Wed, 14 Apr 2010 14:38:29 +0530
changeset 54 ce987056033c
parent 3 6cee07c589cb
permissions -rw-r--r--
Changed the list of chapter according to the actuall SEES course.

Metadata-Version: 1.0
Name: pip
Version: 0.6.1
Summary: pip installs packages.  Python packages.  An easy_install replacement
Author: The Open Planning Project
License: MIT
Description: \
        The main website for pip is `
        <>`_.  You can also install
        the `in-development version <>`_
        of pip with ``easy_install pip==dev``.
        pip is a replacement for `easy_install
        <>`_.  It uses mostly the
        same techniques for finding packages, so packages that were made
        easy_installable should be pip-installable as well.
        pip is meant to improve on easy_install.  Some of the improvements:
        * All packages are downloaded before installation.  Partially-completed
        installation doesn't occur as a result.
        * Care is taken to present useful output on the console.
        * The reasons for actions are kept track of.  For instance, if a package is
        being installed, pip keeps track of why that package was required.
        * Error messages should be useful.
        * The code is relatively concise and cohesive, making it easier to use
        * Packages don't have to be installed as egg archives, they can be installed
        flat (while keeping the egg metadata).
        * Native support for other version control systems (Git, Mercurial and Bazaar)
        * Uninstallation of packages.
        * Simple to define fixed sets of requirements and reliably reproduce a
        set of packages.
        pip is complementary with `virtualenv
        <>`_, and it is encouraged that you use
        virtualenv to isolate your installation.
        The homepage for pip is temporarily located `on PyPI
        <>`_ -- a more proper homepage will
        follow.  Bugs can go on the `pip issue tracker
        <>`_.  Discussion should happen on the
        `virtualenv email group
        Differences From easy_install
        pip cannot install some packages.  Specifically:
        * It cannot install from eggs.  It only installs from source.  (In the future it would be good if it could install binaries from Windows ``.exe`` or ``.msi`` -- binary install on other platforms is not a priority.)
        * It doesn't understand Setuptools extras (like ``package[test]``).  This should
        be added eventually.
        * It is incompatible with some packages that customize distutils or setuptools
        in their ```` files.
        * Maybe it doesn't work on Windows.  At least, the author doesn't test on
        Windows often.
        * It also has some extra features.  Extra features the author thinks are great.
        pip is able to uninstall most installed packages with ``pip uninstall
        Known exceptions include pure-distutils packages installed with
        ``python install`` (such packages leave behind no metadata allowing
        determination of what files were installed), and script wrappers installed
        by develop-installs (``python develop``).
        pip also performs an automatic uninstall of an old version of a package
        before upgrading to a newer version, so outdated files (and egg-info data)
        from conflicting versions aren't left hanging around to cause trouble. The
        old version of the package is automatically restored if the new version
        fails to download or install.
        .. _`requirements file`:
        Requirements Files
        When installing software, and Python packages in particular, it's common that
        you get a lot of libraries installed.  You just did ``easy_install MyPackage``
        and you get a dozen packages.  Each of these packages has its own version.
        Maybe you ran that installation and it works.  Great!  Will it keep working?
        Did you have to provide special options to get it to find everything?  Did you
        have to install a bunch of other optional pieces?  Most of all, will you be able
        to do it again?
        If you've ever tried to setup an application on a new system, or with slightly
        updated pieces, and had it fail, pip requirements are for you.  If you
        haven't had this problem then you will eventually, so pip requirements are
        for you too -- requirements make explicit, repeatable installation of packages.
        So what are requirements files?  They are very simple: lists of packages to
        install.  Instead of running something like ``pip MyApp`` and getting
        whatever libraries come along, you can create a requirements file something like::
        Then, regardless of what MyApp lists in ````, you'll get a specific
        version of Framework and at least the 0.2 version of Library.  (You might think
        you could list these specific versions in ```` -- try it and you'll
        quickly see why that doesn't work.)  You can add optional libraries and support
        tools that MyApp doesn't strictly require.
        You can also include "editable" packages -- packages that are checked out from
        Subversion, Git, Mercurial and Bazaar.  These are just like using the ``-e``
        option to pip.  They look like::
        -e svn+http://myrepo/svn/MyApp#egg=MyApp
        You have to start the URL with ``svn+`` (``git+``, ``hg+`` or ``bzr+``), and
        you have to include ``#egg=Package`` so pip knows what to expect at that URL.
        You can also include ``@rev`` in the URL, e.g., ``@275`` to check out
        revision 275.
        Freezing Requirements
        So you have a working set of packages, and you want to be able to install them
        elsewhere.  `Requirements files`_ let you install exact versions, but it won't
        tell you what all the exact versions are.
        To create a new requirements file from a known working environment, use::
        $ pip freeze > stable-req.txt
        This will write a listing of *all* installed libraries to ``stable-req.txt``
        with exact versions for every library.  You may want to edit the file down after
        generating (e.g., to eliminate unnecessary libraries), but it'll give you a
        stable starting point for constructing your requirements file.
        You can also give it an existing requirements file, and it will use that as a
        sort of template for the new file.  So if you do::
        $ pip freeze -r devel-req.txt > stable-req.txt
        it will keep the packages listed in ``devel-req.txt`` in order and preserve
        Another way to distribute a set of libraries is a bundle format (specific to
        pip).  This format is not stable at this time (there simply hasn't been
        any feedback, nor a great deal of thought).  A bundle file contains all the
        source for your package, and you can have pip install them all together.
        Once you have the bundle file further network access won't be necessary.  To
        build a bundle file, do::
        $ pip bundle MyApp.pybundle MyApp
        (Using a `requirements file`_ would be wise.)  Then someone else can get the
        file ``MyApp.pybundle`` and run::
        $ pip install MyApp.pybundle
        This is *not* a binary format.  This only packages source.  If you have binary
        packages, then the person who installs the files will have to have a compiler,
        any necessary headers installed, etc.  Binary packages are hard, this is
        relatively easy.
        Using pip with virtualenv
        pip is most nutritious when used with `virtualenv
        <>`_.  One of the reasons pip
        doesn't install "multi-version" eggs is that virtualenv removes much of the need
        for it.
        pip does not have to be installed to use it, you can run ``python
        path/to/`` and it will work.  This is intended to avoid the
        bootstrapping problem of installation.  You can also run pip inside
        any virtualenv environment, like::
        $ virtualenv new-env/
        ... creates new-env/ ...
        $ pip install -E new-env/ MyPackage
        This is exactly equivalent to::
        $ ./new-env/bin/python path/to/ install MyPackage
        Except, if you have ``virtualenv`` installed and the path ``new-env/``
        doesn't exist, then a new virtualenv will be created.
        pip also has two advanced features for working with virtualenvs -- both of
        which activated by defining a variable in your environment.
        To tell pip to only run if there is a virtualenv currently activated,
        and to bail if not, use::
        export PIP_REQUIRE_VIRTUALENV=true
        To tell pip to automatically use the currently active virtualenv::
        export PIP_RESPECT_VIRTUALENV=true
        Providing an environment with ``-E`` will be ignored.
        Using pip with virtualenvwrapper
        If you are using `virtualenvwrapper
        <>`_, you might
        want pip to automatically create its virtualenvs in your
        You can tell pip to do so by defining ``PIP_VIRTUALENV_BASE`` in your
        environment and setting it to the same value as that of
        Do so by adding the line::
        in your .bashrc under the line starting with ``export WORKON_HOME``.
        Using pip with buildout
        If you are using `zc.buildout
        <>`_ you should look at
        `gp.recipe.pip <>`_ as an
        option to use pip and virtualenv in your buildouts.
        Command line completion
        pip comes with support for command line completion in bash and zsh and
        allows you tab complete commands and options. To enable it you simply
        need copy the required shell script to the your shell startup file
        (e.g. ``.profile`` or ``.zprofile``) by running the special ``completion``
        command, e.g. for bash::
        $ pip completion --bash >> ~/.profile
        And for zsh::
        $ pip completion --zsh >> ~/.zprofile
        Alternatively, you can use the result of the ``completion`` command
        directly with the eval function of you shell, e.g. by adding::
        eval `pip completion --bash`
        to your startup file.
Keywords: easy_install distutils setuptools egg virtualenv
Platform: UNKNOWN
Classifier: Development Status :: 4 - Beta
Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers
Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License
Classifier: Topic :: Software Development :: Build Tools