author Mario Ferraro <>
Sun, 15 Nov 2009 22:12:20 +0100
changeset 3093 d1be59b6b627
parent 323 ff1a9aa48cfd
permissions -rw-r--r--
GMaps related JS changed to use new google namespace. Google is going to change permanently in the future the way to load its services, so better stay safe. Also this commit shows uses of the new melange.js module. Fixes Issue 634.

from ctypes import c_char_p, c_int, c_size_t, c_uint, POINTER
from django.contrib.gis.geos.libgeos import lgeos, CS_PTR, GEOM_PTR
from django.contrib.gis.geos.prototypes.errcheck import \
    check_geom, check_minus_one, check_sized_string, check_string, check_zero

### ctypes generation functions ###
def bin_constructor(func):
    "Generates a prototype for binary construction (HEX, WKB) GEOS routines."
    func.argtypes = [c_char_p, c_size_t]
    func.restype = GEOM_PTR
    func.errcheck = check_geom
    return func

# HEX & WKB output
def bin_output(func):
    "Generates a prototype for the routines that return a a sized string."
    func.argtypes = [GEOM_PTR, POINTER(c_size_t)]
    func.errcheck = check_sized_string
    return func

def geom_output(func, argtypes):
    "For GEOS routines that return a geometry."
    if argtypes: func.argtypes = argtypes
    func.restype = GEOM_PTR
    func.errcheck = check_geom
    return func

def geom_index(func):
    "For GEOS routines that return geometries from an index."
    return geom_output(func, [GEOM_PTR, c_int])

def int_from_geom(func, zero=False):
    "Argument is a geometry, return type is an integer."
    func.argtypes = [GEOM_PTR]
    func.restype = c_int
    if zero: 
        func.errcheck = check_zero
        func.errcheck = check_minus_one
    return func

def string_from_geom(func):
    "Argument is a Geometry, return type is a string."
    # We do _not_ specify an argument type because we want just an
    # address returned from the function.
    func.argtypes = [GEOM_PTR]
    func.errcheck = check_string
    return func

### ctypes prototypes ###

# TODO: Tell all users to use GEOS 3.0.0, instead of the release 
#  candidates, and use the new Reader and Writer APIs (e.g.,
#  GEOSWKT[Reader|Writer], GEOSWKB[Reader|Writer]).  A good time
#  to do this will be when Refractions releases a Windows PostGIS
#  installer using GEOS 3.0.0.

# Creation routines from WKB, HEX, WKT
from_hex = bin_constructor(lgeos.GEOSGeomFromHEX_buf)
from_wkb = bin_constructor(lgeos.GEOSGeomFromWKB_buf)
from_wkt = geom_output(lgeos.GEOSGeomFromWKT, [c_char_p])

# Output routines
to_hex = bin_output(lgeos.GEOSGeomToHEX_buf)
to_wkb = bin_output(lgeos.GEOSGeomToWKB_buf)
to_wkt = string_from_geom(lgeos.GEOSGeomToWKT)

# The GEOS geometry type, typeid, num_coordites and number of geometries
geos_normalize = int_from_geom(lgeos.GEOSNormalize)
geos_type = string_from_geom(lgeos.GEOSGeomType)
geos_typeid = int_from_geom(lgeos.GEOSGeomTypeId)
get_dims = int_from_geom(lgeos.GEOSGeom_getDimensions, zero=True)
get_num_coords = int_from_geom(lgeos.GEOSGetNumCoordinates)
get_num_geoms = int_from_geom(lgeos.GEOSGetNumGeometries)

# Geometry creation factories
create_point = geom_output(lgeos.GEOSGeom_createPoint, [CS_PTR])
create_linestring = geom_output(lgeos.GEOSGeom_createLineString, [CS_PTR]) 
create_linearring = geom_output(lgeos.GEOSGeom_createLinearRing, [CS_PTR])

# Polygon and collection creation routines are special and will not
# have their argument types defined.
create_polygon = geom_output(lgeos.GEOSGeom_createPolygon, None)
create_collection = geom_output(lgeos.GEOSGeom_createCollection, None)

# Ring routines
get_extring = geom_output(lgeos.GEOSGetExteriorRing, [GEOM_PTR])
get_intring = geom_index(lgeos.GEOSGetInteriorRingN)
get_nrings = int_from_geom(lgeos.GEOSGetNumInteriorRings)

# Collection Routines
get_geomn = geom_index(lgeos.GEOSGetGeometryN)

# Cloning
geom_clone = lgeos.GEOSGeom_clone
geom_clone.argtypes = [GEOM_PTR]
geom_clone.restype = GEOM_PTR

# Destruction routine.
destroy_geom = lgeos.GEOSGeom_destroy
destroy_geom.argtypes = [GEOM_PTR]
destroy_geom.restype = None

# SRID routines
geos_get_srid = lgeos.GEOSGetSRID
geos_get_srid.argtypes = [GEOM_PTR]
geos_get_srid.restype = c_int

geos_set_srid = lgeos.GEOSSetSRID
geos_set_srid.argtypes = [GEOM_PTR, c_int]
geos_set_srid.restype = None