s)' %(coords[1], coords[0])
    def options(self):
        result = []
        if self.title: result.append('title: "%s"' % self.title) 
        return '{%s}' % ','.join(result)

    def js_params(self):
        return '%s, %s' % (self.latlng, self.options())