Merged changes.
authorMadhusudan.C.S <>
Tue, 13 Jul 2010 01:43:25 +0530
changeset 103 852015a7eead
parent 93 7c27e8d9231d (current diff)
parent 102 16a406766773 (diff)
child 104 06b7e950a798
Merged changes.
--- a/.hgignore	Fri Jan 15 20:15:00 2010 +0530
+++ b/.hgignore	Tue Jul 13 01:43:25 2010 +0530
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/project/kiwipycon/proceedings/	Tue Jul 13 01:43:25 2010 +0530
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from django.contrib import admin
+from project.kiwipycon.proceedings.models import Paper
+class PaperAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
+    list_display = ('title', 'abstract')
+    list_filter = ('title', 'authors')
+    search_fields = ('title', 'abstract', 'authors')
+    fieldsets = (
+        ('Details', {
+            'fields': ('title', 'abstract', 'body', 'authors')
+        }),
+    )
+, PaperAdmin)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/project/kiwipycon/proceedings/booklet/	Tue Jul 13 01:43:25 2010 +0530
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+# encoding: utf-8
+import os
+import sys
+import codecs
+import re
+from mk_scipy_paper import tex2pdf, current_dir , copy_files, preamble, \
+        render_abstract, addfile, sourcedir, outdir, outfilename
+def hack_include_graphics(latex_text, attach_dir):
+    """ Replaces all the \includegraphics call with call that impose the
+        width to be 0.9\linewidth.
+    """
+    latex_text = re.sub(r'\\includegraphics(\[.*\])?\{',
+                        r'\includegraphics\1{' + attach_dir,
+                        latex_text)
+    return latex_text
+class MyStringIO(object):
+    """ An unicode-friendly stringIO-like object.
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.lines = []
+    def write(self, line):
+        self.lines.append(line)
+    def getvalue(self):
+        return u''.join(self.lines)
+def mk_booklet_tex(outfilename):
+    """ Generate the entire booklet latex file.
+    """
+    outfile =, 'w', 'utf-8')
+    preamble(outfile)
+    copy_files()
+    #addfile(outfile, sourcedir + os.sep + 'title.tex')
+    addfile(outfile, sourcedir + os.sep + 'introduction.tex')
+    #outfile.write(ur'\setcounter{page}{0}' + '\n')
+    #from sanum.controllers import Root as Controller
+#    abstracts =
+#    for abstract in abstracts:
+#        if not abstract.approved:
+#            continue
+#        print abstract.title
+#        # Hack: I don't use a stringIO, because it is not unicode-safe.
+#        tmpout = MyStringIO()
+#        # Hack: I don't wont to be bound to the controller, to be
+#        # abstractle to run without cherrypy.
+#        #attach_dir = Controller._paper_attach_dir(
+#        attach_dir = os.path.abspath(os.sep.join(
+#                    (os.path.dirname(sanum.__file__), 'static', 
+#                    'papers', '%i' % + os.sep
+#        render_abstract(tmpout, abstract)
+#        outstring = hack_include_graphics(tmpout.getvalue(),
+#                            attach_dir)
+#        outfile.write(outstring)
+#        #outfile.write(ur'\fillbreak' + '\n')
+    outfile.write(ur'\end{document}' + '\n')
+def mk_booklet(outfilename=outfilename):
+    """ Generate the entire booklet pdf file.
+    """
+    name, ext = os.path.splitext(outfilename)
+    mk_booklet_tex(name + '.tex')
+    return tex2pdf(name, remove_tex=False, timeout=60)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    mk_booklet(outfilename)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/project/kiwipycon/proceedings/booklet/	Tue Jul 13 01:43:25 2010 +0530
@@ -0,0 +1,470 @@
+# encoding: utf-8
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+import shutil
+import codecs
+from glob import glob
+from docutils import core as docCore
+conf_name = 'SciPy2009'
+current_dir = '/media/python/workspace/kiwipycon/project/static/proceedings'
+outdir = current_dir + os.sep + 'output'
+sourcedir = current_dir + os.sep + 'sources'
+    os.mkdir(outdir)
+    pass
+outfilename = outdir + os.sep + 'booklet.tex'
+# Routines for supervised execution
+from threading import Thread
+import os
+import signal
+from subprocess import Popen
+from time import sleep
+def delayed_kill(pid, delay=10):
+    sleep(delay)
+    try:
+        os.kill(pid, signal.SIGTERM)
+    except OSError:
+        pass
+def supervise_popen(command, timeout=10):
+    process = Popen(command)
+    Thread(target=delayed_kill, args=(,timeout),).start()
+    process.wait()
+# LaTeX generation functions.
+def protect(string):
+    r''' Protects all the "\" in a string by adding a second one before
+    >>> protect(r'\foo \*')
+    '\\\\foo \\\\*'
+    '''
+    return re.sub(r"\\", r"\\\\", string)
+def safe_unlink(filename):
+    """ Remove a file from the disk only if it exists, if not r=fails silently
+    """
+    if os.path.exists(filename):
+        os.unlink(filename)
+rxcountpages = re.compile(r"$\s*/Type\s*/Page[/\s]", re.MULTILINE|re.DOTALL)
+def count_pages(filename):
+    data = file(filename,"rb").read()
+    return len(rxcountpages.findall(data))
+def tex2pdf(filename, remove_tex=True, timeout=10, runs=2):
+    """ Compiles a TeX file with pdfLaTeX (or LaTeX, if or dvi ps requested)
+        and cleans up the mess afterwards
+    """
+    current_dir = os.getcwd()
+    os.chdir(os.path.dirname(filename))
+    print >> sys.stderr, "Compiling document to pdf"
+    basename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0]
+    if os.path.exists(basename + '.pdf'):
+        os.unlink(basename + '.pdf')
+    for _ in range(runs):
+        supervise_popen(("pdflatex",  "--interaction", "scrollmode",
+                        os.path.basename(filename)), timeout=timeout)
+    error_file = None
+    errors =  file(os.path.abspath(basename + '.log')).readlines()[-1]
+    if not os.path.exists(basename + '.pdf') or \
+                                    "Fatal error" in errors:
+        error_file = os.path.abspath(basename + '.log')
+    if remove_tex:
+        safe_unlink(filename+".tex")
+        safe_unlink(filename+".log")
+    safe_unlink(filename+".aux")
+    safe_unlink(filename+".out")
+    os.chdir(current_dir)
+    return error_file
+def rst2latex(rst_string, no_preamble=True, allow_latex=True):
+    """ Calls docutils' engine to convert a rst string to a LaTeX file.
+    """
+    overrides = {'output_encoding': 'utf-8', 'initial_header_level': 3,
+                 'no_doc_title': True, 'use_latex_citations': True, 
+                 'use_latex_footnotes':True}
+    if allow_latex:
+        rst_string = u'''.. role:: math(raw)
+                    :format: latex
+                    \n\n''' + rst_string
+    tex_string = docCore.publish_string(
+                source=rst_string,
+                writer_name='latex2e', 
+                settings_overrides=overrides)
+    if no_preamble:
+        extract_document = \
+            re.compile(r'.*\\begin\{document\}(.*)\\end\{document\}',
+            re.DOTALL)
+        matches = extract_document.match(tex_string)
+        tex_string = matches.groups()[0]
+    return tex_string
+def get_latex_preamble():
+    """ Retrieve the required preamble from docutils.
+    """
+    full_document = rst2latex('\n', no_preamble=False)
+    preamble = re.split(r'\\begin\{document\}', full_document)[0]
+    ## Remove the documentclass.
+    preamble = r"""
+                %s
+                \makeatletter
+                \newcommand{\class@name}{gael}
+                \makeatother
+                \usepackage{ltxgrid}
+                %s
+                """ % (
+                    preamble.split('\n')[0],
+                    '\n'.join(preamble.split('\n')[1:]),
+                )
+    return preamble
+# Functions to generate part of the booklet
+def addfile(outfile, texfilename):
+    """ Includes the content of a tex file in our outfile.
+    """
+    include =, 'r')
+    data = include.readlines()
+    outfile.write(ur'\thispagestyle{empty}' + u'\n')
+    outfile.writelines(data)
+def preamble(outfile):
+    outfile.write(r'''
+    %s
+    \usepackage{abstracts}
+    \usepackage{ltxgrid}
+    \usepackage{amssymb,latexsym,amsmath,amsthm}
+    \usepackage{longtable}
+    \geometry{left=.8cm, textwidth=17cm, bindingoffset=0.6cm,
+                textheight=25.3cm, twoside}
+    \usepackage{hyperref}
+    \hypersetup{pdftitle={Proceedings of the 8th Annual Python in Science Conference}}
+    \begin{document}
+    '''.encode('utf-8') % get_latex_preamble())
+    # XXX SciPy08 should not be hard coded, but to run out of the webapp
+def hack_include_graphics(latex_text):
+    """ Replaces all the \includegraphics call with call that impose the
+        width to be 0.9\linewidth.
+    """
+    latex_text = re.sub(r'\\setlength\{\\rightmargin\}\{\\leftmargin\}',
+                        r'\\setlength{\\leftmargin}{4ex}\\setlength{\\rightmargin}{0ex}',
+                        latex_text)
+    latex_text = re.sub(r'\\begin\{quote\}\n\\begin\{itemize\}',
+                        r'\\begin{itemize}',
+                        latex_text)
+    latex_text = re.sub(r'\\end\{itemize\}\n\\end\{quote\}',
+                        r'\\end{itemize}',
+                        latex_text)
+    latex_text = re.sub(r'\\includegraphics(\[.*\])?\{',
+                        r'\includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{',
+                        latex_text)
+    latex_text = re.sub(r'\\href\{([^}]+)\}\{http://(([^{}]|(\{[^}]*\}))+)\}', 
+                        r'''%
+% Break penalties to have URL break easily:
+%\hskip 0pt plus 2em
+                        latex_text)
+    latex_text = re.sub(r'\\href\{([^}]+)\}\{https://(([^{}]|(\{[^}]*\}))+)\}', 
+                        r'''%
+% Break penalties to have URL break easily:
+                        latex_text)
+    return latex_text
+def render_abstract(outfile, abstract, start_page=None):
+    """ Writes the LaTeX string corresponding to one abstract.
+    """
+    if start_page is not None:
+        outfile.write(r"""
+""" % start_page)
+    else:
+        if hasattr(abstract, 'start_page'):
+            start_page = abstract.start_page
+        else:
+            start_page = 1
+    if not abstract.authors:
+        author_list = abstract.owners
+    else:
+        author_list = abstract.authors
+    authors = []
+    for author in author_list:
+        # If the author has no surname, he is not an author 
+        if author.surname:
+            if author.email_address:
+                email = r'(\email{%s})' % author.email_address
+            else:
+                email = ''
+            authors.append(ur'''\otherauthors{
+                            %s %s
+                            %s --
+                            \address{%s, %s}
+                            }''' % (author.first_names, author.surname,
+                                    email,
+                                    author.institution,
+    if authors:
+        authors = u'\n'.join(authors)
+        authors += r'\addauthorstoc{%s}' % ', '.join(
+                '%s. %s' % (author.first_names[0], author.surname)
+                for author in author_list
+                )
+        author_cite_list = ['%s. %s' % (a.first_names[0], a.surname) 
+                                for a in author_list]
+        if len(author_cite_list) > 4:
+            author_cite_list = author_cite_list[:3]
+            author_cite_list.append('et al.')
+        citation = ', '.join(author_cite_list) + \
+        'in Proc. SciPy 2009, G. Varoquaux, S. van der Walt, J. Millman (Eds), '
+        copyright = '\\copyright 2009, %s' % ( ', '.join(author_cite_list))
+    else:
+        authors = ''
+        citation = 'Citation'
+        copyright = 'Copyright'
+    if hasattr(abstract, 'num_pages'):
+        citation += 'pp. %i--%i' % (start_page, start_page +
+                                        abstract.num_pages)
+    else:
+        citation += 'p. %i'% start_page
+    if hasattr(abstract, 'number'):
+        abstract.url = '' \
+        % (conf_name, abstract.number)
+        url = r'\url{%s}' % abstract.url
+    else:
+        url = ''
+    paper_text = abstract.paper_text
+    if paper_text == '':
+        paper_text = abstract.summary
+    # XXX: It doesn't seem to be right to be doing this, but I get a
+    # nasty UnicodeDecodeError on some rare abstracts, elsewhere.
+    paper_text = codecs.utf_8_decode(hack_include_graphics(
+                                rst2latex(paper_text)))[0]
+    paper_abstract = abstract.paper_abstract
+    if paper_abstract is None:
+        paper_abstract = ''
+    if not paper_abstract=='':
+        paper_abstract = ur'\begin{abstract}%s\end{abstract}' % \
+                    paper_abstract#.encode('utf-8')
+    abstract_dict = {
+            'text': paper_text.encode('utf-8'),
+            'abstract': paper_abstract.encode('utf-8'),
+            'authors': authors.encode('utf-8'),
+            'title': abstract.title.encode('utf-8'),
+            'citation': citation.encode('utf-8'),
+            'copyright': copyright.encode('utf-8'),
+            'url': url.encode('utf-8'),
+        }
+    outfile.write(codecs.utf_8_decode(ur'''
+'''.encode('utf-8') % abstract_dict )[0])
+def copy_files(dest=outfilename):
+    """ Copy the required file from the source dir to the output dir.
+    """
+    dirname = os.path.dirname(dest)
+    if dirname == '':
+        dirname = '.'
+    for filename in glob(sourcedir+os.sep+'*'):
+        destfile = os.path.abspath(dirname + os.sep +
+                                os.path.basename(filename))
+        shutil.copy2(filename, destfile)
+def mk_abstract_preview(abstract, outfilename, attach_dir, start_page=None):
+    """ Generate a preview for an given paper.
+    """
+    copy_files()
+    outdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(outfilename))
+    for f in glob(os.path.join(attach_dir, '*')):
+        if  os.path.isdir(f) and not os.path.exists(f):
+            os.makedirs(f)
+        else:
+            if not outdir == os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(f)):
+                shutil.copy2(f, outdir)
+    for f in glob(os.path.join(sourcedir, '*')):
+        if  os.path.isdir(f):
+            os.makedirs(f)
+        else:
+            destfile = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(outdir, f))
+            shutil.copy2(f, outdir)
+    outbasename = os.path.splitext(outfilename)[0]
+    outfilename = outbasename + '.tex'
+    outfile =, 'w', 'utf-8')
+    preamble(outfile)
+    render_abstract(outfile, abstract, start_page=start_page)
+    outfile.write(ur'\end{document}' + u'\n')
+    outfile.close()
+    tex2pdf(outbasename, remove_tex=False)
+    abstract.num_pages = count_pages(outbasename + '.pdf')
+    # Generate the tex file again, now that we know the length.
+    outfile =, 'w', 'utf-8')
+    preamble(outfile)
+    render_abstract(outfile, abstract, start_page=start_page)
+    outfile.write(ur'\end{document}' + u'\n')
+    outfile.close()
+    error_file = tex2pdf(os.path.splitext(outfilename)[0], remove_tex=False)
+    if not error_file:
+      # Generate a preview image
+      command = ('convert', '-thumbnail', 'x400',
+                 '%s[0]' % (outbasename + '.pdf'), outbasename + '.png')
+      supervise_popen(command, timeout=10)
+    return error_file
+# Code for using outside of the webapp.
+def mk_zipfile():
+    """ Generates a zipfile with the required files to build an
+        abstract.
+    """
+    from zipfile import ZipFile
+    zipfilename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 
+                            '')
+    z = ZipFile(zipfilename, 'w')
+    for filename in glob(os.path.join(sourcedir, '*')):
+        if not os.path.isdir(filename):
+            z.write(filename, arcname='source/' + os.path.basename(filename))
+    z.write(__file__, arcname='')
+    return zipfilename
+class Bunch(dict):
+    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+        dict.__init__(self, **kwargs)
+        self.__dict__ = self
+    def __reprt(self):
+        return repr(self.__dict__)
+author_like = Bunch(
+        first_names='XX', 
+        surname='XXX',
+        email_address='xxx@XXX',
+        institution='XXX',
+        address='XXX',
+        country='XXX'
+abstract_like = Bunch(
+        paper_abstract='An abstract',
+        authors=[author_like, ],
+        title='',
+    )
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    from optparse import OptionParser
+    parser = OptionParser()
+    parser.add_option("-o", "--output", dest="outfilename",
+                    default="./paper.pdf",
+                    help="output to FILE", metavar="FILE")
+    parser.usage = """%prog [options] rst_file [data_file]
+    Compiles a given rest file and information file to pdf for the SciPy
+    proceedings.
+    """
+    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+    if not len(args) in (1, 2):
+        print "One or two arguments required: the input rest file and " \
+                "the input data file"
+        print ''
+        parser.print_help()
+        sys.exit(1)
+    infile = args[0]
+    if len(args)==1:
+        data_file = ''
+        if os.path.exists(''):
+            print "Using data file ''"
+        else:
+            print "Generating the data file and storing it in"
+            print "You will need to edit this file to add title, author " \
+                "information, and abstract."
+            abstract = abstract_like
+            file('', 'w').write(repr(abstract))
+    elif len(args)==2:
+        data_file = args[1]
+    abstract = Bunch( **eval(file(data_file).read()))
+    abstract.authors = [Bunch(**a) for a in abstract.authors]
+    abstract['summary'] = u''
+    abstract['paper_text'] = file(infile).read().decode('utf-8')
+    outfilename = options.outfilename
+    mk_abstract_preview(abstract, options.outfilename, 
+                        os.path.dirname(options.outfilename))
+    # Ugly, but I don't want to wait on the thread.
+    sys.exit()
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/project/static/css/autoSuggest.css	Tue Jul 13 01:43:25 2010 +0530
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
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+++ b/project/static/jquery/jquery.autoSuggest.js	Tue Jul 13 01:43:25 2010 +0530
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+ /*
+ * AutoSuggest
+ * Copyright 2009-2010 Drew Wilson
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Version 1.4   -   Updated: Mar. 23, 2010
+ *
+ * This Plug-In will auto-complete or auto-suggest completed search queries
+ * for you as you type. You can add multiple selections and remove them on
+ * the fly. It supports keybord navigation (UP + DOWN + RETURN), as well
+ * as multiple AutoSuggest fields on the same page.
+ *
+ * Inspied by the Autocomplete plugin by: Jšrn Zaefferer
+ * and the Facelist plugin by: Ian Tearle (
+ *
+ * This AutoSuggest jQuery plug-in is dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
+ *
+ *
+ */
+eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,d){e=function(c){return(c<a?'':e(parseInt(c/a)))+((c=c%a)>35?String.fromCharCode(c+29):c.toString(36))};if(!''.replace(/^/,String)){while(c--){d[e(c)]=k[c]||e(c)}k=[function(e){return d[e]}];e=function(){return'\\w+'};c=1};while(c--){if(k[c]){p=p.replace(new RegExp('\\b'+e(c)+'\\b','g'),k[c])}}return p}('(6($){$.2O.2P=6(7,2f){4 2g={1R:m,1o:"2Q 2H 31",2i:"1Y 2X 2Y",D:{},2h:"1Y 2G 2I 2J 35",Z:"1a",N:"1a",1y:"1a",2B:"q",15:m,2E:"",1e:m,1V:1,1C:2V,2t:G,2d:m,1I:m,20:G,R:6(){},1B:6(1q){},2w:6(1q){},1P:6(1q){1q.36()},1M:m,18:6(h){K h},2z:6(7){K 7},2u:6(7){},2m:6(){}};4 3=$.2q(2g,2f);4 14="26";4 12=0;5(2b 7=="h"){14="h";4 2C=7}s{4 2F=7;O(k 1E 7)5(7.1F(k))12++}5((14=="26"&&12>0)||14=="h"){K d.2W(6(x){5(!3.1R){x=x+""+29.2U(29.2Z()*30);4 1U="c-l-"+x}s{x=3.1R;4 1U=x}3.R.v(d);4 l=$(d);l.1X("34","33").F("c-l").1X("L",1U).b(3.1o);4 C=m;l.25(\'<1g A="c-1W" L="c-1W-\'+x+\'"></1g>\').25(\'<f A="c-1O" L="c-1O-\'+x+\'"></f>\');4 n=$("#c-1W-"+x);4 J=$("#c-1O-"+x);4 j=$(\'<1Z A="c-22" L="c-22-\'+x+\'"></1Z>\').E();4 I=$(\'<1g A="c-2L"></1g>\');4 p=$(\'<l 2S="2M" A="c-2c" 1z="2N\'+x+\'" L="c-2c-\'+x+\'" />\');4 u="";5(2b 3.D=="h"){4 1f=3.D.1t(",");O(4 i=0;i<1f.o;i++){4 1L={};1L[3.N]=1f[i];5(1f[i]!=""){17(1L,"27"+i)}}u=3.D}s{u="";4 1d=0;O(k 1E 3.D)5(3.D.1F(k))1d++;5(1d>0){O(4 i=0;i<1d;i++){4 16=3.D[i][3.N];5(16==37){16=""}u=u+16+",";5(16!=""){17(3.D[i],"27"+i)}}}}5(u!=""){l.b("");4 2e=u.3o(u.o-1);5(2e!=","){u=u+","}p.b(","+u);$("f.c-Q-z",n).F("1i").B("M")}l.28(p);n.1b(6(){C=G;l.1p()}).1v(6(){C=m}).28(j);4 P=3t;4 t="";4 3u=0;4 19=m;l.1p(6(){5($(d).b()==3.1o&&p.b()==""){$(d).b("")}s 5(C){$("f.c-Q-z",n).B("1i");5($(d).b()!=""){I.2k("2l",n.2x());j.1H()}}C=G;K G}).1i(6(){5($(d).b()==""&&p.b()==""&&u==""){$(d).b(3.1o)}s 5(C){$("f.c-Q-z",n).F("1i").B("M");j.E()}}).3m(6(e){1k=e.2a;3d=m;3e(e.2a){T 38:e.1m();1A("3n");V;T 3b:e.1m();1A("1T");V;T 8:5(l.b()==""){4 S=p.b().1t(",");S=S[S.o-2];n.2y().39(J.t()).B("M");5(J.t().3a("M")){p.b(p.b().1c(","+S+",",","));3.1P.v(d,J.t())}s{3.1B.v(d,J.t());J.t().F("M")}}5(l.b().o==1){j.E();t=""}5($(":2D",j).o>0){5(P){21(P)}P=23(6(){1D()},3.1C)}V;T 9:T 3f:19=G;4 U=l.b().1c(/(,)/g,"");5(U!=""&&p.b().1x(","+U+",")<0&&U.o>=3.1V){e.1m();4 1n={};1n[3.Z]=U;1n[3.N]=U;4 W=$("f",n).o;17(1n,"3l"+(W+1));l.b("")}T 13:19=m;4 r=$("f.r:24",j);5(r.o>0){r.1b();j.E()}5(3.2d||r.o>0){e.1m()}V;3k:5(3.20){5(3.1I&&$("f.c-Q-z",n).o>=3.1I){I.10(\'<f A="c-2j">\'+3.2h+\'</f>\');j.1H()}s{5(P){21(P)}P=23(6(){1D()},3.1C)}}V}});6 1D(){5(1k==3h||(1k>8&&1k<32)){K j.E()}4 h=l.b().1c(/[\\\\]+|[\\/]+/g,"");5(h==t)K;t=h;5(h.o>=3.1V){n.F("1N");5(14=="h"){4 1j="";5(3.15){1j="&1j="+2A(3.15)}5(3.18){h=3.18.v(d,h)}$.3i(2C+"?"+3.2B+"="+2A(h)+1j+3.2E,6(7){12=0;4 1l=3.2z.v(d,7);O(k 1E 1l)5(1l.1F(k))12++;1J(1l,h)})}s{5(3.18){h=3.18.v(d,h)}1J(2F,h)}}s{n.B("1N");j.E()}}4 1S=0;6 1J(7,Y){5(!3.1e){Y=Y.2o()}4 1r=0;j.10(I.10("")).E();O(4 i=0;i<12;i++){4 w=i;1S++;4 1w=m;5(3.1y=="1a"){4 H=7[w].1a}s{4 H="";4 1u=3.1y.1t(",");O(4 y=0;y<1u.o;y++){4 1z=$.3c(1u[y]);H=H+7[w][1z]+" "}}5(H){5(!3.1e){H=H.2o()}5(H.1x(Y)!=-1&&p.b().1x(","+7[w][3.N]+",")==-1){1w=G}}5(1w){4 11=$(\'<f A="c-2p-z" L="c-2p-z-\'+w+\'"></f>\').1b(6(){4 1h=$(d).7("7");4 1G=1h.w;5($("#c-Q-"+1G,n).o<=0&&!19){4 7=1h.2s;l.b("").1p();t="";17(7,1G);3.2u.v(d,1h);j.E()}19=m}).1v(6(){C=m}).3r(6(){$("f",I).B("r");$(d).F("r")}).7("7",{2s:7[w],w:1S});4 X=$.2q({},7[w]);5(!3.1e){4 1Q=2r 2n("(?![^&;]+;)(?!<[^<>]*)("+Y+")(?![^<>]*>)(?![^&;]+;)","3w")}s{4 1Q=2r 2n("(?![^&;]+;)(?!<[^<>]*)("+Y+")(?![^<>]*>)(?![^&;]+;)","g")}5(3.2t){X[3.Z]=X[3.Z].1c(1Q,"<2v>$1</2v>")}5(!3.1M){11=11.10(X[3.Z])}s{11=3.1M.v(d,X,11)}I.2K(11);2R X;1r++;5(3.15&&3.15==1r){V}}}n.B("1N");5(1r<=0){I.10(\'<f A="c-2j">\'+3.2i+\'</f>\')}I.2k("2l",n.2x());j.1H();3.2m.v(d)}6 17(7,w){p.b(p.b()+7[3.N]+",");4 z=$(\'<f A="c-Q-z" L="c-Q-\'+w+\'"></f>\').1b(6(){3.1B.v(d,$(d));n.2y().B("M");$(d).F("M")}).1v(6(){C=m});4 1s=$(\'<a A="c-1s">&2T;</a>\').1b(6(){p.b(p.b().1c(","+7[3.N]+",",","));3.1P.v(d,z);C=G;l.1p();K m});J.3q(z.10(7[3.Z]).3v(1s));3.2w.v(d,J.t())}6 1A(1K){5($(":2D",j).o>0){4 W=$("f",j);5(1K=="1T"){4 R=W.3s(0)}s{4 R=W.3j(":S")}4 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+++ b/project/static/jquery/jquery.watermarkinput.js	Tue Jul 13 01:43:25 2010 +0530
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2007 Josh Bush (
+ * 
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
+ * obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
+ * files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
+ * restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
+ * copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+ * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+ * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
+ * conditions:
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+ * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ * 
+ */
+ * Version: Beta 1
+ * Release: 2007-06-01
+ */ 
+(function($) {
+	var map=new Array();
+	$.Watermark = {
+		ShowAll:function(){
+			for (var i=0;i<map.length;i++){
+				if(map[i].obj.val()==""){
+					map[i].obj.val(map[i].text);					
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+				}else{
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+				}
+			}
+		},
+		HideAll:function(){
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+				if(map[i].obj.val()==map[i].text)
+					map[i].obj.val("");					
+			}
+		}
+	};
+	$.fn.Watermark = function(text,color) {
+		if(!color)
+			color="#cccccc";
+		return this.each(
+			function(){		
+				var input=$(this);
+				var defaultColor=input.css("color");
+				map[map.length]={text:text,obj:input,DefaultColor:defaultColor,WatermarkColor:color};
+				function clearMessage(){
+					if(input.val()==text)
+						input.val("");
+					input.css("color",defaultColor);
+				}
+				function insertMessage(){
+					if(input.val().length==0 || input.val()==text){
+						input.val(text);
+						input.css("color",color);	
+					}else
+						input.css("color",defaultColor);				
+				}
+				input.focus(clearMessage);
+				input.blur(insertMessage);								
+				input.change(insertMessage);
+				insertMessage();
+			}
+		);
+	};
\ No newline at end of file
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+++ b/project/static/proceedings/sources/conclusion.tex	Tue Jul 13 01:43:25 2010 +0530
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+Proceedings of the 8$^{\text{th}}$ Python in Science Conference}
+SciPy Conference -- Pasadena, CA, August 18-23, 2009. 
+Editors: \quad \mbox{Ga\"el {\sc Varoquaux}},  \quad 
+\mbox{St\'efan {\sc van der Walt}}, \quad \mbox{K. Jarrod {\sc Millman}}
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+++ b/project/static/proceedings/sources/introduction.tex	Tue Jul 13 01:43:25 2010 +0530
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+Proceedings of the 8$^{\text{th}}$ Python in Science Conference}
+SciPy Conference -- 
+Pasadena, CA, August 18-23,
+Editors: \quad Ga\"el {\sc Varoquaux},  \quad 
+St\'efan {\sc van der Walt}, \quad K. Jarrod {\sc Millman}
+	The content of the articles of the {\sl Proceedings of the Python in
+	Science Conference} is copyrighted and owned by their original
+	authors.
+	For republication or other use of the material published, please
+        contact the copyright owners to obtain permission.
+    \bigskip
+    \hrule
+Proceedings of the 8th Python in Science Conference
+by Ga\"el Varoquaux, St\'efan van der Walt, K. Jarrod Milllman
+ISBN:   978-0-557-23212-3
+\def\bfsf{\bfseries\sffamily }
+{\bfsf Conference chair}&\\
+K. Jarrod Millman & UC Berkeley, Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute, {\sc
+{\bfsf Tutorial Co-chairs}&\\
+Dave Peterson & Enthought Inc, Austin, {\sc USA} \\
+Fernando Perez & UC Berkeley, Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute, {\sc
+{\bfsf Program Co-chairs}&\\
+Ga\"el Varoquaux & INRIA Saclay, {\sc France} \\
+St\'efan van der Walt & Stellenbosh University, {\sc South Africa}\\
+{\bfsf Program Committee}&\\
+Michael Aivazis & Center for Advanced Computing Research, California
+Institute of Technology {\sc USA}\\
+Brian Granger & Physics Department, California Polytechnic State
+University, San Luis Obispo {\sc USA} \\
+Aric Hagberg & Theoretical Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory
+{\sc USA} \\
+Konrad Hinsen & Centre de Biophysique Mol\'eculaire, CNRS Orl\'eans {\sc
+France} \\
+Randall LeVeque & Mathematics, University of Washington, Seattle {\sc
+Travis Oliphant & Enthought Inc. {\sc USA} \\
+Prabhu Ramachandran & Department of Aerospace Engineering, IIT Bombay
+{\sc India}\\
+Raphael Ritz & International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility
+{\sc Sweden}\\
+William Stein & Mathematics, University of Washington, Seattle {\sc USA}\\
+{\bfsf Proceeding reviewers}&\\
+Francesc Alted & Pytables {\sc Spain}\\
+Philippe Ciuciu & CEA, Neurospin {\sc France}\\
+Yann Cointepas &  CEA, Neurospin {\sc France}\\
+Emmanuelle Gouillart & CNRS Saint Gobain {\sc France}\\
+Jonathan Guyer & NIST {\sc USA}\\
+Ben Herbst & Stellenbosh University, {\sc South Africa}\\ 
+Paul Kienzle & NIST {\sc USA}\\
+Michael McKerns & Center for Advanced Computing Research, California
+Institute of Technology {\sc
+Sturla Molden & University of Oslo {\sc Norway}\\
+Jean-Baptiste Poline  &  CEA, Neurospin {\sc France}\\
+Dag Sverre Seljebotn & University of Oslo {\sc Norway}\\
+Gregor Thalhammer & University of Florence {\sc Italy}\\
Binary file project/static/proceedings/sources/isbn_barcode.pdf has changed
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+% Generated files should process well standalone too, LaTeX might give a
+% message about a missing file.
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+% fonts
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+% But in standard postscript fonts: courier and times/helvetica do not fit.
+% Maybe use pslatex.
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+%% instead, modify the original source file.
+%% See the URL in the file 00readme.txt.
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+%%%                        distributed under the terms of the
+%%%                        LaTeX Project Public License, see
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+%%%                        USA",
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+ Page grid for \protect\LaTeXe,
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+ ltxgrid: portions licensed from W. E. Baxter (
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+   \expandafter\say\csname output@\the\outputpenalty\endcsname
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+%% \item
+%%  Put down the same interrupts as for the non-trivial case above.
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+       \@cons\@failedlist #2%
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+  \@bitor \@tempcnta {\@failedlist \@flfail}%
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+  #1#2%
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+    \@cons\@flfail #2%
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+    \@cons\@flsucceed #2%
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+  \let\@classiv\@tabclassiv
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+  \let\@@startpbox\@startpbox
+  \let\@@endpbox\@endpbox
+  \let\LT@LL@FM@cr\@tabularcr
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+  \advance\@tempdima\extrarowheight
+  \col@sep\tabcolsep
+  \let\@startpbox\LT@startpbox
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+ \let\@acol\@tabacol
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+  \vrule
+  \@height \arraystretch \@tempdima
+  \@depth \arraystretch \dp \strutbox
+  \@width \z@
+ }%
+ \let\@sharp##%
+ \let\protect\relax
+ \begingroup
+  \@mkpream{#2}%
+  \@mkpream@relax
+  \edef\@preamble{\@preamble}%
+  \prepdef\@preamble{%
+   \global\advance\c@LT@chunks\@ne
+   \global\LT@rows\z@
+   \setbox\z@\vbox\bgroup
+    \LT@setprevdepth
+    \tabskip\LTleft
+    \halign to\hsize\bgroup
+     \tabskip\z@
+     \@arstrut
+  }%
+  \appdef\@preamble{%
+     \tabskip\LTright
+     \cr
+  }%
+  \global\let\LT@bchunk\@preamble
+ \endgroup
+ \expandafter\LT@nofcols\LT@bchunk&\LT@nofcols
+ \LT@make@row
+ \m@th
+ \let\par\@empty
+ \everycr{}%
+ \lineskip\z@
+ \baselineskip\z@
+ \LT@bchunk
+%% Note that it is not enough to define the environment itself; we also have to create the corresponding
+%% \cmd\output\ routine procedures, which provide for continued footers and headers
+%% (the very feature of \env{longtable} requiring support in the output routine).
+%% This same consideration would arise in defining any syntactic extension to \env{longtable}, because
+%% the environment name itself is exposed in the output routine.
+ \@ifpackageloaded{longtable}{%
+  \@ifx{\longtable\longtable@longtable}{%
+   \@ifx{\endlongtable\endlongtable@longtable}{%
+    \@ifx{\LT@start\LT@start@longtable}{%
+     \@ifx{\LT@end@hd@ft\LT@end@hd@ft@longtable}{%
+      \@ifx{\LT@array\LT@array@longtable}{%
+       \true@sw
+      }{\false@sw}%
+     }{\false@sw}%
+    }{\false@sw}%
+   }{\false@sw}%
+  }{\false@sw}%
+  {%
+   \class@info{Patching longtable package}%
+  }{%
+   \class@info{Patching unrecognized longtable package. (Proceeding with fingers crossed)}%
+  }%
+  \let\longtable\longtable@new
+  \let\endlongtable\endlongtable@new
+  \let\LT@start\LT@start@new
+  \let\LT@end@hd@ft\LT@end@hd@ft@new
+  \let\LT@array\LT@array@new
+  \newenvironment{longtable*}{%
+   \onecolumngrid@push
+   \longtable
+  }{%
+   \endlongtable
+   \onecolumngrid@pop
+  }%
+ }{}%
+ \setbox\z@\vbox{\null}\dimen@-\ht\z@
+ \setbox\z@\vbox{\unvbox\z@\LT@bot}\advance\dimen@\ht\z@
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+ \@ifodd\c@page{}{%
+  \@ifnum{\pagegrid@cur=\@ne}{% we have the leftmost column of a verso page
+   % insert the current top-level continued head
+  }%
+ }%
+ \@ifx{\@deferlist@postshipout\@empty}{}{%
+  \@ifx{\@deferlist@postshipout\@deferlist}{%
+   \@fltstk
+   \clearpage@sw{%
+    \ltxgrid@warn{Deferred float stuck during \string\clearpage\space processing}%
+   }{%
+    \force@deferlist@stuck#1%
+   }%
+  }{%
+   %Successfully committed float(s)
+  }%
+  \global\let\@deferlist@postshipout\@empty
+ }%
+ \@latex@warning{A float is stuck (cannot be placed without \string\clearpage)}%
+ \global\let\@deferlist@postshipout\@deferlist
+ \@ifx{#2\@empty}{\false@sw}{%
+  \expandafter\@xnext#2\@@#1#2%
+  \true@sw
+ }%
+ \def#3{#1}%
+ \gdef#4{#2}%
+ \def\@tempa{#4}\def\@tempb{\@freelist}%
+ \@ifx{\@tempa\@tempb}{%
+  \@ifx{#4\@empty}{%
+   \force@deferlist@empty%{Float register pool exhausted}%
+  }{}%
+ }{}%
+  \@booleantrue\clearpage@sw
+  \@booleantrue\forcefloats@sw
+  #1%
+ \force@deferlist@sw{%
+  \penalty-\pagebreak@pen
+  \protect@penalty\do@forcecolumn@pen
+ }{%
+ }%
+ \@booleantrue\clearpage@sw
+ \@booleantrue\forcefloats@sw
+ \do@startcolumn
+ \begingroup
+  \dimen@#2\relax
+  \edef\@tempa{#1}%
+  \edef\@tempa{\noexpand\@@enlargethispage{\@tempa}{\the\dimen@}}%
+  \expandafter\do@output@MVL\expandafter{\@tempa}%
+ \endgroup
+ \def\@tempa{one}%
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+  \true@sw
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+  \def\@tempa{mlt}%
+  \@ifx{\thepagegrid\@tempa}{%
+   \@ifnum{\pagegrid@cur=\@ne}{% OK to adjust this page
+    \gdef\enlarge@colroom{#2}%
+    \true@sw
+   }{% Can only adjust this column; give up
+    \ltxgrid@warn{Too late to enlarge this page; move the command to the first column.}%
+    \false@sw
+   }%
+  }{% Unknown page grid
+   \ltxgrid@warn{Unable to enlarge a page of this kind.}%
+   \false@sw
+  }%
+ }%
+ {%
+  \class@info{Enlarging page \thepage\space by #2}%
+  \global\advance\@colroom#2\relax
+  \set@vsize
+ }{%
+  % Could not adjust this page
+ }%
+ \textheight@sw{%
+  \count@\vbadness\vbadness\@M
+  \dimen@\vfuzz\vfuzz\maxdimen
+  \setbox\@outputbox\vbox to\textheight{\unvbox\@outputbox}%
+  \vfuzz\dimen@
+  \vbadness\count@
+ }{}%
+ \ltxgrid@info@sw{\class@info}{\@gobble}%
+ \ltxgrid@warn@sw{\class@warn}{\@gobble}%
+%% End of file `ltxgrid.sty'.
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/project/static/proceedings/sources/ltxutil.sty	Tue Jul 13 01:43:25 2010 +0530
@@ -0,0 +1,1750 @@
+%% This is file `ltxutil.sty',
+%% generated with the docstrip utility.
+%% The original source files were:
+%% ltxutil.dtx  (with options: `ltxutil,ltxutil-krn')
+%% This is a generated file;
+%% altering it directly is inadvisable;
+%% instead, modify the original source file.
+%% See the URL in the file 00readme.txt.
+%% Copyright notice.
+%%    These files are distributed
+%%    WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+%%%  @LaTeX-file{
+%%%     filename        = "ltxutil.dtx",
+%%%     version         = "1.0rc5b",
+%%%     date            = "2001/07/31",
+%%%     time            = "12:23:00 GMT+8",
+%%%     checksum        = "3641",
+%%%     author          = "Arthur Ogawa (,
+%%%                        commissioned by the American Physical Society.
+%%%                        ",
+%%%     copyright       = "Copyright (C) 1999 Arthur Ogawa,
+%%%                        distributed under the terms of the
+%%%                        LaTeX Project Public License, see
+%%%                        ",
+%%%     address         = "Arthur Ogawa,
+%%%                        USA",
+%%%     telephone       = "",
+%%%     FAX             = "",
+%%%     email           = "",
+%%%     codetable       = "ISO/ASCII",
+%%%     keywords        = "latex, utility, kernel",
+%%%     supported       = "yes",
+%%%     abstract        = "package to add utilties to LaTeX",
+%%%     docstring       = "The checksum field above generated by ltxdoc",
+%%%  }
+ [2001/07/31 1.0rc5b utilities package]% \fileversion
+ Utility macros for \protect\LaTeXe,
+ by A. Ogawa (
+ ltxutil: portions licensed from W. E. Baxter (
+ \class@warn@end{Command \string#1\space is obsolete.^^JPlease remove from your document}%
+ \global\let#1\@empty
+ #1%
+ \class@warn@end{Command \string#1\space is obsolete;^^JUse \string#2\space instead}%
+ \global\let#1#2%
+ #1%
+ \class@warn@end{Environment #1 is obsolete;^^JUse #2 instead}%
+ \glet@environment{#1}{#2}%
+ \@nameuse{#1}%
+ \@ifpackageloaded{#1}{%
+  \def\@tempa{I cannot continue. You must remove the \string\usepackage\ statement that caused that package to be loaded.}%
+  \ClassError{\class@name}{The #1 package cannot be used with \class@name}%
+  \@tempa\stop
+ }{%
+  \class@info{#1 was not loaded (OK!)}%
+ }%
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+ \expandafter\let
+ \csname end#1\expandafter\endcsname\csname end#2\endcsname
+ \global\expandafter\let
+ \csname#1\expandafter\endcsname\csname#2\endcsname
+ \global\expandafter\let
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+ \toks@ii{#2}%
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+ \expandafter#1%
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+  \long\def#1{%
+    #2% \if<something>
+      \expandafter\true@sw
+    \else
+      \expandafter\false@sw
+    \fi
+  }%
+\def\@boole@def#1#{\@boolean{#1}}% Implicit #2
+ \@ifx{\undefined#1}{\true@sw}{\@ifx{\relax#1}{\true@sw}{\false@sw}}%
+ {\def#1}{\def\j@nk}%
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+  \makeatletter
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+ \@dofilelist
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+  \@font@warning{%
+   Size substitutions with differences\MessageBreak
+   up to \font@submax\space have occured.\@gobbletwo
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+     Label(s) may have changed.
+     Rerun to get cross-references right
+    }%
+   }{}%
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+  \def\){\string\)}%
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+   \let@environment{#1}{#1@write}%
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+   #2%
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+  \ifhmode
+     \@bsphack
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+ \catcode`\[\the\catcode`\{\catcode`\]\the\catcode`\}\@makeother\{\@makeother\}%
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+  \def\@tempa[#2]%
+  \@ifx[\@tempa\@tempb][\end[#2]][\write@floatline]%
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+ \obeylines%
+ \gdef\write@floatline#1^^M[%
+  \begingroup%
+   \newlinechar`\^^M%
+   \toks@\expandafter[\the\toks@#1]\immediate\write\@tempc[\the\toks@]%
+  \endgroup%
+  \toks@[]%
+  \float@end@tag#1\end{}\@nul%
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+  y\or z\or aa\or bb\or cc\or dd\or ee\or ff\or gg\or hh\or ii\or jj\or
+  kk\or ll\or mm\or nn\or oo\or pp\or qq\or rr\or ss\or tt\or uu\or
+  vv\or ww\or xx\or yy\or zz\else\@ctrerr\fi}
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+  {Repairing broken LateX \string\@sect}%
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+                 \csname @#1cntformat\endcsname
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+     \or \@classvii \or \@classviii
+     \or \@classx
+     \or \@classx \fi
+   \@lastchclass\@chclass}%
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+   \or
+   \@acol \or
+   \@preamerr \thr@@ \or
+   \@preamerr \tw@ \@addtopreamble\@sharp \or
+   \or
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+   \@classz
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+   \@classii
+  \or
+   \save@decl
+  \or
+  \or
+   \@classv
+  \or
+   \@classvi
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Binary file project/static/proceedings/sources/scipy2009confs.pdf has changed
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+{% block title %}Preview of the paper{% endblock %}
+{% block content %}
+  <h1>Preview of the paper</h1>
+  <a href="{{ out_path }}/paper{{ paper_id }}.pdf">
+    <img src="{{ out_path }}/paper{{ paper_id }}.png"></img>
+  </a>
+{% endblock content %}