Added Session 3 day 1 solution code.
\title{Links and References}
\author{Asokan Pichai\\Prabhu Ramachandran}
\item Most referred and trusted material for learning \emph{Python} language is available at \url{}
\item ``may be one of the thinnest programming language books on my shelf, but it's also one of the best.'' -- \emph{Slashdot, AccordianGuy, September 8, 2004}- available at \url{}
\item How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Learning with Python available at \url{}\\``The concepts covered here apply to all programming languages and to problem solving in general.'' -- \emph{Guido van Rossum, creator of Python}
\item Some assorted articles related to Python \url{}
\item To read more on strings refer to: \\ \url{}
\item For documentation on IPython refer: \\ \url{}
\item Documentation for Numpy and Scipy is available at: \url{}
\item For "recipes" or worked examples of commonly-done tasks in SciPy explore: \url{}
\item User Guide for Mayavi is the best place to look for Mayavi Documentation, available at: \\ \url{}
\item Explore examples and plots based on matplotlib at \\ \url{}
\item One stop go for Sage is \url{}
\item Central page for all SymPy’s documentation is at \\ \url{}
\item For videos from basics to advanced Python check out: \\ \url{}