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    26 		<h1><a href="#">Registration for upcoming workshop</a></h1>
    27 		<h2><a href="http://fossee.in/">from FOSSEE Team</a></h2>		
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    34 		<p class="center">
    35 		{% block content %}
    36 		{% if value %}						    
    37 			<form id = "participant_form" method="post" action="#" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    39 				{{form.as_p}}
    40 				<br />
    42 				<input type="submit" value="Register" id="submit"/>
    43 			</form>
    44 		{% else %}			
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    52                 }
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    54 		{% endif %}
    55 		{% endblock %}
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    63 	<p class="credit">Powered by the <a href="http://fossee.in/">FOSSEE</a> group, IITB</p>
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