changeset 283 5d7ca20e955f
parent 281 ce818f645f6b
child 286 ac457f7d1702
--- a/day1/session6.tex	Thu Nov 05 22:37:50 2009 +0530
+++ b/day1/session6.tex	Thu Nov 05 23:50:35 2009 +0530
@@ -302,8 +302,61 @@
 \item Input arguments - Function and initial estimate
 \item Returns the solution
+Find the root of $sin(x)+cos^2(x)$ nearest to $0$
-  In []: fsolve(our_f, -pi/2)
+In []: fsolve(sin(x)+cos(x)**2, 0)
+NameError: name 'x' is not defined
+In []: x = linspace(-pi, pi)
+In []: fsolve(sin(x)+cos(x)**2, 0)
+\typ{'numpy.ndarray' object is not callable}
+\frametitle{Functions - Definition}
+We have been using them all along. Now let's see how to define them.
+In []: def f(x):
+           return sin(x)+cos(x)**2
+\item \typ{def}
+\item name
+\item arguments
+\item \typ{return}
+\frametitle{Functions - Calling them}
+In [15]: f()
+\alert{\typ{TypeError:}}\typ{f() takes exactly 1 argument}
+\typ{(0 given)}
+In []: f(0)
+Out[]: 1.0
+In []: f(1)
+Out[]: 1.1333975665343254
+More on Functions later \ldots
+\frametitle{\typ{fsolve} \ldots}
+Find the root of $sin(x)+cos^2(x)$ nearest to $0$
+In []: fsolve(f, 0)
+Out[]: -0.66623943249251527
@@ -381,8 +434,10 @@
   \frametitle{Things we have learned}
+  \item Solving Linear Equations
+  \item Defining Functions
+  \item Finding Roots
   \item Solving ODEs
-  \item Finding Roots