Updated session 2 slides of day 1 and added cheatsheets of day 2. goaandcalicut-v.10112009
authorSantosh G. Vattam <vattam.santosh@gmail.com>
Wed, 11 Nov 2009 12:26:07 +0530
changeset 301 49bdffe4dca5
parent 300 f87f2a310abe
child 302 8ea4739a7f1f
child 303 26f5e864a135
Updated session 2 slides of day 1 and added cheatsheets of day 2.
--- a/day1/session2.tex	Tue Nov 10 17:22:07 2009 +0530
+++ b/day1/session2.tex	Wed Nov 11 12:26:07 2009 +0530
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@
 \section{Plotting Points}
 \frametitle{Why would I plot f(x)?}
-How often do we plot analytical functions?\\We plot experimental data more.
+Do we plot analytical functions or experimental data?
 In []: x = [0, 1, 2, 3]
@@ -204,8 +204,10 @@
 \frametitle{Lists: Initializing \& accessing elements}
-In []: mtlist = [] #Empty List
+In []: mtlist = [] 
+\emphbar{Empty List}
 In []: a = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] 
 In []: a[0]+a[1]+a[-1]
@@ -219,9 +221,11 @@
 	\kwrd{In []: a = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]}
-In []: a[1:3]  # A slice.
+In []: a[1:3]
 Out[]: [2, 3]
+\emphbar{A slice}
 In []: a[1:-1]
 Out[]: [2, 3, 4]
@@ -254,15 +258,15 @@
 \begin{tabular}{| c | c | c |}
 $L$ & $T$ & $T^2$ \\ \hline
-0.1 & 0.6900 & \\ \hline
-0.2 & 0.8989 & \\ \hline
-0.3 & 1.1867 & \\ \hline
-0.4 & 1.2991 & \\ \hline
-0.5 & 1.4656 & \\ \hline
-0.6 & 1.5843 & \\ \hline
-0.7 & 1.7706 & \\ \hline
-0.8 & 1.8296 & \\ \hline
-0.9 & 1.9440 & \\ \hline
+0.1 & 0.69 & \\ \hline
+0.2 & 0.90 & \\ \hline
+0.3 & 1.19 & \\ \hline
+0.4 & 1.30 & \\ \hline
+0.5 & 1.47 & \\ \hline
+0.6 & 1.58 & \\ \hline
+0.7 & 1.77 & \\ \hline
+0.8 & 1.83 & \\ \hline
+0.9 & 1.94 & \\ \hline
 \alert{$L \alpha T^2$}
@@ -275,9 +279,9 @@
 In []: l = [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 
             0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9]
-In []: t = [0.69, 0.8989, 1.1867, 
-            1.2991, 1.4656, 1.5843, 
-            1.7706, 1.8296, 1.9440]
+In []: t = [0.69, 0.90, 1.19, 
+            1.30, 1.47, 1.58, 
+            1.77, 1.83, 1.94]
@@ -305,15 +309,15 @@
-  \frametitle{How to come out of the \textt{for} loop?}
-  Hit the ``enter'' key twice to come to the previous indentation level
+  \frametitle{How to come out of the \texttt{for} loop?}
+  Hit the ``ENTER'' key twice to come to the previous indentation level
     In []: for time in t:
      ....:     tsq.append(time*time)
-    In []:
+    In []: print tsq
@@ -338,7 +342,7 @@
 \begin{block}{Windows users:}
-  > type pendulum.txt
+  C:> type pendulum.txt
@@ -358,9 +362,9 @@
 l = []
 t = []
 for line in open('pendulum.txt'):
-    points = line.split()
-    l.append(float(points[0]))
-    t.append(float(points[1]))
+    point = line.split()
+    l.append(float(point[0]))
+    t.append(float(point[1]))
 tsq = []
 for time in t:
@@ -416,7 +420,9 @@
 In []: line = '1.2000e-01 7.4252e-01'
-In []: line.split()
+In []: point = line.split()
+In []: point
 Out[]: ['1.2000e-01', '7.4252e-01']
@@ -424,12 +430,12 @@
 \frametitle{Getting floats from strings}
-In []: type(points[0])
+In []: type(point[0])
 Out[]: <type 'str'>
 But, we need floating point numbers
-In []: t = float(points[0])
+In []: t = float(point[0])
 In []: type(t)
 Out[]: <type 'float'>
@@ -442,9 +448,9 @@
 l = []
 t = []
 for line in open('pendulum.txt'):
-    points = line.split()
-    l.append(float(points[0]))
-    t.append(float(points[1]))
+    point = line.split()
+    l.append(float(point[0]))
+    t.append(float(point[1]))
 tsq = []
 for time in t:
@@ -467,6 +473,7 @@
   \item Lists
   \item \kwrd{for}
   \item Reading files
+  \item Tokenizing
   \item Strings
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/day2/cheatsheet1.tex	Wed Nov 11 12:26:07 2009 +0530
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+\title{Python: Basics}
+    basicstyle=\ttfamily,
+\LARGE{Python: Basics}\\
+\section{Data types}
+Complex Numbers
+In []: c = 3+4j
+In []: abs(c)
+Out[]: 5.0
+In []: c.imag
+Out[]: 4.0
+In []: c.real
+Out[]: 3.0
+In []: a = False
+In []: b = True
+In []: c = True
+In []: (a and b) or c
+Out[]: True
+  \begin{lstlisting}
+In []: w = "hello"
+In []: print w[0] + w[2] + w[-1]
+Out[]: hlo
+In []: len(w)
+Out[]: 5
+In []: w[0] = 'H' # ERROR: Strings are immutable 
+  \end{lstlisting}
+String methods
+  \begin{lstlisting}
+In []: a = 'Hello World' 
+In []: a.startswith('Hell') # 'a' starts with 'Hell'
+In []: a.endswith('ld') # 'a' ends with 'ld'
+In []: a.upper() # all characters to upper case
+In []: a.lower() # all characters to lower case
+In []: ''.join(['a', 'b', 'c'])
+Out[]: 'abc'
+  \end{lstlisting}
+String formatting
+  \begin{lstlisting}
+In []: x, y = 1, 1.234
+In []: 'x is %s, y is %s' %(x, y)
+Out[]: 'x is 1, y is 1.234'
+  \end{lstlisting}
+Arithmetic Operators
+  \begin{lstlisting}
+In []: 45 % 2 # Modulo operator
+Out[]: 1
+In []: 1234567891234567890 ** 3 # Power
+In []: a = 5
+In []: a += 1
+In []: a *= 2
+  \end{lstlisting}
+String Operations
+In []: s = 'Hello'
+In []: p = 'World'
+In []: s + p 
+Out[]: 'HelloWorld'
+In []: s * 4
+Out[]: 'HelloHelloHelloHello'
+Relational and Logical Operators
+In []: p, z, n = 1, 0, -1
+In []: p == n
+Out[]: False
+In []: p >= n
+Out[]: True
+In []: n < z < p
+Out[]: True
+In []: p + n != z
+Out[]: False
+In []: int(17 / 2.0)
+Out[]: 8
+In []: float(17 / 2)
+Out[]: 8.0
+In []: str(17 / 2.0)
+Out[]: '8.5'
+In []: round( 7.5 )
+Out[]: 8.0
+Console Input
+In []: a = raw_input('Enter a value: ')
+Enter a value: 5
+In []: x = int(raw_input("Enter an integer:"))
+In []: if x < 0:
+  ...:     print 'Be positive!'
+  ...: elif x == 0:
+  ...:     print 'Zero'
+  ...: elif x == 1:
+  ...:     print 'Single'
+  ...: else:
+  ...:     print 'More'
+Ternary Operator
+In []: a = raw_input('Enter number(Q to quit):')
+In []: num = int(a) if a != 'Q' else 0
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/day2/cheatsheet2.tex	Wed Nov 11 12:26:07 2009 +0530
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+\title{Python: Data Structures}
+    basicstyle=\ttfamily,
+\LARGE{Python: Data Structures}\\
+\section{Basic Looping}
+  \begin{lstlisting}
+In []: a, b = 0, 1
+In []: while b < 10:
+  ...:     print b,
+  ...:     a, b = b, a + b # Fibonacci Sequence
+\typ{for} and \typ{range}\\
+\typ{range([start,] stop[, step])}
+In []: for i in range(3, 10, 2):
+ ....:     print i, i * i
+3 9
+5 25
+7 49
+9 81
+List methods (Contd.)
+In []: num = [1, 2, 3, 4]
+In []: num.append([9, 10, 11])
+In []: num
+Out[]: [1, 2, 3, 4, [9, 10, 11]]
+In []: num = [1, 2, 3, 4]
+In []: num.extend([5, 6, 7])
+In []: num
+Out[]: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
+In []: num.reverse()
+In []: num
+Out[]: [7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
+In []: num.remove(6)
+In []: num
+Slicing: \typ{list[initial:final:step]}
+In []: a[1:-1:2]
+Out[]: [2, 4]
+In []: a[::2]
+Out[]: [1, 3, 5]
+In []: a[-1::-1]
+Out[]: [5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
+Tuples(Immutable lists)
+In []: t = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)
+In []: t[0] + t[3] + t[-1]
+Out[]: 13
+In []: t[4] = 7 # ERROR: tuples are immutable
+In []: f = set([1,2,3,5,8])
+In []: p = set([2,3,5,7])
+In []: f | p # Union of two sets
+Out[]: set([1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8])
+In []: g = set([2, 4, 5, 7, 4, 0, 5])
+In []: g
+Out[]: set([2, 4, 5, 7, 0]) # No repetition allowed.
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/day2/cheatsheet3.tex	Wed Nov 11 12:26:07 2009 +0530
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+\title{Python: Data Structures}
+    basicstyle=\ttfamily,
+\LARGE{Python: Functions and Objects}\\
+Function definition
+  \begin{lstlisting}
+def signum( r ):    
+    if r < 0:
+        return -1
+    elif r > 0:
+        return 1
+    else:
+        return 0
+  \end{lstlisting}
+Default Arguments 
+def welcome(greet, name='world!'):
+    print greet, name
+Keyword Arguments
+In []: plot(y, sin(y), 'g', linewidth=2)
+Self contained python script
+  \begin{lstlisting}
+from scipy import linspace, pi, sin
+from pylab import plot, legend, annotate
+from pylab import xlim, ylim
+x = linspace(-5*pi, 5*pi, 500)
+plot(x, x, 'b')
+plot(x, -x, 'b')
+plot(x, sin(x), 'g', linewidth=2)
+plot(x, x*sin(x), 'r', linewidth=3)
+legend(['x', '-x', 'sin(x)', 'xsin(x)'])
+annotate('origin', xy = (0, 0))
+xlim(-5*pi, 5*pi)
+ylim(-5*pi, 5*pi)
+  \end{lstlisting}