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child 29 8121d3ea15b5
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     1 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
     2 % Tutorial slides on Python.
     3 %
     4 % Author: Prabhu Ramachandran <prabhu at>
     5 % Copyright (c) 2005-2008, Prabhu Ramachandran
     6 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
     8 \documentclass[14pt,compress]{beamer}
     9 %\documentclass[draft]{beamer}
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    27 % Taken from Fernando's slides.
    28 \usepackage{ae,aecompl}
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    30 \usepackage[scaled=.95]{helvet}
    32 \definecolor{darkgreen}{rgb}{0,0.5,0}
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    35 \lstset{language=Python,
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    50 \newcounter{time}
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    58 %%% This is from Fernando's setup.
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    74 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    75 % Title page
    76 \title[Basic Python]{Python:\\A great programming toolkit}
    78 \author[Asokan \& Prabhu] {Asokan Pichai\\Prabhu Ramachandran}
    80 \institute[IIT Bombay] {Department of Aerospace Engineering\\IIT Bombay}
    81 \date[] {25, July 2009}
    82 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
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   107 \begin{document}
   109 \begin{frame}
   110   \titlepage
   111 \end{frame}
   112 \begin{frame}
   113   {Acknowledgements}
   114   \begin{center}
   115   This program is conducted by\\
   116   IIT, Bombay\\
   117   through CDEEP\\as part of  the open source initiatives\\
   118   under the aegis of\\
   119   \alert{National Mission on Education through ICT,} \\
   120   Ministry of HRD.
   121   \end{center}
   122 \end{frame}
   124 \begin{frame}
   125   \frametitle{Outline}
   126   \tableofcontents
   127   % You might wish to add the option [pausesections]
   128 \end{frame}
   130 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
   131 % TODO
   132 %
   133 %  * Add slide on Python packages (modules)
   134 %  * Add slides on reference counting.
   136 \section{Agenda}
   137 \begin{frame}{About the Workshop}
   138   \begin{description}
   139 	\item[Session 1] Sat 14:00--15:55
   140 	\item[Session 2] Sat 16:05--18:00
   141 	\item[Session 3] Sun 14:00--15:55
   142 	\item[Session 4] Sun 16:05--18:00 
   143   \end{description}
   145   \begin{block}{Goal of the workshop}
   146 	At the end of this program, successful participants will be able to use python as their scripting and problem solving language. Aimed at Engg. students--focus on basic numerics and plotting-- but should serve a similar purpose for others. 
   147   \end{block}
   148 \end{frame}
   150 \begin{frame}{Checklist}
   151   Let us verify that all of us are having the same (similar) tools and environment
   152   \begin{description}
   153 	\item[python] Type python at the command line. Do you see version 2.5 or later?
   154 	\item[IPython] Is IPython available?
   155 	\item[Editor] Which editor? scite, vim, emacs, \ldots
   156   \end{description}
   157 \end{frame}
   159 \section{Overview}
   160 \begin{frame}{Session 1}
   161   \begin{itemize}
   162 	\item Introduction and motivation
   163 	\item Using the interpreter(s)
   164 	\item Basic data types: int, float, string
   165 	\item Basic data structures: list
   166 	\item Basic console IO: \texttt{raw\_input(), print}
   167     \item Basic control flow: \texttt{if, while}
   168 	\item Problem set 1
   169     \item Functions $\rightarrow$ Problem set 2
   170     \item lists, \texttt{for}  $\rightarrow$ Problem set 3
   171     \item IO, Modules $\rightarrow$ Problem sets 4,5, \ldots
   172   \end{itemize}
   173 \end{frame}
   175 \begin{frame}
   176   \frametitle{Introduction}
   177   \begin{itemize}
   178   \item Creator and BDFL: Guido van Rossum
   179   \item Conceived in December 1989
   180   \item ``Python'' as in Monty Python's Flying Circus
   181   \item Current stable version of Python is 2.6.x
   182   \item PSF license (like BSD: no strings attached)
   183   \item Highly cross platform
   184   \item Runs on the Nokia series 60!
   185   \item \alert{Philosophy:} Simple and complete by design
   186   \end{itemize}
   187 \end{frame}
   189 \begin{frame}
   190   \frametitle{Resources}
   191   \begin{itemize}
   192   \item Part of many GNU/Linux distributions
   193   \item Web: \url{}
   194   \item Doc: \url{}
   195   \item Free Tutorials:
   196     \begin{itemize}
   197     \item Official Python tutorial: \url{}
   198     \item Byte of Python: \url{}
   199     \item Dive into Python: \url{}
   200     \end{itemize}
   201   \end{itemize}
   202 \end{frame}
   204 \begin{frame}
   205   \frametitle{Why Python?}
   206   \begin{itemize}
   207   \item Designed to be readable and easy to use
   208   \item High level, interpreted, modular, OO
   209   \item Much faster development cycle
   210   \item Powerful interactive environment
   211   \item Rapid application development
   212   \item Rich standard library and modules
   213   \item Interfaces well with C++, C and FORTRAN
   214   \item \alert{More than a math package $\Rightarrow$ some extra work compared to math packages}
   215   \end{itemize}
   216 \end{frame}
   218 \begin{frame}
   219   \frametitle{Use cases}
   220   \begin{itemize}
   221   \item NASA: Space Shuttle Mission Design
   222   \item AstraZeneca: Collaborative Drug Discovery
   223   \item Helps Meteorologists
   224   \item Industrial Light \& Magic: Runs on Python
   225   \item Zope: Commercial grade Toolkit
   226   \item Plone: Professional high feature CMS
   227   \item RedHat: install scripts, sys-admin tools
   228   \item Django: A great web application framework
   229   \item Google: A strong python shop
   230   \end{itemize}
   231 \end{frame}
   233 \begin{frame}
   234   \frametitle{To sum up, python is\ldots}
   235   \begin{itemize}
   236   \item dynamically typed, interpreted $\rightarrow$ rapid testing/prototyping
   237   \item powerful, very high level
   238   \item has full introspection 
   239   \item Did we mention powerful?
   240   \end{itemize}
   241   \begin{block}{But \ldots}
   242     may be wanting in performance. specialised resources such as SWIG, \alert{Cython} are available 
   243   \end{block}
   244   \inctime{15}
   245 \end{frame}
   247 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
   248 % TIME: 15 m, running 15m
   249 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
   251 \section{Python}
   253 \subsection{Getting Started}
   255 \begin{frame}[fragile]{At the prompt, type the following}
   256    \begin{lstlisting}
   257 >>> print 'Hello Python' 
   258 >>> print 3124 * 126789
   259 >>> 1786 % 12
   260 >>> 3124 * 126789
   261 >>> a = 3124 * 126789
   262 >>> big = 12345678901234567890 ** 3
   263 >>> verybig = big * big * big * big 
   264 >>> 12345**6, 12345**67, 12345**678
   265   \end{lstlisting}
   266 \end{frame}
   268 \begin{frame}[fragile]{At the prompt, type the following}
   269    \begin{lstlisting}
   270 >>> s = 'Hello '
   271 >>> p = 'World'
   272 >>> s + p 
   273 >>> s * 12 
   274 >>> s * s
   275 >>> s + p * 12, (s + p)* 12
   276 >>> s * 12 + p * 12
   277 >>> 12 * s 
   278     \end{lstlisting}
   279 \end{frame}
   281 \begin{frame}[fragile]{At the prompt, type the following}
   282   \begin{lstlisting}
   283 >>> 17/2
   284 >>> 17/2.0
   285 >>> 17.0/2
   286 >>> 17.0/8.5
   287 >>> int(17/2.0)
   288 >>> float(17/2)
   289 >>> str(17/2.0)
   290 >>> round( 7.5 )
   291   \end{lstlisting}
   292   \begin{block}{Mini exercise}
   293 	Round a float to the nearest integer, using \texttt{int()}?
   294   \end{block}
   295 \end{frame}
   297 \begin{frame}{Midi exercises}
   298   \begin{center}
   299     \begin{itemize}
   300       \item What does this do?
   301       \item \texttt{round(amount * 10) /10.0 }
   302     \end{itemize}
   303   \end{center}
   304 \end{frame}
   306 \begin{frame}{More exercises?}
   307   \begin{center}
   308     \begin{block}{Round sums}
   309       How to round a number to the nearest  5 paise?\\
   310       \begin{description}
   311         \item[Remember] 17.23 $\rightarrow$ 17.25,\\ while 17.22 $\rightarrow$ 17.20\\
   312       \end{description}
   313       How to round a number to the nearest 20 paise?
   314     \end{block}
   315   \end{center}
   316 \end{frame}
   318 \begin{frame}[fragile] {A question of good style}
   319   \begin{lstlisting}
   320     amount = 12.68
   321     denom = 0.05
   322     nCoins = round(amount/denom)
   323     rAmount = nCoins * denom
   324   \end{lstlisting}
   325   \pause
   326   \begin{block}{Style Rule \#1}
   327     Naming is 80\% of programming
   328   \end{block}
   329 \end{frame}
   332 \begin{frame}[fragile]
   333   \frametitle{Odds and ends}
   334   \begin{itemize}
   335     \item Case sensitive
   336     \item Dynamically typed $\Rightarrow$ need not specify a type
   337       \begin{lstlisting}
   338 a = 1
   339 a = 1.1
   340 a = "Now I am a string!"
   341       \end{lstlisting}
   342     \item Comments:
   343       \begin{lstlisting}
   344 a = 1  # In-line comments
   345 # Comment in a line to itself.
   346 a = "# This is not a comment!"
   347       \end{lstlisting}
   348   \end{itemize}
   349   \inctime{15}
   350 \end{frame}
   352 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
   353 % TIME: 15 m, running 30m
   354 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
   356 \subsection{Data types}
   357 \begin{frame}
   358   \frametitle{Basic types}
   359   \begin{itemize}
   360     \item numbers: float, int, long, complex
   361     \item strings
   362     \item boolean
   363   \end{itemize}
   364   \begin{block}{Also to be discussed later}
   365     tuples, lists, dictionaries, functions, objects\ldots
   366   \end{block}
   367 \end{frame}
   369 \begin{frame}[fragile]
   370   \frametitle{Numbers}
   371   \vspace*{-0.25in}
   372   \begin{lstlisting}
   373 >>> a = 1 # Int.
   374 >>> l = 1000000L # Long
   375 >>> e = 1.01325e5 # float
   376 >>> f = 3.14159 # float
   377 >>> c = 1+1j # Complex!
   378 >>> print f*c/a
   379 (3.14159+3.14159j)
   380 >>> print c.real, c.imag
   381 1.0 1.0
   382 >>> abs(c)
   383 1.4142135623730951
   384 >>> abs( 8 - 9.5 )
   385 1.5
   386   \end{lstlisting}
   387 \end{frame}
   389 \begin{frame}[fragile]
   390   \frametitle{Boolean}
   391   \begin{lstlisting}
   392 >>> t = True
   393 >>> f = not t
   394 False
   395 >>> f or t
   396 True
   397 >>> f and t
   398 False
   399   \end{lstlisting}
   400   \begin{block}{Try:}
   401   NOT True\\
   402   not TRUE
   403   \end{block}
   404 \end{frame}
   406 \begin{frame}[fragile]
   407   \frametitle{Relational and logical operators}
   408   \begin{lstlisting}
   409 >>> a, b, c = -1, 0, 1
   410 >>> a == b
   411 False
   412 >>> a <= b 
   413 True
   414 >>> a + b != c
   415 True
   416 >>> a < b < c
   417 True
   418 >>> c >= a + b
   419 True
   420   \end{lstlisting}
   421 \end{frame}
   423 \begin{frame}[fragile]
   424   \frametitle{Strings}
   425   \begin{lstlisting}
   426 s = 'this is a string'
   427 s = 'This one has "quotes" inside!'
   428 s = "I have 'single-quotes' inside!"
   429 l = "A string spanning many lines\
   430 one more line\
   431 yet another"
   432 t = """A triple quoted string does
   433 not need to be escaped at the end and 
   434 "can have nested quotes" etc."""
   435   \end{lstlisting}
   436 \end{frame}
   438 \begin{frame}[fragile]
   439   \frametitle{More Strings}
   440   \vspace*{-0.2in}
   441   \begin{lstlisting}
   442 >>> w = "hello"    
   443 >>> print w[0] + w[2] + w[-1]
   444 hlo
   445 >>> len(w) # guess what
   446 5
   447 >>> s = u'Unicode strings!'
   448 >>> # Raw strings (note the leading 'r')
   449 ... r_s = r'A string $\alpha \nu$'
   450   \end{lstlisting}
   451 \pause
   452   \begin{lstlisting}
   453 >>> w[0] = 'H' # Can't do that!
   454 Traceback (most recent call last):
   455   File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
   456 TypeError: object does not support item assignment
   457   \end{lstlisting}
   458 \end{frame}
   460 \begin{frame}
   461   \frametitle{Let us switch to IPython}
   462   Why?
   463   \begin{block}
   464     {Better help (and a lot more)}
   465     Tab completion\\
   466     ?\\
   467     .?\\
   468     object.function?
   469   \end{block}
   470 \end{frame}
   472 \begin{frame}[fragile]
   473   \frametitle{More on strings}
   474   \begin{lstlisting}
   475 In [1]: a = 'hello world'
   476 In [2]: a.startswith('hell')
   477 Out[2]: True
   478 In [3]: a.endswith('ld')
   479 Out[3]: True
   480 In [4]: a.upper()
   481 Out[4]: 'HELLO WORLD'
   482 In [5]: a.upper().lower()
   483 Out[5]: 'hello world'
   484   \end{lstlisting}
   485 \end{frame}
   487 \begin{frame}[fragile]{Still with strings}
   488   \begin{lstlisting}
   489 In [6]: a.split()
   490 Out[6]: ['hello', 'world']
   491 In [7]: ''.join(['a', 'b', 'c'])
   492 Out[7]: 'abc'
   493 In [8] 'd' in ''.join( 'a', 'b', 'c')
   494 Out[8]: False
   495   \end{lstlisting}
   496   \begin{block}{Try:}
   497     \texttt{a.split( 'o' )}\\
   498     \texttt{'x'.join( a.split( 'o' ) )}
   499   \end{block}
   500 \end{frame}
   502 \begin{frame}[fragile]{Surprise! strings!!}
   503   \begin{lstlisting}
   504 In [11]: x, y = 1, 1.2
   505 In [12]: 'x is %s, y is %s' %(x, y)
   506 Out[12]: 'x is 1, y is 1.234'
   507   \end{lstlisting}
   508   \begin{block}{Try:}
   509     \texttt{'x is \%d, y is \%f' \%(x, y) }\\
   510     \texttt{'x is \%3d, y is \%4.2f' \%(x, y) }
   511   \end{block}
   512   \small
   513 \url{}\\
   514 \end{frame}
   516 \begin{frame}
   517   {Interlude}
   518   \begin{block}
   519     {A classic problem}
   520     How to interchange values of two variables? Please note that the type of either variable is unknown and it is not necessary that both be of the same type even!
   521   \end{block}
   522   \inctime{30}
   523 \end{frame}
   525 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
   526 % TIME: 25 m+ Interlude break 5 mins, running 60m 
   527 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
   529 \subsection{Control flow}
   530 \begin{frame}
   531   \frametitle{Control flow constructs}  
   532   \begin{itemize}
   533   \item \kwrd{if/elif/else}: branching
   534   \item \kwrd{while}: looping
   535   \item \kwrd{for}: iterating 
   536   \item \kwrd{break, continue}: modify loop 
   537   \item \kwrd{pass}: syntactic filler
   538   \end{itemize}
   539 \end{frame}
   541 \begin{frame}[fragile]
   542   \frametitle{Basic conditional flow}
   543   \begin{lstlisting}
   544 In [21]: a = 7
   545 In [22]: b = 8
   546 In [23]: if a > b:
   547    ....:    print 'Hello'
   548    ....: else:
   549    ....:     print 'World'
   550    ....:
   551    ....:
   552 World
   553   \end{lstlisting}
   554   Let us switch to creating a file
   555 \end{frame}
   557 \begin{frame}
   558   {Creating python files}
   559   \begin{itemize}
   560     \item aka scripts
   561     \item use your editor
   562     \item Note that white space is the way to specify blocks!
   563     \item extension \typ{.py}
   564     \item run with \texttt{python} at the command line
   565     \item in IPython\ldots
   566   \end{itemize}
   567 \end{frame}
   569 \begin{frame}[fragile]
   570   \frametitle{\typ{If...elif...else} example}
   571 \begin{lstlisting}
   572 x = int(raw_input("Enter an integer:"))
   573 if x < 0:
   574      print 'Be positive!'
   575 elif x == 0:
   576      print 'Zero'
   577 elif x == 1:
   578      print 'Single'
   579 else:
   580      print 'More'
   581 \end{lstlisting}
   582 \end{frame}
   584 \begin{frame}{Simple IO}
   585   \begin{block}
   586     {Console Input}
   587     \texttt{raw\_input(}) waits for user input.\\Prompt string is optional.\\
   588     All keystrokes are Strings!\\\texttt{int()} converts string to int.
   589   \end{block}
   590   \begin{block}
   591     {Console output}
   592     \texttt{print} is straight forward. Major point to remember is the distinction between \texttt{print x} and \texttt{print x,}
   593   \end{block}
   594 \end{frame}
   596 \begin{frame}[fragile]
   597   \frametitle{Basic looping}
   598   \begin{lstlisting}
   599 # Fibonacci series:
   600 # the sum of two elements
   601 # defines the next
   602 a, b = 0, 1
   603 while b < 10:
   604     print b,
   605     a, b = b, a + b
   607 \end{lstlisting}
   608 \typ{1 1 2 3 5 8}\\  
   609 \alert{Recall it is easy to write infinite loops with \kwrd{while}}
   610   \inctime{20}
   611 \end{frame}
   613 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
   614 % TIME: 20 m, running 80m 
   615 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
   617 \begin{frame}
   618   \frametitle{Problem set 1}
   619   \begin{itemize}
   620     \item All the problems can be\\
   621       solved using \kwrd{if} and \kwrd{while} 
   622   \end{itemize}
   623 \end{frame}
   625 \begin{frame}{Problem 1.1}
   626   Write a program that displays all three digit numbers that are equal to the sum of the cubes of their digits. That is, print numbers $abc$ that have the property $abc = a^3 + b^3 + c^3$\\
   627 These are called $Armstrong$ numbers.
   628 \end{frame}
   630 \begin{frame}{Problem 1.2 - Collatz sequence}
   631 \begin{enumerate}
   632   \item Start with an arbitrary (positive) integer. 
   633   \item If the number is even, divide by 2; if the number is odd multiply by 3 and add 1.
   634   \item Repeat the procedure with the new number.
   635   \item It appears that for all starting values there is a cycle of 4, 2, 1 at which the procedure loops.
   636 \end{enumerate}
   637     Write a program that accepts the starting value and prints out the Collatz sequence.
   639 \end{frame}
   641 \begin{frame}{Problem 1.3 - Kaprekar's constant}
   642   \begin{enumerate}
   643     \item Take a four digit number--with at least two digits different.
   644     \item Arrange the digits in ascending and descending order, giving A and D respectively.
   645     \item Leave leading zeros in A!
   646     \item Subtract A from D.
   647     \item With the result, repeat from step 2.
   648   \end{enumerate}
   649   Write a program to accept a 4-digit number and display the progression to Kaprekar's constant.
   650 \end{frame}
   652 \begin{frame}[fragile]{Problem 1.4}
   653   Write a program that prints the following pyramid on the screen. 
   654   \begin{lstlisting}
   655 1
   656 2  2
   657 3  3  3
   658 4  4  4  4
   659   \end{lstlisting}
   660 The number of lines must be obtained from the user as input.\\
   661 \pause
   662 When can your code fail?
   663 \only<2->{\inctime{25}}
   664 \end{frame}
   666 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
   667 % TIME: 25 m, running 105m 
   668 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
   670 \subsection{Functions}
   671 \begin{frame}[fragile]
   672 \frametitle{Functions: examples}
   673   \begin{lstlisting}
   674 def signum( r ):
   675     """returns 0 if r is zero
   676     -1 if r is negative
   677     +1 if r is positive"""
   678     if r < 0:
   679         return -1
   680     elif r > 0:
   681         return 1
   682     else:
   683         return 0
   684   \end{lstlisting}
   685 \end{frame}
   687 \begin{frame}[fragile]
   688   \frametitle{Functions: examples}
   689   \begin{lstlisting}
   690 def pad( n, size ): 
   691     """pads integer n with spaces
   692     into a string of length size
   693     """
   694     SPACE = ' '
   695     s = str( n )
   696     padSize = size - len( s )
   697     return padSize * SPACE + s
   698   \end{lstlisting}
   699 \pause
   700 What about \%3d?
   701 \end{frame}
   703 \begin{frame}[fragile]
   704   {What does this function do?}
   705   \begin{lstlisting}
   706 def what( n ):
   707     if n < 0: n = -n
   708     while n > 0:
   709         if n % 2 == 1:
   710             return False
   711         n /= 10
   712     return True
   713   \end{lstlisting}
   714 \end{frame}
   716 \begin{frame}[fragile]
   717   {What does this function do?}
   718 \begin{lstlisting}
   719 def what( n ):
   720     i = 1    
   721     while i * i < n:
   722         i += 1
   723     return i * i == n, i
   724   \end{lstlisting}
   725 \end{frame}
   727 \begin{frame}[fragile]
   728   {What does this function do?}
   729   \begin{lstlisting}
   730 def what( n, x ):
   731     z = 1.0
   732     if n < 0:
   733         x = 1.0 / x
   734         n = -n
   735     while n > 0:
   736         if n % 2 == 1:
   737             z *= x
   738         n /= 2
   739         x *= x
   740     return z
   741   \end{lstlisting}
   742 \end{frame}
   744 \begin{frame}
   745   {Before writing a function}
   746   \begin{itemize}
   747       \item Builtin functions for various and sundry
   748       \item \typ{abs, any, all, len, max, min}
   749       \item \typ{pow, range, sum, type}
   750       \item Refer here:
   751           \url{}
   752   \end{itemize}
   753   \inctime{15} 
   754 \end{frame}
   755 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
   756 % TIME: 15 m, running 120m 
   757 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
   759 \begin{frame}{Problem set 2}
   760   The focus is on writing functions and calling them.
   761 \end{frame}
   763 \begin{frame}{Problem 2.1}
   764   Write a function to return the gcd of two numbers.
   765 \end{frame}
   767 \begin{frame}{Problem 2.2}
   768 A pythagorean triad $(a,b,c)$ has the property $a^2 + b^2 = c^2$.\\By primitive we mean triads that do not `depend' on others. For example, (4,3,5) is a variant of (3,4,5) and hence is not primitive. And (10,24,26) is easily derived from (5,12,13) and should not be displayed by our program. \\
   769 Write a program to print primitive pythagorean triads. The program should generate all triads with a, b values in the range 0---100
   770 \end{frame}
   772 \begin{frame}{Problem 2.3}
   773   Write a program that generates a list of all four digit numbers that have all their digits even and are perfect squares.\\For example, the output should include 6400 but not 8100 (one digit is odd) or 4248 (not a perfect square).
   774 \end{frame}
   776 \begin{frame}{Problem 2.4}
   777   The aliquot of a number is defined as: the sum of the \emph{proper} divisors of the number. For example, the aliquot(12) = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 6 = 16.\\
   778   Write a function that returns the aliquot number of a given number. 
   779 \end{frame}
   781 \begin{frame}{Problem 2.5}
   782   A pair of numbers (a, b) is said to be \alert{amicable} if the aliquot number of a is b and the aliquot number of b is a.\\
   783   Example: \texttt{220, 284}\\
   784   Write a program that prints all five digit amicable pairs.
   785   \inctime{30}
   786 \end{frame}
   788 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
   789 % TIME: 30 m, running 150m 
   790 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
   792 \subsection{Lists}
   794 \begin{frame}[fragile]
   795   \frametitle{List creation and indexing}
   796 \begin{lstlisting}
   797 >>> a = [] # An empty list.
   798 >>> a = [1, 2, 3, 4] # More useful.
   799 >>> len(a) 
   800 4
   801 >>> a[0] + a[1] + a[2] + a[-1]
   802 10
   803 \end{lstlisting}
   804   \begin{itemize}
   805   \item Indices start with ?
   806   \item Negative indices indicate ?
   807   \end{itemize}
   808 \end{frame}
   810 \begin{frame}[fragile]
   811   \frametitle{List: slices}
   812   \begin{itemize}
   813   \item Slicing is a basic operation
   814   \item \typ{list[initial:final:step]}
   815   \item  The step is optional
   816   \end{itemize}
   817 \begin{lstlisting}
   818 >>> a[1:3] # A slice.
   819 [2, 3]
   820 >>> a[1:-1]
   821 [2, 3, 4]
   822 >>> a[1:] == a[1:-1]
   823 False  
   824 \end{lstlisting}
   825 Explain last result
   826 \end{frame}
   828 \begin{frame}[fragile]
   829   \frametitle{List: more slices}
   830 \begin{lstlisting}
   831 >>> a[0:-1:2] # Notice the step!
   832 [1, 3]
   833 >>> a[::2]
   834 [1, 3]
   835 >>> a[-1::-1]
   836 \end{lstlisting}
   837 What do you think the last one will do?
   838   \emphbar{Note: Strings also use same indexing and slicing.}
   839 \end{frame}
   841 \begin{frame}[fragile]
   842   \frametitle{List: examples}
   843 \begin{lstlisting}
   844 >>> a = [1, 2, 3, 4]
   845 >>> a[:2]
   846 [1, 3]
   847 >>> a[0:-1:2]
   848 [1, 3]
   849 \end{lstlisting}
   850 \pause
   851 \alert{Lists are mutable (unlike strings)}
   852 \begin{lstlisting}
   853 >>> a[1] = 20
   854 >>> a
   855 [1, 20, 3, 4]
   856 \end{lstlisting}
   857 \end{frame}
   859 \begin{frame}[fragile]
   860   \frametitle{Lists are mutable and heterogenous}
   861 \begin{lstlisting}
   862 >>> a = ['spam', 'eggs', 100, 1234]
   863 >>> a[2] = a[2] + 23
   864 >>> a
   865 ['spam', 'eggs', 123, 1234]
   866 >>> a[0:2] = [1, 12] # Replace items
   867 >>> a
   868 [1, 12, 123, 1234]
   869 >>> a[0:2] = [] # Remove items
   870 >>> a.append( 12345 )
   871 >>> a
   872 [123, 1234, 12345]
   873 \end{lstlisting}
   874 \end{frame}
   876 \begin{frame}[fragile]
   877   \frametitle{List methods}
   878 \begin{lstlisting}
   879 >>> a = ['spam', 'eggs', 1, 12]
   880 >>> a.reverse() # in situ
   881 >>> a
   882 [12, 1, 'eggs', 'spam']
   883 >>> a.append(['x', 1]) 
   884 >>> a
   885 [12, 1, 'eggs', 'spam', ['x', 1]]
   886 >>> a.extend([1,2]) # Extend the list.
   887 >>> a.remove( 'spam' )
   888 >>> a
   889 [12, 1, 'eggs', ['x', 1], 1, 2]
   890 \end{lstlisting}
   891 \end{frame}
   893 \begin{frame}[fragile]
   894   \frametitle{List containership}
   895   \begin{lstlisting}
   896 >>> a = ['cat', 'dog', 'rat', 'croc']
   897 >>> 'dog' in a
   898 True
   899 >>> 'snake' in a
   900 False
   901 >>> 'snake' not in a
   902 True
   903 >>> 'ell' in 'hello world'
   904 True
   905   \end{lstlisting}
   906 \end{frame}
   908 \begin{frame}[fragile]
   909   \frametitle{Tuples: immutable}
   910 \begin{lstlisting}
   911 >>> t = (0, 1, 2)
   912 >>> print t[0], t[1], t[2], t[-1] 
   913 0 1 2 2
   914 >>> t[0] = 1
   915 Traceback (most recent call last):
   916   File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
   917 TypeError: object does not support item
   918            assignment
   919 \end{lstlisting}  
   920 \begin{itemize}
   921     \item Multiple return values are actually a tuple.
   922     \item Exchange is tuple (un)packing
   923 \end{itemize}
   925 \end{frame}
   927 \begin{frame}[fragile]
   928   \frametitle{\typ{range()} function}
   929   \begin{lstlisting}
   930 >>> range(7)
   931 [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
   932 >>> range( 3, 9)
   933 [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
   934 >>> range( 4, 17, 3)
   935 [4, 7, 10, 13, 16]
   936 >>> range( 5, 1, -1)
   937 [5, 4, 3, 2]
   938 >>> range( 8, 12, -1)
   939 []
   940   \end{lstlisting}
   941 \end{frame}
   943 \begin{frame}[fragile]
   944   \frametitle{\typ{for\ldots range(\ldots)} idiom}
   945   \begin{lstlisting}
   946 In [83]: for i in range(5):
   947    ....:     print i, i * i
   948    ....:     
   949    ....:     
   950 0 0
   951 1 1
   952 2 4
   953 3 9
   954 4 16
   955 \end{lstlisting}
   956 \end{frame}
   958 \begin{frame}[fragile]
   959   \frametitle{\typ{for}: the list companion}
   961   \begin{lstlisting}
   962 In [84]: a = ['a', 'b', 'c']
   963 In [85]: for x in a:
   964    ....:    print x, chr( ord(x) + 10 )
   965    ....:
   966 a  k
   967 b  l
   968 c  m
   969   \end{lstlisting}
   970   Iterating over the list and not the index + reference\\
   971   what if you want the index?
   972 \end{frame}
   974 \begin{frame}[fragile]
   975   \frametitle{\typ{for}: the list companion}
   976   \begin{lstlisting}
   977 In [89]: for p, ch in enumerate( a ):
   978    ....:     print p, ch
   979    ....:     
   980    ....:     
   981 0 a
   982 1 b
   983 2 c
   984   \end{lstlisting}
   985 Try: \typ{print enumerate(a)}
   986 \inctime{20}
   987 \end{frame}
   989 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
   990 % TIME: 20 m, running 170m 
   991 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
   993 \begin{frame}
   994   {Problem set 3}
   995   As you can guess, idea is to use \kwrd{for}!
   996 \end{frame}
   998 \begin{frame}{Problem 3.1}
   999   Which of the earlier problems is simpler when we use \kwrd{for} instead of \kwrd{while}? 
  1000 \end{frame}
  1002 \begin{frame}{Problem 3.2}
  1003   Given an empty chessboard and one Bishop placed in any square, say (r, c), generate the list of all squares the Bishop could move to.
  1004 \end{frame}
  1006 \begin{frame}[fragile]
  1007   \frametitle{Problem 3.3}
  1009   Given two real numbers \typ{a, b}, and an integer \typ{N}, write a
  1010   function named \typ{linspace( a, b, N)} that returns an ordered list
  1011   of \typ{N} points starting with \typ{a} and ending in \typ{b} and
  1012   equally spaced.\\
  1014   For example, \typ{linspace(0, 5, 11)}, should return, \\
  1015 \begin{lstlisting}
  1016 [ 0.0 ,  0.5,  1.0 ,  1.5,  2.0 ,  2.5,  
  1017   3.0 ,  3.5,  4.0 ,  4.5,  5.0 ]
  1018 \end{lstlisting}
  1019 \end{frame}
  1021 \begin{frame}[fragile]
  1022   \frametitle{Problem 3.4a (optional)}
  1024 Use the \typ{linspace} function and generate a list of N tuples of the form\\
  1025 \typ{[($x_1$,f($x_1$)),($x_2$,f($x_2$)),\ldots,($x_N$,f($x_N$))]}\\for the following functions,\begin{itemize}
  1026   \item \typ{f(x) = sin(x)}
  1027   \item \typ{f(x) = sin(x) + sin(10*x)}.
  1028 \end{itemize}
  1029 \end{frame}
  1031 \begin{frame}[fragile]
  1032   \frametitle{Problem 3.4b (optional)}
  1034   Using the tuples generated earlier, determine the intervals where the roots of the functions lie.
  1036   \inctime{15}
  1037 \end{frame}
  1039 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  1040 % TIME: 15 m, running 185m 
  1041 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  1043 \subsection{IO}
  1045 \begin{frame}[fragile]
  1046   \frametitle{Simple tokenizing and parsing}
  1047   \begin{lstlisting}
  1048 s = """The quick brown fox jumped
  1049        over the lazy dog"""
  1050 for word in s.split():
  1051     print word.capitalize()
  1052   \end{lstlisting}
  1053 \end{frame}
  1055 \begin{frame}[fragile]
  1056   \frametitle{Problem 4.1}
  1057   Given a string like, ``1, 3-7, 12, 15, 18-21'', produce the list \\
  1058   \begin{lstlisting}
  1059     [1,3,4,5,6,7,12,15,18,19,20,21]
  1060   \end{lstlisting}
  1061 \end{frame}
  1063 \begin{frame}[fragile]
  1064   \frametitle{File handling}
  1065 \begin{lstlisting}
  1066 >>> f = open('/path/to/file_name')
  1067 >>> data = # Read entire file.
  1068 >>> line = f.readline() # Read one line.
  1069 >>> f.close() # close the file.
  1070 \end{lstlisting}
  1071 Writing files
  1072 \begin{lstlisting}
  1073 >>> f = open('/path/to/file_name', 'w')
  1074 >>> f.write('hello world\n')
  1075 >>> f.close()
  1076 \end{lstlisting}
  1077 \begin{itemize}
  1078     \item Everything read or written is a string
  1079 \end{itemize}
  1080 \emphbar{Try \typ{file?} for more help}
  1081 \end{frame}
  1083 \begin{frame}[fragile]
  1084     \frametitle{File and \kwrd{for}}
  1085 \begin{lstlisting}
  1086 >>> f = open('/path/to/file_name')
  1087 >>> for line in f:
  1088 ...     print line
  1089 ...
  1090 \end{lstlisting}
  1091 \end{frame}
  1093 \begin{frame}{Problem 4.2}
  1094     The given file has lakhs of records in the form:\\
  1095     \typ{RGN;ID;NAME;MARK1;\ldots;MARK5;TOTAL;PFW}\\
  1096     Some entries may be empty.  Read the data from this file and print the
  1097     name of the student with the maximum total marks.
  1098 \end{frame}
  1100 \begin{frame}{Problem 4.3}
  1101     For the same data file compute the average marks in different
  1102     subjects, the student with the maximum mark in each subject and also
  1103     the standard deviation of the marks.  Do this efficiently.
  1105     \inctime{20}
  1106 \end{frame}
  1108 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  1109 % TIME: 20 m, running 205m 
  1110 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  1112 \subsection{Modules}
  1114 \begin{frame}[fragile]
  1115     {Modules}
  1116 \begin{lstlisting}
  1117 >>> sqrt(2)
  1118 Traceback (most recent call last):
  1119   File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  1120 NameError: name 'sqrt' is not defined
  1121 >>> import math        
  1122 >>> math.sqrt(2)
  1123 1.4142135623730951
  1124 \end{lstlisting}
  1125 \end{frame}
  1127 \begin{frame}[fragile]
  1128     {Modules}
  1129   \begin{itemize}
  1130     \item The \kwrd{import} keyword ``loads'' a module
  1131     \item One can also use:
  1132       \begin{lstlisting}
  1133 >>> from math import sqrt
  1134 >>> from math import *
  1135       \end{lstlisting}    
  1136     \item What is the difference?
  1137     \item \alert{Use the later only in interactive mode}
  1138     \end{itemize}
  1139   \emphbar{Package hierarchies}
  1140       \begin{lstlisting}
  1141 >>> from os.path import exists
  1142       \end{lstlisting}
  1143 \end{frame}
  1145 \begin{frame}
  1146   \frametitle{Modules: Standard library}
  1147   \begin{itemize}
  1148   \item Very powerful, ``Batteries included''
  1149   \item Some standard modules:
  1150     \begin{itemize}
  1151     \item Math: \typ{math}, \typ{random}
  1152     \item Internet access: \typ{urllib2}, \typ{smtplib}
  1153     \item System, Command line arguments: \typ{sys}
  1154     \item Operating system interface: \typ{os}
  1155     \item Regular expressions: \typ{re}
  1156     \item Compression: \typ{gzip}, \typ{zipfile}, and \typ{tarfile}
  1157     \item And a whole lot more!
  1158     \end{itemize}
  1159   \item Check out the Python Library reference:
  1160     \url{}
  1161   \end{itemize}
  1162 \end{frame}
  1164 \begin{frame}[fragile]
  1165     {Modules of special interest}
  1166     \begin{description}[matplotlibfor2d]
  1168         \item[\typ{numpy}] Efficient, powerful numeric arrays
  1170         \item[\typ{matplotlib}] Easy, interactive, 2D plotting
  1172         \item[\typ{scipy}] statistics, optimization, integration, linear
  1173             algebra, Fourier transforms, signal and image processing,
  1174             genetic algorithms, ODE solvers, special functions, and more
  1176         \item[Mayavi] Easy, interactive, 3D plotting
  1178     \end{description}
  1179 \end{frame}
  1181 \begin{frame}[fragile]
  1182     {Creating your own modules}
  1183   \begin{itemize}
  1184   \item Define variables, functions and classes in a file with a
  1185     \typ{.py} extension
  1186   \item This file becomes a module!
  1187   \item Accessible when in the current directory
  1188   \item Use \typ{cd} in IPython to change directory
  1190   \item Naming your module
  1191       \end{itemize}
  1192 \end{frame}
  1194 \begin{frame}[fragile]
  1195   \frametitle{Modules: example}
  1196   \begin{lstlisting}
  1197 # --- ---
  1198 def gcd(a, b):
  1199     if a%b == 0: return b
  1200     return gcd(b, a%b)
  1201 def lcm(a, b):
  1202     return a*b/gcd(a, b)
  1203 # ------------------
  1204 >>> import arith
  1205 >>> arith.gcd(26, 65)
  1206 13
  1207 >>> arith.lcm(26, 65)
  1208 130
  1209   \end{lstlisting}
  1210 \end{frame}
  1212 \begin{frame}[fragile]
  1213   \frametitle{Problem 5.1}
  1215   Put all the functions you have written so far as part of the problems
  1216   into one module called \typ{} and use this module from IPython.
  1218 \inctime{20}
  1219 \end{frame}
  1220 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  1221 % TIME: 20 m, running 225m 
  1222 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  1224 \begin{frame}
  1225   \frametitle{Did we meet the goal?}
  1226   \tableofcontents
  1227   % You might wish to add the option [pausesections]
  1228   \end{frame}
  1230   \begin{frame}
  1231     {Tomorrow}
  1232     \begin{itemize}
  1233       \item Plotting: 2D, 3D
  1234       \item NumPy, SciPy
  1235       \item Dictionary, Set
  1236       \item Debugging
  1237       \item Testing
  1238       \item \ldots
  1239     \end{itemize}
  1240     11:30--13:00 Discussion of answers to problems OPTIONAL
  1241   \end{frame}
  1242 \end{document}
  1245 \begin{frame}[fragile]
  1246   \frametitle{More on functions}
  1247   \begin{itemize}
  1248   \item Support default and keyword arguments
  1249   \item Scope of variables in the function is local
  1250   \item Mutable items are \alert{passed by reference}
  1251   \item First line after definition may be a documentation string
  1252     (\alert{recommended!})
  1253   \item Function definition and execution defines a name bound to the
  1254     function
  1255   \item You \emph{can} assign a variable to a function!
  1256   \end{itemize}
  1257 \end{frame}
  1260 \begin{frame}[fragile]
  1261   \frametitle{Functions: default arguments}
  1262   \begin{lstlisting}
  1263 def ask_ok(prompt, retries=4, complaint='Yes or no!'):
  1264     while True:
  1265         ok = raw_input(prompt)
  1266         if ok in ('y', 'ye', 'yes'): 
  1267             return True
  1268         if ok in ('n', 'no', 'nop', 'nope'): 
  1269             return False
  1270         retries = retries - 1
  1271         if retries < 0: 
  1272             raise IOError, 'bad user'
  1273         print complaint
  1274   \end{lstlisting}
  1275 \end{frame}
  1277 \begin{frame}[fragile]
  1278   \frametitle{Functions: keyword arguments}
  1279   \begin{lstlisting}
  1280 def parrot(voltage, state='a stiff', 
  1281            action='voom', type='Norwegian Blue'):
  1282     print "-- This parrot wouldn't", action,
  1283     print "if you put", voltage, "Volts through it."
  1284     print "-- Lovely plumage, the", type
  1285     print "-- It's", state, "!"
  1287 parrot(1000)
  1288 parrot(action = 'VOOOOOM', voltage = 1000000)
  1289 parrot('a thousand', state = 'pushing up the daisies')
  1290 parrot('a million', 'bereft of life', 'jump')
  1291 \end{lstlisting}
  1292 \end{frame}
  1294 \begin{frame}[fragile]
  1295   \frametitle{Functions: arbitrary argument lists}
  1296   \begin{itemize}
  1297   \item Arbitrary number of arguments using \verb+*args+ or
  1298     \verb+*whatever+
  1299   \item Keyword arguments using \verb+**kw+
  1300   \item Given a tuple/dict how do you call a function?
  1301     \begin{itemize}
  1302     \item Using argument unpacking
  1303     \item For positional arguments: \verb+foo(*[5, 10])+
  1304     \item For keyword args: \verb+foo(**{'a':5, 'b':10})+
  1305     \end{itemize}
  1306   \end{itemize}
  1307 \begin{lstlisting}
  1308 def foo(a=10, b=100):
  1309     print a, b
  1310 def func(*args, **keyword):
  1311     print args, keyword
  1312 # Unpacking:
  1313 args = [5, 10]
  1314 foo(*args)
  1315 kw = {'a':5, 'b':10}
  1316 foo(**kw)
  1317 \end{lstlisting}
  1318 \end{frame}
  1320 \subsection{Modules, exceptions, classes}
  1322 \begin{frame}
  1323   \frametitle{Modules}
  1324   \begin{itemize}
  1325   \item Define variables, functions and classes in a file with a
  1326     \typ{.py} extension
  1327   \item This file becomes a module!
  1328   \item Modules are searched in the following:
  1329     \begin{itemize}
  1330     \item Current directory
  1331     \item Standard: \typ{/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/} etc.
  1332     \item Directories specified in PYTHONPATH
  1333     \item \typ{sys.path}: current path settings (from the \typ{sys}
  1334       module)
  1335     \end{itemize}
  1336   \item The \typ{import} keyword ``loads'' a module
  1337   \item One can also use:
  1338     \mbox{\typ{from module import name1, name2, name2}}\\
  1339     where \typ{name1} etc. are names in the module, ``module''
  1340   \item \typ{from module import *} \ --- imports everything from module,
  1341     \alert{use only in interactive mode}
  1342   \end{itemize}
  1343 \end{frame}
  1345 \begin{frame}[fragile]
  1346   \frametitle{Modules: example}
  1347   \begin{lstlisting}
  1348 # --- ---
  1349 some_var = 1
  1350 def fib(n): # write Fibonacci series up to n
  1351     """Print a Fibonacci series up to n."""
  1352     a, b = 0, 1
  1353     while b < n:
  1354         print b,
  1355         a, b = b, a+b
  1356 # EOF
  1358 >>> import foo
  1359 >>> foo.fib(10)
  1360 1 1 2 3 5 8 
  1361 >>> foo.some_var
  1362 1
  1363   \end{lstlisting}
  1364 \end{frame}
  1366 \begin{frame}[fragile]
  1367   \frametitle{Namespaces}
  1368   \begin{itemize}
  1369   \item A mapping from names to objects
  1370   \item Modules introduce a namespace 
  1371   \item So do classes
  1372   \item The running script's namespace is \verb+__main__+
  1373   \item A modules namespace is identified by its name
  1374   \item The standard functions (like \typ{len}) are in the
  1375     \verb+__builtin__+ namespace
  1376   \item Namespaces help organize different names and their bindings to
  1377     different objects
  1378   \end{itemize}
  1379 \end{frame}
  1381 \begin{frame}
  1382   \frametitle{Exceptions}
  1383   \begin{itemize}
  1384   \item Python's way of notifying you of errors
  1385   \item Several standard exceptions: \typ{SyntaxError}, \typ{IOError}
  1386     etc.
  1387   \item Users can also \typ{raise} errors
  1388   \item Users can create their own exceptions
  1389   \item Exceptions can be ``caught'' via \typ{try/except} blocks
  1390   \end{itemize}
  1391 \end{frame}
  1393 \begin{frame}[fragile]
  1394   \frametitle{Exception: examples}
  1395 \begin{lstlisting}
  1396 >>> 10 * (1/0)
  1397 Traceback (most recent call last):
  1398   File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
  1399 ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero
  1400 >>> 4 + spam*3
  1401 Traceback (most recent call last):
  1402   File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
  1403 NameError: name 'spam' is not defined
  1404 >>> '2' + 2
  1405 Traceback (most recent call last):
  1406   File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
  1407 TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'int' objects
  1408 \end{lstlisting}
  1409 \end{frame}
  1411 \begin{frame}[fragile]
  1412   \frametitle{Exception: examples}
  1413 \begin{lstlisting}
  1414 >>> while True:
  1415 ...     try:
  1416 ...         x = int(raw_input("Enter a number: "))
  1417 ...         break
  1418 ...     except ValueError:
  1419 ...         print "Invalid number, try again..."
  1420 ...
  1421 >>> # To raise exceptions
  1422 ... raise ValueError, "your error message"
  1423 Traceback (most recent call last):
  1424   File "<stdin>", line 2, in ?
  1425 ValueError: your error message
  1426 \end{lstlisting}
  1427 \end{frame}
  1429 \begin{frame}[fragile]
  1430   \frametitle{Classes: the big picture}
  1431   \begin{itemize}
  1432   \item Lets you create new data types
  1433   \item Class is a template for an object belonging to that class
  1434   \item Note: in Python a class is also an object
  1435   \item Instantiating a class creates an instance (an object)
  1436   \item An instance encapsulates the state (data) and behavior
  1437     (methods)
  1438   \item Allows you to define an inheritance hierarchy
  1439     \begin{itemize}
  1440     \item ``A Honda car \alert{is a} car.''
  1441     \item ``A car \alert{is an} automobile.''
  1442     \item ``A Python \alert{is a} reptile.''
  1443     \end{itemize}
  1444   \item Programmers need to think OO
  1445   \end{itemize}
  1446 \end{frame}
  1448 \begin{frame}[fragile]
  1449   \frametitle{Classes: what's the big deal?}
  1450   \begin{itemize}
  1451   \item Lets you create objects that mimic a real problem being
  1452     simulated
  1453   \item Makes problem solving more natural and elegant
  1454   \item Easier to create code
  1455   \item Allows for code-reuse
  1456   \item Polymorphism
  1457   \end{itemize}
  1458 \end{frame}
  1460 \begin{frame}[fragile]
  1461   \frametitle{Class definition and instantiation}
  1462   \begin{itemize}
  1463   \item Class definitions when executed create class objects
  1464   \item Instantiating the class object creates an instance of the
  1465     class
  1466   \end{itemize}
  1467 \footnotesize
  1468 \begin{lstlisting}
  1469 class Foo(object):
  1470     pass
  1471 # class object created.
  1472 # Create an instance of Foo.
  1473 f = Foo()
  1474 # Can assign an attribute to the instance
  1475 f.a = 100
  1476 print f.a
  1477 100
  1478 \end{lstlisting}
  1479 \end{frame}
  1481 \begin{frame}[fragile]
  1482   \frametitle{Classes \ldots}
  1483   \begin{itemize}
  1484   \item All attributes are accessed via the \typ{object.attribute}
  1485     syntax
  1486   \item Both class and instance attributes are supported
  1487   \item \emph{Methods} represent the behavior of an object: crudely
  1488     think of them as functions ``belonging'' to the object
  1489   \item All methods in Python are ``virtual''
  1490   \item Inheritance through subclassing
  1491   \item Multiple inheritance is supported
  1492   \item No special public and private attributes: only good
  1493     conventions
  1494     \begin{itemize}
  1495     \item \verb+object.public()+: public
  1496     \item \verb+object._private()+ \& \verb+object.__priv()+: 
  1497       non-public
  1498     \end{itemize}
  1499   \end{itemize}
  1500 \end{frame}
  1502 \begin{frame}[fragile]
  1503   \frametitle{Classes: examples}
  1504 \begin{lstlisting}
  1505 class MyClass(object):
  1506     """Example class (this is the class docstring)."""
  1507     i = 12345 # A class attribute
  1508     def f(self):
  1509         """This is the method docstring"""
  1510         return 'hello world'
  1512 >>> a = MyClass() # creates an instance
  1513 >>> a.f()
  1514 'hello world'
  1515 >>> # a.f() is equivalent to MyClass.f(a)
  1516 ... # This also explains why f has a 'self' argument.
  1517 ... MyClass.f(a)
  1518 'hello world'
  1519 \end{lstlisting}
  1520 \end{frame}
  1522 \begin{frame}[fragile]
  1523   \frametitle{Classes (continued)}
  1524   \begin{itemize}
  1525   \item \typ{self} is \alert{conventionally} the first argument for a
  1526     method
  1527   \item In previous example, \typ{a.f} is a method object
  1528   \item When \typ{a.f} is called, it is passed the instance \typ{a} as
  1529     the first argument
  1530   \item If a method called \verb+__init__+ exists, it is called when
  1531     the object is created
  1532   \item If a method called \verb+__del__+ exists, it is called before
  1533     the object is garbage collected
  1534   \item Instance attributes are set by simply ``setting'' them in
  1535     \typ{self}
  1536   \item Other special methods (by convention) like \verb+__add__+ let
  1537     you define numeric types:
  1538     {\footnotesize \url{}
  1539       \\ \url{}
  1540     }
  1541   \end{itemize}
  1542 \end{frame}
  1544 \begin{frame}[fragile]
  1545   \frametitle{Classes: examples}
  1546 \begin{lstlisting}
  1547 class Bag(MyClass): # Shows how to derive classes
  1548     def __init__(self): # called on object creation.
  1549 = [] # an instance attribute
  1550     def add(self, x):
  1552     def addtwice(self, x):
  1553         self.add(x)
  1554         self.add(x)
  1555 >>> a = Bag()
  1556 >>> a.f() # Inherited method
  1557 'hello world'
  1558 >>> a.add(1); a.addtwice(2)
  1559 >>>
  1560 [1, 2, 2]
  1561 \end{lstlisting}
  1562 \end{frame}
  1564 \begin{frame}[fragile]
  1565   \frametitle{Derived classes}
  1566   \begin{itemize}
  1567   \item Call the parent's \verb+__init__+ if needed
  1568   \item If you don't need a new constructor, no need to define it in subclass
  1569   \item Can also use the \verb+super+ built-in function
  1570   \end{itemize}
  1571 \begin{lstlisting}
  1572 class AnotherBag(Bag):
  1573     def __init__(self):
  1574         # Must call parent's __init__ explicitly
  1575         Bag.__init__(self)
  1576         # Alternatively use this:
  1577         super(AnotherBag, self).__init__()
  1578         # Now setup any more data.
  1579         self.more_data = []
  1580 \end{lstlisting}
  1581 \end{frame}
  1583 \begin{frame}[fragile]
  1584   \frametitle{Classes: polymorphism}
  1585 \begin{lstlisting}
  1586 class Drawable(object):
  1587     def draw(self):
  1588         # Just a specification.
  1589         pass
  1590 \end{lstlisting}
  1591 \mode<presentation>{\pause}
  1592 \begin{lstlisting}
  1593 class Square(Drawable):
  1594     def draw(self):
  1595         # draw a square.
  1596 class Circle(Drawable):
  1597     def draw(self):
  1598         # draw a circle.
  1599 \end{lstlisting}
  1600 \mode<presentation>{\pause}
  1601 \begin{lstlisting}
  1602 class Artist(Drawable):
  1603     def draw(self):
  1604         for obj in self.drawables:
  1605             obj.draw()
  1606 \end{lstlisting}
  1607 \end{frame}
  1609 \subsection{Miscellaneous}
  1611 \begin{frame}[fragile]
  1612   \frametitle{Stand-alone scripts}
  1613 Consider a file \typ{}:
  1614 \begin{lstlisting}
  1615 #!/usr/bin/env python
  1616 """Module level documentation."""
  1617 # First line tells the shell that it should use Python
  1618 # to interpret the code in the file.
  1619 def f():
  1620     print "f"
  1622 # Check if we are running standalone or as module.
  1623 # When imported, __name__ will not be '__main__'
  1624 if __name__ == '__main__':
  1625     # This is not executed when is imported.
  1626     f() 
  1627 \end{lstlisting}
  1628 \end{frame}
  1630 \begin{frame}[fragile]
  1631   \frametitle{List comprehensions}
  1632 \begin{lstlisting}
  1633 >>> veg = ['tomato', 'cabbage', 'carrot', 'potato']
  1634 >>> [x.upper() for x in veg]
  1636 >>> vec = range(0, 8)
  1637 >>> even = [x for x in vec if x%2 == 0]
  1638 >>> even
  1639 [0, 2, 4, 6]
  1640 >>> [x*x for x in even]
  1641 [0, 4, 16, 36]
  1642 >>> odd = [x for x in vec if x%2 == 1]
  1643 >>> odd
  1644 [1, 3, 5, 7]
  1645 >>> [x*y for x in even for y in odd]
  1646 [0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 6, 10, 14, 4, 12, 20, 28, 6, 18,30,42]
  1647 \end{lstlisting}
  1648 \end{frame}
  1650 \begin{frame}[fragile]
  1651   \frametitle{More IPython features}
  1652   \begin{itemize}
  1653   \item Input and output caching:
  1654     \begin{itemize}
  1655     \item \verb+In+: a list of all entered input
  1656     \item \verb+Out+: a dict of all output
  1657     \item \verb+_+, \verb+__+, \verb+__+ are the last three results as
  1658       is \verb+_N+
  1659     \item \verb+%hist [-n]+ macro shows previous history, \verb+-n+
  1660       suppresses line number information
  1661     \end{itemize}
  1662   \item Log the session using \verb+%logstart+, \verb+%logon+ and
  1663     \verb+%logoff+
  1664   \item \verb+%run [options] file[.py]+ -- running Python code
  1665     \begin{itemize}
  1666     \item \verb+%run -d [-b<N>]+: debug script with pdb
  1667           \verb+N+ is the line number to break at (defaults to 1)
  1668     \item \verb+%run -t+: time the script
  1669     \item \verb+%run -p+: Profile the script
  1670     \end{itemize}
  1671   \item \verb+%prun+ runs a statement/expression under the profiler
  1672   \item \verb+%macro [options] macro_name n1-n2 n3-n4 n6+ save specified
  1673     lines to a macro with name \verb+macro_name+
  1674   \end{itemize}
  1675 \end{frame}
  1677 \begin{frame}[fragile]
  1678   \frametitle{More IPython features \ldots}
  1679   \begin{itemize}
  1680   \item \verb+%edit [options] [args]+: edit lines of code or file
  1681     specified in editor (configure editor via \verb+$EDITOR+)
  1682   \item \verb+%cd+ changes directory, see also \verb+%pushd, %popd, %dhist+
  1683   \item Shell access
  1684     \begin{itemize}
  1685     \item \verb+!command+ runs a shell command and returns its output
  1686     \item \verb+files = %sx ls+ or \verb+files = !ls+ sets
  1687       \verb+files+ to all result of the \verb+ls+ command
  1688     \item \verb+%sx+ is quiet
  1689     \item \verb+!ls $files+ passes the \verb+files+ variable to the
  1690       shell command
  1691     \item \verb+%alias alias_name cmd+ creates an alias for a system
  1692       command
  1693     \end{itemize}
  1694   \item \verb+%colors+ lets you change the color scheme to
  1695     \verb+NoColor, Linux, LightBG+
  1696   \end{itemize}
  1697 \end{frame}
  1699 \begin{frame}[fragile]
  1700   \frametitle{More IPython features \ldots}
  1701   \begin{itemize}
  1702   \item Use \verb+;+ at the end of a statement to suppress printing
  1703     output
  1704   \item \verb+%bookmark+: store a bookmarked location, for use with \verb+%cd+
  1705   \item \verb+%who, %whos+: print information on variables
  1706   \item \verb+%save [options] filename n1-n2 n3-n4+: save lines to a
  1707     file
  1708   \item \verb+%time statement+: Time execution of a Python statement or
  1709     expression
  1710   \item \verb+%timeit [-n<N> -r<R> [-t|-c]] statement+: time execution
  1711     using Python's timeit module
  1712   \item Can define and use profiles to setup IPython differently:
  1713     \verb+math, scipy, numeric, pysh+ etc.
  1714   \item \verb+%magic+: \alert{Show help on all magics}
  1715   \end{itemize}
  1716 \end{frame}
  1718 \begin{frame}[fragile]
  1719   \frametitle{File handling}
  1720 \begin{lstlisting}
  1721 >>> # Reading files:
  1722 ... f = open('/path/to/file_name')
  1723 >>> data = # Read entire file.
  1724 >>> line = f.readline() # Read one line.
  1725 >>> # Read entire file appending each line into a list
  1726 ... lines = f.readlines()
  1727 >>> f.close() # close the file.
  1728 >>> # Writing files:
  1729 ... f = open('/path/to/file_name', 'w')
  1730 >>> f.write('hello world\n')
  1731 \end{lstlisting}
  1732   \begin{itemize}
  1733   \item \typ{tell()}: returns int of current position
  1734   \item \typ{seek(pos)}: moves current position to specified byte
  1735   \item Call \typ{close()} when done using a file
  1736   \end{itemize}
  1737 \end{frame}
  1739 \begin{frame}[fragile]
  1740   \frametitle{Math}
  1741   \begin{itemize}
  1742   \item \typ{math} module provides basic math routines for
  1743     floats
  1744   \item \typ{cmath} module provides math routies for complex
  1745     numbers
  1746   \item \typ{random}: provides pseudo-random number generators
  1747     for various distributions
  1748   \item These are always available and part of the standard library
  1749   \item More serious math is provided by the NumPy/SciPy modules --
  1750     these are not standard and need to be installed separately
  1751   \end{itemize}
  1752 \end{frame}
  1754 \begin{frame}[fragile]
  1755   \frametitle{Timing and profiling}
  1756   \begin{itemize}
  1757   \item Timing code: use the \typ{time} module
  1758   \item Read up on \typ{time.time()} and \typ{time.clock()}
  1759   \item \typ{timeit}: is a better way of doing timing
  1760   \item IPython has handy \typ{time} and \typ{timeit} macros (type
  1761     \typ{timeit?} for help)
  1762   \item IPython lets you debug and profile code via the \typ{run}
  1763     macro (type \typ{run?} on the prompt to learn more)
  1764   \end{itemize}
  1765 \end{frame}
  1767 \begin{frame}[fragile]
  1768   \frametitle{Odds and ends}
  1769   \begin{itemize}
  1770   \item \typ{dir([object])} function: attributes of given object
  1771   \item \typ{type(object)}: returns type information
  1772   \item \typ{str(), repr()}: convert object to string representation
  1773   \item \typ{isinstance, issubclass}
  1774   \item \typ{assert} statements let you do debugging assertions in
  1775     code
  1776   \item \typ{csv} module: reading and writing CSV files
  1777   \item \typ{pickle}: lets you save and load Python objects
  1778     (\alert{serialization})
  1779   \item \typ{sys.argv}: command line arguments
  1780   \item \typ{os.path}: common path manipulations
  1781   \item Check out the Python Library reference:
  1782     \url{}
  1783   \end{itemize}
  1784 \end{frame}
  1786 \begin{frame}[fragile]
  1787   \frametitle{Test driven development (TDD)}
  1788   \begin{itemize}
  1789       \item Why?
  1790           \begin{itemize}
  1792             \item Forces you to write reusable code!
  1794             \item Think about the API
  1796             \item More robust
  1798             \item Makes refactoring very easy
  1800           \end{itemize}
  1801       \item How?  Python offers three major ways of doing this
  1802           \begin{itemize}
  1803               \item doctest
  1804               \item unittest
  1805               \item nosetest (and similar like py.test)
  1806           \end{itemize}
  1808       \item Test every piece of functionality you offer
  1810       \item This isn't a formal introduction but more a practical one
  1812   \end{itemize}
  1813 \end{frame}
  1815 \begin{frame}[fragile]
  1816   \frametitle{Unit test}
  1817 \begin{lstlisting}
  1818 import unittest
  1820 class MyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
  1821     def setUp(self):
  1822         # Called *before* each test_* 
  1823     def tearDown(self):
  1824         # Called *after* each test_* 
  1825     def test_something(self):
  1826         "docstring"
  1827         #  Test code.
  1828         self.assertEqual(x, y)
  1829         self.assertRaises(ValueError, func, arg1, arg2 ...)
  1831 if __name__ == '__main__':
  1832     unittest.main() 
  1833 \end{lstlisting}
  1834 \end{frame}
  1836 \begin{frame}[fragile]
  1837     \frametitle{Nosetest}
  1838 \begin{lstlisting}
  1839 import particle
  1840 def test_particle():
  1841     # Use asserts here.
  1842     p = particle.Particle(1.0)
  1843     assert[0] == 1.0
  1844     assert[2] == 0.0
  1846 if __name__ == '__main__':
  1847     import nose
  1848     nose.main()
  1849 \end{lstlisting}
  1850 \end{frame}
  1852 \begin{frame}[fragile]
  1853   \frametitle{Testing}
  1854   \begin{itemize}
  1855       \item More details: see library reference and search for nosetest
  1856   \end{itemize}
  1857 \end{frame}
  1859 \section{Numerics \& Plotting}
  1861 \subsection{NumPy Arrays}
  1863 \newcommand{\num}{\texttt{numpy}}
  1865 \begin{frame}
  1866   \frametitle{The \num\ module}
  1867   \begin{itemize}
  1868   \item Manipulating large Python lists for scientific computing is
  1869     \alert{slow}
  1870   \item Most complex computations can be reduced to a few standard
  1871     operations
  1872   \item The \num\ module provides:
  1873     \begin{itemize}
  1874     \item An efficient and powerful array type for various common data
  1875       types
  1876     \item Abstracts out the most commonly used standard operations on
  1877       arrays
  1878     \end{itemize}
  1879   \item Numeric was the first, then came \texttt{numarray}.
  1880     \texttt{numpy} is the latest and is the future
  1881   \item This course uses \num\ and only covers the absolute basics
  1882   \end{itemize}
  1883 \end{frame}
  1885 \begin{frame}
  1886   \frametitle{Basic concepts}
  1887   \begin{itemize}
  1888   \item \num\ arrays are of a fixed size (\typ{arr.size}) and have the
  1889     same type (\typ{arr.dtype})
  1890   \item \num\ arrays may have arbitrary dimensionality
  1891   \item The \typ{shape} of an array is the extent (length) of the
  1892     array along each dimension
  1893   \item The \typ{rank(arr)} of an array is the ``dimensionality'' of the
  1894     array
  1895   \item The \typ{arr.itemsize} is the number of bytes (8-bits) used for
  1896     each element of the array
  1897   \item \alert{Note:} The \typ{shape} and \typ{rank} may change as
  1898     long as the \typ{size} of the array is fixed
  1899   \item \alert{Note:} \typ{len(arr) != arr.size} in general
  1900   \item \alert{Note:} By default array operations are performed
  1901     \alert{elementwise}
  1902   \item Indices start from 0
  1903   \end{itemize}
  1904 \end{frame}
  1906 \begin{frame}[fragile]
  1907   \frametitle{Examples of \num}
  1908 \begin{lstlisting}
  1909 # Simple array math example
  1910 >>> from numpy import *
  1911 >>> a = array([1,2,3,4])
  1912 >>> b = array([2,3,4,5])
  1913 >>> a + b # Element wise addition!
  1914 array([3, 5, 7, 9])
  1916 >>> print pi, e  # Pi and e are defined.
  1917 3.14159265359 2.71828182846
  1918 # Create array from 0 to 10
  1919 >>> x = arange(0.0, 10.0, 0.05)
  1920 >>> x *= 2*pi/10 # multiply array by scalar value
  1921 array([ 0.,0.0314,...,6.252])
  1922 # apply functions to array.
  1923 >>> y = sin(x)
  1924 \end{lstlisting}
  1925 \end{frame}
  1927 \begin{frame}[fragile]
  1928   \frametitle{More examples of \num}
  1929 \vspace*{-8pt}
  1930 \begin{lstlisting}
  1931 # Size, shape, rank, type etc.
  1932 >>> x = array([1., 2, 3, 4])
  1933 >>> size(x)
  1934 4
  1935 >>> x.dtype # or x.dtype.char
  1936 'd'
  1937 >>> x.shape
  1938 (4,)
  1939 >>> print rank(x), x.itemsize
  1940 1 8
  1941 >>> x.tolist()
  1942 [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]
  1943 # Array indexing
  1944 >>> x[0] = 10
  1945 >>> print x[0], x[-1]
  1946 10.0 4.0
  1947 \end{lstlisting}
  1948 \end{frame}
  1950 \begin{frame}[fragile]
  1951   \frametitle{Multi-dimensional arrays}
  1952 \begin{lstlisting}
  1953 >>> a = array([[ 0, 1, 2, 3],
  1954 ...            [10,11,12,13]])
  1955 >>> a.shape # (rows, columns)
  1956 (2, 4)
  1957 # Accessing and setting values
  1958 >>> a[1,3] 
  1959 13
  1960 >>> a[1,3] = -1
  1961 >>> a[1] # The second row
  1962 array([10,11,12,-1])
  1964 # Flatten/ravel arrays to 1D arrays
  1965 >>> a.flat  # or ravel(a)
  1966 array([0,1,2,3,10,11,12,-1])
  1967 # Note: flat references original memory
  1968 \end{lstlisting}
  1969 \end{frame}
  1971 \begin{frame}[fragile]
  1972   \frametitle{Slicing arrays}
  1973 \begin{lstlisting}
  1974 >>> a = array([[1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8,9]])
  1975 >>> a[0,1:3]
  1976 array([2, 3])
  1977 >>> a[1:,1:]
  1978 array([[5, 6],
  1979        [8, 9]])
  1980 >>> a[:,2]
  1981 array([3, 6, 9])
  1982 # Striding...
  1983 >>> a[0::2,0::2]
  1984 array([[1, 3],
  1985        [7, 9]])
  1986 # All these slices are references to the same memory!
  1987 \end{lstlisting}
  1988 \end{frame}
  1990 % \begin{frame}[fragile]
  1991 %   \frametitle{Array types and typecodes}
  1992 %   \begin{tabular}[c]{|c|c|p{2.75in}|}
  1993 %     \hline
  1994 %     Character & Bits (bytes) & Type name \\
  1995 %     \hline
  1996 %     D & 128 (16) & \typ{Complex, Complex64}\\
  1997 %     F & 64   (8) & \typ{Complex0, Complex8, Complex16} \\
  1998 %     d & 64   (8) & \typ{Float, Float64} \\
  1999 %     f & 32   (4) & \typ{Float0, Float8, Float16} \\
  2000 %     i & 32   (4) & \typ{Int32} \\
  2001 %     l & 32   (4) & \typ{Int} \\
  2002 %     O & 4    (1) & \typ{PyObject} \\
  2003 %     %b 8     (1) UnsignedInt8
  2004 %     %1 (one) 8     (1) Int8
  2005 %     %s 16   (2) Int16
  2006 %     \hline
  2007 %   \end{tabular}
  2008 % \begin{lstlisting}
  2009 % # Examples
  2010 % >>> f = array([1,2,3], Float32)
  2011 % >>> c = array([1,2,3], Complex32)
  2012 % >>> print f, c
  2013 % [ 1.  2.  3.] [ 1.+0.j  2.+0.j  3.+0.j]
  2014 % \end{lstlisting}
  2015 % \end{frame}
  2017 \begin{frame}[fragile]
  2018   \frametitle{Array creation functions}
  2019   \begin{itemize}
  2020   \item \typ{array(object, dtype=None, copy=1,order=None, subok=0,ndmin=0)}
  2021   \item \typ{arange(start, stop=None, step=1, dtype=None)}
  2022   \item \typ{linspace(start, stop, num=50, endpoint=True, retstep=False)}
  2023   \item \typ{ones(shape, dtype=None, order='C')}
  2024   \item \typ{zeros((d1,...,dn),dtype=float,order='C')}
  2025   \item \typ{identity(n)}
  2026   \item \typ{empty((d1,...,dn),dtype=float,order='C')}
  2027   \item \typ{ones\_like(x)}, \typ{zeros\_like(x)}, \typ{empty\_like(x)}
  2028   \end{itemize}
  2029 \end{frame}
  2031 \begin{frame}[fragile]
  2032   \frametitle{Array math}
  2033   \begin{itemize}
  2034   \item Basic \alert{elementwise} math (given two arrays \typ{a, b}):
  2035     \begin{itemize}
  2036     \item \typ{a + b $\rightarrow$ add(a, b)} 
  2037     \item \typ{a - b, $\rightarrow$ subtract(a, b)} 
  2038     \item \typ{a * b, $\rightarrow$ multiply(a, b)} 
  2039     \item \typ{a / b, $\rightarrow$ divide(a, b)} 
  2040     \item \typ{a \% b, $\rightarrow$ remainder(a, b)} 
  2041     \item \typ{a ** b, $\rightarrow$ power(a, b)}
  2042     \end{itemize}
  2043   \item Inplace operators: \typ{a += b}, or \typ{add(a, b,
  2044       a)} etc.
  2045   \item Logical operations: \typ{equal (==)}, \typ{not\_equal (!=)},
  2046     \typ{less (<)}, \typ{greater (>)} etc.
  2047   \item Trig and other functions: \typ{sin(x), arcsin(x), sinh(x),
  2048       exp(x), sqrt(x)} etc.
  2049   \item \typ{sum(x, axis=0), product(x, axis=0)}: sum and product of array elements 
  2050   \item \typ{dot(a, b)}
  2051   \end{itemize}
  2052 \end{frame}
  2054 \begin{frame}[fragile]
  2055   \frametitle{Advanced}
  2056   \begin{itemize}
  2057   \item Only scratched the surface of \num
  2058   \item Ufunc methods: \typ{reduce, accumulate, outer, reduceat}
  2059   \item Typecasting
  2060   \item More functions: \typ{take, choose, where, compress,
  2061       concatenate}
  2062   \item Array broadcasting and \typ{None}
  2063   \end{itemize}
  2064 \end{frame}
  2066 \subsection{Plotting: Matplotlib}
  2068 \begin{frame}
  2069   \frametitle{About \texttt{matplotlib}}
  2070   \begin{itemize}
  2071   \item Easy to use, scriptable, ``Matlab-like'' 2D plotting
  2072   \item Publication quality figures and interactive capabilities
  2073   \item Plots, histograms, power spectra, bar charts, errorcharts,
  2074     scatterplots, etc.
  2075   \item Also does polar plots, maps, contours
  2076   \item Support for simple \TeX\ markup
  2077   \item Multiple output backends (images, EPS, SVG, wx, Agg, Tk, GTK)
  2078   \item Cross-platform: Linux, Win32, Mac OS X
  2079   \item Good idea to use via IPython:  \typ{ipython -pylab}
  2080   \item From scripts use: \typ{import pylab}
  2081   \end{itemize}
  2082 \end{frame}
  2084 \begin{frame}
  2085   \frametitle{More information}
  2086   \begin{itemize}
  2087   \item More information here: \url{}
  2088   \item \url{}
  2089   \item \url{}
  2090   \end{itemize}
  2091 \end{frame}
  2093 \begin{frame}[fragile]
  2094   \frametitle{Basic plotting with \texttt{matplotlib}}
  2095 \begin{lstlisting}
  2096 >>> x = arange(0, 2*pi, 0.05)
  2097 >>> plot(x, sin(x)) # Same as plot(x, sin(x), 'b-') 
  2098 >>> plot(x, sin(x), 'ro')
  2099 >>> axis([0,2*pi, -1,1])
  2100 >>> xlabel(r'$\chi$', color='g')
  2101 >>> ylabel(r'sin($\chi$)', color='r')
  2102 >>> title('A simple figure', fontsize=20)
  2103 >>> savefig('/tmp/test.eps')
  2104 # Multiple plots in one figure
  2105 >>> t = arange(0.0, 5.2, 0.2)
  2106 # red dashes, blue squares and green triangles
  2107 >>> plot(t, t, 'r--', t, t**2, 'bs', t, t**3, 'g^')
  2108 \end{lstlisting}
  2109 \end{frame}
  2111 \begin{frame}[fragile]
  2112   \frametitle{Basic plotting \ldots}
  2113 \begin{lstlisting}
  2114 # Set properties of objects:
  2115 >>> plot(x, sin(x), linewidth=2.0, color='r')
  2116 >>> l, = plot(x, sin(x))
  2117 >>> setp(l, linewidth=2.0, color='r')
  2118 >>> l.set_linewidth(2.0); l.set_color('r')
  2119 >>> draw() # Redraws current figure.
  2120 >>> setp(l) # Prints available properties
  2121 >>> close() # Closes the figure.
  2122 # Multiple figures:
  2123 >>> figure(1); plot(x, sin(x))
  2124 >>> figure(2); plot(x, tanh(x))
  2125 >>> figure(1); title('Easy as 1,2,3')
  2126 \end{lstlisting}
  2127 \end{frame}
  2129 \begin{frame}[fragile]
  2130   \frametitle{Basic plotting \ldots}
  2131 \begin{lstlisting}
  2132 >>> figure(1)
  2133 >>> subplot(211) # Same as subplot(2, 1, 1)
  2134 >>> plot(x, cos(5*x)*exp(-x))
  2135 >>> subplot(2, 1, 2)
  2136 >>> plot(x, cos(5*x), 'r--', label='cosine')
  2137 >>> plot(x, sin(5*x), 'g--', label='sine')
  2138 >>> legend() # Or legend(['cosine', 'sine'])
  2139 >>> text(1,0, '(1,0)')
  2140 >>> axes = gca() # Current axis
  2141 >>> fig = gcf() # Current figure
  2142 \end{lstlisting}
  2143 \end{frame}
  2145 \begin{frame}[fragile]
  2146   \frametitle{X-Y plot}
  2147   \begin{columns}
  2148     \column{0.5\textwidth}
  2149     \hspace*{-0.5in}
  2150     \includegraphics[height=2in, interpolate=true]{data/xyplot}
  2151     \column{0.45\textwidth}
  2152     \begin{block}{Example code}
  2153     \tiny
  2154 \begin{lstlisting}
  2155 t1 = arange(0.0, 5.0, 0.1)
  2156 t2 = arange(0.0, 5.0, 0.02)
  2157 t3 = arange(0.0, 2.0, 0.01)
  2158 subplot(211)
  2159 plot(t1, cos(2*pi*t1)*exp(-t1), 'bo', 
  2160      t2, cos(2*pi*t2)*exp(-t2), 'k')
  2161 grid(True)
  2162 title('A tale of 2 subplots')
  2163 ylabel('Damped')
  2164 subplot(212)
  2165 plot(t3, cos(2*pi*t3), 'r--')
  2166 grid(True)
  2167 xlabel('time (s)')
  2168 ylabel('Undamped')
  2169 \end{lstlisting}
  2170     \end{block}
  2171   \end{columns}
  2172 \end{frame}
  2174 \begin{frame}[fragile] \frametitle{Errorbar}
  2175   \begin{columns}
  2176     \column{0.5\textwidth}
  2177     \hspace*{-0.5in}
  2178   \includegraphics[height=2in, interpolate=true]{data/errorbar}  
  2179     \column{0.45\textwidth}
  2180     \begin{block}{Example code}
  2181     \tiny
  2182 \begin{lstlisting}
  2183 t = arange(0.1, 4, 0.1)
  2184 s = exp(-t)
  2185 e = 0.1*abs(randn(len(s)))
  2186 f = 0.1*abs(randn(len(s)))
  2187 g = 2*e
  2188 h = 2*f
  2189 errorbar(t, s, [e,g], f, fmt='o')
  2190 xlabel('Distance (m)')
  2191 ylabel('Height (m)')
  2192 title('Mean and standard error '\
  2193       'as a function of distance')
  2194 \end{lstlisting}
  2195   \end{block}
  2196 \end{columns}
  2197 \end{frame}
  2199 \begin{frame}[fragile] \frametitle{Semi-log and log-log plots}
  2200   \begin{columns}
  2201     \column{0.5\textwidth}
  2202     \hspace*{-0.5in}
  2203   \includegraphics[height=2in, interpolate=true]{data/log}  
  2204     \column{0.45\textwidth}
  2205     \begin{block}{Example code}
  2206     \tiny
  2207 \begin{lstlisting}
  2208 dt = 0.01
  2209 t = arange(dt, 20.0, dt)
  2210 subplot(311)
  2211 semilogy(t, exp(-t/5.0))
  2212 ylabel('semilogy')
  2213 grid(True)
  2214 subplot(312)
  2215 semilogx(t, sin(2*pi*t))
  2216 ylabel('semilogx')
  2217 grid(True)
  2218 # minor grid on too
  2219 gca().xaxis.grid(True, which='minor')  
  2220 subplot(313)
  2221 loglog(t, 20*exp(-t/10.0), basex=4)
  2222 grid(True)
  2223 ylabel('loglog base 4 on x')
  2224 \end{lstlisting}
  2225   \end{block}
  2226 \end{columns}
  2227 \end{frame}
  2229 \begin{frame}[fragile] \frametitle{Histogram}
  2230   \begin{columns}
  2231     \column{0.5\textwidth}
  2232     \hspace*{-0.5in}
  2233   \includegraphics[height=2in, interpolate=true]{data/histogram}  
  2234     \column{0.45\textwidth}
  2235     \begin{block}{Example code}
  2236     \tiny
  2237 \begin{lstlisting}
  2238 mu, sigma = 100, 15
  2239 x = mu + sigma*randn(10000)
  2240 # the histogram of the data
  2241 n, bins, patches = hist(x, 100, normed=1)
  2242 # add a 'best fit' line
  2243 y = normpdf( bins, mu, sigma)
  2244 l = plot(bins, y, 'r--', linewidth=2)
  2245 xlim(40, 160)
  2246 xlabel('Smarts')
  2247 ylabel('P')
  2248 title(r'$\rm{IQ:}\/ \mu=100,\/ \sigma=15$')
  2249 \end{lstlisting}
  2250   \end{block}
  2251 \end{columns}
  2252 \end{frame}
  2254 \begin{frame}[fragile] \frametitle{Bar charts}
  2255   \begin{columns}
  2256     \column{0.5\textwidth}
  2257     \hspace*{-0.5in}
  2258   \includegraphics[height=2in, interpolate=true]{data/barchart}  
  2259     \column{0.45\textwidth}
  2260     \begin{block}{Example code}
  2261     \tiny
  2262 \begin{lstlisting}
  2263 N = 5
  2264 menMeans = (20, 35, 30, 35, 27)
  2265 menStd =   ( 2,  3,  4,  1,  2)
  2266 # the x locations for the groups
  2267 ind = arange(N) 
  2268 # the width of the bars
  2269 width = 0.35       
  2270 p1 = bar(ind, menMeans, width, 
  2271          color='r', yerr=menStd)
  2272 womenMeans = (25, 32, 34, 20, 25)
  2273 womenStd =   ( 3,  5,  2,  3,  3)
  2274 p2 = bar(ind+width, womenMeans, width, 
  2275          color='y', yerr=womenStd)
  2276 ylabel('Scores')
  2277 title('Scores by group and gender')
  2278 xticks(ind+width, 
  2279        ('G1', 'G2', 'G3', 'G4', 'G5'))
  2280 xlim(-width,len(ind))
  2281 yticks(arange(0,41,10))
  2282 legend((p1[0], p2[0]), 
  2283        ('Men', 'Women'), shadow=True)
  2284 \end{lstlisting}
  2285   \end{block}
  2286 \end{columns}
  2287 \end{frame}
  2289 \begin{frame}[fragile] \frametitle{Pie charts}
  2290   \begin{columns}
  2291     \column{0.5\textwidth}
  2292     \hspace*{-0.4in}
  2293   \includegraphics[height=2.0in, interpolate=true]{data/piechart}  
  2294     \column{0.45\textwidth}
  2295     \begin{block}{Example code}
  2296     \tiny
  2297 \begin{lstlisting}
  2298 # make a square figure and axes
  2299 figure(1, figsize=(8,8))
  2300 ax = axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8])
  2301 labels = 'Frogs', 'Hogs', 'Dogs', 'Logs'
  2302 fracs = [15,30,45, 10]
  2303 explode=(0, 0.05, 0, 0)
  2304 pie(fracs, explode=explode, labels=labels, 
  2305     autopct='%1.1f%%', shadow=True)
  2306 title('Raining Hogs and Dogs', 
  2307       bbox={'facecolor':'0.8', 'pad':5})
  2308 \end{lstlisting}
  2309   \end{block}
  2310 \end{columns}
  2311 \end{frame}
  2313 \begin{frame}[fragile] \frametitle{Scatter plots}
  2314   \begin{columns}
  2315     \column{0.5\textwidth}
  2316     \hspace*{-0.4in}
  2317   \includegraphics[height=2in, interpolate=true]{data/scatter}  
  2318     \column{0.45\textwidth}
  2319     \begin{block}{Example code}
  2320     \tiny
  2321 \begin{lstlisting}
  2322 N = 30
  2323 x = 0.9*rand(N)
  2324 y = 0.9*rand(N)
  2325 # 0 to 10 point radiuses
  2326 area = pi*(10 * rand(N))**2 
  2327 volume = 400 + rand(N)*450
  2328 scatter(x,y,s=area, marker='o', c=volume, 
  2329         alpha=0.75)
  2330 xlabel(r'$\Delta_i$', size='x-large')
  2331 ylabel(r'$\Delta_{i+1}$', size='x-large')
  2332 title(r'Volume and percent change')
  2333 grid(True)
  2334 colorbar()
  2335 savefig('scatter')
  2336 \end{lstlisting}
  2337   \end{block}
  2338 \end{columns}
  2339 \end{frame}
  2341 \begin{frame}[fragile] \frametitle{Polar}
  2342   \begin{columns}
  2343     \column{0.5\textwidth}
  2344     \hspace*{-0.5in}
  2345   \includegraphics[height=2in, interpolate=true]{data/polar}  
  2346     \column{0.45\textwidth}
  2347     \begin{block}{Example code}
  2348     \tiny
  2349 \begin{lstlisting}
  2350 figure(figsize=(8,8))
  2351 ax = axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8], polar=True, 
  2352           axisbg='#d5de9c')
  2353 r = arange(0,1,0.001)
  2354 theta = 2*2*pi*r
  2355 polar(theta, r, color='#ee8d18', lw=3)
  2356 # the radius of the grid labels
  2357 setp(ax.thetagridlabels, y=1.075) 
  2358 title(r"$\theta=4\pi r", fontsize=20)
  2359 \end{lstlisting}
  2360   \end{block}
  2361 \end{columns}
  2362 \end{frame}
  2364 \begin{frame}[fragile] \frametitle{Contours}
  2365   \begin{columns}
  2366     \column{0.45\textwidth}
  2367     \hspace*{-0.5in}
  2368   \includegraphics[height=2in, interpolate=true]{data/contour}  
  2369     \column{0.525\textwidth}
  2370     \begin{block}{Example code}
  2371     \tiny
  2372 \begin{lstlisting}
  2373 x = arange(-3.0, 3.0, 0.025)
  2374 y = arange(-2.0, 2.0, 0.025)
  2375 X, Y = meshgrid(x, y)
  2376 Z1 = bivariate_normal(X, Y, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
  2377 Z2 = bivariate_normal(X, Y, 1.5, 0.5, 1, 1)
  2378 # difference of Gaussians
  2379 Z = 10.0 * (Z2 - Z1)
  2380 im = imshow(Z, interpolation='bilinear', 
  2381             origin='lower',
  2382             cmap=cm.gray, extent=(-3,3,-2,2))
  2383 levels = arange(-1.2, 1.6, 0.2)
  2384 # label every second level
  2385 clabel(CS, levels[1::2],  inline=1,
  2386        fmt='%1.1f', fontsize=14)
  2387 CS = contour(Z, levels,
  2388              origin='lower',
  2389              linewidths=2,
  2390              extent=(-3,3,-2,2))
  2391 # make a colorbar for the contour lines
  2392 CB = colorbar(CS, shrink=0.8, extend='both')
  2393 title('Lines with colorbar')
  2394 hot(); flag()
  2395 \end{lstlisting}
  2396   \end{block}
  2397 \end{columns}
  2398 \end{frame}
  2400 \begin{frame}[fragile] \frametitle{Velocity vectors}
  2401   \begin{columns}
  2402     \column{0.5\textwidth}
  2403     \hspace*{-0.5in}
  2404   \includegraphics[height=2in, interpolate=true]{data/quiver}  
  2405     \column{0.45\textwidth}
  2406     \begin{block}{Example code}
  2407     \tiny
  2408 \begin{lstlisting}
  2409 X,Y = meshgrid(arange(0,2*pi,.2),
  2410                arange(0,2*pi,.2) )
  2411 U = cos(X)
  2412 V = sin(Y)
  2413 Q = quiver(X[::3, ::3], Y[::3, ::3], 
  2414            U[::3, ::3], V[::3, ::3],
  2415            color='r', units='x', 
  2416            linewidths=(2,), 
  2417            edgecolors=('k'), 
  2418            headaxislength=5 )
  2419 qk = quiverkey(Q, 0.5, 0.03, 1, '1 m/s', 
  2420                fontproperties=
  2421                {'weight': 'bold'})
  2422 axis([-1, 7, -1, 7])
  2423 title('triangular head; scale '\
  2424       'with x view; black edges')
  2425 \end{lstlisting}
  2426   \end{block}
  2427 \end{columns}
  2428 \end{frame}
  2430 \begin{frame}[fragile] \frametitle{Maps}
  2431   \includegraphics[height=2.5in, interpolate=true]{data/plotmap}  
  2432   \begin{center}
  2433     \tiny
  2434     For details see \url{}
  2435   \end{center}
  2436 \end{frame}
  2439 \subsection{SciPy}
  2441 \begin{frame}
  2442   \frametitle{Using \texttt{SciPy}}
  2443   \begin{itemize}
  2444   \item SciPy is Open Source software for mathematics, science, and
  2445     engineering
  2446   \item \typ{import scipy}
  2447   \item Built on NumPy
  2448   \item Provides modules for statistics, optimization, integration,
  2449     linear algebra, Fourier transforms, signal and image processing,
  2450     genetic algorithms, ODE solvers, special functions, and more
  2451   \item Used widely by scientists world over
  2452   \item Details are beyond the scope of this tutorial
  2453   \end{itemize}
  2454 \end{frame}
  2456 \section{Standard library}
  2458 \subsection{Quick Tour}
  2460 \begin{frame}
  2461   \frametitle{Standard library}
  2462   \begin{itemize}
  2463   \item Very powerful
  2464   \item ``Batteries included''
  2465   \item Example standard modules taken from the tutorial
  2466     \begin{itemize}
  2467     \item Operating system interface: \typ{os}
  2468     \item System, Command line arguments: \typ{sys}
  2469     \item Regular expressions: \typ{re}
  2470     \item Math: \typ{math}, \typ{random}
  2471     \item Internet access: \typ{urllib2}, \typ{smtplib}
  2472     \item Data compression: \typ{zlib}, \typ{gzip}, \typ{bz2},
  2473       \typ{zipfile}, and \typ{tarfile}
  2474     \item Unit testing: \typ{doctest} and \typ{unittest}
  2475     \item And a whole lot more!
  2476     \end{itemize}
  2477   \item Check out the Python Library reference:
  2478     \url{}
  2479   \end{itemize}
  2480 \end{frame}
  2482 \begin{frame}[fragile]
  2483   \frametitle{Stdlib: examples}
  2484 \begin{lstlisting}
  2485 >>> import os
  2486 >>> os.system('date')
  2487 Fri Jun 10 22:13:09 IST 2005
  2488 0
  2489 >>> os.getcwd()
  2490 '/home/prabhu'
  2491 >>> os.chdir('/tmp')
  2492 >>> import os
  2493 >>> dir(os)
  2494 <returns a list of all module functions>
  2495 >>> help(os)
  2496 <extensive manual page from module's docstrings>
  2497 \end{lstlisting}
  2498 \end{frame}
  2500 \begin{frame}[fragile]
  2501   \frametitle{Stdlib: examples}
  2502 \begin{lstlisting}
  2503 >>> import sys
  2504 >>> # Print the list of command line args to Python
  2505 ... print sys.argv 
  2506 ['']
  2507 >>> import re # Regular expressions
  2508 >>> re.findall(r'\bf[a-z]*', 
  2509 ... 'which foot or hand fell fastest')
  2510 ['foot', 'fell', 'fastest']
  2511 >>> re.sub(r'(\b[a-z]+) \1', r'\1', 
  2512 ... 'cat in the the hat')
  2513 'cat in the hat'
  2514 \end{lstlisting}
  2515 \end{frame}
  2517 \begin{frame}[fragile]
  2518   \frametitle{Stdlib: examples}
  2519 \begin{lstlisting}
  2520 >>> import math
  2521 >>> math.cos(math.pi / 4.0)
  2522 0.70710678118654757
  2523 >>> math.log(1024, 2)
  2524 10.0
  2525 >>> import random
  2526 >>> random.choice(['apple', 'pear', 'banana'])
  2527 'pear'
  2528 \end{lstlisting}
  2529 \end{frame}
  2531 \begin{frame}[fragile]
  2532   \frametitle{Stdlib: examples}
  2533 \begin{lstlisting}
  2534 >>> import urllib2
  2535 >>> f = urllib2.urlopen('')
  2536 >>> print
  2537 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
  2538 <?xml-stylesheet href="./css/ht2html
  2539 \end{lstlisting}
  2540 \end{frame}
  2542 \begin{frame}[fragile]
  2543   \frametitle{Stdlib: examples}
  2544 \begin{lstlisting}
  2545 >>> import zlib
  2546 >>> s = 'witch which has which witches wrist watch'
  2547 >>> len(s)
  2548 41
  2549 >>> t = zlib.compress(s)
  2550 >>> len(t)
  2551 37
  2552 >>> zlib.decompress(t)
  2553 'witch which has which witches wrist watch'
  2554 >>> zlib.crc32(t)
  2555 -1438085031
  2556 \end{lstlisting}
  2557 \end{frame}
  2559 \begin{frame}
  2560   \frametitle{Summary}
  2561   \begin{itemize}
  2562   \item Introduced Python
  2563   \item Basic syntax
  2564   \item Basic types and data structures
  2565   \item Control flow
  2566   \item Functions
  2567   \item Modules
  2568   \item Exceptions
  2569   \item Classes
  2570   \item Standard library
  2571   \end{itemize}
  2572 \end{frame}
  2574 \end{document}
  2576 \subsection{Basic data structures}
  2577 \begin{frame}{Lists}
  2578   \begin{itemize}
  2579     \item \texttt{species = [ 'humans', 'orcs', 'elves', 'dwarves' ]}
  2580     \item \texttt{ ids = [ 107, 109, 124, 141, 142, 144 ]}
  2581     \item \texttt{ oneliners = [ 'I will be back', 'Do or do not! No try!!', 42 ] }
  2582   \end{itemize}
  2584   \begin{block}{List operations}
  2585     ids + [ 100, 102 ]\\
  2586     species.append( 'unicorns')\\
  2587     print oneliners[ 1 ]\\
  2588     look up \alert{}
  2589   \end{block}
  2590 \end{frame}
  2591 \end{document}
  2592 \section{Python Tutorial}
  2593 \subsection{Preliminaries}
  2594 \begin{frame}
  2595   \frametitle{Using the interpreter}
  2596   \begin{itemize}
  2597   \item Starting up: \typ{python} or \typ{ipython}
  2598   \item Quitting: \typ{Control-D} or \typ{Control-Z} (on Win32)
  2599   \item Can use it like a calculator
  2600   \item Can execute one-liners via the \typ{-c} option:
  2601     \typ{python -c "print 'hello world'"}
  2602   \item Other options via \typ{python -h}
  2603   \end{itemize}
  2604 \end{frame}
  2606 \begin{frame}
  2607   \frametitle{IPython}
  2608   \begin{itemize}
  2609   \item Recommended interpreter, IPython:
  2610     \url{}
  2611   \item Better than the default Python shell
  2612   \item Supports tab completion by default
  2613   \item Easier object introspection
  2614   \item Shell access!
  2615   \item Command system to allow extending its own behavior
  2616   \item Supports history (across sessions) and logging
  2617   \item Can be embedded in your own Python code
  2618   \item Support for macros
  2619   \item A flexible framework for your own custom interpreter
  2620   \item Other miscellaneous conveniences
  2621   \item We'll get back to this later
  2622   \end{itemize}
  2623 \end{frame}
  2625 \begin{frame}[fragile]
  2626   \frametitle{Basic IPython features}
  2627   \begin{itemize}
  2628   \item Startup: \verb+ipython [options] files+
  2629     \begin{itemize}
  2630     \item \verb+ipython [-wthread|-gthread|-qthread]+:
  2631       Threading modes to support wxPython, pyGTK and Qt
  2632     \item \verb+ipython -pylab+: Support for matplotlib
  2633     \end{itemize}
  2634   \item TAB completion:
  2635     \begin{itemize}
  2636     \item Type \verb+object_name.<TAB>+ to see list of options
  2637     \item Also completes on file and directory names
  2638     \end{itemize}
  2639   \item \verb+object?+ shows docstring/help for any Python object
  2640   \item \verb+object??+ presents more docs (and source if possible)
  2641   \item Debugging with \verb+%pdb+ magic: pops up pdb on errors
  2642   \item Access history (saved over earlier sessions also)
  2643     \begin{itemize}
  2644     \item Use \texttt{<UpArrow>}: move up history
  2645     \item Use \texttt{<Ctrl-r> string}: search history backwards
  2646     \item Use \texttt{Esc >}: get back to end of history
  2647     \end{itemize}
  2648   \item \verb+%run [options] file[.py]+ lets you run Python code
  2649   \end{itemize}
  2650 \end{frame}
  2651 % LocalWords:  BDFL Guido Rossum PSF Nokia OO Zope CMS RedHat SciPy MayaVi spam
  2652 % LocalWords:  IPython ipython stdin TypeError dict int elif PYTHONPATH IOError
  2653 % LocalWords:  namespace Namespaces SyntaxError ZeroDivisionError NameError str
  2654 % LocalWords:  ValueError subclassed def
  2657   \item Types are of two kinds: \alert{mutable} and \alert{immutable}
  2658   \item Immutable types: numbers, strings, \typ{None} and tuples
  2659   \item Immutables cannot be changed ``in-place''
  2660   \item Mutable types: lists, dictionaries, instances, etc.
  2661   \item Mutable objects can be ``changed''
  2662   \end{itemize}
  2665 \begin{frame}
  2666   \frametitle{Important!}
  2667   \begin{itemize}
  2668     \item Assignment to an object is by reference
  2669     \item Essentially, \alert{names are bound to objects}
  2670   \end{itemize}
  2671 \end{frame}
  2674 \end{document}
  2675 \begin{frame}[fragile]
  2676   \frametitle{Dictionaries}
  2677   \begin{itemize}
  2678   \item Associative arrays/mappings
  2679   \item Indexed by ``keys'' (keys must be immutable)
  2680   \item \typ{dict[key] = value}
  2681   \item \typ{keys()} returns all keys of the dict
  2682   \item \typ{values()} returns the values of the dict
  2683   \item \verb+has_key(key)+ returns if \typ{key} is in the dict
  2684   \end{itemize}
  2685 \end{frame}
  2687 \begin{frame}[fragile]
  2688   \frametitle{Dictionaries: example}
  2689   \begin{lstlisting}
  2690 >>> tel = {'jack': 4098, 'sape': 4139}
  2691 >>> tel['guido'] = 4127
  2692 >>> tel
  2693 {'sape': 4139, 'guido': 4127, 'jack': 4098}
  2694 >>> tel['jack']
  2695 4098
  2696 >>> del tel['sape']
  2697 >>> tel['irv'] = 4127
  2698 >>> tel
  2699 {'guido': 4127, 'irv': 4127, 'jack': 4098}
  2700 >>> tel.keys()
  2701 ['guido', 'irv', 'jack']
  2702 >>> tel.has_key('guido')
  2703 True
  2704   \end{lstlisting}
  2705 \end{frame}
  2707 \subsection{Control flow, functions}
  2711 \begin{frame}[fragile]
  2712   \frametitle{\typ{If} example}
  2713   \begin{lstlisting}
  2714 >>> a = ['cat', 'window', 'defenestrate']
  2715 >>> if 'cat' in a:
  2716 ...    print "meaw"
  2717 ...
  2718 meaw
  2719 >>> pets = {'cat': 1, 'dog':2, 'croc': 10}
  2720 >>> if 'croc' in pets:
  2721 ...    print pets['croc']
  2722 ...
  2723 10
  2724   \end{lstlisting}
  2725 \end{frame}
  2727 \begin{frame}[fragile]
  2728   \frametitle{\typ{for} example}
  2729   \begin{lstlisting}
  2730 >>> a = ['cat', 'window', 'defenestrate']
  2731 >>> for x in a:
  2732 ...     print x, len(x)
  2733 ...
  2734 cat 3
  2735 window 6
  2736 defenestrate 12
  2737 >>> knights = {'gallahad': 'the pure', 
  2738 ... 'robin': 'the brave'}
  2739 >>> for k, v in knights.iteritems():
  2740 ...     print k, v
  2741 ...
  2742 gallahad the pure
  2743 robin the brave
  2744 \end{lstlisting}
  2745 \end{frame}