Changed the schedule in session 1 slides and updated session 2 slides.
%\title{Plotting Data}
\LARGE{Plotting Data}\\
IPython History
In [1]: %hist
In [2]: %hist -n
Running a Script
In [3]: %run
\section{Plotting from Data files}
In [1]: L = [] #Empty List
In [2]: T = []
In [3]: for line in open('pendulum.txt'): # Opening & Reading files
....: points = line.split() # Splitting a string
....: L.append(float(points[0])) # Appending to a list
....: T.append(float(points[1]))
In [4]: TSq = []
In [5]: for t in T: #Iterating through lists
....: TSq.append(t*t)
In [6]: plot(L, TSq, '.') # Plotting points