ENH: Minor changes to session 2.
\title{Python: Data Structures}
\LARGE{Python Development}\\
Packages like \typ{scipy}, \typ{pylab} etc we used for functions like \typ{plot}, \typ{linspace} are \textbf{Modules}. They are Python script, which have various functions and objects, which can be imported and reused.
def gcd(a, b):
if a % b == 0:
return b
return gcd(b, a%b)
print gcd(15, 65)
print gcd(16, 76)
Save above mentioned python script with name 'gcd.py'. Now we can \typ{import} \typ{gcd} function. For example, in same directory create 'lcm.py' with following content:
from gcd import gcd
def lcm(a, b):
return (a * b) / gcd(a, b)
print lcm(14, 56)
Here since both gcd.py and lcm.py are in same directory, import statement imports \typ{gcd} function from gcd.py.\\
When you try to run lcm.py it prints three results, two from gcd.py and third from lcm.py.
$ python lcm.py
\end{lstlisting} %$
We have print statements to make sure \typ{gcd} and \typ{lcm} are working properly. So to suppress output of \typ{gcd} module when imported in lcm.py we use \typ{'__main__'} \
def gcd(a, b):
if a % b == 0:
return b
return gcd(b, a%b)
if __name__ == '__main__':
print gcd(15, 65)
print gcd(16, 76)
\typ{__main__()} helps to create standalone scripts. Code inside it is only executed when we run gcd.py. Hence
$ python gcd.py
$ python lcm.py