1 {% ifequal length 1 %} |
2 <a class="commenttoggle" id="toggle_{{ id }}" |
3 onclick="return toggleComment('{{ id }}')" |
4 href="comments: show / hide">One comment</a> |
5 {% else %} |
6 {% if length %} |
7 <a class="commenttoggle" id="toggle_{{ id }}" |
8 onclick="return toggleComment('{{ id }}')" |
9 href="comments: show / hide">{{ length }} comments</a> |
10 {% else %} |
11 <a class="commenttoggle" id="toggle_{{ id }}" |
12 onclick="return toggleComment('{{ id }}')" |
13 href="comments: show / hide">No comments</a> |
14 <div class="comment" {% if not newid %} style="display: none;" {% endif %}> |
15 <div class="comment_body">Be the first to comment on this paragraph!</div> |
16 </div> |
17 {% endif %} |
18 {% endifequal %} |
19 {% for c in query %} |
20 <div class="{% ifequal c.id newid %}new_{% endifequal %}comment" |
21 {% if not newid %} style="display: none;" {% endif %} |
22 id="comment{{ c.id }}"> |
23 <a name="comment{{ c.id }}"/> |
24 <div class="comment_header"> |
25 <span class="comment_id"><a href="/admin/comments/comment/{{ c.id }}/">{{ c.id }}</a></span> |
26 {% if c.submitter_url %} |
27 <span class="comment_name"><a rel="nofollow" |
28 href="{{ c.submitter_url }}">{{ c.submitter_name|escape }}</a></span> |
29 {% else %} |
30 <span class="comment_name">{{ c.submitter_name|escape }}</span> |
31 {% endif %} |
32 <span class="comment_date">{{ c.date|date:"Y-m-d" }}</span> |
33 {% if c.reviewed %} |
34 <span class="comment_reviewed">(reviewed)</span> |
35 {% endif %} |
36 {% ifequal c.id newid %} |
37 <span class="comment_thanks">thank you for your comment!</span> |
38 {% endifequal %} |
39 </div> |
40 <div class="comment_body">{{ c.comment|escape|linebreaks }}</div> |
41 </div> |
42 {% endfor %} |
43 <form class="comment" id="form_{{ id }}" action="/review/comments/submit/{{ id }}/" |
44 method="post" {% if not newid %} style="display: none;" {% endif %}> |
45 {{ form.id }} |
46 <table> |
47 <tbody> |
48 <tr><td align="right" valign="top">Comment<br><a class="comment_help" |
49 href="web.html#web.comment">[ help ]</a></td> |
50 <td>{{ form.comment }}</td></tr> |
51 <tr><td align="right">Your name</td><td>{{ form.name }} |
52 <span class="comment_help"><b>Required</b> so we can <a |
53 href="web.html#web.comment.name">give you credit</a></span></td></tr> |
54 <tr><td align="right">Your URL</td><td>{{ form.url }} |
55 <span class="comment_help"><b>Optional</b> link to blog, home page, |
56 <i>etc</i>.</span></td></tr> |
57 <tr><td align="right">Remember you?</td><td>{{ form.remember }}</td></tr> |
58 <tr><td/><td><input name="submit" type="submit" |
59 value="Submit Comment"/><span class="comment_error">{{ error }}</span></td></tr> |
60 </tbody> |
61 </table> |
62 </form> |