Reorganized the slides for sslc1.txt.
authorMadhusudan.C.S <>
Mon, 26 Oct 2009 14:23:49 +0530
changeset 170 36ed5cdf5fde
parent 169 bb3739afce10
child 171 29c0c504750c
child 174 a43832c1edc2
Reorganized the slides for sslc1.txt.
--- a/day1/session3.tex	Mon Oct 26 12:46:56 2009 +0530
+++ b/day1/session3.tex	Mon Oct 26 14:23:49 2009 +0530
@@ -311,8 +311,8 @@
     \item In this problem let the value of a \emph{key} be another dictionary.
     \item This dictionary contains:
-      \item 'marks': A \emph{list} of NumPy arrays
-      \item 'total': Total marks of each student
+      \item 'marks': A \emph{List} of \emph{Lists} containing all marks
+      \item 'total': A \emph{List} of total marks of each student
       \item 'P': Number of passes
       \item 'F': Number of failures
       \item 'W': Number of withdrawls
@@ -362,11 +362,6 @@
     or score_str == ''
     else int(fields[8])
-pfw_key = fields[9]
-    or fields[10]
-    or 'F'
-data[fields[0]][pfw_key] += 1
@@ -381,13 +376,25 @@
+  \frametitle{NumPy arrays}
+  \centerline{\alert{But I lied!?!?!?}}
+  \frametitle{Calculations}
+  \begin{lstlisting}
+for k in data:
+    data[k]['marks'] = array(
+        data[k]['marks'])
+    data[k]['total'] = array(
+        data[k]['total'])
+  \end{lstlisting}
-for k in data:
-    data[k]['marks'] = array(data[k]['marks'])
-    data[k]['total'] = array(data[k]['total'])
     data[k]['avg'] = average(
     marks = data[k]['marks']
@@ -408,7 +415,7 @@
    \item New type of conditional
    \item NumPy arrays
    \item Slicing NumPy arrays
-   \item NumPy array operations - square, average, sqrt
+   \item NumPy array functions - square, average, sqrt