1 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
2 % Tutorial slides on Python. |
3 % |
4 % Author: Prabhu Ramachandran <prabhu at aero.iitb.ac.in> |
5 % Copyright (c) 2005-2008, Prabhu Ramachandran |
6 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
7 |
8 \documentclass[14pt,compress]{beamer} |
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71 % } |
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74 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
75 % Title page |
76 \title[Basic Python]{Python,\\a great programming toolkit:\\ |
77 numerics and plotting} |
78 |
79 \author[Asokan \& Prabhu] {Asokan Pichai\\Prabhu Ramachandran} |
80 |
81 \institute[IIT Bombay] {Department of Aerospace Engineering\\IIT Bombay} |
82 \date[] {26, July 2009} |
83 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
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102 \frametitle{Outline} |
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113 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
115 \begin{document} |
116 |
117 \begin{frame} |
118 \titlepage |
119 \end{frame} |
120 \begin{frame} |
121 {Acknowledgements} |
122 \begin{center} |
123 This program is conducted by\\ |
124 IIT, Bombay\\ |
125 through CDEEP\\ |
126 as part of the open source initiatives\\ |
127 under the aegis of\\ |
128 \alert{National Mission on Education through ICT,} \\ |
129 Ministry of HRD. |
130 \end{center} |
131 \end{frame} |
132 |
133 \begin{frame} |
134 \frametitle{Outline} |
135 \tableofcontents |
136 % You might wish to add the option [pausesections] |
137 \end{frame} |
138 |
139 \begin{frame}{Goal of the Workshop} |
140 |
141 At the end of this program, successful participants will be able |
142 to use python as their scripting and problem solving language. |
143 Aimed at Engg. students--focus on basic numerics and plotting-- |
144 but should serve a similar purpose for others.\\ |
145 |
146 At the minimum you will be able to use Python for your plotting immediately. |
147 |
148 \end{frame} |
149 |
150 \begin{frame}{Checklist} |
151 |
152 \begin{description} |
153 \item[pylab] matplotlib interface |
154 \item[numpy] Array computing |
155 \item[scipy] numerical work |
156 \item[mayavi] \typ{enthought.mayavi}: 3D viz. |
157 \end{description} |
158 \end{frame} |
159 |
160 \section{30000 feet view} |
161 \begin{frame}{Lets see what we can do!} |
162 \huge |
163 Hold on to your seatbelts |
164 \end{frame} |
165 |
166 \begin{frame} |
167 {That was done by\ldots} |
168 \begin{description}[CalisthenicsIsAnArt] |
169 \item[Arrays] 2--3 lines; 5 minutes to learn |
170 \item[2D plots] 5 lines; 10 minutes to learn |
171 \item[Simple 3D plots] 5 lines; 10 minutes to learn; GUI |
172 exploration! |
173 \item[Complex plots] relatively short (10-15 lines); more time to master; |
174 \end{description} |
175 \inctime{15} |
176 \end{frame} |
177 |
178 \section{Matplotlib} |
179 |
180 \subsection{Basic \typ{numpy} } |
181 |
182 \newcommand{\num}{\texttt{numpy}} |
183 |
184 \begin{frame} |
185 \frametitle{The \num\ module} |
186 \begin{itemize} |
187 \item Why? |
188 \item What: |
189 \begin{itemize} |
190 \item An efficient and powerful array type for various common data |
191 types |
192 \item Abstracts out the most commonly used standard operations on |
193 arrays |
194 \end{itemize} |
195 \end{itemize} |
196 \end{frame} |
197 |
198 \begin{frame}[fragile] |
199 \frametitle{Examples of \num} |
200 \begin{lstlisting} |
201 # Simple array math example |
202 >>> from numpy import * |
203 >>> a = array([1,2,3,4]) |
204 >>> b = array([2,3,4,5]) |
205 >>> a*2 + b + 1 # Basic math! |
206 array([5, 8, 11, 14]) |
207 # Pi and e are defined. |
208 >>> x = linspace(0.0, 10.0, 1000) |
209 >>> x *= 2*pi/10 # inplace. |
210 # apply functions to array. |
211 >>> y = sin(x) |
212 \end{lstlisting} |
213 \end{frame} |
214 |
215 \begin{frame} |
216 \frametitle{Basic concepts} |
217 \begin{itemize} |
218 \item fixed size (\typ{arr.size}); |
219 \item Same type (\typ{arr.dtype}) of data |
220 \item arbitrary dimensionality |
221 \item \typ{arr.shape}: size in each dimension |
222 \item \alert{Note:} \typ{len(arr) != arr.size} in general |
223 \item \alert{Note:} By default array operations are performed |
224 \alert{elementwise} |
225 \item Indices, slicing: just like lists |
226 \end{itemize} |
227 \end{frame} |
228 |
229 |
230 \begin{frame}[fragile] |
231 \frametitle{More examples of \num} |
232 \vspace*{-8pt} |
233 \begin{lstlisting} |
234 >>> x = array([1., 2, 3, 4]) |
235 >>> size(x) |
236 4 |
237 >>> x.dtype # What is a.dtype? |
238 dtype('float64') |
239 >>> x.shape |
240 (4,) |
241 >>> print rank(x), x.itemsize |
242 1 8 |
243 >>> x[0] = 10 |
244 >>> print x[0], x[-1] |
245 10.0 4.0 |
246 \end{lstlisting} |
247 |
248 \inctime{10} |
249 \end{frame} |
250 |
251 |
252 |
253 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
254 \subsection{Plotting with \typ{pylab}} |
255 |
256 \begin{frame} |
257 {IPython's \typ{pylab} mode} |
258 \begin{itemize} |
259 \item \typ{pylab}: convenient 2D plotting interface to MPL |
260 \item Immediate use: \typ{ipython -pylab} |
261 \item Imports all of pylab for you! |
262 \item Allows for interactive plotting |
263 \end{itemize} |
264 \end{frame} |
265 |
266 \begin{frame}[fragile] |
267 \frametitle{Basic 2D plotting} |
268 |
269 \begin{lstlisting} |
270 >>> x = linspace(0, 2*pi, 1000) |
271 >>> plot(x, sin(x)) |
272 >>> plot(x, sin(x), 'ro') |
273 >>> xlabel(r'$\chi$', color='g') |
274 # LaTeX markup! |
275 >>> ylabel(r'sin($\chi$)', color='r') |
276 >>> title('Simple figure', fontsize=20) |
277 >>> savefig('/tmp/test.eps') |
278 \end{lstlisting} |
279 \begin{itemize} |
280 \item Also: PNG, PDF, PS, EPS, SVG, PDF |
281 \end{itemize} |
282 \end{frame} |
283 |
284 |
285 \begin{frame}[fragile] |
286 \frametitle{Basic plotting \ldots} |
287 \begin{lstlisting} |
288 # Set properties of objects: |
289 >>> l, = plot(x, sin(x)) |
290 # Why "l,"? |
291 >>> setp(l, linewidth=2.0, color='r') |
292 >>> l.set_linewidth(2.0) |
293 >>> draw() # Redraw. |
294 >>> setp(l) # Print properties |
295 >>> clf() # Clear figure. |
296 >>> close() # Close figure. |
297 \end{lstlisting} |
298 \end{frame} |
299 |
300 \begin{frame}[fragile] |
301 \frametitle{Multiple figures} |
302 |
303 \begin{lstlisting} |
304 >>> figure(1) |
305 >>> plot(x, sin(x)) |
306 >>> figure(2) |
307 >>> plot(x, tanh(x)) |
308 >>> figure(1) |
309 >>> title('Easy as 1,2,3') |
310 \end{lstlisting} |
311 |
312 \end{frame} |
313 |
314 |
315 \begin{frame}[fragile] |
316 \frametitle{Legends and Annotation} |
317 \begin{lstlisting} |
318 >>> plot(x, cos(5*x), 'r--', |
319 label='cosine') |
320 >>> plot(x, sin(5*x), 'g--', |
321 label='sine') |
322 >>> legend() |
323 # Or use: |
324 >>> legend(['cosine', 'sine']) |
325 # Annotation: |
326 >>> text(1,0, '(1,0)') |
327 \end{lstlisting} |
328 \end{frame} |
329 |
330 \begin{frame}[fragile] |
331 \frametitle{More commands \ldots} |
332 \begin{lstlisting} |
333 # semilog, loglog |
334 >>> x = 10.**(-arange(100)*0.1) |
335 >>> semilogx(x, x) |
336 >>> semilogy(x, x) |
337 >>> loglog(x, x) |
338 >>> loglog(x, x*x) |
339 \end{lstlisting} |
340 \end{frame} |
341 |
342 \begin{frame}[fragile] |
343 \frametitle{More plots \ldots} |
344 \begin{lstlisting} |
345 >>> clf() |
346 >>> t = arange(0.1, 4, 0.1) |
347 >>> s = exp(-t) |
348 >>> e = 0.1*abs(randn(len(s))) |
349 >>> errorbar(t, s, e) |
350 # Scatter plots |
351 >>> clf() |
352 >>> t = randn(len(e)) |
353 >>> scatter(t, e, c=s) |
354 \end{lstlisting} |
355 \end{frame} |
356 |
357 \begin{frame}[fragile] |
358 \frametitle{Note: \typ{pylab} in Python scripts} |
359 \begin{lstlisting} |
360 import pylab |
361 x = pylab.linspace(0, 20, 1000) |
362 pylab.plot(x, pylab.sin(x)) |
363 |
364 # Can also use: |
365 from pylab import linspace, sin, plot |
366 \end{lstlisting} |
367 \end{frame} |
368 |
369 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
370 |
371 \begin{frame}[fragile] |
372 \frametitle{X-Y plot} |
373 \begin{columns} |
374 \column{0.5\textwidth} |
375 \hspace*{-0.5in} |
376 \includegraphics[height=2in, interpolate=true]{data/xyplot} |
377 \column{0.45\textwidth} |
378 \begin{block}{Example code} |
379 \tiny |
380 \begin{lstlisting} |
381 t1 = arange(0.0, 5.0, 0.1) |
382 t2 = arange(0.0, 5.0, 0.02) |
383 t3 = arange(0.0, 2.0, 0.01) |
384 subplot(211) |
385 plot(t1, cos(2*pi*t1)*exp(-t1), 'bo', |
386 t2, cos(2*pi*t2)*exp(-t2), 'k') |
387 grid(True) |
388 title('A tale of 2 subplots') |
389 ylabel('Damped') |
390 subplot(212) |
391 plot(t3, cos(2*pi*t3), 'r--') |
392 grid(True) |
393 xlabel('time (s)') |
394 ylabel('Undamped') |
395 \end{lstlisting} |
396 \end{block} |
397 \end{columns} |
398 \end{frame} |
399 |
400 \begin{frame}[fragile] \frametitle{Semi-log and log-log plots} |
401 \begin{columns} |
402 \column{0.5\textwidth} |
403 \hspace*{-0.5in} |
404 \includegraphics[height=2in, interpolate=true]{data/log} |
405 \column{0.45\textwidth} |
406 \begin{block}{Example code} |
407 \tiny |
408 \begin{lstlisting} |
409 dt = 0.01 |
410 t = arange(dt, 20.0, dt) |
411 subplot(311) |
412 semilogy(t, exp(-t/5.0)) |
413 ylabel('semilogy') |
414 grid(True) |
415 subplot(312) |
416 semilogx(t, sin(2*pi*t)) |
417 ylabel('semilogx') |
418 grid(True) |
419 # minor grid on too |
420 gca().xaxis.grid(True, which='minor') |
421 subplot(313) |
422 loglog(t, 20*exp(-t/10.0), basex=4) |
423 grid(True) |
424 ylabel('loglog base 4 on x') |
425 \end{lstlisting} |
426 \end{block} |
427 \end{columns} |
428 \end{frame} |
429 |
430 \begin{frame}[fragile] \frametitle{Errorbar} |
431 \begin{columns} |
432 \column{0.5\textwidth} |
433 \hspace*{-0.5in} |
434 \includegraphics[height=2in, interpolate=true]{data/errorbar} |
435 \column{0.45\textwidth} |
436 \begin{block}{Example code} |
437 \tiny |
438 \begin{lstlisting} |
439 t = arange(0.1, 4, 0.1) |
440 s = exp(-t) |
441 e = 0.1*abs(randn(len(s))) |
442 f = 0.1*abs(randn(len(s))) |
443 g = 2*e |
444 h = 2*f |
445 errorbar(t, s, [e,g], f, fmt='o') |
446 xlabel('Distance (m)') |
447 ylabel('Height (m)') |
448 title('Mean and standard error '\ |
449 'as a function of distance') |
450 \end{lstlisting} |
451 \end{block} |
452 \end{columns} |
453 \end{frame} |
454 |
455 \begin{frame}[fragile] \frametitle{Histogram} |
456 \begin{columns} |
457 \column{0.5\textwidth} |
458 \hspace*{-0.5in} |
459 \includegraphics[height=2in, interpolate=true]{data/histogram} |
460 \column{0.45\textwidth} |
461 \begin{block}{Example code} |
462 \tiny |
463 \begin{lstlisting} |
464 mu, sigma = 100, 15 |
465 x = mu + sigma*randn(10000) |
466 # the histogram of the data |
467 n, bins, patches = hist(x, 100, normed=1) |
468 # add a 'best fit' line |
469 y = normpdf( bins, mu, sigma) |
470 l = plot(bins, y, 'r--', linewidth=2) |
471 xlim(40, 160) |
472 xlabel('Smarts') |
473 ylabel('P') |
474 title(r'$\rm{IQ:}\/ \mu=100,\/ \sigma=15$') |
475 \end{lstlisting} |
476 \end{block} |
477 \end{columns} |
478 \end{frame} |
479 |
480 \begin{frame}[fragile] \frametitle{Bar charts} |
481 \begin{columns} |
482 \column{0.5\textwidth} |
483 \hspace*{-0.5in} |
484 \includegraphics[height=2in, interpolate=true]{data/barchart} |
485 \column{0.45\textwidth} |
486 \begin{block}{Example code} |
487 \tiny |
488 \begin{lstlisting} |
489 N = 5 |
490 menMeans = (20, 35, 30, 35, 27) |
491 menStd = ( 2, 3, 4, 1, 2) |
492 # the x locations for the groups |
493 ind = arange(N) |
494 # the width of the bars |
495 width = 0.35 |
496 p1 = bar(ind, menMeans, width, |
497 color='r', yerr=menStd) |
498 womenMeans = (25, 32, 34, 20, 25) |
499 womenStd = ( 3, 5, 2, 3, 3) |
500 p2 = bar(ind+width, womenMeans, width, |
501 color='y', yerr=womenStd) |
502 ylabel('Scores') |
503 title('Scores by group and gender') |
504 xticks(ind+width, |
505 ('G1', 'G2', 'G3', 'G4', 'G5')) |
506 xlim(-width,len(ind)) |
507 yticks(arange(0,41,10)) |
508 legend((p1[0], p2[0]), |
509 ('Men', 'Women'), shadow=True) |
510 \end{lstlisting} |
511 \end{block} |
512 \end{columns} |
513 \end{frame} |
514 |
515 \begin{frame}[fragile] \frametitle{Pie charts} |
516 \begin{columns} |
517 \column{0.5\textwidth} |
518 \hspace*{-0.4in} |
519 \includegraphics[height=2.0in, interpolate=true]{data/piechart} |
520 \column{0.45\textwidth} |
521 \begin{block}{Example code} |
522 \tiny |
523 \begin{lstlisting} |
524 # make a square figure and axes |
525 figure(1, figsize=(8,8)) |
526 ax = axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8]) |
527 labels = 'Frogs', 'Hogs', 'Dogs', 'Logs' |
528 fracs = [15,30,45, 10] |
529 explode=(0, 0.05, 0, 0) |
530 pie(fracs, explode=explode, labels=labels, |
531 autopct='%1.1f%%', shadow=True) |
532 title('Raining Hogs and Dogs', |
533 bbox={'facecolor':'0.8', 'pad':5}) |
534 \end{lstlisting} |
535 \end{block} |
536 \end{columns} |
537 \end{frame} |
538 |
539 \begin{frame}[fragile] \frametitle{Scatter plots} |
540 \begin{columns} |
541 \column{0.5\textwidth} |
542 \hspace*{-0.4in} |
543 \includegraphics[height=2in, interpolate=true]{data/scatter} |
544 \column{0.45\textwidth} |
545 \begin{block}{Example code} |
546 \tiny |
547 \begin{lstlisting} |
548 N = 30 |
549 x = 0.9*rand(N) |
550 y = 0.9*rand(N) |
551 # 0 to 10 point radiuses |
552 area = pi*(10 * rand(N))**2 |
553 volume = 400 + rand(N)*450 |
554 scatter(x,y,s=area, marker='o', c=volume, |
555 alpha=0.75) |
556 xlabel(r'$\Delta_i$', size='x-large') |
557 ylabel(r'$\Delta_{i+1}$', size='x-large') |
558 title(r'Volume and percent change') |
559 grid(True) |
560 colorbar() |
561 savefig('scatter') |
562 \end{lstlisting} |
563 \end{block} |
564 \end{columns} |
565 \end{frame} |
566 |
567 \begin{frame}[fragile] \frametitle{Polar} |
568 \begin{columns} |
569 \column{0.5\textwidth} |
570 \hspace*{-0.5in} |
571 \includegraphics[height=2in, interpolate=true]{data/polar} |
572 \column{0.45\textwidth} |
573 \begin{block}{Example code} |
574 \tiny |
575 \begin{lstlisting} |
576 figure(figsize=(8,8)) |
577 ax = axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8], |
578 polar=True, |
579 axisbg='#d5de9c') |
580 r = arange(0,1,0.001) |
581 theta = 2*2*pi*r |
582 polar(theta, r, color='#ee8d18', lw=3) |
583 # the radius of the grid labels |
584 setp(ax.thetagridlabels, y=1.075) |
585 title(r"$\theta=4\pi r", fontsize=20) |
586 \end{lstlisting} |
587 \end{block} |
588 \end{columns} |
589 \end{frame} |
590 |
591 \begin{frame}[fragile] \frametitle{Contours} |
592 \begin{columns} |
593 \column{0.45\textwidth} |
594 \hspace*{-0.5in} |
595 \includegraphics[height=2in, interpolate=true]{data/contour} |
596 \column{0.525\textwidth} |
597 \begin{block}{Example code} |
598 \tiny |
599 \begin{lstlisting} |
600 x = arange(-3.0, 3.0, 0.025) |
601 y = arange(-2.0, 2.0, 0.025) |
602 X, Y = meshgrid(x, y) |
603 Z1 = bivariate_normal(X, Y, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0) |
604 Z2 = bivariate_normal(X, Y, 1.5, 0.5, 1, 1) |
605 # difference of Gaussians |
606 Z = 10.0 * (Z2 - Z1) |
607 im = imshow(Z, interpolation='bilinear', |
608 origin='lower', |
609 cmap=cm.gray, extent=(-3,3,-2,2)) |
610 levels = arange(-1.2, 1.6, 0.2) |
611 # label every second level |
612 clabel(CS, levels[1::2], inline=1, |
613 fmt='%1.1f', fontsize=14) |
614 CS = contour(Z, levels, |
615 origin='lower', |
616 linewidths=2, |
617 extent=(-3,3,-2,2)) |
618 # make a colorbar for the contour lines |
619 CB = colorbar(CS, shrink=0.8, extend='both') |
620 title('Lines with colorbar') |
621 hot(); flag() |
622 \end{lstlisting} |
623 \end{block} |
624 \end{columns} |
625 \end{frame} |
626 |
627 \begin{frame}[fragile] \frametitle{Velocity vectors} |
628 \begin{columns} |
629 \column{0.5\textwidth} |
630 \hspace*{-0.5in} |
631 \includegraphics[height=2in, interpolate=true]{data/quiver} |
632 \column{0.45\textwidth} |
633 \begin{block}{Example code} |
634 \tiny |
635 \begin{lstlisting} |
636 X,Y = meshgrid(arange(0,2*pi,.2), |
637 arange(0,2*pi,.2) ) |
638 U = cos(X) |
639 V = sin(Y) |
640 Q = quiver(X[::3, ::3], Y[::3, ::3], |
641 U[::3, ::3], V[::3, ::3], |
642 color='r', units='x', |
643 linewidths=(2,), |
644 edgecolors=('k'), |
645 headaxislength=5 ) |
646 qk = quiverkey(Q, 0.5, 0.03, 1, '1 m/s', |
647 fontproperties= |
648 {'weight': 'bold'}) |
649 axis([-1, 7, -1, 7]) |
650 title('triangular head; scale '\ |
651 'with x view; black edges') |
652 \end{lstlisting} |
653 \end{block} |
654 \end{columns} |
655 \end{frame} |
656 |
657 \begin{frame}[fragile] \frametitle{Maps} |
658 \includegraphics[height=2.5in, interpolate=true]{data/plotmap} |
659 \begin{center} |
660 \tiny |
661 For details see \url{http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/screenshots/plotmap.py} |
662 \end{center} |
663 \end{frame} |
664 |
665 |
666 \begin{frame} |
667 \frametitle{More information} |
668 \begin{itemize} |
669 \item More information here: \url{http://matplotlib.sf.net} |
670 \item \url{http://matplotlib.sf.net/tutorial.html} |
671 \item \url{http://matplotlib.sf.net/screenshots.html} |
672 \end{itemize} |
673 |
674 \inctime{25} |
675 \end{frame} |
676 |
677 \begin{frame} |
678 \frametitle{Problem set 1.0} |
679 \begin{enumerate} |
680 \item Write a function that plots any n-gon given \typ{n}. |
681 \item Consider the logistic map, $f(x) = kx(1-x)$, plot it for |
682 $k=2.5, 3.5$ and $4$ |
683 \end{enumerate} |
684 \end{frame} |
685 |
686 \begin{frame} |
687 \frametitle{Problem set 1.1} |
688 \begin{enumerate} |
689 \item Consider the iteration $x_{n+1} = f(x_n)$ where $f(x) = |
690 kx(1-x)$. Plot the successive iterates of this process. |
691 \item Plot this using a cobweb plot as follows: |
692 \begin{enumerate} |
693 \item Start at $(x_0, 0)$ |
694 \item Draw line to $(x_i, f(x_i))$; |
695 \item Set $x_{i+1} = f(x_i)$ |
696 \item Draw line to $(x_i, x_i)$ |
697 \item Repeat from 2 for as long as you want |
698 \end{enumerate} |
699 \end{enumerate} |
700 \end{frame} |
701 |
702 \begin{frame} |
703 \frametitle{Problem set 1.2} |
704 \begin{enumerate} |
705 |
706 \item Plot the Koch snowflake. Write a function to generate the |
707 necessary points given the two points constituting a line. |
708 \pause |
709 \begin{enumerate} |
710 \item Split the line into 4 segments. |
711 \item The first and last segments are trivial. |
712 \item To rotate the point you can use complex numbers, |
713 recall that $z e^{j \theta}$ rotates a point $z$ in 2D |
714 by $\theta$. |
715 \item Do this for all line segments till everything is |
716 done. |
717 \end{enumerate} |
718 \item Show rate of convergence for a first and second order finite |
719 difference of sin(x) |
720 \end{enumerate} |
721 \inctime{30} |
722 \end{frame} |
723 |
724 |
725 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
726 |
727 \begin{frame}[fragile] |
728 \frametitle{More IPython features} |
729 \begin{itemize} |
730 \item Input and output caching: |
731 \begin{itemize} |
732 \item \verb+In+: a list of all entered input |
733 \item \verb+Out+: a dict of all output |
734 \item \verb+%hist [-n]+ macro shows previous history, \verb+-n+ |
735 suppresses line number information |
736 \end{itemize} |
737 \item Log the session using \verb+%logstart+, \verb+%logon+ and |
738 \verb+%logoff+ |
739 \item Use \verb+;+ to suppress printing output |
740 \item \verb+%time statement+ |
741 \item \verb+%timeit [-n<N> -r<R> [-t|-c]] statement+ |
742 |
743 \end{itemize} |
744 \end{frame} |
745 |
746 \begin{frame}[fragile] |
747 \frametitle{More IPython features} |
748 \begin{itemize} |
749 \item \verb+%run [options] file[.py]+ -- running Python code |
750 \item \verb+%prun+ runs a statement/expression under the profiler |
751 \item \verb+%debug+: Helps with debugging after a crash |
752 \end{itemize} |
753 \end{frame} |
754 |
755 \begin{frame}[fragile] |
756 \frametitle{More IPython features \ldots} |
757 \begin{itemize} |
758 \item \verb+%edit [options] [args]+: edit lines of code or file |
759 specified in editor (configure editor via \verb+$EDITOR+) |
760 \item \verb+%cd+ changes directory, see also \verb+%pushd, %popd, %dhist+ |
761 \item Shell access |
762 \begin{itemize} |
763 \item \verb+!command+ runs a shell command and returns its output |
764 \item \verb+files = !ls+ sets |
765 \verb+files+ to all result of the \verb+ls+ command |
766 \item \verb+!ls $files+ passes the \verb+files+ variable to the |
767 shell command |
768 \end{itemize} |
769 \end{itemize} |
770 \end{frame} |
771 |
772 \begin{frame}[fragile] |
773 \frametitle{More IPython features \ldots} |
774 \begin{itemize} |
775 \item \verb+%bookmark+: store a bookmarked location, for use with \verb+%cd+ |
776 \item \verb+%save [options] filename n1-n2 n3-n4+: save lines to a |
777 file |
778 \item Can define and use profiles to setup IPython differently: |
779 \verb+math, scipy, numeric, pysh+ etc. |
780 \item \verb+%magic+: \alert{Show help on all magics} |
781 \item Check out the \verb+%macro+ magic |
782 \end{itemize} |
783 \end{frame} |
784 |
785 \begin{frame} |
786 \frametitle{Problem set 2} |
787 \begin{itemize} |
788 \item Compare your linspace with that of numpy for 1 million |
789 elements in terms of speed. |
790 \end{itemize} |
791 \inctime{10} |
792 \end{frame} |
793 |
794 |
795 \begin{frame}[fragile] |
796 \frametitle{Debugging effectively} |
797 |
798 \begin{itemize} |
799 \item \kwrd{print} based strategy |
800 \item Process: Hypothesis, test, refine, rinse-repeat |
801 \item Using \typ{\%debug} and \typ{\%pdb} in IPython |
802 \end{itemize} |
803 |
804 \inctime{10} |
805 \end{frame} |
806 |
807 \section{Debugging and testing} |
808 |
809 \begin{frame}[fragile] |
810 \frametitle{Testing code with \typ{nosetests}} |
811 |
812 \begin{itemize} |
813 \item Writing tests is really simple! |
814 |
815 \item Using nose |
816 |
817 \item Example! |
818 \end{itemize} |
819 \end{frame} |
820 |
821 \begin{frame}[fragile] |
822 \frametitle{Nosetest} |
823 \begin{lstlisting} |
824 def gcd(a, b): |
825 """Returns gcd of a and b, |
826 handles only positive numbers.""" |
827 if a%b == 0: return b |
828 return gcd(b, a%b) |
829 def lcm(a, b): |
830 return a*b/gcd(a, b) |
831 |
832 if __name__ == '__main__': |
833 import nose |
834 nose.main() |
835 \end{lstlisting} |
836 |
837 \inctime{10} |
838 \end{frame} |
839 |
840 \section{NumPy and SciPy} |
841 |
842 \begin{frame} |
843 {More Numpy} |
844 |
845 \begin{itemize} |
846 \item Multi-dimensional arrays |
847 \item Random number generation |
848 \end{itemize} |
849 |
850 \end{frame} |
851 |
852 \begin{frame}[fragile] |
853 \frametitle{Multi-dimensional arrays} |
854 \begin{lstlisting} |
855 >>> a = array([[ 0, 1, 2, 3], |
856 ... [10,11,12,13]]) |
857 >>> a.shape # (rows, columns) |
858 (2, 4) |
859 # Accessing and setting values |
860 >>> a[1,3] |
861 13 |
862 >>> a[1,3] = -1 |
863 >>> a[1] # The second row |
864 array([10,11,12,-1]) |
865 |
866 \end{lstlisting} |
867 \end{frame} |
868 |
869 \begin{frame}[fragile] |
870 \frametitle{Slicing arrays} |
871 \begin{lstlisting} |
872 >>> a = array([[1,2,3], [4,5,6], |
873 [7,8,9]]) |
874 >>> a[0,1:3] |
875 array([2, 3]) |
876 >>> a[1:,1:] |
877 array([[5, 6], |
878 [8, 9]]) |
879 >>> a[:,2] |
880 array([3, 6, 9]) |
881 \end{lstlisting} |
882 \end{frame} |
883 \begin{frame}[fragile] |
884 \frametitle{Striding arrays} |
885 \begin{lstlisting} |
886 >>> a[0::2,0::2] |
887 array([[1, 3], |
888 [7, 9]]) |
889 # Slices are references to the |
890 # same memory! |
891 \end{lstlisting} |
892 \end{frame} |
893 |
894 \begin{frame}[fragile] |
895 \frametitle{Array creation functions} |
896 \begin{itemize} |
897 \item \typ{array(object, dtype=None, \ldots)} |
898 \item \typ{arange(start, stop=None, step=1 \ldots)} |
899 \item \typ{linspace(start, stop, num=50, \ldots)} |
900 \item \typ{ones(shape, dtype=None, \ldots)} |
901 \item \typ{zeros(shape, dtype=float,\ldots)} |
902 \item \typ{identity(n)} |
903 \item \typ{empty(shape, dtype=float,\ldots)} |
904 \item \typ{ones\_like(x)}, |
905 \item \typ{zeros\_like(x)}, \typ{empty\_like(x)} |
906 \end{itemize} |
907 \end{frame} |
908 |
909 \begin{frame}[fragile] |
910 \frametitle{Array math} |
911 \begin{itemize} |
912 \item Basic \alert{elementwise} math (given two arrays \typ{a, b}): |
913 \typ{+, -, *, /, \%} |
914 \item Inplace operators: \typ{a += b}, or \typ{add(a, b, |
915 a)} etc. |
916 \item Logical operations: \typ{equal (==)}, \typ{not\_equal (!=)}, |
917 \typ{less (<)}, \typ{greater (>)} etc. |
918 \item Trig and other functions: \typ{sin(x), arcsin(x), sinh(x), |
919 exp(x), sqrt(x)} etc. |
920 \item \typ{sum(x, axis=0), product(x, axis=0)} |
921 \item \typ{dot(a, b)} |
922 \end{itemize} |
923 \end{frame} |
924 |
925 \begin{frame}[fragile] |
926 \frametitle{Advanced} |
927 \begin{itemize} |
928 \item Only scratched the surface of \num |
929 \item Ufunc methods: \typ{reduce, accumulate, outer, reduceat} |
930 \item Typecasting |
931 \item More functions: \typ{take, choose, where, compress, |
932 concatenate} |
933 \item Array broadcasting and \typ{None} |
934 \end{itemize} |
935 \inctime{15} |
936 \end{frame} |
937 |
938 \begin{frame} |
939 {Intro to SciPy} |
940 \begin{itemize} |
941 \item \url{http://www.scipy.org} |
942 \item Open source scientific libraries for Python |
943 \item Based on NumPy |
944 \end{itemize} |
945 |
946 \inctime{25} |
947 \end{frame} |
948 |
949 \begin{frame} |
950 \frametitle{SciPy} |
951 \begin{itemize} |
952 \item Provides: |
953 \begin{itemize} |
954 \item Linear algebra |
955 \item Numerical integration |
956 \item Fourier transforms |
957 \item Signal processing |
958 \item Special functions |
959 \item Statistics |
960 \item Optimization |
961 \item Image processing |
962 \item ODE solvers |
963 \end{itemize} |
964 \item Uses LAPACK, QUADPACK, ODEPACK, FFTPACK etc. from netlib |
965 \end{itemize} |
966 \end{frame} |
967 |
968 |
969 \section{3D Plotting} |
970 |
971 \begin{frame} |
972 \frametitle{Introduction to Mayavi} |
973 \begin{itemize} |
974 \item Most scientists not interested in details of visualization |
975 \item Visualization of data files with a nice UI |
976 \item Interactive visualization of data (think Matlab) |
977 \item Embedding visualizations in applications |
978 \item Customization |
979 \end{itemize} |
980 \pause |
981 \begin{block}{The Goal} |
982 Provide a \alert{flexible} library/app for every one of these needs! |
983 \end{block} |
984 \end{frame} |
985 |
986 \begin{frame}[fragile] |
987 \frametitle{\typ{mlab}} |
988 \begin{columns} |
989 \column{0.62\textwidth} |
990 \hspace*{-0.45in} |
991 \footnotesize |
992 \begin{lstlisting} |
993 from enthought.mayavi import mlab |
994 from numpy import ogrid, sin |
995 |
996 x, y, z = ogrid[-10:10:100j, |
997 -10:10:100j, |
998 -10:10:100j] |
999 |
1000 mlab.contour3d(sin(x*y*z)/(x*y*z)) |
1001 mlab.show() |
1002 \end{lstlisting} |
1003 \column{0.4\textwidth} |
1004 \hspace*{-0.1\linewidth} |
1005 \includegraphics[width=1.18\linewidth]{data/mlab.png} |
1006 \end{columns} |
1007 \end{frame} |
1008 |
1009 \begin{frame} |
1010 {A Look at the docs } |
1011 |
1012 \inctime{20} |
1013 \end{frame} |
1014 |
1015 |
1016 \section{Integration demo: Lorenz equations} |
1017 |
1018 \begin{frame} |
1019 \frametitle{Lorenz equation example} |
1020 \begin{eqnarray*} |
1021 \frac{d x}{dt} &=& s (y-x)\\ |
1022 \frac{d y}{d t} &=& rx -y -xz\\ |
1023 \frac{d z}{d t} &=& xy - bz\\ |
1024 \end{eqnarray*} |
1025 \begin{itemize} |
1026 \item Specifies the evolution of the system |
1027 \item Think: Velocity of a particle in 3D |
1028 \item Lets trace its path |
1029 \end{itemize} |
1030 \end{frame} |
1031 |
1032 \begin{frame} |
1033 {Interactive exploration} |
1034 |
1035 \inctime{25} |
1036 \end{frame} |
1037 |
1038 |
1039 \end{document} |
1040 |
1041 - Numpy arrays (30 mins) |
1042 - Matrices |
1043 - random number generation. |
1044 - Image manipulation: jigsaw puzzle. |
1045 - Monte-carlo integration. |
1046 |
1047 |
1048 |
1049 |
1050 |
1051 \begin{frame}[fragile] |
1052 \frametitle{More on functions} |
1053 \begin{itemize} |
1054 \item Support default and keyword arguments |
1055 \item Scope of variables in the function is local |
1056 \item Mutable items are \alert{passed by reference} |
1057 \item First line after definition may be a documentation string |
1058 (\alert{recommended!}) |
1059 \item Function definition and execution defines a name bound to the |
1060 function |
1061 \item You \emph{can} assign a variable to a function! |
1062 \end{itemize} |
1063 \end{frame} |
1064 |
1065 |
1066 \begin{frame}[fragile] |
1067 \frametitle{Functions: default arguments} |
1068 \begin{lstlisting} |
1069 def ask_ok(prompt, retries=4, complaint='Yes or no!'): |
1070 while True: |
1071 ok = raw_input(prompt) |
1072 if ok in ('y', 'ye', 'yes'): |
1073 return True |
1074 if ok in ('n', 'no', 'nop', 'nope'): |
1075 return False |
1076 retries = retries - 1 |
1077 if retries < 0: |
1078 raise IOError, 'bad user' |
1079 print complaint |
1080 \end{lstlisting} |
1081 \end{frame} |
1082 |
1083 \begin{frame}[fragile] |
1084 \frametitle{Functions: keyword arguments} |
1085 \begin{lstlisting} |
1086 def parrot(voltage, state='a stiff', |
1087 action='voom', type='Norwegian Blue'): |
1088 print "-- This parrot wouldn't", action, |
1089 print "if you put", voltage, "Volts through it." |
1090 print "-- Lovely plumage, the", type |
1091 print "-- It's", state, "!" |
1092 |
1093 parrot(1000) |
1094 parrot(action = 'VOOOOOM', voltage = 1000000) |
1095 parrot('a thousand', state = 'pushing up the daisies') |
1096 parrot('a million', 'bereft of life', 'jump') |
1097 \end{lstlisting} |
1098 \end{frame} |
1099 |
1100 \begin{frame}[fragile] |
1101 \frametitle{Functions: arbitrary argument lists} |
1102 \begin{itemize} |
1103 \item Arbitrary number of arguments using \verb+*args+ or |
1104 \verb+*whatever+ |
1105 \item Keyword arguments using \verb+**kw+ |
1106 \item Given a tuple/dict how do you call a function? |
1107 \begin{itemize} |
1108 \item Using argument unpacking |
1109 \item For positional arguments: \verb+foo(*[5, 10])+ |
1110 \item For keyword args: \verb+foo(**{'a':5, 'b':10})+ |
1111 \end{itemize} |
1112 \end{itemize} |
1113 \begin{lstlisting} |
1114 def foo(a=10, b=100): |
1115 print a, b |
1116 def func(*args, **keyword): |
1117 print args, keyword |
1118 # Unpacking: |
1119 args = [5, 10] |
1120 foo(*args) |
1121 kw = {'a':5, 'b':10} |
1122 foo(**kw) |
1123 \end{lstlisting} |
1124 \end{frame} |
1125 |
1126 \subsection{Modules, exceptions, classes} |
1127 |
1128 \begin{frame} |
1129 \frametitle{Modules} |
1130 \begin{itemize} |
1131 \item Define variables, functions and classes in a file with a |
1132 \typ{.py} extension |
1133 \item This file becomes a module! |
1134 \item Modules are searched in the following: |
1135 \begin{itemize} |
1136 \item Current directory |
1137 \item Standard: \typ{/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/} etc. |
1138 \item Directories specified in PYTHONPATH |
1139 \item \typ{sys.path}: current path settings (from the \typ{sys} |
1140 module) |
1141 \end{itemize} |
1142 \item The \typ{import} keyword ``loads'' a module |
1143 \item One can also use: |
1144 \mbox{\typ{from module import name1, name2, name2}}\\ |
1145 where \typ{name1} etc. are names in the module, ``module'' |
1146 \item \typ{from module import *} \ --- imports everything from module, |
1147 \alert{use only in interactive mode} |
1148 \end{itemize} |
1149 \end{frame} |
1150 |
1151 \begin{frame}[fragile] |
1152 \frametitle{Modules: example} |
1153 \begin{lstlisting} |
1154 # --- foo.py --- |
1155 some_var = 1 |
1156 def fib(n): # write Fibonacci series up to n |
1157 """Print a Fibonacci series up to n.""" |
1158 a, b = 0, 1 |
1159 while b < n: |
1160 print b, |
1161 a, b = b, a+b |
1162 # EOF |
1163 |
1164 >>> import foo |
1165 >>> foo.fib(10) |
1166 1 1 2 3 5 8 |
1167 >>> foo.some_var |
1168 1 |
1169 \end{lstlisting} |
1170 \end{frame} |
1171 |
1172 \begin{frame}[fragile] |
1173 \frametitle{Namespaces} |
1174 \begin{itemize} |
1175 \item A mapping from names to objects |
1176 \item Modules introduce a namespace |
1177 \item So do classes |
1178 \item The running script's namespace is \verb+__main__+ |
1179 \item A modules namespace is identified by its name |
1180 \item The standard functions (like \typ{len}) are in the |
1181 \verb+__builtin__+ namespace |
1182 \item Namespaces help organize different names and their bindings to |
1183 different objects |
1184 \end{itemize} |
1185 \end{frame} |
1186 |
1187 \begin{frame} |
1188 \frametitle{Exceptions} |
1189 \begin{itemize} |
1190 \item Python's way of notifying you of errors |
1191 \item Several standard exceptions: \typ{SyntaxError}, \typ{IOError} |
1192 etc. |
1193 \item Users can also \typ{raise} errors |
1194 \item Users can create their own exceptions |
1195 \item Exceptions can be ``caught'' via \typ{try/except} blocks |
1196 \end{itemize} |
1197 \end{frame} |
1198 |
1199 \begin{frame}[fragile] |
1200 \frametitle{Exception: examples} |
1201 \begin{lstlisting} |
1202 >>> 10 * (1/0) |
1203 Traceback (most recent call last): |
1204 File "<stdin>", line 1, in ? |
1205 ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero |
1206 >>> 4 + spam*3 |
1207 Traceback (most recent call last): |
1208 File "<stdin>", line 1, in ? |
1209 NameError: name 'spam' is not defined |
1210 >>> '2' + 2 |
1211 Traceback (most recent call last): |
1212 File "<stdin>", line 1, in ? |
1213 TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'int' objects |
1214 \end{lstlisting} |
1215 \end{frame} |
1216 |
1217 \begin{frame}[fragile] |
1218 \frametitle{Exception: examples} |
1219 \begin{lstlisting} |
1220 >>> while True: |
1221 ... try: |
1222 ... x = int(raw_input("Enter a number: ")) |
1223 ... break |
1224 ... except ValueError: |
1225 ... print "Invalid number, try again..." |
1226 ... |
1227 >>> # To raise exceptions |
1228 ... raise ValueError, "your error message" |
1229 Traceback (most recent call last): |
1230 File "<stdin>", line 2, in ? |
1231 ValueError: your error message |
1232 \end{lstlisting} |
1233 \end{frame} |
1234 |
1235 \begin{frame}[fragile] |
1236 \frametitle{Classes: the big picture} |
1237 \begin{itemize} |
1238 \item Lets you create new data types |
1239 \item Class is a template for an object belonging to that class |
1240 \item Note: in Python a class is also an object |
1241 \item Instantiating a class creates an instance (an object) |
1242 \item An instance encapsulates the state (data) and behavior |
1243 (methods) |
1244 \item Allows you to define an inheritance hierarchy |
1245 \begin{itemize} |
1246 \item ``A Honda car \alert{is a} car.'' |
1247 \item ``A car \alert{is an} automobile.'' |
1248 \item ``A Python \alert{is a} reptile.'' |
1249 \end{itemize} |
1250 \item Programmers need to think OO |
1251 \end{itemize} |
1252 \end{frame} |
1253 |
1254 \begin{frame}[fragile] |
1255 \frametitle{Classes: what's the big deal?} |
1256 \begin{itemize} |
1257 \item Lets you create objects that mimic a real problem being |
1258 simulated |
1259 \item Makes problem solving more natural and elegant |
1260 \item Easier to create code |
1261 \item Allows for code-reuse |
1262 \item Polymorphism |
1263 \end{itemize} |
1264 \end{frame} |
1265 |
1266 \begin{frame}[fragile] |
1267 \frametitle{Class definition and instantiation} |
1268 \begin{itemize} |
1269 \item Class definitions when executed create class objects |
1270 \item Instantiating the class object creates an instance of the |
1271 class |
1272 \end{itemize} |
1273 \footnotesize |
1274 \begin{lstlisting} |
1275 class Foo(object): |
1276 pass |
1277 # class object created. |
1278 # Create an instance of Foo. |
1279 f = Foo() |
1280 # Can assign an attribute to the instance |
1281 f.a = 100 |
1282 print f.a |
1283 100 |
1284 \end{lstlisting} |
1285 \end{frame} |
1286 |
1287 \begin{frame}[fragile] |
1288 \frametitle{Classes \ldots} |
1289 \begin{itemize} |
1290 \item All attributes are accessed via the \typ{object.attribute} |
1291 syntax |
1292 \item Both class and instance attributes are supported |
1293 \item \emph{Methods} represent the behavior of an object: crudely |
1294 think of them as functions ``belonging'' to the object |
1295 \item All methods in Python are ``virtual'' |
1296 \item Inheritance through subclassing |
1297 \item Multiple inheritance is supported |
1298 \item No special public and private attributes: only good |
1299 conventions |
1300 \begin{itemize} |
1301 \item \verb+object.public()+: public |
1302 \item \verb+object._private()+ \& \verb+object.__priv()+: |
1303 non-public |
1304 \end{itemize} |
1305 \end{itemize} |
1306 \end{frame} |
1307 |
1308 \begin{frame}[fragile] |
1309 \frametitle{Classes: examples} |
1310 \begin{lstlisting} |
1311 class MyClass(object): |
1312 """Example class (this is the class docstring).""" |
1313 i = 12345 # A class attribute |
1314 def f(self): |
1315 """This is the method docstring""" |
1316 return 'hello world' |
1317 |
1318 >>> a = MyClass() # creates an instance |
1319 >>> a.f() |
1320 'hello world' |
1321 >>> # a.f() is equivalent to MyClass.f(a) |
1322 ... # This also explains why f has a 'self' argument. |
1323 ... MyClass.f(a) |
1324 'hello world' |
1325 \end{lstlisting} |
1326 \end{frame} |
1327 |
1328 \begin{frame}[fragile] |
1329 \frametitle{Classes (continued)} |
1330 \begin{itemize} |
1331 \item \typ{self} is \alert{conventionally} the first argument for a |
1332 method |
1333 \item In previous example, \typ{a.f} is a method object |
1334 \item When \typ{a.f} is called, it is passed the instance \typ{a} as |
1335 the first argument |
1336 \item If a method called \verb+__init__+ exists, it is called when |
1337 the object is created |
1338 \item If a method called \verb+__del__+ exists, it is called before |
1339 the object is garbage collected |
1340 \item Instance attributes are set by simply ``setting'' them in |
1341 \typ{self} |
1342 \item Other special methods (by convention) like \verb+__add__+ let |
1343 you define numeric types: |
1344 {\footnotesize \url{http://docs.python.org/ref/specialnames.html} |
1345 \\ \url{http://docs.python.org/ref/numeric-types.html} |
1346 } |
1347 \end{itemize} |
1348 \end{frame} |
1349 |
1350 \begin{frame}[fragile] |
1351 \frametitle{Classes: examples} |
1352 \begin{lstlisting} |
1353 class Bag(MyClass): # Shows how to derive classes |
1354 def __init__(self): # called on object creation. |
1355 self.data = [] # an instance attribute |
1356 def add(self, x): |
1357 self.data.append(x) |
1358 def addtwice(self, x): |
1359 self.add(x) |
1360 self.add(x) |
1361 >>> a = Bag() |
1362 >>> a.f() # Inherited method |
1363 'hello world' |
1364 >>> a.add(1); a.addtwice(2) |
1365 >>> a.data |
1366 [1, 2, 2] |
1367 \end{lstlisting} |
1368 \end{frame} |
1369 |
1370 \begin{frame}[fragile] |
1371 \frametitle{Derived classes} |
1372 \begin{itemize} |
1373 \item Call the parent's \verb+__init__+ if needed |
1374 \item If you don't need a new constructor, no need to define it in subclass |
1375 \item Can also use the \verb+super+ built-in function |
1376 \end{itemize} |
1377 \begin{lstlisting} |
1378 class AnotherBag(Bag): |
1379 def __init__(self): |
1380 # Must call parent's __init__ explicitly |
1381 Bag.__init__(self) |
1382 # Alternatively use this: |
1383 super(AnotherBag, self).__init__() |
1384 # Now setup any more data. |
1385 self.more_data = [] |
1386 \end{lstlisting} |
1387 \end{frame} |
1388 |
1389 \begin{frame}[fragile] |
1390 \frametitle{Classes: polymorphism} |
1391 \begin{lstlisting} |
1392 class Drawable(object): |
1393 def draw(self): |
1394 # Just a specification. |
1395 pass |
1396 \end{lstlisting} |
1397 \mode<presentation>{\pause} |
1398 \begin{lstlisting} |
1399 class Square(Drawable): |
1400 def draw(self): |
1401 # draw a square. |
1402 class Circle(Drawable): |
1403 def draw(self): |
1404 # draw a circle. |
1405 \end{lstlisting} |
1406 \mode<presentation>{\pause} |
1407 \begin{lstlisting} |
1408 class Artist(Drawable): |
1409 def draw(self): |
1410 for obj in self.drawables: |
1411 obj.draw() |
1412 \end{lstlisting} |
1413 \end{frame} |
1414 |
1415 \subsection{Miscellaneous} |
1416 |
1417 \begin{frame}[fragile] |
1418 \frametitle{Stand-alone scripts} |
1419 Consider a file \typ{f.py}: |
1420 \begin{lstlisting} |
1421 #!/usr/bin/env python |
1422 """Module level documentation.""" |
1423 # First line tells the shell that it should use Python |
1424 # to interpret the code in the file. |
1425 def f(): |
1426 print "f" |
1427 |
1428 # Check if we are running standalone or as module. |
1429 # When imported, __name__ will not be '__main__' |
1430 if __name__ == '__main__': |
1431 # This is not executed when f.py is imported. |
1432 f() |
1433 \end{lstlisting} |
1434 \end{frame} |
1435 |
1436 \begin{frame}[fragile] |
1437 \frametitle{List comprehensions} |
1438 \begin{lstlisting} |
1439 >>> veg = ['tomato', 'cabbage', 'carrot', 'potato'] |
1440 >>> [x.upper() for x in veg] |
1442 >>> vec = range(0, 8) |
1443 >>> even = [x for x in vec if x%2 == 0] |
1444 >>> even |
1445 [0, 2, 4, 6] |
1446 >>> [x*x for x in even] |
1447 [0, 4, 16, 36] |
1448 >>> odd = [x for x in vec if x%2 == 1] |
1449 >>> odd |
1450 [1, 3, 5, 7] |
1451 >>> [x*y for x in even for y in odd] |
1452 [0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 6, 10, 14, 4, 12, 20, 28, 6, 18,30,42] |
1453 \end{lstlisting} |
1454 \end{frame} |
1455 |
1456 \begin{frame}[fragile] |
1457 \frametitle{File handling} |
1458 \begin{lstlisting} |
1459 >>> # Reading files: |
1460 ... f = open('/path/to/file_name') |
1461 >>> data = f.read() # Read entire file. |
1462 >>> line = f.readline() # Read one line. |
1463 >>> # Read entire file appending each line into a list |
1464 ... lines = f.readlines() |
1465 >>> f.close() # close the file. |
1466 >>> # Writing files: |
1467 ... f = open('/path/to/file_name', 'w') |
1468 >>> f.write('hello world\n') |
1469 \end{lstlisting} |
1470 \begin{itemize} |
1471 \item \typ{tell()}: returns int of current position |
1472 \item \typ{seek(pos)}: moves current position to specified byte |
1473 \item Call \typ{close()} when done using a file |
1474 \end{itemize} |
1475 \end{frame} |
1476 |
1477 \begin{frame}[fragile] |
1478 \frametitle{Math} |
1479 \begin{itemize} |
1480 \item \typ{math} module provides basic math routines for |
1481 floats |
1482 \item \typ{cmath} module provides math routies for complex |
1483 numbers |
1484 \item \typ{random}: provides pseudo-random number generators |
1485 for various distributions |
1486 \item These are always available and part of the standard library |
1487 \item More serious math is provided by the NumPy/SciPy modules -- |
1488 these are not standard and need to be installed separately |
1489 \end{itemize} |
1490 \end{frame} |
1491 |
1492 \begin{frame}[fragile] |
1493 \frametitle{Timing and profiling} |
1494 \begin{itemize} |
1495 \item Timing code: use the \typ{time} module |
1496 \item Read up on \typ{time.time()} and \typ{time.clock()} |
1497 \item \typ{timeit}: is a better way of doing timing |
1498 \item IPython has handy \typ{time} and \typ{timeit} macros (type |
1499 \typ{timeit?} for help) |
1500 \item IPython lets you debug and profile code via the \typ{run} |
1501 macro (type \typ{run?} on the prompt to learn more) |
1502 \end{itemize} |
1503 \end{frame} |
1504 |
1505 \begin{frame}[fragile] |
1506 \frametitle{Odds and ends} |
1507 \begin{itemize} |
1508 \item \typ{dir([object])} function: attributes of given object |
1509 \item \typ{type(object)}: returns type information |
1510 \item \typ{str(), repr()}: convert object to string representation |
1511 \item \typ{isinstance, issubclass} |
1512 \item \typ{assert} statements let you do debugging assertions in |
1513 code |
1514 \item \typ{csv} module: reading and writing CSV files |
1515 \item \typ{pickle}: lets you save and load Python objects |
1516 (\alert{serialization}) |
1517 \item \typ{sys.argv}: command line arguments |
1518 \item \typ{os.path}: common path manipulations |
1519 \item Check out the Python Library reference: |
1520 \url{http://docs.python.org/lib/lib.html} |
1521 \end{itemize} |
1522 \end{frame} |
1523 |
1524 \begin{frame}[fragile] |
1525 \frametitle{Test driven development (TDD)} |
1526 \begin{itemize} |
1527 \item Why? |
1528 \begin{itemize} |
1529 |
1530 \item Forces you to write reusable code! |
1531 |
1532 \item Think about the API |
1533 |
1534 \item More robust |
1535 |
1536 \item Makes refactoring very easy |
1537 |
1538 \end{itemize} |
1539 \item How? Python offers three major ways of doing this |
1540 \begin{itemize} |
1541 \item doctest |
1542 \item unittest |
1543 \item nosetest (and similar like py.test) |
1544 \end{itemize} |
1545 |
1546 \item Test every piece of functionality you offer |
1547 |
1548 \item This isn't a formal introduction but more a practical one |
1549 |
1550 \end{itemize} |
1551 \end{frame} |
1552 |
1553 \begin{frame}[fragile] |
1554 \frametitle{Unit test} |
1555 \begin{lstlisting} |
1556 import unittest |
1557 |
1558 class MyTestCase(unittest.TestCase): |
1559 def setUp(self): |
1560 # Called *before* each test_* |
1561 def tearDown(self): |
1562 # Called *after* each test_* |
1563 def test_something(self): |
1564 "docstring" |
1565 # Test code. |
1566 self.assertEqual(x, y) |
1567 self.assertRaises(ValueError, func, arg1, arg2 ...) |
1568 |
1569 if __name__ == '__main__': |
1570 unittest.main() |
1571 \end{lstlisting} |
1572 \end{frame} |
1573 |
1574 \begin{frame}[fragile] |
1575 \frametitle{Nosetest} |
1576 \begin{lstlisting} |
1577 import particle |
1578 def test_particle(): |
1579 # Use asserts here. |
1580 p = particle.Particle(1.0) |
1581 assert p.property[0] == 1.0 |
1582 assert p.property[2] == 0.0 |
1583 |
1584 if __name__ == '__main__': |
1585 import nose |
1586 nose.main() |
1587 \end{lstlisting} |
1588 \end{frame} |
1589 |
1590 \begin{frame}[fragile] |
1591 \frametitle{Testing} |
1592 \begin{itemize} |
1593 \item More details: see library reference and search for nosetest |
1594 \end{itemize} |
1595 \end{frame} |
1596 |
1597 \section{Numerics \& Plotting} |
1598 |
1599 \subsection{NumPy Arrays} |
1600 |
1601 \subsection{Plotting: Matplotlib} |
1602 |
1603 \begin{frame} |
1604 \frametitle{About \texttt{matplotlib}} |
1605 \begin{itemize} |
1606 \item Easy to use, scriptable, ``Matlab-like'' 2D plotting |
1607 \item Publication quality figures and interactive capabilities |
1608 \item Plots, histograms, power spectra, bar charts, errorcharts, |
1609 scatterplots, etc. |
1610 \item Also does polar plots, maps, contours |
1611 \item Support for simple \TeX\ markup |
1612 \item Multiple output backends (images, EPS, SVG, wx, Agg, Tk, GTK) |
1613 \item Cross-platform: Linux, Win32, Mac OS X |
1614 \item Good idea to use via IPython: \typ{ipython -pylab} |
1615 \item From scripts use: \typ{import pylab} |
1616 \end{itemize} |
1617 \end{frame} |
1618 |
1619 \begin{frame} |
1620 \frametitle{More information} |
1621 \begin{itemize} |
1622 \item More information here: \url{http://matplotlib.sf.net} |
1623 \item \url{http://matplotlib.sf.net/tutorial.html} |
1624 \item \url{http://matplotlib.sf.net/screenshots.html} |
1625 \end{itemize} |
1626 \end{frame} |
1627 |
1628 \begin{frame}[fragile] |
1629 \frametitle{Basic plotting with \texttt{matplotlib}} |
1630 \begin{lstlisting} |
1631 >>> x = arange(0, 2*pi, 0.05) |
1632 >>> plot(x, sin(x)) # Same as plot(x, sin(x), 'b-') |
1633 >>> plot(x, sin(x), 'ro') |
1634 >>> axis([0,2*pi, -1,1]) |
1635 >>> xlabel(r'$\chi$', color='g') |
1636 >>> ylabel(r'sin($\chi$)', color='r') |
1637 >>> title('A simple figure', fontsize=20) |
1638 >>> savefig('/tmp/test.eps') |
1639 # Multiple plots in one figure |
1640 >>> t = arange(0.0, 5.2, 0.2) |
1641 # red dashes, blue squares and green triangles |
1642 >>> plot(t, t, 'r--', t, t**2, 'bs', t, t**3, 'g^') |
1643 \end{lstlisting} |
1644 \end{frame} |
1645 |
1646 \begin{frame}[fragile] |
1647 \frametitle{Basic plotting \ldots} |
1648 \begin{lstlisting} |
1649 # Set properties of objects: |
1650 >>> plot(x, sin(x), linewidth=2.0, color='r') |
1651 >>> l, = plot(x, sin(x)) |
1652 >>> setp(l, linewidth=2.0, color='r') |
1653 >>> l.set_linewidth(2.0); l.set_color('r') |
1654 >>> draw() # Redraws current figure. |
1655 >>> setp(l) # Prints available properties |
1656 >>> close() # Closes the figure. |
1657 # Multiple figures: |
1658 >>> figure(1); plot(x, sin(x)) |
1659 >>> figure(2); plot(x, tanh(x)) |
1660 >>> figure(1); title('Easy as 1,2,3') |
1661 \end{lstlisting} |
1662 \end{frame} |
1663 |
1664 \begin{frame}[fragile] |
1665 \frametitle{Basic plotting \ldots} |
1666 \begin{lstlisting} |
1667 >>> figure(1) |
1668 >>> subplot(211) # Same as subplot(2, 1, 1) |
1669 >>> plot(x, cos(5*x)*exp(-x)) |
1670 >>> subplot(2, 1, 2) |
1671 >>> plot(x, cos(5*x), 'r--', label='cosine') |
1672 >>> plot(x, sin(5*x), 'g--', label='sine') |
1673 >>> legend() # Or legend(['cosine', 'sine']) |
1674 >>> text(1,0, '(1,0)') |
1675 >>> axes = gca() # Current axis |
1676 >>> fig = gcf() # Current figure |
1677 \end{lstlisting} |
1678 \end{frame} |
1679 |
1680 |
1681 \subsection{SciPy} |
1682 |
1683 \begin{frame} |
1684 \frametitle{Using \texttt{SciPy}} |
1685 \begin{itemize} |
1686 \item SciPy is Open Source software for mathematics, science, and |
1687 engineering |
1688 \item \typ{import scipy} |
1689 \item Built on NumPy |
1690 \item Provides modules for statistics, optimization, integration, |
1691 linear algebra, Fourier transforms, signal and image processing, |
1692 genetic algorithms, ODE solvers, special functions, and more |
1693 \item Used widely by scientists world over |
1694 \item Details are beyond the scope of this tutorial |
1695 \end{itemize} |
1696 \end{frame} |
1697 |
1698 \section{Standard library} |
1699 |
1700 \subsection{Quick Tour} |
1701 |
1702 \begin{frame} |
1703 \frametitle{Standard library} |
1704 \begin{itemize} |
1705 \item Very powerful |
1706 \item ``Batteries included'' |
1707 \item Example standard modules taken from the tutorial |
1708 \begin{itemize} |
1709 \item Operating system interface: \typ{os} |
1710 \item System, Command line arguments: \typ{sys} |
1711 \item Regular expressions: \typ{re} |
1712 \item Math: \typ{math}, \typ{random} |
1713 \item Internet access: \typ{urllib2}, \typ{smtplib} |
1714 \item Data compression: \typ{zlib}, \typ{gzip}, \typ{bz2}, |
1715 \typ{zipfile}, and \typ{tarfile} |
1716 \item Unit testing: \typ{doctest} and \typ{unittest} |
1717 \item And a whole lot more! |
1718 \end{itemize} |
1719 \item Check out the Python Library reference: |
1720 \url{http://docs.python.org/lib/lib.html} |
1721 \end{itemize} |
1722 \end{frame} |
1723 |
1724 \begin{frame}[fragile] |
1725 \frametitle{Stdlib: examples} |
1726 \begin{lstlisting} |
1727 >>> import os |
1728 >>> os.system('date') |
1729 Fri Jun 10 22:13:09 IST 2005 |
1730 0 |
1731 >>> os.getcwd() |
1732 '/home/prabhu' |
1733 >>> os.chdir('/tmp') |
1734 >>> import os |
1735 >>> dir(os) |
1736 <returns a list of all module functions> |
1737 >>> help(os) |
1738 <extensive manual page from module's docstrings> |
1739 \end{lstlisting} |
1740 \end{frame} |
1741 |
1742 \begin{frame}[fragile] |
1743 \frametitle{Stdlib: examples} |
1744 \begin{lstlisting} |
1745 >>> import sys |
1746 >>> # Print the list of command line args to Python |
1747 ... print sys.argv |
1748 [''] |
1749 >>> import re # Regular expressions |
1750 >>> re.findall(r'\bf[a-z]*', |
1751 ... 'which foot or hand fell fastest') |
1752 ['foot', 'fell', 'fastest'] |
1753 >>> re.sub(r'(\b[a-z]+) \1', r'\1', |
1754 ... 'cat in the the hat') |
1755 'cat in the hat' |
1756 \end{lstlisting} |
1757 \end{frame} |
1758 |
1759 \begin{frame}[fragile] |
1760 \frametitle{Stdlib: examples} |
1761 \begin{lstlisting} |
1762 >>> import math |
1763 >>> math.cos(math.pi / 4.0) |
1764 0.70710678118654757 |
1765 >>> math.log(1024, 2) |
1766 10.0 |
1767 >>> import random |
1768 >>> random.choice(['apple', 'pear', 'banana']) |
1769 'pear' |
1770 \end{lstlisting} |
1771 \end{frame} |
1772 |
1773 \begin{frame}[fragile] |
1774 \frametitle{Stdlib: examples} |
1775 \begin{lstlisting} |
1776 >>> import urllib2 |
1777 >>> f = urllib2.urlopen('http://www.python.org/') |
1778 >>> print f.read(100) |
1779 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> |
1780 <?xml-stylesheet href="./css/ht2html |
1781 \end{lstlisting} |
1782 \end{frame} |
1783 |
1784 \begin{frame}[fragile] |
1785 \frametitle{Stdlib: examples} |
1786 \begin{lstlisting} |
1787 >>> import zlib |
1788 >>> s = 'witch which has which witches wrist watch' |
1789 >>> len(s) |
1790 41 |
1791 >>> t = zlib.compress(s) |
1792 >>> len(t) |
1793 37 |
1794 >>> zlib.decompress(t) |
1795 'witch which has which witches wrist watch' |
1796 >>> zlib.crc32(t) |
1797 -1438085031 |
1798 \end{lstlisting} |
1799 \end{frame} |
1800 |
1801 \begin{frame} |
1802 \frametitle{Summary} |
1803 \begin{itemize} |
1804 \item Introduced Python |
1805 \item Basic syntax |
1806 \item Basic types and data structures |
1807 \item Control flow |
1808 \item Functions |
1809 \item Modules |
1810 \item Exceptions |
1811 \item Classes |
1812 \item Standard library |
1813 \end{itemize} |
1814 \end{frame} |
1815 |
1816 \end{document} |
1817 |
1818 \subsection{Basic data structures} |
1819 \begin{frame}{Lists} |
1820 \begin{itemize} |
1821 \item \texttt{species = [ 'humans', 'orcs', 'elves', 'dwarves' ]} |
1822 \item \texttt{ ids = [ 107, 109, 124, 141, 142, 144 ]} |
1823 \item \texttt{ oneliners = [ 'I will be back', 'Do or do not! No try!!', 42 ] } |
1824 \end{itemize} |
1825 |
1826 \begin{block}{List operations} |
1827 ids + [ 100, 102 ]\\ |
1828 species.append( 'unicorns')\\ |
1829 print oneliners[ 1 ]\\ |
1830 look up \alert{docs.python.org/tutorial/datastructures.html} |
1831 \end{block} |
1832 \end{frame} |
1833 \end{document} |
1834 \section{Python Tutorial} |
1835 \subsection{Preliminaries} |
1836 \begin{frame} |
1837 \frametitle{Using the interpreter} |
1838 \begin{itemize} |
1839 \item Starting up: \typ{python} or \typ{ipython} |
1840 \item Quitting: \typ{Control-D} or \typ{Control-Z} (on Win32) |
1841 \item Can use it like a calculator |
1842 \item Can execute one-liners via the \typ{-c} option: |
1843 \typ{python -c "print 'hello world'"} |
1844 \item Other options via \typ{python -h} |
1845 \end{itemize} |
1846 \end{frame} |
1847 |
1848 \begin{frame} |
1849 \frametitle{IPython} |
1850 \begin{itemize} |
1851 \item Recommended interpreter, IPython: |
1852 \url{http://ipython.scipy.org} |
1853 \item Better than the default Python shell |
1854 \item Supports tab completion by default |
1855 \item Easier object introspection |
1856 \item Shell access! |
1857 \item Command system to allow extending its own behavior |
1858 \item Supports history (across sessions) and logging |
1859 \item Can be embedded in your own Python code |
1860 \item Support for macros |
1861 \item A flexible framework for your own custom interpreter |
1862 \item Other miscellaneous conveniences |
1863 \item We'll get back to this later |
1864 \end{itemize} |
1865 \end{frame} |
1866 |
1867 \begin{frame}[fragile] |
1868 \frametitle{Basic IPython features} |
1869 \begin{itemize} |
1870 \item Startup: \verb+ipython [options] files+ |
1871 \begin{itemize} |
1872 \item \verb+ipython [-wthread|-gthread|-qthread]+: |
1873 Threading modes to support wxPython, pyGTK and Qt |
1874 \item \verb+ipython -pylab+: Support for matplotlib |
1875 \end{itemize} |
1876 \item TAB completion: |
1877 \begin{itemize} |
1878 \item Type \verb+object_name.<TAB>+ to see list of options |
1879 \item Also completes on file and directory names |
1880 \end{itemize} |
1881 \item \verb+object?+ shows docstring/help for any Python object |
1882 \item \verb+object??+ presents more docs (and source if possible) |
1883 \item Debugging with \verb+%pdb+ magic: pops up pdb on errors |
1884 \item Access history (saved over earlier sessions also) |
1885 \begin{itemize} |
1886 \item Use \texttt{<UpArrow>}: move up history |
1887 \item Use \texttt{<Ctrl-r> string}: search history backwards |
1888 \item Use \texttt{Esc >}: get back to end of history |
1889 \end{itemize} |
1890 \item \verb+%run [options] file[.py]+ lets you run Python code |
1891 \end{itemize} |
1892 \end{frame} |
1893 % LocalWords: BDFL Guido Rossum PSF Nokia OO Zope CMS RedHat SciPy MayaVi spam |
1894 % LocalWords: IPython ipython stdin TypeError dict int elif PYTHONPATH IOError |
1895 % LocalWords: namespace Namespaces SyntaxError ZeroDivisionError NameError str |
1896 % LocalWords: ValueError subclassed def |
1897 |
1898 |
1899 \item Types are of two kinds: \alert{mutable} and \alert{immutable} |
1900 \item Immutable types: numbers, strings, \typ{None} and tuples |
1901 \item Immutables cannot be changed ``in-place'' |
1902 \item Mutable types: lists, dictionaries, instances, etc. |
1903 \item Mutable objects can be ``changed'' |
1904 \end{itemize} |
1905 |
1906 |
1907 \begin{frame} |
1908 \frametitle{Important!} |
1909 \begin{itemize} |
1910 \item Assignment to an object is by reference |
1911 \item Essentially, \alert{names are bound to objects} |
1912 \end{itemize} |
1913 \end{frame} |
1914 |
1915 |
1916 \end{document} |
1917 \begin{frame}[fragile] |
1918 \frametitle{Dictionaries} |
1919 \begin{itemize} |
1920 \item Associative arrays/mappings |
1921 \item Indexed by ``keys'' (keys must be immutable) |
1922 \item \typ{dict[key] = value} |
1923 \item \typ{keys()} returns all keys of the dict |
1924 \item \typ{values()} returns the values of the dict |
1925 \item \verb+has_key(key)+ returns if \typ{key} is in the dict |
1926 \end{itemize} |
1927 \end{frame} |
1928 |
1929 \begin{frame}[fragile] |
1930 \frametitle{Dictionaries: example} |
1931 \begin{lstlisting} |
1932 >>> tel = {'jack': 4098, 'sape': 4139} |
1933 >>> tel['guido'] = 4127 |
1934 >>> tel |
1935 {'sape': 4139, 'guido': 4127, 'jack': 4098} |
1936 >>> tel['jack'] |
1937 4098 |
1938 >>> del tel['sape'] |
1939 >>> tel['irv'] = 4127 |
1940 >>> tel |
1941 {'guido': 4127, 'irv': 4127, 'jack': 4098} |
1942 >>> tel.keys() |
1943 ['guido', 'irv', 'jack'] |
1944 >>> tel.has_key('guido') |
1945 True |
1946 \end{lstlisting} |
1947 \end{frame} |
1948 |
1949 \subsection{Control flow, functions} |
1950 |
1951 |
1952 |
1953 \begin{frame}[fragile] |
1954 \frametitle{\typ{If} example} |
1955 \begin{lstlisting} |
1956 >>> a = ['cat', 'window', 'defenestrate'] |
1957 >>> if 'cat' in a: |
1958 ... print "meaw" |
1959 ... |
1960 meaw |
1961 >>> pets = {'cat': 1, 'dog':2, 'croc': 10} |
1962 >>> if 'croc' in pets: |
1963 ... print pets['croc'] |
1964 ... |
1965 10 |
1966 \end{lstlisting} |
1967 \end{frame} |
1968 |
1969 \begin{frame}[fragile] |
1970 \frametitle{\typ{for} example} |
1971 \begin{lstlisting} |
1972 >>> a = ['cat', 'window', 'defenestrate'] |
1973 >>> for x in a: |
1974 ... print x, len(x) |
1975 ... |
1976 cat 3 |
1977 window 6 |
1978 defenestrate 12 |
1979 >>> knights = {'gallahad': 'the pure', |
1980 ... 'robin': 'the brave'} |
1981 >>> for k, v in knights.iteritems(): |
1982 ... print k, v |
1983 ... |
1984 gallahad the pure |
1985 robin the brave |
1986 \end{lstlisting} |
1987 \end{frame} |