ENH: Enhanced the problem set building on the image handing and arrays.
Illustrated dtypes, casting and their importance along with an example
using RGBA images. Also introduce edge detection.
0. 0.
0.25 0.47775
0.5 0.931
0.75 1.35975
1. 1.764
1.25 2.14375
1.5 2.499
1.75 2.82975
2. 3.136
2.25 3.41775
2.5 3.675
2.75 3.90775
3. 4.116
3.25 4.29975
3.5 4.459
3.75 4.59375
4. 4.704
4.25 4.78975
4.5 4.851
4.75 4.88775
5. 4.9
5.25 4.88775
5.5 4.851
5.75 4.78975
6. 4.704
6.25 4.59375
6.5 4.459
6.75 4.29975
7. 4.116
7.25 3.90775
7.5 3.675
7.75 3.41775
8. 3.136
8.25 2.82975
8.5 2.499
8.75 2.14375
9. 1.764
9.25 1.35975
9.5 0.931
9.75 0.47775
10. 0.