changeset 1597 e7b7ea113a3b
equal deleted inserted replaced
1596:834ead6528a8 1597:e7b7ea113a3b
     1 #!/usr/bin/python
     2 #
     3 # Copyright 2008 Google Inc.
     4 #
     5 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     6 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     7 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
     8 #
     9 #
    10 #
    11 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    12 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    13 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    14 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    15 # limitations under the License.
    17 from google.appengine.api import datastore
    18 from google.appengine.api import datastore_types
    20 from common import transactional
    23 class Ranker(object):
    24   """A data structure for storing integer scores and quickly retrieving their
    25   relative ranks.
    27   Scores are stored as "name: score" mapping. A score is inserted by
    28   calling SetScore with a new name. The score can later be updated by
    29   calling SetScore again with the same name.
    31   The scores are actually lists of integers with the same number of elements,
    32   and their ordering is lexicographic.  That is to say that score A is higher
    33   than score B if they are different, and the first element that differs between
    34   the two is higher in A.  Thus [5, 3] is ranked higher than [4, 99].
    36   Example Use Case:
    38   Some number of people are participating in a programming contest.  Solving a
    39   problem gets points; contestants also get a tie-breaking "penalty time."  The
    40   higher the time, the worse the score.
    42   STEP 1:
    43   # Creates the ranker when the contest is created:
    44   rank = ranker.Ranker.Create([0, 10000, -999999, 1], 100)
    45   # In our contest, people won't have more than 9999 points or 999999 penalty
    46   # seconds.  Since penalty time is bad, we store [score, -penalty].
    47   contest['ranker'] = rank.rootkey
    48   datastore.Put(contest)
    50   STEP 2:
    51   # Someone registers for the contest.  The default score is [0, 0], and for
    52   # efficiency we don't put them in the ranker; they won't be ahead of anyone
    53   # anyway.
    55   STEP 3:
    56   # Player "Jon" gets points for the first time!
    57   rank = ranker.Ranker(contest['ranker'])
    58   # Loads up the ranker.  This is the first step of all the STEPs below.
    59   rank.SetScore("Jon", [5, -120])  # 5 points, 2 minutes
    61   STEP 4:
    62   # Player "Jon" gets points for the second time!
    63   rank.SetScore("Jon", [10, -300])  # 10 points, 5 minutes
    65   STEP 5:
    66   # What is the rank of the person with score [10, -300]?
    67   position = rank.FindRank([10, 300])
    68   # What are the ranks for the people with scores a, b, c?
    69   positions = rank.FindRanks([a, b, c])
    71   STEP 6:
    72   # What is the score of the person ranked 20th?
    73   score = rank.FindScore(19)
    74   # This is particularly useful for seeing multiple pages of ranked people.  If
    75   # the scores are separately tracked in an entity called 'scores', the
    76   # datastore can efficiently answer:
    77   # q = datastore.Query('scores')
    78   # q['score <='] = rank.FindScore(1000)[0]
    79   # next_twenty_scores = q.Get(20)
    80   # This is a simplified case, where scores are a single integer.
    82   STEP 7:
    83   # How many people have points?
    84   num_pointy_people = rank.TotalRankedScores()
    88   Implementation Details:
    90   The Ranker is a rooted tree of 'ranker_node' entities.  It is an
    91   N-ary tree, where N = self.branching_factor, which is specified by the
    92   constructor.  Each node represents some range of scores, and is assigned a
    93   unique node_id.
    95   Take for example a 3-ary tree with point range [0, 10000, -36000, 1].  This
    96   could represent a contest where contestants can have between 0 and 9999
    97   points, with ties being broken by (negative) penalty seconds that can be
    98   between 0 and 10 hours.
   100   The root represents the score range [0, 10000, -36000, 1].  It has node_id 0.
   101   Its first child has node_id 1 and score range [0, 3333, -36000, 1].
   102   The root's second child, node_id 2, has score range [3333, 6666, -36000, 1],
   103   and its third child, node_id 3, has score range [6666, 10000, -36000, 1].
   104   Node 1's first child, node_id 4, has range [0, 1111, -36000, 1], and so on.
   105   See __WhichChild for details of how children are assigned score ranges.
   107   The point of a node is to track how many stored scores are in the score range
   108   of each of its children.  The root in the above example would start off with
   109   child_node_counts = [0, 0, 0]; adding score [4000, 0] would change the root's
   110   child_node_counts to [0, 1, 0] and node 5's child_node_counts to [1, 0, 0],
   111   and so forth.
   113   Ranker also has a "ranker_score" entity for every score stored in the ranker.
   114   These entities are part of the same entity group as the ranker_node
   115   entities. This allows for atomic, idempotent calls to SetScores.
   117   Ranker supports the following operations, which can be read about in detail
   118   in their docstrings:
   120   SetScores(scores): Set scores for multiple players.
   121   FindRank(score): Finds the 0-based rank of the provided score.
   122   FindScore(rank): Finds the score with the provided 0-based rank.
   123   FindScoreApproximate(rank): Finds a score >= the score of the provided 0-based
   124     rank, < the score of rank-1 (unless rank and rank-1 are tied, in which case
   125     it returns their mutual score).
   126   TotalRankedScores: The total number of scores in the Ranker.
   128   See __FindNodeIDs for more notes on structure.
   130   """
   132   def __init__(self, rootkey):
   133     """Pulls a ranker out of the datastore, given the key of the root node.
   135     Args:
   136       rootkey: The datastore key of the ranker.
   137     """
   138     # Get the root from the datastore:
   139     assert rootkey.kind() == "ranker"
   140     root = datastore.Get(rootkey)
   141     # Initialize some class variables:
   142     self.rootkey = rootkey
   143     self.score_range = root["score_range"]
   144     self.branching_factor = root["branching_factor"]
   145     # Sanity checking:
   146     assert len(self.score_range) > 1
   147     assert len(self.score_range) % 2 == 0
   148     for i in xrange(0, len(self.score_range), 2):
   149       assert self.score_range[i + 1] > self.score_range[i]
   150     assert self.branching_factor > 1
   152   @classmethod
   153   def Create(cls, score_range, branching_factor):
   154     """Constructs a new Ranker and returns it.
   156     Args:
   157       score_range: A list showing the range of valid scores, in the form:
   158         [most_significant_score_min, most_significant_score_max,
   159          less_significant_score_min, less_significant_score_max, ...]
   160         Ranges are [inclusive, exclusive)
   161       branching_factor: The branching factor of the tree.  The number of
   162         datastore Gets is Theta(1/log(branching_factor)), and the amount of data
   163         returned by each Get is Theta(branching_factor).
   165     Returns:
   166       A new Ranker.
   167     """
   168     # Put the root in the datastore:
   169     root = datastore.Entity("ranker")
   170     root["score_range"] = score_range
   171     root["branching_factor"] = branching_factor
   172     datastore.Put(root)
   173     myrank = Ranker(root.key())
   174     return myrank
   176   def __FindNodeIDs(self, score):
   177     """Finds the nodes along the path from the root to a certain score.
   179     Args:
   180       score: The score we're finding the path for.
   182     Returns:
   183       A sorted list of (node_id, child) tuples, indicating that node_id is the
   184       node id of a node on the path, and child is which child of that node is
   185       next.  Note that the lowest child node (which would be a leaf node) does
   186       not actually exist, since all its relevant information (number of times
   187       that score was inserted) is stored in its parent.
   189     Nodes are numbered row-by-row: the root is 0, its children are in the range
   190     [1, self.branching_factor + 1), its grandchildren are in the range
   191     [self.branching_factor + 1,
   192      self.branching_factor**2 + self.branching_factor + 1), etc.
   194     Score ranges are lists of the form: [min_0, max_0, min_1, max_1, ...]
   195     A node representing a score range will be divided up by the first index
   196     where max_i != min_i + 1 (score ranges are [inclusive, exclusive)).
   198     Child x (0-indexed) of a node [a,b) will get the range:
   199     [a+x*(b-a)/branching_factor, a+(x+1)*(b-a)/branching_factor);
   200     Thus not all nodes will have nonzero ranges.  Nodes with zero range will
   201     never be visited, but they and their descendants will be counted in the node
   202     numbering scheme, so row x still has self.branching_factor**x nodes.
   203     """
   204     nodes = []
   205     node = 0
   206     cur_range = list(self.score_range)
   207     # The current range of scores.  This will be narrowed as we move down the
   208     # tree; 'index' keeps track of the score type we're currently changing.
   209     for index in xrange(0, len(cur_range), 2):
   210       while cur_range[index + 1] - cur_range[index] > 1:
   211         # Subdivide cur_range[index]..cur_range[index + 1]
   212         which_child = self.__WhichChild(cur_range[index],
   213                                         cur_range[index + 1],
   214                                         score[index // 2],
   215                                         self.branching_factor)
   216         child = which_child[0]
   217         cur_range[index] = which_child[1][0]
   218         cur_range[index + 1] = which_child[1][1]
   219         assert 0 <= child < self.branching_factor
   220         nodes.append((node, child))
   221         node = self.__ChildNodeId(node, child)
   222     return nodes
   224   def __WhichChild(self, low, high, want, branching_factor):
   225     """Determines which child of the range [low, high) 'want' belongs to.
   227     Args:
   228       low: An int, the low end of the range.
   229       high: An int, the high end of the range.
   230       want: An int, the score we're trying to determine a child for.
   231       branching_factor: The branching factor of the tree being used.
   233     Returns:
   234       A tuple, (child, [child's score range]).  Note that in general a score
   235       has multiple sub-scores, written in order of decreasing significance; this
   236       function divides up a single sub-score.
   238     Raises:
   239       An AssertionError if things go horribly wrong.
   240     """
   241     assert low <= want < high
   242     # Need to find x such that (using integer division):
   243     #     x  *(high-low)/branching_factor <= want - low <
   244     #   (x+1)*(high-low)/branching_factor
   245     # Which is the least x such that (using integer division):
   246     #   want - low < (x+1)*(high-low)/branching_factor
   247     # Which is the ceiling of x such that (using floating point division):
   248     #   want - low + 1 == (x+1)*(high-low)/branching_factor
   249     #   x = -1 + math.ceil((want-low+1) * branching_factor / (high - low))
   250     # We get ceil by adding high - low - 1 to the numerator.
   251     x = -1 + (((want - low + 1) * branching_factor + high - low - 1) //
   252               (high - low))
   253     assert (x * (high - low) // branching_factor <=
   254             want - low < (x + 1) * (high - low) // branching_factor)
   255     return (x, self.__ChildScoreRange([low, high], x, branching_factor))
   257   def __ChildScoreRange(self, score_range, child, branching_factor):
   258     """Calculates the score_range for a node's child.
   260     Args:
   261       score_range: A score range [min0, max0, min1, max1, ...]
   262       child: Which child of the node with score range score_range we're
   263         calculating the score range of.
   264       branching_factor: The branching factor of the tree in question.
   266     Returns:
   267       A score range [min0', max0', min1', max1', ...] for that child.
   268     """
   269     for i in xrange(1, len(score_range), 2):
   270       if score_range[i] > score_range[i - 1] + 1:
   271         child_score_range = list(score_range)
   272         low, high = score_range[i - 1], score_range[i]
   273         child_score_range[i - 1], child_score_range[i] = (
   274             low + child * (high - low) // branching_factor,
   275             low + (child + 1) * (high - low) // branching_factor)
   276         return child_score_range
   277     raise AssertionError("Node with score range %s has no children." %
   278                          score_range)
   280   def __ChildNodeId(self, node_id, child):
   281     """Calculates the node id for a known node id's child.
   283     Args:
   284       node_id: The parent node's node_id
   285       child: Which child of the parent node we're finding the id for
   287     Returns:
   288       The node_id for the child'th child of node_id.
   289     """
   290     return node_id * self.branching_factor + 1 + child
   292   def __GetMultipleNodes(self, node_ids):
   293     """Gets multiple nodes from the datastore.
   295     Args:
   296       node_ids: A list of node ids we want to get.
   298     Returns:
   299       A dict of the nodes that were found, indexed by the node ids found
   300       in node_ids.
   301     """
   302     if len(node_ids) == 0:
   303       return []
   304     node_ids = set(node_ids)
   305     keys = [self.__KeyFromNodeId(node_id) for node_id in node_ids]
   306     nodes = datastore.Get(keys)
   307     return dict((node_id, node) for (node_id, node) in zip(node_ids, nodes)
   308                 if node)
   310   # Although, this method is currently not needed, we'll keep this
   311   # since we might need it and some point and it's an interesting
   312   # relationship
   313   def __ParentNode(self, node_id):
   314     """Returns the node id of the parameter node id's parent.  Returns None if
   315     the parameter is 0."""
   316     if node_id == 0:
   317       return None
   318     return (node_id - 1) // self.branching_factor
   320   def __KeyFromNodeId(self, node_id):
   321     """Creates a (named) key for the node with a given id.
   323     The key will have the ranker as a parent element to guarantee
   324     uniqueness (in the presence of multiple rankers) and to put all
   325     nodes in a single entity group.
   327     Args:
   328       node_id: The node's id as an integer.
   330     Returns:
   331       A (named) key for the node with the id 'node_id'.
   332     """
   333     name = "node_%x" % node_id
   334     return datastore_types.Key.from_path("ranker_node", name,
   335                                          parent=self.rootkey)
   337   def __KeyForScore(self, name):
   338     """Returns a (named) key for a ranker_score entity.
   340     Args:
   341       name: Name of the score to create a key for.
   343     Returns:
   344       A (named) key for the entity storing the score of 'name'.
   345     """
   346     return datastore_types.Key.from_path("ranker_score", name,
   347                                          parent=self.rootkey)
   349   def __Increment(self, nodes_with_children, score_entities,
   350                   score_entities_to_delete):
   351     """Changes child counts for given nodes.
   353     This method will create nodes as needed.
   355     Args:
   356       nodes_with_children: A dict of (node_key, child) tuples to deltas
   357       score_entities: Additional score entities to persist as part of
   358         this transaction
   359     Returns:
   360       None
   361     """
   362     keys = list(set(key for ((key, _), delta) in nodes_with_children.iteritems()
   363                     if delta != 0))
   364     if not keys:
   365       return  # Nothing to do
   366     nodes = datastore.Get(keys)
   368     node_dict = {}
   369     for (key, node) in zip(keys, nodes):
   370       if not node:
   371         node = datastore.Entity("ranker_node", parent=self.rootkey,
   373         node["child_counts"] = [0] * self.branching_factor
   374       node_dict[key] = node
   375     for ((key, child), amount) in nodes_with_children.iteritems():
   376       if amount != 0:
   377         node = node_dict[key]
   378         node["child_counts"][child] += amount
   379         assert node["child_counts"][child] >= 0
   380     datastore.Put(node_dict.values() + score_entities)
   381     if score_entities_to_delete:
   382       datastore.Delete(score_entities_to_delete)
   384   def SetScore(self, name, score):
   385     """Sets a single score.
   387     This is equivalent to calling 'SetScores({name: score})'
   389     Args:
   390       name: the name of the score as a string
   391       score: the score to set name to
   392     """
   393     return self.SetScores({name: score})
   395   @transactional
   396   def SetScores(self, scores):
   397     """Changes multiple scores atomically.
   399     Sets the scores of the named entities in scores to new values. For
   400     named entities that have not been registered with a score before,
   401     a new score is created. For named entities that already had a score,
   402     the score is changed to reflect the new score. If a score is None,
   403     the named entity's score will be removed from the ranker.
   405     Args:
   406       scores: A dict mapping entity names (strings) to scores (integer lists)
   407     """
   408     score_deltas, score_ents, score_ents_del = self.__ComputeScoreDeltas(scores)
   409     node_ids_to_deltas = self.__ComputeNodeModifications(score_deltas)
   410     self.__Increment(node_ids_to_deltas, score_ents, score_ents_del)
   412   def __ComputeScoreDeltas(self, scores):
   413     """Compute which scores have to be incremented and decremented.
   415     Args:
   416       scores: A dict mapping entity names to scores
   418     Returns:
   419       A tuple (score_deltas, score_entities, score_entities_to_delete).
   421       'score_deltas' is a dict, mapping scores (represented as tuples)
   422       to integers. 'score_deltas[s]' represents how many times the
   423       score 's' has to be incremented (or decremented).
   425       'score_entities' is a list of 'ranker_score' entities that have
   426       to be updated in the same transaction as modifying the ranker
   427       nodes. The entities already contain the updated score.
   429       Similarly, 'score_entities_to_delete' is a list of entities that
   430       have to be deleted in the same transaction as modifying the ranker
   431       nodes.
   432     """
   433     score_keys = [self.__KeyForScore(score) for score in scores]
   434     old_scores = {}
   435     for old_score in datastore.Get(score_keys):
   436       if old_score:
   437         old_scores[old_score.key().name()] = old_score
   438     score_deltas = {}
   439     # Score entities to update
   440     score_ents = []
   441     score_ents_del = []
   442     for score_name, score_value in scores.iteritems():
   443       if score_name in old_scores:
   444         score_ent = old_scores[score_name]
   445         if score_ent["value"] == score_value:
   446           continue  # No change in score => nothing to do
   447         old_score_key = tuple(score_ent["value"])
   448         score_deltas.setdefault(old_score_key, 0)
   449         score_deltas[old_score_key] -= 1
   450       else:
   451         score_ent = datastore.Entity("ranker_score", parent=self.rootkey,
   452                                      name=score_name)
   453       if score_value:
   454         score_key = tuple(score_value)
   455         score_deltas.setdefault(score_key, 0)
   456         score_deltas[score_key] += 1
   457         score_ent["value"] = score_value
   458         score_ents.append(score_ent)
   459       else:
   460         # Do we have to delete an old score entity?
   461         if score_name in old_scores:
   462           score_ents_del.append(old_scores[score_name])
   464     return (score_deltas, score_ents, score_ents_del)
   466   def __ComputeNodeModifications(self, score_deltas):
   467     """Computes modifications to ranker nodes.
   469     Given score deltas, computes which nodes need to be modified and by
   470     how much their child count has to be incremented / decremented.
   472     Args:
   473       score_deltas: A dict of scores to integers, as returned by
   474         _ComputeScoreDeltas.
   476     Returns:
   477       A dict of nodes (represented as node_key, child tuples) to integers.
   478       'result[(node_key, i)]' represents the amount that needs to be added to
   479       the i-th child of node node_key.
   480     """
   481     nodes_to_deltas = {}
   482     for score, delta in score_deltas.iteritems():
   483       for (node_id, child) in self.__FindNodeIDs(score):
   484         node = (self.__KeyFromNodeId(node_id), child)
   485         nodes_to_deltas[node] = nodes_to_deltas.get(node, 0) + delta
   486     return nodes_to_deltas
   488   def __FindRank(self, node_ids_with_children, nodes):
   489     """Utility function.  Finds the rank of a score.
   491     Args:
   492       node_ids_with_children: A list of node ids down to that score,
   493         paired with which child links to follow.
   494       nodes: A dict mapping node id to node entity.
   496     Returns:
   497       The score's rank.
   498     """
   499     tot = 0  # Counts the number of higher scores.
   500     for (node_id, child) in node_ids_with_children:
   501       if node_id in nodes:
   502         node = nodes[node_id]
   503         for i in xrange(child + 1, self.branching_factor):
   504           tot += node["child_counts"][i]
   505       else:
   506         # If the node isn't in the dict, the node simply doesn't exist.  We
   507         # are probably finding the rank for a score that doesn't appear in the
   508         # ranker, but that's perfectly fine.
   509         pass
   510     return tot
   512   def FindRank(self, score):
   513     """Finds the 0-based rank of a particular score; more precisely, returns the
   514     number of strictly higher scores stored.
   516     Args:
   517       score: The score whose rank we wish to find.
   519     Returns:
   520       The number of tracked scores that are higher.  Does not check whether
   521       anyone actually has the requested score.
   522     """
   523     return self.FindRanks([score])[0]
   525   def FindRanks(self, scores):
   526     """Finds the 0-based ranks of a number of particular scores.
   527     Like FindRank, but more efficient for multiple scores.
   529     Args:
   530       scores: A list of scores.
   532     Returns:
   533       A list of ranks.
   534     """
   535     for score in scores:
   536       assert len(score) * 2 == len(self.score_range)
   537     # Find the nodes we'll need to query to find information about these scores:
   538     node_ids_with_children_list = [self.__FindNodeIDs(score)
   539                                    for score in scores]
   540     node_ids = []
   541     for node_ids_with_children in node_ids_with_children_list:
   542       node_ids += [node_id for (node_id, _) in node_ids_with_children]
   543     # Query the needed nodes:
   544     nodes_dict = self.__GetMultipleNodes(node_ids)
   545     # Call __FindRank, which does the math, for each score:
   546     return [self.__FindRank(node_ids_with_children, nodes_dict) for
   547             node_ids_with_children in node_ids_with_children_list]
   549   def __FindScore(self, node_id, rank, score_range, approximate):
   550     """To be run in a transaction.  Finds the score ranked 'rank' in the subtree
   551     defined by node 'nodekey.'
   553     Args:
   554       node_id: The id of the node whose subtree we wish to find the
   555         score of rank 'rank' in.
   556       rank: The rank (within this subtree) of the score we wish to find.
   557       score_range: The score range for this particular node, as a list.
   558         Derivable from the node's node_id, but included for convenience.
   559       approximate: Do we have to return an approximate result, or an exact one?
   560         See the docstrings for FindScore and FindScoreApproximate.
   562     Returns:
   563       A tuple, (score, rank_of_tie), indicating the score's rank within
   564       node_id's subtree.  The way it indicates rank is defined in the dosctrings
   565       of FindScore and FindScoreApproximate, depending on the value of
   566       'approximate'.
   567     """
   568     # If we're approximating and thus allowed to do so, early-out if we just
   569     # need to return the highest available score.
   570     if approximate and rank == 0:
   571       return ([score - 1 for score in score_range[1::2]], 0)
   572     # Find the current node.
   573     node = datastore.Get(self.__KeyFromNodeId(node_id))
   574     child_counts = node["child_counts"]
   575     initial_rank = rank
   576     for i in xrange(self.branching_factor - 1, -1, -1):
   577       # If this child has enough scores that rank 'rank' is in
   578       # there, recurse.
   579       if rank - child_counts[i] < 0:
   580         child_score_range = self.__ChildScoreRange(score_range, i,
   581                                                    self.branching_factor)
   582         if self.__IsSingletonRange(child_score_range):
   583           # Base case; child_score_range refers to a single score. We don't
   584           # store leaf nodes so we can return right here.
   585           return (child_score_range[0::2], initial_rank - rank)
   586         # Not a base case.  Keep descending into children.
   587         ans = self.__FindScore(self.__ChildNodeId(node_id, i), rank,
   588                                child_score_range,
   589                                approximate)
   590         # Note the 'initial_rank - rank': we've asked the child for a score of
   591         # some rank among *its* children, so we have to add back in the scores
   592         # discarded on the way to that child.
   593         return (ans[0], ans[1] + (initial_rank - rank))
   594       else:
   595         rank -= child_counts[i]
   596     return None
   598   def __IsSingletonRange(self, scorerange):
   599     """Returns whether a range contains exactly one score."""
   600     return [score + 1 for score in scorerange[0::2]] == scorerange[1::2]
   602   @transactional
   603   def FindScore(self, rank):
   604     """Finds the score ranked at 'rank'.
   606     Args:
   607       rank: The rank of the score we wish to find.
   609     Returns:
   610       A tuple, (score, rank_of_tie).  'score' is the score ranked at 'rank',
   611       'rank_of_tie' is the rank of that score (which may be different from
   612       'rank' in the case of ties).
   613       e.g. if there are two scores tied at 5th and rank == 6, returns
   614       (score, 5).
   615     """
   616     return self.__FindScore(0, rank, self.score_range, False)
   618   @transactional
   619   def FindScoreApproximate(self, rank):
   620     """Finds a score that >= the score ranked at 'rank'.
   622     This method could be preferred to FindScore because it is more efficient.
   623     For example, if the objective is to find the top 50 scores of rank X or
   624     less, and those scores are stored in entities called scoreboard_row:
   625       score, rank = myrank.FindScoreApproximate(X)
   626       query = datastore.Query('scoreboard_row')
   627       query['score <='] = score
   628       result = query.Get(50 + X - rank)[X-rank:])  # Takes care of ties.
   630     Args:
   631       rank: The rank of the score we wish to find.
   633     Returns:
   634       A tuple, (score, rank_of_tie).
   635       If there is a tie at rank 'rank-1':
   636         rank's score <= score < rank-1's score, rank_of_tie == rank
   637       else:
   638         score == rank's score, rank_of_tie == the tied rank of everyone
   639         in the tie.
   640         e.g. if two scores are tied at 5th and rank == 6, returns (score, 5).
   641     """
   642     return self.__FindScore(0, rank, self.score_range, True)
   644   def TotalRankedScores(self):
   645     """Returns the total number of ranked scores.
   647     Returns:
   648       The total number of ranked scores.
   649     """
   650     root = datastore.Get([self.__KeyFromNodeId(0)])[0]
   651     if root:
   652       return sum(root["child_counts"])
   653     else:
   654       # Ranker doesn't have any ranked scores, yet
   655       return 0