author Shantanu <>
Wed, 07 Oct 2009 23:41:54 +0530
changeset 56 7a8cb7b07ebb
parent 46 63704b5650f1
child 58 ab9192cfe870
permissions -rw-r--r--
Added testing examples in session-3.

% Tutorial slides on Python.
% Author: Prabhu Ramachandran <prabhu at>
% Copyright (c) 2005-2009, Prabhu Ramachandran

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% Modified from:


% Taken from Fernando's slides.



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% Title page
\title[]{Numerical Computing with Numpy \& Scipy}

\author[FOSSEE Team] {Asokan Pichai\\Prabhu Ramachandran}

\institute[IIT Bombay] {Department of Aerospace Engineering\\IIT Bombay}
\date[] {11, October 2009}


%% Delete this, if you do not want the table of contents to pop up at
%% the beginning of each subsection:


% If you wish to uncover everything in a step-wise fashion, uncomment
% the following command: 




    \item Used so that functions can take inputs that are not of the same shape.
    \item 2 rules -
      \item 1 (repeatedly) pre-pended to shapes of smaller arrays
      \item Size 1 in a dimension -> Largest size in that dimension
      >>> x = np.arange(4)
      >>> x+3
      array([3, 4, 5, 6])
    \includegraphics[height=0.7in, interpolate=true]{data/broadcast_scalar}

  \frametitle{Broadcasting in 3D}
      >>> x = np.zeros((3, 5))
      >>> y = np.zeros(8)
      >>> (x[..., None] + y).shape
      (3, 5, 8)
      \includegraphics[height=1.5in, interpolate=true]{data/array_3x5x8}        

  \frametitle{Copies \& Views}
    >>> a = array([[1,2,3], [4,5,6],     
    >>> a[0,1:3]
    array([2, 3])
    >>> a[0::2,0::2]
    array([[1, 3],
          [7, 9]])
  \item Slicing and Striding just reference the same memory
  \item They produce views of the data, not copies

  \frametitle{Copies contd \ldots}
    >>> a[np.array([0,1,2])]
    array([[1, 2, 3],
           [4, 5, 6],
           [7, 8, 9]])
  \item Index arrays or Boolean arrays produce copies

  \frametitle{More Numpy Functions \& Methods}
  More functions
    \item \typ{take}
    \item \typ{choose}
    \item \typ{where}
    \item \typ{compress}
    \item \typ{concatenate}
  Ufunc methods 
    \item \typ{reduce}
    \item \typ{accumulate}
    \item \typ{outer}
    \item \typ{reduceat}

    {Intro to SciPy}
  \item \url{}
  \item Open source scientific libraries for Python
  \item Based on NumPy

  \item Provides:
    \item Linear algebra
    \item Numerical integration
    \item Fourier transforms
    \item Signal processing
    \item Special functions
    \item Statistics
    \item Optimization
    \item Image processing
    \item ODE solvers
  \item Uses LAPACK, QUADPACK, ODEPACK, FFTPACK etc. from netlib

  \frametitle{Linear Algebra}
  \typ{>>> from scipy import linalg}
    \item \typ{linalg.det, linalg.norm}
    \item \typ{linalg.eig,}
    \item \typ{linalg.expm, linalg.logm}
    \item \typ{linalg.sinm, linalg.sinhm}

  \frametitle{Linear Algebra \ldots}
    3x + 2y - z  & = 1 \\
    2x - 2y + 4z  & = -2 \\
    -x + \frac{1}{2}y -z & = 0
    >>> linalg.solve(A,B)

    \item Integrating Functions given function object
    \item Integrating Functions given fixed samples
    \item Numerical integrators of ODE systems
  Calculate $\int^1_0sin(x) + x^2$
    >>> def f(x):
            return np.sin(x)+x**2
    >>> integrate.quad(f, 0, 1)

  \frametitle{Integrate \ldots}
  Numerically solve ODEs\\
    def dx_dt(x,t):
        return -np.exp(-t)*x**2

    x=integrate.odeint(dx_dt, 2, t)

    \item \typ{interpolate.interp1d, ...}
    \item \typ{interpolate.splrep, splev}
  Cubic Spline of $sin(x)$
    x = np.arange(0,2*np.pi,np.pi/8)
    y = np.sin(x)
    t = interpolate.splrep(x,y,s=0)
    X = np.arange(0,2*np.pi,np.pi/50)
    Y = interpolate.splev(X,t,der=0)


  \frametitle{Signal \& Image Processing}
     \item Convolution
     \item B-splines
     \item Filtering
     \item Filter design
     \item IIR filter design
     \item Linear Systems
     \item LTI Reresentations
     \item Waveforms
     \item Window functions
     \item Wavelets

  \frametitle{Signal \& Image Processing}
  Applying a simple median filter
    from scipy import signal, ndimage
    from scipy import lena
  Zooming an array - uses spline interpolation


  The Van der Pol oscillator is a type of nonconservative oscillator with nonlinear damping. It evolves in time according to the second order differential equation:
  \frac{d^2x}{dt^2}+\mu(x^2-1)\frac{dx}{dt}+x= 0


- Numpy arrays (30 mins)
    - Matrices
    - random number generation.
    - Image manipulation: jigsaw puzzle.
    - Monte-carlo integration.