2010-04-15 nishanth included the link to view report of workshop in view event page
2010-04-15 nishanth implemented listing of feedbacks.
2010-04-15 nishanth added date tags in view event template and open_feedback template is now a lil better .
2010-04-13 nishanth days are now calucated from dates given for the event .
2010-04-13 nishanth removed quiz links from view event template .
2010-04-13 nishanth made a few redirects to 404
2010-04-13 nishanth prettifying the view event page .
2010-04-13 nishanth now opening feedback code is a lil more better .
2010-04-13 nishanth now opening feedback code is a lil better .
2010-04-13 nishanth now opening registration code is a lil better .
2010-04-13 nishanth now closing registration code is a lil better .
2010-04-13 nishanth now opening and closing of feedback and registration can be done only by staff users .
2010-04-13 nishanth now opening and closing of feedback quiz and registration can be done only by staff users .
2010-04-13 nishanth instead of redirecting I am now raising http 404 .
2010-04-13 nishanth now the "you must register" link appears on view event page .
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