Added sections, subsections and time estimates for session 3 day 1.
\documentclass[12pt]{article}\title{Interactive Plotting}\author{FOSSEE}\begin{document}\maketitle\section{Starting up...}\begin{verbatim} $ ipython -pylab \end{verbatim}Exiting Ipython\begin{verbatim} In [1]: print "Hello, World!" In [2]: ^D Do you really want to exit ([y]/n)? y\end{verbatim}Breaking out of loops\begin{verbatim} In [1]: while True: ...: print "Hello, World!" ...: Hello, World! Hello, World!^C\end{verbatim}\section{First Plot}\begin{verbatim} In [2]: x=linspace(0, 2*pi, 50) In [3]: plot(x,sin(x)) Out[3]: [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0xb6e5874c>]\end{verbatim}\section{Labeling}\begin{verbatim} In [4]: xlabel('x') In [5]: ylabel('sin(x)')\end{verbatim}\section{Another example}\begin{verbatim}In [6]: clf()In [7]: y = linspace(0,10,101)In [8]: plot(y, exp(-y))In [9]: xlabel('y')In [10]: ylabel(r'$e^{-y}$')\end{verbatim}\end{document}