Added ODE section to cheatsheet6, day1.
import math
f = open('/home/madhu/Desktop/marks.dat')
subj_marks = [[]] * 5
names = []
for line in f:
fields = line.split(';')
for i in range(5):
for i in range(5):
avg_marks = float(sum(subj_marks[i])) / len(subj_marks[i])
student = names[subj_marks[i].index(max(subj_marks[i]))]
sigma = 0
for j in subj_marks[i]:
sigma += (j - avg_marks) ** 2
std_dev = math.sqrt(sigma)
print "Average marks for subject: %f is Standard Deviation is %f, Student with Highest Marks is %s" % (avg_marks, std_dev, student)