--- a/app/soc/models/user.py Sat Nov 22 09:22:44 2008 +0000
+++ b/app/soc/models/user.py Sat Nov 22 09:49:13 2008 +0000
@@ -81,15 +81,11 @@
verbose_name=ugettext_lazy('Public name'))
name.help_text = ugettext_lazy(
'Human-readable name (UTF-8) that will be displayed publicly on the'
- ' site. While you can use your real name, like "First Last", please'
- ' keep in mind that this "public name" will be used as your alias'
- ' throughout the site, displayed to all users, for comments, document'
- ' ownership, and the like. Please do not use your real name if you'
- ' are a minor (not an adult) where you live.')
+ ' site.')
#: field storing whether User is a Developer with site-wide access.
is_developer = db.BooleanProperty(
verbose_name=ugettext_lazy('Is Developer'))
is_developer.help_text = ugettext_lazy(
- 'Field used to indicate user with site-wide "Developer" access.')
+ 'Field used to indicate user with site-wide Developer access.')