changeset 3 6cee07c589cb
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/SEESenv/lib/python2.6/site-packages/pip-0.6.1-py2.6.egg/EGG-INFO/PKG-INFO	Sat Feb 13 12:29:22 2010 +0530
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+Metadata-Version: 1.0
+Name: pip
+Version: 0.6.1
+Summary: pip installs packages.  Python packages.  An easy_install replacement
+Author: The Open Planning Project
+License: MIT
+Description: \
+        The main website for pip is `
+        <>`_.  You can also install
+        the `in-development version <>`_
+        of pip with ``easy_install pip==dev``.
+        Introduction
+        ------------
+        pip is a replacement for `easy_install
+        <>`_.  It uses mostly the
+        same techniques for finding packages, so packages that were made
+        easy_installable should be pip-installable as well.
+        pip is meant to improve on easy_install.  Some of the improvements:
+        * All packages are downloaded before installation.  Partially-completed
+        installation doesn't occur as a result.
+        * Care is taken to present useful output on the console.
+        * The reasons for actions are kept track of.  For instance, if a package is
+        being installed, pip keeps track of why that package was required.
+        * Error messages should be useful.
+        * The code is relatively concise and cohesive, making it easier to use
+        programmatically.
+        * Packages don't have to be installed as egg archives, they can be installed
+        flat (while keeping the egg metadata).
+        * Native support for other version control systems (Git, Mercurial and Bazaar)
+        * Uninstallation of packages.
+        * Simple to define fixed sets of requirements and reliably reproduce a
+        set of packages.
+        pip is complementary with `virtualenv
+        <>`_, and it is encouraged that you use
+        virtualenv to isolate your installation.
+        Community
+        ---------
+        The homepage for pip is temporarily located `on PyPI
+        <>`_ -- a more proper homepage will
+        follow.  Bugs can go on the `pip issue tracker
+        <>`_.  Discussion should happen on the
+        `virtualenv email group
+        <>`_.
+        Differences From easy_install
+        -----------------------------
+        pip cannot install some packages.  Specifically:
+        * It cannot install from eggs.  It only installs from source.  (In the future it would be good if it could install binaries from Windows ``.exe`` or ``.msi`` -- binary install on other platforms is not a priority.)
+        * It doesn't understand Setuptools extras (like ``package[test]``).  This should
+        be added eventually.
+        * It is incompatible with some packages that customize distutils or setuptools
+        in their ```` files.
+        * Maybe it doesn't work on Windows.  At least, the author doesn't test on
+        Windows often.
+        * It also has some extra features.  Extra features the author thinks are great.
+        Uninstall
+        ---------
+        pip is able to uninstall most installed packages with ``pip uninstall
+        package-name``.
+        Known exceptions include pure-distutils packages installed with
+        ``python install`` (such packages leave behind no metadata allowing
+        determination of what files were installed), and script wrappers installed
+        by develop-installs (``python develop``).
+        pip also performs an automatic uninstall of an old version of a package
+        before upgrading to a newer version, so outdated files (and egg-info data)
+        from conflicting versions aren't left hanging around to cause trouble. The
+        old version of the package is automatically restored if the new version
+        fails to download or install.
+        .. _`requirements file`:
+        Requirements Files
+        ------------------
+        When installing software, and Python packages in particular, it's common that
+        you get a lot of libraries installed.  You just did ``easy_install MyPackage``
+        and you get a dozen packages.  Each of these packages has its own version.
+        Maybe you ran that installation and it works.  Great!  Will it keep working?
+        Did you have to provide special options to get it to find everything?  Did you
+        have to install a bunch of other optional pieces?  Most of all, will you be able
+        to do it again?
+        If you've ever tried to setup an application on a new system, or with slightly
+        updated pieces, and had it fail, pip requirements are for you.  If you
+        haven't had this problem then you will eventually, so pip requirements are
+        for you too -- requirements make explicit, repeatable installation of packages.
+        So what are requirements files?  They are very simple: lists of packages to
+        install.  Instead of running something like ``pip MyApp`` and getting
+        whatever libraries come along, you can create a requirements file something like::
+        MyApp
+        Framework==0.9.4
+        Library>=0.2
+        Then, regardless of what MyApp lists in ````, you'll get a specific
+        version of Framework and at least the 0.2 version of Library.  (You might think
+        you could list these specific versions in ```` -- try it and you'll
+        quickly see why that doesn't work.)  You can add optional libraries and support
+        tools that MyApp doesn't strictly require.
+        You can also include "editable" packages -- packages that are checked out from
+        Subversion, Git, Mercurial and Bazaar.  These are just like using the ``-e``
+        option to pip.  They look like::
+        -e svn+http://myrepo/svn/MyApp#egg=MyApp
+        You have to start the URL with ``svn+`` (``git+``, ``hg+`` or ``bzr+``), and
+        you have to include ``#egg=Package`` so pip knows what to expect at that URL.
+        You can also include ``@rev`` in the URL, e.g., ``@275`` to check out
+        revision 275.
+        Freezing Requirements
+        ---------------------
+        So you have a working set of packages, and you want to be able to install them
+        elsewhere.  `Requirements files`_ let you install exact versions, but it won't
+        tell you what all the exact versions are.
+        To create a new requirements file from a known working environment, use::
+        $ pip freeze > stable-req.txt
+        This will write a listing of *all* installed libraries to ``stable-req.txt``
+        with exact versions for every library.  You may want to edit the file down after
+        generating (e.g., to eliminate unnecessary libraries), but it'll give you a
+        stable starting point for constructing your requirements file.
+        You can also give it an existing requirements file, and it will use that as a
+        sort of template for the new file.  So if you do::
+        $ pip freeze -r devel-req.txt > stable-req.txt
+        it will keep the packages listed in ``devel-req.txt`` in order and preserve
+        comments.
+        Bundles
+        -------
+        Another way to distribute a set of libraries is a bundle format (specific to
+        pip).  This format is not stable at this time (there simply hasn't been
+        any feedback, nor a great deal of thought).  A bundle file contains all the
+        source for your package, and you can have pip install them all together.
+        Once you have the bundle file further network access won't be necessary.  To
+        build a bundle file, do::
+        $ pip bundle MyApp.pybundle MyApp
+        (Using a `requirements file`_ would be wise.)  Then someone else can get the
+        file ``MyApp.pybundle`` and run::
+        $ pip install MyApp.pybundle
+        This is *not* a binary format.  This only packages source.  If you have binary
+        packages, then the person who installs the files will have to have a compiler,
+        any necessary headers installed, etc.  Binary packages are hard, this is
+        relatively easy.
+        Using pip with virtualenv
+        -------------------------
+        pip is most nutritious when used with `virtualenv
+        <>`_.  One of the reasons pip
+        doesn't install "multi-version" eggs is that virtualenv removes much of the need
+        for it.
+        pip does not have to be installed to use it, you can run ``python
+        path/to/`` and it will work.  This is intended to avoid the
+        bootstrapping problem of installation.  You can also run pip inside
+        any virtualenv environment, like::
+        $ virtualenv new-env/
+        ... creates new-env/ ...
+        $ pip install -E new-env/ MyPackage
+        This is exactly equivalent to::
+        $ ./new-env/bin/python path/to/ install MyPackage
+        Except, if you have ``virtualenv`` installed and the path ``new-env/``
+        doesn't exist, then a new virtualenv will be created.
+        pip also has two advanced features for working with virtualenvs -- both of
+        which activated by defining a variable in your environment.
+        To tell pip to only run if there is a virtualenv currently activated,
+        and to bail if not, use::
+        export PIP_REQUIRE_VIRTUALENV=true
+        To tell pip to automatically use the currently active virtualenv::
+        export PIP_RESPECT_VIRTUALENV=true
+        Providing an environment with ``-E`` will be ignored.
+        Using pip with virtualenvwrapper
+        ---------------------------------
+        If you are using `virtualenvwrapper
+        <>`_, you might
+        want pip to automatically create its virtualenvs in your
+        ``$WORKON_HOME``.
+        You can tell pip to do so by defining ``PIP_VIRTUALENV_BASE`` in your
+        environment and setting it to the same value as that of
+        ``$WORKON_HOME``.
+        Do so by adding the line::
+        in your .bashrc under the line starting with ``export WORKON_HOME``.
+        Using pip with buildout
+        -----------------------
+        If you are using `zc.buildout
+        <>`_ you should look at
+        `gp.recipe.pip <>`_ as an
+        option to use pip and virtualenv in your buildouts.
+        Command line completion
+        -----------------------
+        pip comes with support for command line completion in bash and zsh and
+        allows you tab complete commands and options. To enable it you simply
+        need copy the required shell script to the your shell startup file
+        (e.g. ``.profile`` or ``.zprofile``) by running the special ``completion``
+        command, e.g. for bash::
+        $ pip completion --bash >> ~/.profile
+        And for zsh::
+        $ pip completion --zsh >> ~/.zprofile
+        Alternatively, you can use the result of the ``completion`` command
+        directly with the eval function of you shell, e.g. by adding::
+        eval `pip completion --bash`
+        to your startup file.
+Keywords: easy_install distutils setuptools egg virtualenv
+Platform: UNKNOWN
+Classifier: Development Status :: 4 - Beta
+Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers
+Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License
+Classifier: Topic :: Software Development :: Build Tools