--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/app/ranklist/ranker.py Mon Mar 02 22:57:40 2009 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,655 @@
+# Copyright 2008 Google Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from google.appengine.api import datastore
+from google.appengine.api import datastore_types
+from common import transactional
+class Ranker(object):
+ """A data structure for storing integer scores and quickly retrieving their
+ relative ranks.
+ Scores are stored as "name: score" mapping. A score is inserted by
+ calling SetScore with a new name. The score can later be updated by
+ calling SetScore again with the same name.
+ The scores are actually lists of integers with the same number of elements,
+ and their ordering is lexicographic. That is to say that score A is higher
+ than score B if they are different, and the first element that differs between
+ the two is higher in A. Thus [5, 3] is ranked higher than [4, 99].
+ Example Use Case:
+ Some number of people are participating in a programming contest. Solving a
+ problem gets points; contestants also get a tie-breaking "penalty time." The
+ higher the time, the worse the score.
+ STEP 1:
+ # Creates the ranker when the contest is created:
+ rank = ranker.Ranker.Create([0, 10000, -999999, 1], 100)
+ # In our contest, people won't have more than 9999 points or 999999 penalty
+ # seconds. Since penalty time is bad, we store [score, -penalty].
+ contest['ranker'] = rank.rootkey
+ datastore.Put(contest)
+ STEP 2:
+ # Someone registers for the contest. The default score is [0, 0], and for
+ # efficiency we don't put them in the ranker; they won't be ahead of anyone
+ # anyway.
+ STEP 3:
+ # Player "Jon" gets points for the first time!
+ rank = ranker.Ranker(contest['ranker'])
+ # Loads up the ranker. This is the first step of all the STEPs below.
+ rank.SetScore("Jon", [5, -120]) # 5 points, 2 minutes
+ STEP 4:
+ # Player "Jon" gets points for the second time!
+ rank.SetScore("Jon", [10, -300]) # 10 points, 5 minutes
+ STEP 5:
+ # What is the rank of the person with score [10, -300]?
+ position = rank.FindRank([10, 300])
+ # What are the ranks for the people with scores a, b, c?
+ positions = rank.FindRanks([a, b, c])
+ STEP 6:
+ # What is the score of the person ranked 20th?
+ score = rank.FindScore(19)
+ # This is particularly useful for seeing multiple pages of ranked people. If
+ # the scores are separately tracked in an entity called 'scores', the
+ # datastore can efficiently answer:
+ # q = datastore.Query('scores')
+ # q['score <='] = rank.FindScore(1000)[0]
+ # next_twenty_scores = q.Get(20)
+ # This is a simplified case, where scores are a single integer.
+ STEP 7:
+ # How many people have points?
+ num_pointy_people = rank.TotalRankedScores()
+ Implementation Details:
+ The Ranker is a rooted tree of 'ranker_node' entities. It is an
+ N-ary tree, where N = self.branching_factor, which is specified by the
+ constructor. Each node represents some range of scores, and is assigned a
+ unique node_id.
+ Take for example a 3-ary tree with point range [0, 10000, -36000, 1]. This
+ could represent a contest where contestants can have between 0 and 9999
+ points, with ties being broken by (negative) penalty seconds that can be
+ between 0 and 10 hours.
+ The root represents the score range [0, 10000, -36000, 1]. It has node_id 0.
+ Its first child has node_id 1 and score range [0, 3333, -36000, 1].
+ The root's second child, node_id 2, has score range [3333, 6666, -36000, 1],
+ and its third child, node_id 3, has score range [6666, 10000, -36000, 1].
+ Node 1's first child, node_id 4, has range [0, 1111, -36000, 1], and so on.
+ See __WhichChild for details of how children are assigned score ranges.
+ The point of a node is to track how many stored scores are in the score range
+ of each of its children. The root in the above example would start off with
+ child_node_counts = [0, 0, 0]; adding score [4000, 0] would change the root's
+ child_node_counts to [0, 1, 0] and node 5's child_node_counts to [1, 0, 0],
+ and so forth.
+ Ranker also has a "ranker_score" entity for every score stored in the ranker.
+ These entities are part of the same entity group as the ranker_node
+ entities. This allows for atomic, idempotent calls to SetScores.
+ Ranker supports the following operations, which can be read about in detail
+ in their docstrings:
+ SetScores(scores): Set scores for multiple players.
+ FindRank(score): Finds the 0-based rank of the provided score.
+ FindScore(rank): Finds the score with the provided 0-based rank.
+ FindScoreApproximate(rank): Finds a score >= the score of the provided 0-based
+ rank, < the score of rank-1 (unless rank and rank-1 are tied, in which case
+ it returns their mutual score).
+ TotalRankedScores: The total number of scores in the Ranker.
+ See __FindNodeIDs for more notes on structure.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, rootkey):
+ """Pulls a ranker out of the datastore, given the key of the root node.
+ Args:
+ rootkey: The datastore key of the ranker.
+ """
+ # Get the root from the datastore:
+ assert rootkey.kind() == "ranker"
+ root = datastore.Get(rootkey)
+ # Initialize some class variables:
+ self.rootkey = rootkey
+ self.score_range = root["score_range"]
+ self.branching_factor = root["branching_factor"]
+ # Sanity checking:
+ assert len(self.score_range) > 1
+ assert len(self.score_range) % 2 == 0
+ for i in xrange(0, len(self.score_range), 2):
+ assert self.score_range[i + 1] > self.score_range[i]
+ assert self.branching_factor > 1
+ @classmethod
+ def Create(cls, score_range, branching_factor):
+ """Constructs a new Ranker and returns it.
+ Args:
+ score_range: A list showing the range of valid scores, in the form:
+ [most_significant_score_min, most_significant_score_max,
+ less_significant_score_min, less_significant_score_max, ...]
+ Ranges are [inclusive, exclusive)
+ branching_factor: The branching factor of the tree. The number of
+ datastore Gets is Theta(1/log(branching_factor)), and the amount of data
+ returned by each Get is Theta(branching_factor).
+ Returns:
+ A new Ranker.
+ """
+ # Put the root in the datastore:
+ root = datastore.Entity("ranker")
+ root["score_range"] = score_range
+ root["branching_factor"] = branching_factor
+ datastore.Put(root)
+ myrank = Ranker(root.key())
+ return myrank
+ def __FindNodeIDs(self, score):
+ """Finds the nodes along the path from the root to a certain score.
+ Args:
+ score: The score we're finding the path for.
+ Returns:
+ A sorted list of (node_id, child) tuples, indicating that node_id is the
+ node id of a node on the path, and child is which child of that node is
+ next. Note that the lowest child node (which would be a leaf node) does
+ not actually exist, since all its relevant information (number of times
+ that score was inserted) is stored in its parent.
+ Nodes are numbered row-by-row: the root is 0, its children are in the range
+ [1, self.branching_factor + 1), its grandchildren are in the range
+ [self.branching_factor + 1,
+ self.branching_factor**2 + self.branching_factor + 1), etc.
+ Score ranges are lists of the form: [min_0, max_0, min_1, max_1, ...]
+ A node representing a score range will be divided up by the first index
+ where max_i != min_i + 1 (score ranges are [inclusive, exclusive)).
+ Child x (0-indexed) of a node [a,b) will get the range:
+ [a+x*(b-a)/branching_factor, a+(x+1)*(b-a)/branching_factor);
+ Thus not all nodes will have nonzero ranges. Nodes with zero range will
+ never be visited, but they and their descendants will be counted in the node
+ numbering scheme, so row x still has self.branching_factor**x nodes.
+ """
+ nodes = []
+ node = 0
+ cur_range = list(self.score_range)
+ # The current range of scores. This will be narrowed as we move down the
+ # tree; 'index' keeps track of the score type we're currently changing.
+ for index in xrange(0, len(cur_range), 2):
+ while cur_range[index + 1] - cur_range[index] > 1:
+ # Subdivide cur_range[index]..cur_range[index + 1]
+ which_child = self.__WhichChild(cur_range[index],
+ cur_range[index + 1],
+ score[index // 2],
+ self.branching_factor)
+ child = which_child[0]
+ cur_range[index] = which_child[1][0]
+ cur_range[index + 1] = which_child[1][1]
+ assert 0 <= child < self.branching_factor
+ nodes.append((node, child))
+ node = self.__ChildNodeId(node, child)
+ return nodes
+ def __WhichChild(self, low, high, want, branching_factor):
+ """Determines which child of the range [low, high) 'want' belongs to.
+ Args:
+ low: An int, the low end of the range.
+ high: An int, the high end of the range.
+ want: An int, the score we're trying to determine a child for.
+ branching_factor: The branching factor of the tree being used.
+ Returns:
+ A tuple, (child, [child's score range]). Note that in general a score
+ has multiple sub-scores, written in order of decreasing significance; this
+ function divides up a single sub-score.
+ Raises:
+ An AssertionError if things go horribly wrong.
+ """
+ assert low <= want < high
+ # Need to find x such that (using integer division):
+ # x *(high-low)/branching_factor <= want - low <
+ # (x+1)*(high-low)/branching_factor
+ # Which is the least x such that (using integer division):
+ # want - low < (x+1)*(high-low)/branching_factor
+ # Which is the ceiling of x such that (using floating point division):
+ # want - low + 1 == (x+1)*(high-low)/branching_factor
+ # x = -1 + math.ceil((want-low+1) * branching_factor / (high - low))
+ # We get ceil by adding high - low - 1 to the numerator.
+ x = -1 + (((want - low + 1) * branching_factor + high - low - 1) //
+ (high - low))
+ assert (x * (high - low) // branching_factor <=
+ want - low < (x + 1) * (high - low) // branching_factor)
+ return (x, self.__ChildScoreRange([low, high], x, branching_factor))
+ def __ChildScoreRange(self, score_range, child, branching_factor):
+ """Calculates the score_range for a node's child.
+ Args:
+ score_range: A score range [min0, max0, min1, max1, ...]
+ child: Which child of the node with score range score_range we're
+ calculating the score range of.
+ branching_factor: The branching factor of the tree in question.
+ Returns:
+ A score range [min0', max0', min1', max1', ...] for that child.
+ """
+ for i in xrange(1, len(score_range), 2):
+ if score_range[i] > score_range[i - 1] + 1:
+ child_score_range = list(score_range)
+ low, high = score_range[i - 1], score_range[i]
+ child_score_range[i - 1], child_score_range[i] = (
+ low + child * (high - low) // branching_factor,
+ low + (child + 1) * (high - low) // branching_factor)
+ return child_score_range
+ raise AssertionError("Node with score range %s has no children." %
+ score_range)
+ def __ChildNodeId(self, node_id, child):
+ """Calculates the node id for a known node id's child.
+ Args:
+ node_id: The parent node's node_id
+ child: Which child of the parent node we're finding the id for
+ Returns:
+ The node_id for the child'th child of node_id.
+ """
+ return node_id * self.branching_factor + 1 + child
+ def __GetMultipleNodes(self, node_ids):
+ """Gets multiple nodes from the datastore.
+ Args:
+ node_ids: A list of node ids we want to get.
+ Returns:
+ A dict of the nodes that were found, indexed by the node ids found
+ in node_ids.
+ """
+ if len(node_ids) == 0:
+ return []
+ node_ids = set(node_ids)
+ keys = [self.__KeyFromNodeId(node_id) for node_id in node_ids]
+ nodes = datastore.Get(keys)
+ return dict((node_id, node) for (node_id, node) in zip(node_ids, nodes)
+ if node)
+ # Although, this method is currently not needed, we'll keep this
+ # since we might need it and some point and it's an interesting
+ # relationship
+ def __ParentNode(self, node_id):
+ """Returns the node id of the parameter node id's parent. Returns None if
+ the parameter is 0."""
+ if node_id == 0:
+ return None
+ return (node_id - 1) // self.branching_factor
+ def __KeyFromNodeId(self, node_id):
+ """Creates a (named) key for the node with a given id.
+ The key will have the ranker as a parent element to guarantee
+ uniqueness (in the presence of multiple rankers) and to put all
+ nodes in a single entity group.
+ Args:
+ node_id: The node's id as an integer.
+ Returns:
+ A (named) key for the node with the id 'node_id'.
+ """
+ name = "node_%x" % node_id
+ return datastore_types.Key.from_path("ranker_node", name,
+ parent=self.rootkey)
+ def __KeyForScore(self, name):
+ """Returns a (named) key for a ranker_score entity.
+ Args:
+ name: Name of the score to create a key for.
+ Returns:
+ A (named) key for the entity storing the score of 'name'.
+ """
+ return datastore_types.Key.from_path("ranker_score", name,
+ parent=self.rootkey)
+ def __Increment(self, nodes_with_children, score_entities,
+ score_entities_to_delete):
+ """Changes child counts for given nodes.
+ This method will create nodes as needed.
+ Args:
+ nodes_with_children: A dict of (node_key, child) tuples to deltas
+ score_entities: Additional score entities to persist as part of
+ this transaction
+ Returns:
+ None
+ """
+ keys = list(set(key for ((key, _), delta) in nodes_with_children.iteritems()
+ if delta != 0))
+ if not keys:
+ return # Nothing to do
+ nodes = datastore.Get(keys)
+ node_dict = {}
+ for (key, node) in zip(keys, nodes):
+ if not node:
+ node = datastore.Entity("ranker_node", parent=self.rootkey,
+ name=key.name())
+ node["child_counts"] = [0] * self.branching_factor
+ node_dict[key] = node
+ for ((key, child), amount) in nodes_with_children.iteritems():
+ if amount != 0:
+ node = node_dict[key]
+ node["child_counts"][child] += amount
+ assert node["child_counts"][child] >= 0
+ datastore.Put(node_dict.values() + score_entities)
+ if score_entities_to_delete:
+ datastore.Delete(score_entities_to_delete)
+ def SetScore(self, name, score):
+ """Sets a single score.
+ This is equivalent to calling 'SetScores({name: score})'
+ Args:
+ name: the name of the score as a string
+ score: the score to set name to
+ """
+ return self.SetScores({name: score})
+ @transactional
+ def SetScores(self, scores):
+ """Changes multiple scores atomically.
+ Sets the scores of the named entities in scores to new values. For
+ named entities that have not been registered with a score before,
+ a new score is created. For named entities that already had a score,
+ the score is changed to reflect the new score. If a score is None,
+ the named entity's score will be removed from the ranker.
+ Args:
+ scores: A dict mapping entity names (strings) to scores (integer lists)
+ """
+ score_deltas, score_ents, score_ents_del = self.__ComputeScoreDeltas(scores)
+ node_ids_to_deltas = self.__ComputeNodeModifications(score_deltas)
+ self.__Increment(node_ids_to_deltas, score_ents, score_ents_del)
+ def __ComputeScoreDeltas(self, scores):
+ """Compute which scores have to be incremented and decremented.
+ Args:
+ scores: A dict mapping entity names to scores
+ Returns:
+ A tuple (score_deltas, score_entities, score_entities_to_delete).
+ 'score_deltas' is a dict, mapping scores (represented as tuples)
+ to integers. 'score_deltas[s]' represents how many times the
+ score 's' has to be incremented (or decremented).
+ 'score_entities' is a list of 'ranker_score' entities that have
+ to be updated in the same transaction as modifying the ranker
+ nodes. The entities already contain the updated score.
+ Similarly, 'score_entities_to_delete' is a list of entities that
+ have to be deleted in the same transaction as modifying the ranker
+ nodes.
+ """
+ score_keys = [self.__KeyForScore(score) for score in scores]
+ old_scores = {}
+ for old_score in datastore.Get(score_keys):
+ if old_score:
+ old_scores[old_score.key().name()] = old_score
+ score_deltas = {}
+ # Score entities to update
+ score_ents = []
+ score_ents_del = []
+ for score_name, score_value in scores.iteritems():
+ if score_name in old_scores:
+ score_ent = old_scores[score_name]
+ if score_ent["value"] == score_value:
+ continue # No change in score => nothing to do
+ old_score_key = tuple(score_ent["value"])
+ score_deltas.setdefault(old_score_key, 0)
+ score_deltas[old_score_key] -= 1
+ else:
+ score_ent = datastore.Entity("ranker_score", parent=self.rootkey,
+ name=score_name)
+ if score_value:
+ score_key = tuple(score_value)
+ score_deltas.setdefault(score_key, 0)
+ score_deltas[score_key] += 1
+ score_ent["value"] = score_value
+ score_ents.append(score_ent)
+ else:
+ # Do we have to delete an old score entity?
+ if score_name in old_scores:
+ score_ents_del.append(old_scores[score_name])
+ return (score_deltas, score_ents, score_ents_del)
+ def __ComputeNodeModifications(self, score_deltas):
+ """Computes modifications to ranker nodes.
+ Given score deltas, computes which nodes need to be modified and by
+ how much their child count has to be incremented / decremented.
+ Args:
+ score_deltas: A dict of scores to integers, as returned by
+ _ComputeScoreDeltas.
+ Returns:
+ A dict of nodes (represented as node_key, child tuples) to integers.
+ 'result[(node_key, i)]' represents the amount that needs to be added to
+ the i-th child of node node_key.
+ """
+ nodes_to_deltas = {}
+ for score, delta in score_deltas.iteritems():
+ for (node_id, child) in self.__FindNodeIDs(score):
+ node = (self.__KeyFromNodeId(node_id), child)
+ nodes_to_deltas[node] = nodes_to_deltas.get(node, 0) + delta
+ return nodes_to_deltas
+ def __FindRank(self, node_ids_with_children, nodes):
+ """Utility function. Finds the rank of a score.
+ Args:
+ node_ids_with_children: A list of node ids down to that score,
+ paired with which child links to follow.
+ nodes: A dict mapping node id to node entity.
+ Returns:
+ The score's rank.
+ """
+ tot = 0 # Counts the number of higher scores.
+ for (node_id, child) in node_ids_with_children:
+ if node_id in nodes:
+ node = nodes[node_id]
+ for i in xrange(child + 1, self.branching_factor):
+ tot += node["child_counts"][i]
+ else:
+ # If the node isn't in the dict, the node simply doesn't exist. We
+ # are probably finding the rank for a score that doesn't appear in the
+ # ranker, but that's perfectly fine.
+ pass
+ return tot
+ def FindRank(self, score):
+ """Finds the 0-based rank of a particular score; more precisely, returns the
+ number of strictly higher scores stored.
+ Args:
+ score: The score whose rank we wish to find.
+ Returns:
+ The number of tracked scores that are higher. Does not check whether
+ anyone actually has the requested score.
+ """
+ return self.FindRanks([score])[0]
+ def FindRanks(self, scores):
+ """Finds the 0-based ranks of a number of particular scores.
+ Like FindRank, but more efficient for multiple scores.
+ Args:
+ scores: A list of scores.
+ Returns:
+ A list of ranks.
+ """
+ for score in scores:
+ assert len(score) * 2 == len(self.score_range)
+ # Find the nodes we'll need to query to find information about these scores:
+ node_ids_with_children_list = [self.__FindNodeIDs(score)
+ for score in scores]
+ node_ids = []
+ for node_ids_with_children in node_ids_with_children_list:
+ node_ids += [node_id for (node_id, _) in node_ids_with_children]
+ # Query the needed nodes:
+ nodes_dict = self.__GetMultipleNodes(node_ids)
+ # Call __FindRank, which does the math, for each score:
+ return [self.__FindRank(node_ids_with_children, nodes_dict) for
+ node_ids_with_children in node_ids_with_children_list]
+ def __FindScore(self, node_id, rank, score_range, approximate):
+ """To be run in a transaction. Finds the score ranked 'rank' in the subtree
+ defined by node 'nodekey.'
+ Args:
+ node_id: The id of the node whose subtree we wish to find the
+ score of rank 'rank' in.
+ rank: The rank (within this subtree) of the score we wish to find.
+ score_range: The score range for this particular node, as a list.
+ Derivable from the node's node_id, but included for convenience.
+ approximate: Do we have to return an approximate result, or an exact one?
+ See the docstrings for FindScore and FindScoreApproximate.
+ Returns:
+ A tuple, (score, rank_of_tie), indicating the score's rank within
+ node_id's subtree. The way it indicates rank is defined in the dosctrings
+ of FindScore and FindScoreApproximate, depending on the value of
+ 'approximate'.
+ """
+ # If we're approximating and thus allowed to do so, early-out if we just
+ # need to return the highest available score.
+ if approximate and rank == 0:
+ return ([score - 1 for score in score_range[1::2]], 0)
+ # Find the current node.
+ node = datastore.Get(self.__KeyFromNodeId(node_id))
+ child_counts = node["child_counts"]
+ initial_rank = rank
+ for i in xrange(self.branching_factor - 1, -1, -1):
+ # If this child has enough scores that rank 'rank' is in
+ # there, recurse.
+ if rank - child_counts[i] < 0:
+ child_score_range = self.__ChildScoreRange(score_range, i,
+ self.branching_factor)
+ if self.__IsSingletonRange(child_score_range):
+ # Base case; child_score_range refers to a single score. We don't
+ # store leaf nodes so we can return right here.
+ return (child_score_range[0::2], initial_rank - rank)
+ # Not a base case. Keep descending into children.
+ ans = self.__FindScore(self.__ChildNodeId(node_id, i), rank,
+ child_score_range,
+ approximate)
+ # Note the 'initial_rank - rank': we've asked the child for a score of
+ # some rank among *its* children, so we have to add back in the scores
+ # discarded on the way to that child.
+ return (ans[0], ans[1] + (initial_rank - rank))
+ else:
+ rank -= child_counts[i]
+ return None
+ def __IsSingletonRange(self, scorerange):
+ """Returns whether a range contains exactly one score."""
+ return [score + 1 for score in scorerange[0::2]] == scorerange[1::2]
+ @transactional
+ def FindScore(self, rank):
+ """Finds the score ranked at 'rank'.
+ Args:
+ rank: The rank of the score we wish to find.
+ Returns:
+ A tuple, (score, rank_of_tie). 'score' is the score ranked at 'rank',
+ 'rank_of_tie' is the rank of that score (which may be different from
+ 'rank' in the case of ties).
+ e.g. if there are two scores tied at 5th and rank == 6, returns
+ (score, 5).
+ """
+ return self.__FindScore(0, rank, self.score_range, False)
+ @transactional
+ def FindScoreApproximate(self, rank):
+ """Finds a score that >= the score ranked at 'rank'.
+ This method could be preferred to FindScore because it is more efficient.
+ For example, if the objective is to find the top 50 scores of rank X or
+ less, and those scores are stored in entities called scoreboard_row:
+ score, rank = myrank.FindScoreApproximate(X)
+ query = datastore.Query('scoreboard_row')
+ query['score <='] = score
+ result = query.Get(50 + X - rank)[X-rank:]) # Takes care of ties.
+ Args:
+ rank: The rank of the score we wish to find.
+ Returns:
+ A tuple, (score, rank_of_tie).
+ If there is a tie at rank 'rank-1':
+ rank's score <= score < rank-1's score, rank_of_tie == rank
+ else:
+ score == rank's score, rank_of_tie == the tied rank of everyone
+ in the tie.
+ e.g. if two scores are tied at 5th and rank == 6, returns (score, 5).
+ """
+ return self.__FindScore(0, rank, self.score_range, True)
+ def TotalRankedScores(self):
+ """Returns the total number of ranked scores.
+ Returns:
+ The total number of ranked scores.
+ """
+ root = datastore.Get([self.__KeyFromNodeId(0)])[0]
+ if root:
+ return sum(root["child_counts"])
+ else:
+ # Ranker doesn't have any ranked scores, yet
+ return 0