--- a/app/soc/models/program.py Thu Jan 22 22:54:46 2009 +0000
+++ b/app/soc/models/program.py Thu Jan 22 23:20:15 2009 +0000
@@ -67,13 +67,32 @@
' but in <u>2009</u>!</tt><br><br>'
'<small><i>(rich text formatting is supported)</i></small>')
+ #: Required field storing application/tasks limit of the program.
+ apps_tasks_limit = db.IntegerProperty(required=True,
+ verbose_name=ugettext_lazy('Application/Tasks Limit'))
+ apps_tasks_limit.example_text = ugettext_lazy(
+ '<small><i>e.g.</i></small> '
+ '<tt><b>20</b> is the student applications limit for <i>Google Summer '
+ 'of Code</i>, but <b>1</b> is the tasks limit that the student can work '
+ 'on at the same time during <i>GHOP</i></tt>')
+ #: Required field storing slots limit of the program.
+ slots = db.IntegerProperty(required=True,
+ verbose_name=ugettext_lazy('Slots'))
+ slots.example_text = ugettext_lazy(
+ '<small><i>e.g.</i></small> '
+ '<tt><b>500</b> might be an amount of slots for <i>Google Summer '
+ 'of Code</i>, which indicates how many students can be accepted '
+ 'to the program.<br>For <i>GHOP</i> this indicates how '
+ 'many tasks can be completed.</tt>')
#: Required field storing the type of workflow this program has
workflow = db.StringProperty(required=True,
choices=['gsoc', 'ghop'],
verbose_name= ugettext_lazy('Workflow type'))
workflow.example_text = ugettext_lazy(
- '<b><tt>Project-based</tt></b> for GSoC workflow type,<br>'
- ' <b><tt>Task-based</tt></b> for GHOP workflow type.')
+ '<tt><b>Project-based</b> for GSoC workflow type,<br>'
+ '<b>Task-based</b> for GHOP workflow type.</tt>')
#: Required 1:1 relationship indicating the Program the Timeline
#: belongs to.