Added pos.txt file.
authorPuneeth Chaganti <>
Wed, 28 Oct 2009 17:35:41 +0530
changeset 243 33ede079857d
parent 240 5a96cf81bdc5
child 244 f4f3b36a9fba
Added pos.txt file.
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/day1/data/pos.txt	Wed Oct 28 17:35:41 2009 +0530
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+0.  0.
+0.25     0.47775
+0.5    0.931
+0.75     1.35975
+1.     1.764
+1.25     2.14375
+1.5    2.499
+1.75     2.82975
+2.     3.136
+2.25     3.41775
+2.5    3.675
+2.75     3.90775
+3.     4.116
+3.25     4.29975
+3.5    4.459
+3.75     4.59375
+4.     4.704
+4.25     4.78975
+4.5    4.851
+4.75     4.88775
+5.   4.9
+5.25     4.88775
+5.5    4.851
+5.75     4.78975
+6.     4.704
+6.25     4.59375
+6.5    4.459
+6.75     4.29975
+7.     4.116
+7.25     3.90775
+7.5    3.675
+7.75     3.41775
+8.     3.136
+8.25     2.82975
+8.5    2.499
+8.75     2.14375
+9.     1.764
+9.25     1.35975
+9.5    0.931
+9.75     0.47775
+10.   0.
--- a/day1/session3.tex	Wed Oct 28 17:18:02 2009 +0530
+++ b/day1/session3.tex	Wed Oct 28 17:35:41 2009 +0530
@@ -514,18 +514,19 @@
 \item A is also called a Van der Monde matrix
 \item It can be generated using \typ{vander}
-Van der Monde matrix of order M
+In []: A = vander(L, 2)
+Gives the required Van der Monde matrix
-  l_1^{M-1} & \ldots & l_1 & 1 \\
-  l_2^{M-1} & \ldots &l_2 & 1 \\
-  \vdots & \ldots & \vdots & \vdots\\
-  l_N^{M-1} & \ldots & l_N & 1 \\
+    l_1 & 1 \\
+    l_2 & 1 \\
+    \vdots & \vdots\\
+    l_N & 1 \\
-In []: A = vander(L,2)