changeset 440 3a60d5e5c14e
child 815 7b8c65531fbd
equal deleted inserted replaced
439:0658c3c9a9dc 440:3a60d5e5c14e
     1 /*
     2  * jQuery Beauty Tips plugin
     3  * Version 0.7  (10/20/2008)
     4  * @requires jQuery v1.2+ (not fully tested on versions prior to 1.2.6)
     5  *
     6  * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
     7  *
     8  *
     9  *
    10  * No guarantees, warranties, or promises of any kind
    11  *
    12  */
    14 /**
    15  * @name Beauty Tips
    16  * @type jQuery
    17  * @cat Plugins/bt
    18  * @return jQuery
    19  * @author Jeff Robbins - Lullabot -
    20  *
    21  * @credit Inspired by Karl Swedberg's ClueTip
    22  *    (, which in turn was inspired
    23  *    by Cody Lindley's jTip (
    24  *
    25  * @fileoverview
    26  * Beauty Tips is a jQuery tooltips plugin which uses the canvas drawing element
    27  * in the HTML5 spec in order to dynamically draw tooltip "talk bubbles" around
    28  * the descriptive help text associated with an item. This is in many ways
    29  * similar to Google Maps which both provides similar talk-bubbles and uses the
    30  * canvas element to draw them.
    31  *
    32  * The canvas element is supported in modern versions of FireFox, Safari, and
    33  * Opera. However, Internet Explorer needs a separate library called ExplorerCanvas
    34  * included on the page in order to support canvas drawing functions. ExplorerCanvas
    35  * was created by Google for use with their web apps and you can find it here:
    36  *
    37  *
    38  * Beauty Tips was written to be simple to use and pretty. All of its options
    39  * are documented at the bottom of this file and defaults can be overwritten
    40  * globally for the entire page, or individually on each call.
    41  *
    42  * By default each tooltip will be positioned on the side of the target element
    43  * which has the most free space. This is affected by the scroll position and
    44  * size of the current window, so each Beauty Tip is redrawn each time it is
    45  * displayed. It may appear above an element at the bottom of the page, but when
    46  * the page is scrolled down (and the element is at the top of the page) it will
    47  * then appear below it. Additionally, positions can be forced or a preferred
    48  * order can be defined. See examples below.
    49  *
    50  * Usage
    51  * The function can be called in a number of ways.
    52  * $(selector).bt();
    53  * $(selector).bt('Content text');
    54  * $(selector).bt('Content text', {option1: value, option2: value});
    55  * $(selector).bt({option1: value, option2: value});
    56  *
    57  * Some examples:
    58  *
    59  * @example
    60  * $('[title]').bt();
    61  * This is probably the simplest example. It will go through the page finding
    62  * every element which has a title attribute and give it a Beauty Tips popup
    63  * which gets fired on hover.
    64  *
    65  * @example
    66  * $('h2').bt('I am an H2 element!', {trigger: 'click', positions: 'top'});
    67  * When any H2 element on the page is clicked on, a tip will appear above it.
    68  *
    69  * @example
    70  * $('a[href]').bt({
    71  *  titleSelector: "attr('href')",
    72  *  fill: 'red',
    73  *  cssStyles: {color: 'white', fontWeight: 'bold', width: 'auto'},
    74  *  width: 400,
    75  *  padding: 10,
    76  *  cornerRadius: 10,
    77  *  animate: true,
    78  *  spikeLength: 15,
    79  *  spikeGirth: 5,
    80  *  positions: ['left', 'right', 'bottom'],
    81  *  });
    82  * This will find all <a> tags and display a red baloon with bold white text
    83  * containing the href link. The box will be a variable width up to 400px with
    84  * rounded corners and will fade in and animate position toward the target
    85  * object when appearing. The script will try to position the box to the left,
    86  * then to the right, and finally it will place it on the bottom if it does not
    87  * fit elsewhere.
    88  *
    89  * @example
    90  * $('#my-table td[title]').bt({
    91  *  preShow: function() {
    92  *    $(this).data('origBG', $(this).css('background-color'));
    93  *    $(this).css('background-color', 'yellow');
    94  *  },
    95  *  postHide: function() {
    96  *    $(this).css('background-color', $(this).data('origBG'));
    97  *  }
    98  * });
    99  * Find every table cell within #mytable with a title attribute. Hilight the cell
   100  * yellow before displaying the BeautyTip. Restore it to its original background
   101  * when hiding/removing the BeautyTip.
   102  *
   103  * @example
   104  * $().bt.defaults.fill = 'rgba(102, 102, 255. .8)';
   105  * $(selector).bt();
   106  * All bubbles will be filled with a semi-transparent light-blue background
   107  * unless otherwise specified.
   108  *
   109  */
   110 = function(content, options) {
   112   if (typeof content != 'string') {
   113     var contentSelect = true;
   114     options = content;
   115     content = false;
   116   }
   117   else {
   118     var contentSelect = false;
   119   }
   121   return this.each(function(index) {
   123     var opts = jQuery.extend(false,, options);
   125     // clean up the options
   126     opts.spikeLength = numb(opts.spikeLength);
   127     opts.spikeGirth = numb(opts.spikeGirth);
   128     opts.overlap = numb(opts.overlap);
   130     var turnOn = function () {
   132       if (typeof $(this).data('bt-box') == 'object') {
   133         // if there's already a popup, remove it before creating a new one.
   134         turnOff.apply(this);
   135       }
   137       // trigger preShow function
   138       opts.preShow.apply(this);
   140       if (contentSelect) {
   141         // bizarre, I know
   142         if (opts.killTitle) {
   143           // if we've killed the title attribute, it's been stored in 'bt-xTitle' so get it..
   144           $(this).attr('title', $(this).attr('bt-xTitle'));
   145         }
   146         // then evaluate the selector... title is now in place
   147         content = eval('$(this).' + opts.titleSelector);
   148         if (opts.killTitle) {
   149           // now remove the title again, so we don't get double tips
   150           $(this).removeAttr('title');
   151         }
   152       }
   154       var offsetParent = $(this).offsetParent();
   155       var pos = $(this).btPosition();
   156       var top = numb( + numb($(this).css('margin-top')); // IE can return 'auto' for margins
   157       var left = numb(pos.left) + numb($(this).css('margin-left'));
   158       var width = $(this).outerWidth();
   159       var height = $(this).outerHeight();
   161       // get the dimensions of the text box
   162       var $text = $('<div class="bt-content"></div>').append(content).css({padding: opts.padding + 'px', position: 'absolute', width: opts.width + 'px', zIndex: opts.textzIndex}).css(opts.cssStyles);
   163       var $box = $('<div class="bt-wrapper"></div>').append($text).addClass(opts.cssClass).css({position: 'absolute', width: opts.width + 'px'}).appendTo(offsetParent);
   165       $(this).data('bt-box', $box);
   167       // see if the text box will fit in the various positions
   168       var scrollTop = numb($(document).scrollTop());
   169       var scrollLeft = numb($(document).scrollLeft());
   170       var docWidth = numb($(window).width());
   171       var docHeight = numb($(window).height());
   172       var winRight = scrollLeft + docWidth;
   173       var winBottom = scrollTop + docHeight;
   174       var space = new Object();
   175 = $(this).offset().top - scrollTop;
   176       space.bottom = docHeight - (($(this).offset().top + height) - scrollTop);
   177       space.left = $(this).offset().left - scrollLeft;
   178       space.right = docWidth - (($(this).offset().left + width) - scrollLeft);
   179       var textOutHeight = numb($text.outerHeight());
   180       var textOutWidth = numb($text.outerWidth());
   181       if (opts.positions.constructor == String) {
   182         opts.positions = opts.positions.replace(/ /, '').split(',');
   183       }
   184       if (opts.positions[0] == 'most') {
   185         // figure out which is the largest
   186         var position = 'top'; // prime the pump
   187         for (var pig in space) { // pigs in space!
   188           position = space[pig] > space[position] ? pig : position;
   189         }
   190       }
   191       else {
   192         for (var x in opts.positions) {
   193           var position = opts.positions[x];
   194           if ((position == 'left' || position == 'right') && space[position] > textOutWidth + opts.spikeLength) {
   195             break;
   196           }
   197           else if ((position == 'top' || position == 'bottom') && space[position] > textOutHeight + opts.spikeLength) {
   198             break;
   199           }
   200         }
   201       }
   203       var horiz = left + ((width - textOutWidth)/2);
   204       var vert = top + ((height - textOutHeight)/2);
   205       var animDist = opts.animate ? numb(opts.distance) : 0;
   206       var points = new Array();
   207       var textTop, textLeft, textRight, textBottom, textTopSpace, textBottomSpace, textLeftSpace, textRightSpace, crossPoint, textCenter;
   209       // Yes, yes, this next bit really could use to be condensed
   210       // each switch case is basically doing the same thing in slightly different ways
   211       switch(position) {
   212         case 'top':
   213           // spike on bottom
   214           $text.css('margin-bottom', opts.spikeLength + 'px');
   215           $box.css({top: (top - $text.outerHeight(true) - animDist) + opts.overlap, left: horiz});
   216           // move text left/right if extends out of window
   217           textRightSpace = (winRight - opts.windowMargin) - ($text.offset().left + $text.outerWidth(true));
   218           var xShift = 0;
   219           if (textRightSpace < 0) {
   220             // shift it left
   221             $box.css('left', (numb($box.css('left')) + textRightSpace) + 'px');
   222             xShift -= textRightSpace;
   223           }
   224           // we test left space second to ensure that left of box is visible
   225           textLeftSpace = ($text.offset().left + numb($text.css('margin-left'))) - (scrollLeft + opts.windowMargin);
   226           if (textLeftSpace < 0) {
   227             // shift it right
   228             $box.css('left', (numb($box.css('left')) - textLeftSpace) + 'px');
   229             xShift += textLeftSpace;
   230           }
   231           textTop = $text.btPosition().top + numb($text.css('margin-top'));
   232           textLeft = $text.btPosition().left + numb($text.css('margin-left'));
   233           textRight = textLeft + $text.outerWidth();
   234           textBottom = textTop + $text.outerHeight();
   235           textCenter = {x: textLeft + ($text.outerWidth()/2), y: textTop + ($text.outerHeight()/2)};
   236           // points[points.length] = {x: x, y: y};
   237           points[points.length] = spikePoint = {y: textBottom + opts.spikeLength, x: ((textRight-textLeft)/2) + xShift, type: 'spike'};
   238           crossPoint = findIntersectX(spikePoint.x, spikePoint.y, textCenter.x, textCenter.y, textBottom);
   239           // make sure that the crossPoint is not outside of text box boundaries
   240           crossPoint.x = crossPoint.x < textLeft + opts.spikeGirth/2 + opts.cornerRadius ? textLeft + opts.spikeGirth/2 + opts.cornerRadius : crossPoint.x;
   241           crossPoint.x =  crossPoint.x > (textRight - opts.spikeGirth/2) - opts.cornerRadius ? (textRight - opts.spikeGirth/2) - opts.CornerRadius : crossPoint.x;
   242           points[points.length] = {x: crossPoint.x - (opts.spikeGirth/2), y: textBottom, type: 'join'};
   243           points[points.length] = {x: textLeft, y: textBottom, type: 'corner'};  // left bottom corner
   244           points[points.length] = {x: textLeft, y: textTop, type: 'corner'};     // left top corner
   245           points[points.length] = {x: textRight, y: textTop, type: 'corner'};    // right top corner
   246           points[points.length] = {x: textRight, y: textBottom, type: 'corner'}; // right bottom corner
   247           points[points.length] = {x: crossPoint.x + (opts.spikeGirth/2), y: textBottom, type: 'join'};
   248           points[points.length] = spikePoint;
   249           break;
   250         case 'left':
   251           // spike on right
   252           $text.css('margin-right', opts.spikeLength + 'px');
   253           $box.css({top: vert + 'px', left: ((left - $text.outerWidth(true) - animDist) + opts.overlap) + 'px'});
   254           // move text up/down if extends out of window
   255           textBottomSpace = (winBottom - opts.windowMargin) - ($text.offset().top + $text.outerHeight(true));
   256           var yShift = 0;
   257           if (textBottomSpace < 0) {
   258             // shift it up
   259             $box.css('top', (numb($box.css('top')) + textBottomSpace) + 'px');
   260             yShift -= textBottomSpace;
   261           }
   262           // we ensure top space second to ensure that top of box is visible
   263           textTopSpace = ($text.offset().top + numb($text.css('margin-top'))) - (scrollTop + opts.windowMargin);
   264           if (textTopSpace < 0) {
   265             // shift it down
   266             $box.css('top', (numb($box.css('top')) - textTopSpace) + 'px');
   267             yShift += textTopSpace;
   268           }
   269           textTop = $text.btPosition().top + numb($text.css('margin-top'));
   270           textLeft = $text.btPosition().left + numb($text.css('margin-left'));
   271           textRight = textLeft + $text.outerWidth();
   272           textBottom = textTop + $text.outerHeight();
   273           textCenter = {x: textLeft + ($text.outerWidth()/2), y: textTop + ($text.outerHeight()/2)};
   274           points[points.length] = spikePoint = {x: textRight + opts.spikeLength, y: ((textBottom-textTop)/2) + yShift, type: 'spike'};
   275           crossPoint = findIntersectY(spikePoint.x, spikePoint.y, textCenter.x, textCenter.y, textRight);
   276           // make sure that the crossPoint is not outside of text box boundaries
   277           crossPoint.y = crossPoint.y < textTop + opts.spikeGirth/2 + opts.cornerRadius ? textTop + opts.spikeGirth/2 + opts.cornerRadius : crossPoint.y;
   278           crossPoint.y =  crossPoint.y > (textBottom - opts.spikeGirth/2) - opts.cornerRadius ? (textBottom - opts.spikeGirth/2) - opts.cornerRadius : crossPoint.y;
   279           points[points.length] = {x: textRight, y: crossPoint.y + opts.spikeGirth/2, type: 'join'};
   280           points[points.length] = {x: textRight, y: textBottom, type: 'corner'}; // right bottom corner
   281           points[points.length] = {x: textLeft, y: textBottom, type: 'corner'};  // left bottom corner
   282           points[points.length] = {x: textLeft, y: textTop, type: 'corner'};     // left top corner
   283           points[points.length] = {x: textRight, y: textTop, type: 'corner'};    // right top corner
   284           points[points.length] = {x: textRight, y: crossPoint.y - opts.spikeGirth/2, type: 'join'};
   285           points[points.length] = spikePoint;
   286           break;
   287         case 'bottom':
   288           // spike on top
   289           $text.css('margin-top', opts.spikeLength + 'px');
   290           $box.css({top: (top + height + animDist) - opts.overlap, left: horiz});
   291           // move text up/down if extends out of window
   292           textRightSpace = (winRight - opts.windowMargin) - ($text.offset().left + $text.outerWidth(true));
   293           var xShift = 0;
   294           if (textRightSpace < 0) {
   295             // shift it left
   296             $box.css('left', (numb($box.css('left')) + textRightSpace) + 'px');
   297             xShift -= textRightSpace;
   298           }
   299           // we ensure left space second to ensure that left of box is visible
   300           textLeftSpace = ($text.offset().left + numb($text.css('margin-left')))  - (scrollLeft + opts.windowMargin);
   301           if (textLeftSpace < 0) {
   302             // shift it right
   303             $box.css('left', (numb($box.css('left')) - textLeftSpace) + 'px');
   304             xShift += textLeftSpace;
   305           }
   306           textTop = $text.btPosition().top + numb($text.css('margin-top'));
   307           textLeft = $text.btPosition().left + numb($text.css('margin-left'));
   308           textRight = textLeft + $text.outerWidth();
   309           textBottom = textTop + $text.outerHeight();
   310           textCenter = {x: textLeft + ($text.outerWidth()/2), y: textTop + ($text.outerHeight()/2)};
   311           points[points.length] = spikePoint = {x: ((textRight-textLeft)/2) + xShift, y: 0, type: 'spike'};
   312           crossPoint = findIntersectX(spikePoint.x, spikePoint.y, textCenter.x, textCenter.y, textTop);
   313           // make sure that the crossPoint is not outside of text box boundaries
   314           crossPoint.x = crossPoint.x < textLeft + opts.spikeGirth/2 + opts.cornerRadius ? textLeft + opts.spikeGirth/2 + opts.cornerRadius : crossPoint.x;
   315           crossPoint.x =  crossPoint.x > (textRight - opts.spikeGirth/2) - opts.cornerRadius ? (textRight - opts.spikeGirth/2) - opts.cornerRadius : crossPoint.x;
   316           points[points.length] = {x: crossPoint.x + opts.spikeGirth/2, y: textTop, type: 'join'};
   317           points[points.length] = {x: textRight, y: textTop, type: 'corner'};    // right top corner
   318           points[points.length] = {x: textRight, y: textBottom, type: 'corner'}; // right bottom corner
   319           points[points.length] = {x: textLeft, y: textBottom, type: 'corner'};  // left bottom corner
   320           points[points.length] = {x: textLeft, y: textTop, type: 'corner'};     // left top corner
   321           points[points.length] = {x: crossPoint.x - (opts.spikeGirth/2), y: textTop, type: 'join'};
   322           points[points.length] = spikePoint;
   323           break;
   324         case 'right':
   325           // spike on left
   326           $text.css('margin-left', (opts.spikeLength + 'px'));
   327           $box.css({top: vert + 'px', left: ((left + width + animDist) - opts.overlap) + 'px'});
   328           // move text up/down if extends out of window
   329           textBottomSpace = (winBottom - opts.windowMargin) - ($text.offset().top + $text.outerHeight(true));
   330           var yShift = 0;
   331           if (textBottomSpace < 0) {
   332             // shift it up
   333             $box.css('top', (numb($box.css('top')) + textBottomSpace) + 'px');
   334             yShift -= textBottomSpace;
   335           }
   336           // we ensure top space second to ensure that top of box is visible
   337           textTopSpace = ($text.offset().top + numb($text.css('margin-top'))) - (scrollTop + opts.windowMargin);
   338           if (textTopSpace < 0) {
   339             // shift it down
   340             $box.css('top', (numb($box.css('top')) - textTopSpace) + 'px');
   341             yShift += textTopSpace;
   342           }
   343           textTop = $text.btPosition().top + numb($text.css('margin-top'));
   344           textLeft = $text.btPosition().left + numb($text.css('margin-left'));
   345           textRight = textLeft + $text.outerWidth();
   346           textBottom = textTop + $text.outerHeight();
   347           textCenter = {x: textLeft + ($text.outerWidth()/2), y: textTop + ($text.outerHeight()/2)};
   348           points[points.length] = spikePoint = {x: 0, y: ((textBottom-textTop)/2) + yShift, type: 'spike'};
   349           crossPoint = findIntersectY(spikePoint.x, spikePoint.y, textCenter.x, textCenter.y, textLeft);
   350           // make sure that the crossPoint is not outside of text box boundaries
   351           crossPoint.y = crossPoint.y < textTop + opts.spikeGirth/2 + opts.cornerRadius ? textTop + opts.spikeGirth/2 + opts.cornerRadius : crossPoint.y;
   352           crossPoint.y =  crossPoint.y > (textBottom - opts.spikeGirth/2) - opts.cornerRadius ? (textBottom - opts.spikeGirth/2) - opts.cornerRadius : crossPoint.y;
   353           points[points.length] = {x: textLeft, y: crossPoint.y - opts.spikeGirth/2, type: 'join'};
   354           points[points.length] = {x: textLeft, y: textTop, type: 'corner'};     // left top corner
   355           points[points.length] = {x: textRight, y: textTop, type: 'corner'};    // right top corner
   356           points[points.length] = {x: textRight, y: textBottom, type: 'corner'}; // right bottom corner
   357           points[points.length] = {x: textLeft, y: textBottom, type: 'corner'};  // left bottom corner
   358           points[points.length] = {x: textLeft, y: crossPoint.y + opts.spikeGirth/2, type: 'join'};
   359           points[points.length] = spikePoint;
   360           break;
   361       } // </ switch >
   363       var canvas = $('<canvas width="'+ (numb($text.outerWidth(true)) + opts.strokeWidth*2) +'" height="'+ (numb($text.outerHeight(true)) + opts.strokeWidth*2) +'"></canvas>').appendTo($box).css({position: 'absolute', top: $text.btPosition().top, left: $text.btPosition().left, zIndex: opts.boxzIndex}).get(0);
   365       // if excanvas is set up, we need to initialize the new canvas element
   366       if (typeof G_vmlCanvasManager != 'undefined') {
   367         canvas = G_vmlCanvasManager.initElement(canvas);
   368       }
   370       if (opts.cornerRadius > 0) {
   371         // round the corners!
   372         var newPoints = new Array();
   373         var newPoint;
   374         for (var i=0; i<points.length; i++) {
   375           if (points[i].type == 'corner') {
   376             // create two new arc points
   377             // find point between this and previous (using modulo in case of ending)
   378             newPoint = betweenPoint(points[i], points[(i-1)%points.length], opts.cornerRadius);
   379             newPoint.type = 'arcStart';
   380             newPoints[newPoints.length] = newPoint;
   381             // the original corner point
   382             newPoints[newPoints.length] = points[i];
   383             // find point between this and next
   384             newPoint = betweenPoint(points[i], points[(i+1)%points.length], opts.cornerRadius);
   385             newPoint.type = 'arcEnd';
   386             newPoints[newPoints.length] = newPoint;
   387           }
   388           else {
   389             newPoints[newPoints.length] = points[i];
   390           }
   391         }
   392         // overwrite points with new version
   393         points = newPoints;
   395       }
   397       var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
   398       drawIt.apply(ctx, [points]);
   399       ctx.fillStyle = opts.fill;
   400       if (opts.shadow) {
   401         ctx.shadowOffsetX = 2;
   402         ctx.shadowOffsetY = 2;
   403         ctx.shadowBlur = 5;
   404         ctx.shadowColor =  opts.shadowColor;
   405       }
   406       ctx.closePath();
   407       ctx.fill();
   408       if (opts.strokeWidth > 0) {
   409         ctx.lineWidth = opts.strokeWidth;
   410         ctx.strokeStyle = opts.strokeStyle;
   411         ctx.beginPath();
   412         drawIt.apply(ctx, [points]);
   413         ctx.closePath();
   414         ctx.stroke();
   415       }
   417       if (opts.animate) {
   418         $box.css({opacity: 0.1});
   419       }
   421       $box.css({visibility: 'visible'});
   423       if (opts.overlay) {
   424         var overlay = $('<div class="bt-overlay"></div>').css({
   425             position: 'absolute',
   426             backgroundColor: 'blue',
   427             top: top,
   428             left: left,
   429             width: width,
   430             height: height,
   431             opacity: '.2'
   432           }).appendTo(offsetParent);
   433         $(this).data('overlay', overlay);
   434       }
   436       var animParams = {opacity: 1};
   437       if (opts.animate) {
   438         switch (position) {
   439           case 'top':
   440    = $box.btPosition().top + opts.distance;
   441             break;
   442           case 'left':
   443             animParams.left = $box.btPosition().left + opts.distance;
   444             break;
   445           case 'bottom':
   446    = $box.btPosition().top - opts.distance;
   447             break;
   448           case 'right':
   449             animParams.left = $box.btPosition().left - opts.distance;
   450             break;
   451         }
   452         $box.animate(animParams, {duration: opts.speed, easing: opts.easing});
   453       }
   455       // trigger postShow function
   456       opts.postShow.apply(this);
   459     } // </ turnOn() >
   461     var turnOff = function() {
   463       // trigger preHide function
   464       opts.preHide.apply(this);
   466       var box = $(this).data('bt-box');
   467       var overlay = $(this).data('bt-overlay');
   468       if (typeof box == 'object') {
   469         $(box).remove();
   470         $(this).removeData('bt-box');
   471       }
   472       if (typeof overlay == 'object') {
   473         $(overlay).remove();
   474         $(this).removeData('bt-overlay');
   475       }
   477       // trigger postHide function
   478       opts.postHide.apply(this);
   480     } // </ turnOff() >
   482     var refresh = function() {
   483       turnOff.apply(this);
   484       turnOn.apply(this);
   485     }
   487     /**
   488      * This is sort of the "starting spot" for the this.each()
   489      * These are sort of the init functions to handle the call
   490      */
   492     if (opts.killTitle) {
   493       $(this).find('[title]').andSelf().each(function() {
   494         $(this).attr('bt-xTitle', $(this).attr('title')).removeAttr('title');
   495       });
   496     }
   497     if (typeof opts.trigger == 'string') {
   498       opts.trigger = [opts.trigger];
   499     }
   500     if (opts.trigger[0] == 'hover') {
   501       $(this).hover(
   502         function() {
   503           turnOn.apply(this);
   504         },
   505         function() {
   506           turnOff.apply(this);
   507         }
   508       );
   509     }
   510     else if (opts.trigger[0] == 'now') {
   511       var box = $(this).data('bt-box');
   512       if (typeof box == 'object') {
   513         turnOff.apply(this);
   514       }
   515       else {
   516         turnOn.apply(this);
   517       }
   518     }
   519     else if (opts.trigger.length > 1 && opts.trigger[0] != opts.trigger[1]) {
   520       $(this)
   521         .bind(opts.trigger[0], function() {
   522           turnOn.apply(this);
   523         })
   524         .bind(opts.trigger[1], function() {
   525           turnOff.apply(this);
   526         });
   527     }
   528     else {
   529       // toggle using the same event
   530       $(this).bind(opts.trigger[0], function() {
   531         if (typeof this.triggerToggle == 'undefined') {
   532           this.triggerToggle = false;
   533         }
   534         this.triggerToggle = !this.triggerToggle;
   535         if (this.triggerToggle) {
   536           turnOn.apply(this);
   537         }
   538         else {
   539           turnOff.apply(this);
   540         }
   541       });
   542     }
   543   }); // </ this.each() >
   546   function drawIt(points) {
   547     this.moveTo(points[0].x, points[0].y);
   548     for (i=1;i<points.length;i++) {
   549       if (points[i-1].type == 'arcStart') {
   550         // if we're creating a rounded corner
   551         //ctx.arc(round5(points[i].x), round5(points[i].y), points[i].startAngle, points[i].endAngle, opts.cornerRadius, false);
   552         this.quadraticCurveTo(round5(points[i].x), round5(points[i].y), round5(points[(i+1)%points.length].x), round5(points[(i+1)%points.length].y));
   553         i++;
   554         //ctx.moveTo(round5(points[i].x), round5(points[i].y));
   555       }
   556       else {
   557         this.lineTo(round5(points[i].x), round5(points[i].y));
   558       }
   559     }
   560   }
   562   /**
   563    * Round to the nearest .5 pixel to avoid antialiasing
   564    *
   565    */
   566   function round5(num) {
   567     return Math.round(num - .5) + .5;
   568   }
   570   /**
   571    * Ensure that a number is a number... or zero
   572    */
   573   function numb(num) {
   574     return parseInt(num) || 0;
   575   }
   577   /**
   578    * Given two points, find a point which is dist pixels from point1 on a line to point2
   579    */
   580   function betweenPoint(point1, point2, dist) {
   581     // figure out if we're horizontal or vertical
   582     var y, x;
   583     if (point1.x == point2.x) {
   584       // vertical
   585       y = point1.y < point2.y ? point1.y + dist : point1.y - dist;
   586       return {x: point1.x, y: y};
   587     }
   588     else if (point1.y == point2.y) {
   589       // horizontal
   590       x = point1.x < point2.x ? point1.x + dist : point1.x - dist;
   591       return {x:x, y: point1.y};
   592     }
   593   }
   595   function centerPoint(arcStart, corner, arcEnd) {
   596     var x = corner.x == arcStart.x ? arcEnd.x : arcStart.x;
   597     var y = corner.y == arcStart.y ? arcEnd.y : arcStart.y;
   598     var startAngle, endAngle;
   599     if (arcStart.x < arcEnd.x) {
   600       if (arcStart.y > arcEnd.y) {
   601         // arc is on upper left
   602         startAngle = (Math.PI/180)*180;
   603         endAngle = (Math.PI/180)*90;
   604       }
   605       else {
   606         // arc is on upper right
   607         startAngle = (Math.PI/180)*90;
   608         endAngle = 0;
   609       }
   610     }
   611     else {
   612       if (arcStart.y > arcEnd.y) {
   613         // arc is on lower left
   614         startAngle = (Math.PI/180)*270;
   615         endAngle = (Math.PI/180)*180;
   616       }
   617       else {
   618         // arc is on lower right
   619         startAngle = 0;
   620         endAngle = (Math.PI/180)*270;
   621       }
   622     }
   623     return {x: x, y: y, type: 'center', startAngle: startAngle, endAngle: endAngle};
   624   }
   626   /**
   627    * Find the intersection point of two lines, each defined by two points
   628    * arguments are x1, y1 and x2, y2 for r1 (line 1) and r2 (line 2)
   629    * It's like an algebra party!!!
   630    */
   631   function findIntersect(r1x1, r1y1, r1x2, r1y2, r2x1, r2y1, r2x2, r2y2) {
   633     if (r2x1 == r2x2) {
   634       return findIntersectY(r1x1, r1y1, r1x2, r1y2, r2x1);
   635     }
   636     if (r2y1 == r2y2) {
   637       return findIntersectX(r1x1, r1y1, r1x2, r1y2, r2y1);
   638     }
   640     // m = (y1 - y2) / (x1 - x2)  // <-- how to find the slope
   641     // y = mx + b                 // the 'classic' linear equation
   642     // b = y - mx                 // how to find b (the y-intersect)
   643     // x = (y - b)/m              // how to find x
   644     var r1m = (r1y1 - r1y2) / (r1x1 - r1x2);
   645     var r1b = r1y1 - (r1m * r1x1);
   646     var r2m = (r2y1 - r2y2) / (r2x1 - r2x2);
   647     var r2b = r2y1 - (r2m * r2x1);
   649     var x = (r2b - r1b) / (r1m - r2m);
   650 	  var y = r1m * x + r1b;
   652 	  return {x: x, y: y};
   653   }
   655   /**
   656    * Find the y intersection point of a line and given x vertical
   657    */
   658   function findIntersectY(r1x1, r1y1, r1x2, r1y2, x) {
   659     if (r1y1 == r1y2) {
   660       return {x: x, y: r1y1};
   661     }
   662     var r1m = (r1y1 - r1y2) / (r1x1 - r1x2);
   663     var r1b = r1y1 - (r1m * r1x1);
   665     var y = r1m * x + r1b;
   667     return {x: x, y: y};
   668   }
   670   /**
   671    * Find the x intersection point of a line and given y horizontal
   672    */
   673   function findIntersectX(r1x1, r1y1, r1x2, r1y2, y) {
   674     if (r1x1 == r1x2) {
   675       return {x: r1x1, y: y};
   676     }
   677     var r1m = (r1y1 - r1y2) / (r1x1 - r1x2);
   678     var r1b = r1y1 - (r1m * r1x1);
   680     // y = mx + b     // your old friend, linear equation
   681     // x = (y - b)/m  // linear equation solved for x
   682     var x = (y - r1b) / r1m;
   684     return {x: x, y: y};
   686   }
   688 }; // </ >
   690 /**
   691  * jQuery's compat.js (used in Drupal's jQuery upgrade module, overrides the $().position() function
   692  *  this is a copy of that function to allow the plugin to work when compat.js is present
   693  *  once compat.js is fixed to not override existing functions, this function can be removed
   694  *  and .btPosion() can be replaced with .position() above...
   695  */
   696 jQuery.fn.btPosition = function() {
   698   function num(elem, prop) {
   699     return elem[0] && parseInt( jQuery.curCSS(elem[0], prop, true), 10 ) || 0;
   700   }
   702   var left = 0, top = 0, results;
   704   if ( this[0] ) {
   705     // Get *real* offsetParent
   706     var offsetParent = this.offsetParent(),
   708     // Get correct offsets
   709     offset       = this.offset(),
   710     parentOffset = /^body|html$/i.test(offsetParent[0].tagName) ? { top: 0, left: 0 } : offsetParent.offset();
   712     // Subtract element margins
   713     // note: when an element has margin: auto the offsetLeft and marginLeft
   714     // are the same in Safari causing offset.left to incorrectly be 0
   715  -= num( this, 'marginTop' );
   716     offset.left -= num( this, 'marginLeft' );
   718     // Add offsetParent borders
   719  += num( offsetParent, 'borderTopWidth' );
   720     parentOffset.left += num( offsetParent, 'borderLeftWidth' );
   722     // Subtract the two offsets
   723     results = {
   724       top:  -,
   725       left: offset.left - parentOffset.left
   726     };
   727   }
   729   return results;
   730 }; // </ jQuery.fn.btPosition() >
   733 /**
   734  * Defaults for the beauty tips
   735  *
   736  * Note this is a variable definition and not a function. So defaults can be
   737  * written for an entire page by simply redefining attributes like so:
   738  *
   739  * = 400;
   740  *
   741  * This would make all Beauty Tips boxes 400px wide.
   742  *
   743  * Each of these options may also be overridden during
   744  *
   745  * Can be overriden globally or at time of call.
   746  *
   747  */
   748 = {
   749   trigger:         'hover',                // trigger to show/hide tip
   750                                            // use [on, off] to define separate on/off triggers
   751                                            // also use space character to allow multiple events to trigger
   752                                            // examples:
   753                                            //   ['focus', 'blur'] // focus displays, blur hides
   754                                            //   'dblclick'        // dblclick toggles on/off
   755                                            //   ['focus mouseover', 'blur mouseout']
   756                                            //   'now'             // shows/hides tip without event
   758   width:            200,                   // width (in px) of tooltip box
   759                                            //   when combined with cssStyles: {width: 'auto'}, this becomes a max-width for the text
   760   padding:          10,                    // padding for content (get more fine grained with cssStyles)
   761   spikeGirth:       10,                    // width of spike
   762   spikeLength:      15,                    // length of spike
   763   overlap:          0,                     // spike overlap (px) onto target
   764   overlay:          false,                 // display overlay on target (use CSS to style) -- BUGGY!
   765   killTitle:        true,                  // kill title tag to avoid double tooltips
   767   textzIndex:       9999,                  // z-index for the text
   768   boxzIndex:        9990,                  // z-index for the "talk" box (should always be less than textzIndex)
   769   positions:        ['most'],              // preference of positions for tip (will use first with available space)
   770                                            // possible values 'top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right' as an array in order of
   771                                            // preference. Last value will be used if others don't have enough space.
   773                                            // or use 'most' to use the area with the most space
   774   fill:             "rgb(255, 255, 102)",  // fill color for the tooltip box
   775   windowMargin:     10,                        // space (px) to leave between text box and browser edge
   777   strokeWidth:      1,                         // width of stroke around box, **set to 0 for no stroke**
   778   strokeStyle:      "#000",                    // color/alpha of stroke
   780   cornerRadius:     5,                         // radius of corners (px), set to 0 for square corners
   782   shadow:           false,                     // use drop shadow? (only displays in Safari and FF 3.1)
   783   shadowOffsetX:    2,                         // shadow offset x (px)
   784   shadowOffsetY:    2,                         // shadow offset y (px)
   785   shadowBlur:       3,                         // shadow blur (px)
   786   shadowColor:      "#000",                    // shadow color/alpha
   788   animate:          false,                     // animate show/hide of box - EXPERIMENTAL (buggy in IE)
   789   distance:         15,                        // distance of animation movement (px)
   790   easing:           'swing',                   // animation easing
   791   speed:            200,                       // speed (ms) of animation
   793   cssClass:         '',                        // CSS class to add to the box wrapper div
   794   cssStyles:        {},                        // styles to add the text box
   795                                                //   example: {fontFamily: 'Georgia, Times, serif', fontWeight: 'bold'}
   797   titleSelector:    "attr('title')",           // if there is no content argument, use this selector to retrieve the title
   799   preShow:          function(){return;},       // function to run before popup is built and displayed
   800   postShow:         function(){return;},       // function to run after popup is built and displayed
   801   preHide:          function(){return;},       // function to run before popup is removed
   802   postHide:         function(){return;}        // function to run after popup is removed
   804 }; // </ >