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     1 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
     2 %Tutorial slides on Python.
     3 %
     4 % Author: Prabhu Ramachandran <prabhu at>
     5 % Copyright (c) 2005-2009, Prabhu Ramachandran
     6 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
     8 \documentclass[14pt,compress]{beamer}
     9 %\documentclass[draft]{beamer}
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    25 \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}
    27 % Taken from Fernando's slides.
    28 \usepackage{ae,aecompl}
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    32 \definecolor{darkgreen}{rgb}{0,0.5,0}
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    35 \lstset{language=Python,
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    58 %%% This is from Fernando's setup.
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    74 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    75 % Title page
    76 \title[Basic Python]{Python:\\A great programming toolkit}
    78 \author[FOSSEE Team] {Asokan Pichai\\Prabhu Ramachandran}
    80 \institute[IIT Bombay] {Department of Aerospace Engineering\\IIT Bombay}
    81 \date[] {10, October 2009\\Day 1, Session 1}
    82 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    84 %\pgfdeclareimage[height=0.75cm]{iitmlogo}{iitmlogo}
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   107 \begin{document}
   109 \begin{frame}
   110   \titlepage
   111 \end{frame}
   112 \begin{frame}
   113   {Acknowledgements}
   114   \begin{center}
   115   This program is conducted by\\
   116   IIT, Bombay\\
   117   as part of  the open source initiatives\\
   118   under the aegis of\\
   119   \alert{National Mission on Education through ICT,} \\
   120   Ministry of HRD.
   121   \end{center}
   122 \end{frame}
   124 \begin{frame}
   125   \frametitle{Outline}
   126   \tableofcontents
   127   % You might wish to add the option [pausesections]
   128 \end{frame}
   130 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
   131 % TODO
   132 %
   133 %  * Add slide on Python packages (modules)
   134 %  * Add slides on reference counting.
   136 \section{Agenda}
   137 \begin{frame}{About the Workshop, Day 1}
   138   \begin{description}
   139 	\item[Day 1, Session 1] Sat 09:30--11:00
   140 	\item[Day 1, Session 2] Sat 11:15--12:45
   141 	\item[Day 1, Session 3] Sat 13:45--15:15
   142 	\item[Day 1, Session 4] Sat 15:30--17:00
   143   \end{description}
   144 \end{frame}
   145 \begin{frame}{About the Workshop, Day 2}
   146   \begin{description}
   147         \item[Day 2, Quiz] Sun 09:00--09:30
   148         \item[Day 2, Session 1] Sun 09:30--11:00
   149 	\item[Day 2, Session 2] Sun 11:15--12:45
   150 	\item[Day 2, Session 3] Sun 13:45--15:15
   151 	\item[Day 2, Session 4] Sun 15:30--17:00
   152   \end{description}
   153 \end{frame}
   155 \begin{frame}{About the Workshop}
   156   \begin{block}{Intended Audience}
   157   \begin{itemize}
   158        \item Engg., Mathematics and Science teachers.
   159        \item Interested students from similar streams.
   160   \end{itemize}
   161   \end{block}  
   163   \begin{block}{Goal:}
   164 	Successful participants will be able to 
   165         \begin{itemize}
   166           \item use Python as their scripting and problem solving language. 
   167           \item train the students to use Python for the same
   168         \end{itemize}
   169   \end{block}
   170 \end{frame}
   172 \begin{frame}{Checklist}
   173         \begin{block}{python}
   174           Type python at the command line. Do you see version 2.5 or later?
   175         \end{block}
   176         \begin{block}{IPython}
   177           Type ipython at the command line. Is it available?
   178         \end{block}
   179         \begin{block}{Editor}
   180           We recommend scite. 
   181         \end{block}
   182 \end{frame}
   184 \section{Overview}
   185 \begin{frame}
   186   \frametitle{Introduction}
   187   \begin{itemize}
   188   \item Creator and BDFL: Guido van Rossum
   189   \item December 1989
   190   \item ``Python'' as in \emph {Monty Python's Flying Circus}
   191   \item 2.6.x
   192   \item PSF license (like BSD: no strings attached)
   193   \item Highly cross platform
   194   \item Nokia series 60!
   195   \item \alert{Philosophy:} Simple and complete by design
   196   \end{itemize}
   197 \end{frame}
   199 \begin{frame}
   200   \frametitle{Resources}
   201   \begin{itemize}
   202   \item Part of many GNU/Linux distributions
   203   \item Web: \url{}
   204   \item Doc: \url{}
   205   \item Free Tutorials:
   206     \begin{itemize}
   207     \item Official Python tutorial: \url{}
   208     \item Byte of Python: \url{}
   209     \item Dive into Python: \url{}
   210     \end{itemize}
   211   \end{itemize}
   212 \end{frame}
   214 \begin{frame}
   215   \frametitle{Why Python?}
   216   \begin{itemize}
   217   \item Readable and easy to use
   218   \item High level, interpreted, modular, OO
   219   \item Much faster development cycle
   220   \item Powerful interactive environment
   221   \item Rapid application development
   222   \item Rich standard library and modules
   223   \item Interfaces well with C++, C and FORTRAN
   224   \item \alert{More than a math package $\Rightarrow$ some extra work compared to math packages}
   225   \end{itemize}
   226 \end{frame}
   228 \begin{frame}
   229   \frametitle{Use cases}
   230   \begin{itemize}
   231   \item NASA: Space Shuttle Mission Design
   232   \item AstraZeneca: Collaborative Drug Discovery
   233   \item Helps Meteorologists
   234   \item Industrial Light \& Magic: Runs on Python
   235   \item Zope: Commercial grade Toolkit
   236   \item Plone: Professional high feature CMS
   237   \item RedHat: install scripts, sys-admin tools
   238   \item Django: A great web application framework
   239   \item Google: A strong python shop
   240   \end{itemize}
   241 \end{frame}
   243 \begin{frame}
   244   \frametitle{To sum up, python is\ldots}
   245   \begin{itemize}
   246   \item dynamically typed, interpreted $\rightarrow$ rapid testing/prototyping
   247   \item powerful, very high level
   248   \item has full introspection 
   249   \item Did we mention powerful?
   250   \end{itemize}
   251   \begin{block}{But \ldots}
   252     may be wanting in performance. specialised resources such as SWIG, \alert{Cython} are available 
   253   \end{block}
   254   \inctime{15}
   255 \end{frame}
   257 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
   258 % TIME: 10 m, running 10m
   259 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
   261 \section{Python}
   263 \subsection{Getting Started}
   265 \begin{frame}[fragile]
   266     \frametitle{At the prompt, type the following}
   267    \begin{lstlisting}
   268 >>> print 'Hello Python' 
   269 >>> print 3124 * 126789
   270 >>> 1786 % 12
   271 >>> 3124 * 126789
   272 >>> a = 3124 * 126789
   273 >>> big = 12345678901234567890 ** 3
   274 >>> verybig = big * big * big * big 
   275 >>> 12345**6, 12345**67, 12345**678
   276   \end{lstlisting}
   277 \end{frame}
   279 \begin{frame}[fragile]
   280     \frametitle{At the prompt, type the following}
   281    \begin{lstlisting}
   282 >>> s = 'Hello '
   283 >>> p = 'World'
   284 >>> s + p 
   285 >>> s * 12 
   286 >>> s * s
   287 >>> s + p * 12, (s + p)* 12
   288 >>> s * 12 + p * 12
   289 >>> 12 * s 
   290     \end{lstlisting}
   291 \end{frame}
   293 \begin{frame}[fragile]
   294     \frametitle{At the prompt, type the following}
   295   \begin{lstlisting}
   296 >>> 17/2
   297 >>> 17/2.0
   298 >>> 17.0/2
   299 >>> 17.0/8.5
   300 >>> int(17/2.0)
   301 >>> float(17/2)
   302 >>> str(17/2.0)
   303 >>> round( 7.5 )
   304   \end{lstlisting}
   305   \begin{block}{Mini exercise}
   306 	Round a float to the nearest integer, using \texttt{int()}?
   307   \end{block}
   308 \end{frame}
   310 \begin{frame}\frametitle{Midi exercises}
   311   \begin{center}
   312     \begin{itemize}
   313       \item What does this do?
   314       \item \texttt{round(amount * 10) /10.0 }
   315     \end{itemize}
   316   \end{center}
   317 \end{frame}
   319 \begin{frame}\frametitle{More exercises}
   320   \begin{center}
   321     \begin{block}{Round sums}
   322       How to round a number to the nearest  5 paise?\\
   323       \begin{description}
   324         \item[Remember] 17.23 $\rightarrow$ 17.25,\\ while 17.22 $\rightarrow$ 17.20\\
   325       \end{description}
   326       How to round a number to the nearest 20 paise?
   327     \end{block}
   328   \end{center}
   329 \end{frame}
   331 \begin{frame}[fragile] \frametitle{A question of good style}
   332   \begin{lstlisting}
   333     amount = 12.68
   334     denom = 0.05
   335     nCoins = round(amount/denom)
   336     rAmount = nCoins * denom
   337   \end{lstlisting}
   338   \pause
   339   \begin{block}{Style Rule \#1}
   340     Naming is 80\% of programming
   341   \end{block}
   342 \end{frame}
   345 \begin{frame}[fragile]
   346   \frametitle{Odds and ends}
   347   \begin{itemize}
   348     \item Case sensitive
   349     \item Dynamically typed $\Rightarrow$ need not specify a type
   350       \begin{lstlisting}
   351 a = 1
   352 a = 1.1
   353 a = "Now I am a string!"
   354       \end{lstlisting}
   355     \item Comments:
   356       \begin{lstlisting}
   357 a = 1  # In-line comments
   358 # Comment in a line to itself.
   359 a = "# This is not a comment!"
   360       \end{lstlisting}
   361   \end{itemize}
   362   \inctime{15}
   363 \end{frame}
   365 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
   366 % TIME: 10 m, running 20m
   367 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
   369 \subsection{Data types}
   370 \begin{frame}
   371   \frametitle{Basic types}
   372   \begin{itemize}
   373     \item Numbers: float, int, long, complex
   374     \item Strings
   375     \item Boolean
   376   \end{itemize}
   377   \begin{block}{Also to be discussed later}
   378     tuples, lists, dictionaries, functions, objects\ldots
   379   \end{block}
   380 \end{frame}
   382 \begin{frame}[fragile]
   383   \frametitle{Numbers}
   384   \vspace*{-0.25in}
   385   \begin{lstlisting}
   386 >>> a = 1 # Int.
   387 >>> l = 1000000L # Long
   388 >>> e = 1.01325e5 # float
   389 >>> f = 3.14159 # float
   390 >>> c = 1+1j # Complex!
   391 >>> print f*c/a
   392 (3.14159+3.14159j)
   393 >>> print c.real, c.imag
   394 1.0 1.0
   395 >>> abs(c)
   396 1.4142135623730951
   397 >>> abs( 8 - 9.5 )
   398 1.5
   399   \end{lstlisting}
   400 \end{frame}
   402 \begin{frame}[fragile]
   403   \frametitle{Boolean}
   404   \begin{lstlisting}
   405 >>> t = True
   406 >>> f = not t
   407 False
   408 >>> f or t
   409 True
   410 >>> f and t
   411 False
   412   \end{lstlisting}
   413   \begin{block}{Try:}
   414   NOT True\\
   415   not TRUE
   416   \end{block}
   417 \end{frame}
   419 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
   420 % TIME: 10 m, running 30m
   421 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
   423 \begin{frame}[fragile]
   424   \frametitle{Relational and logical operators}
   425   \begin{lstlisting}
   426 >>> a, b, c = -1, 0, 1
   427 >>> a == b
   428 False
   429 >>> a <= b 
   430 True
   431 >>> a + b != c
   432 True
   433 >>> a < b < c
   434 True
   435 >>> c >= a + b
   436 True
   437   \end{lstlisting}
   438 \end{frame}
   440 \begin{frame}[fragile]
   441   \frametitle{Strings}
   442   \begin{lstlisting}
   443 s = 'this is a string'
   444 s = 'This one has "quotes" inside!'
   445 s = "I have 'single-quotes' inside!"
   446 l = "A string spanning many lines\
   447 one more line\
   448 yet another"
   449 t = """A triple quoted string does
   450 not need to be escaped at the end and 
   451 "can have nested quotes" etc."""
   452   \end{lstlisting}
   453 \end{frame}
   455 \begin{frame}[fragile]
   456   \frametitle{More Strings}
   457   \vspace*{-0.2in}
   458   \begin{lstlisting}
   459 >>> w = "hello"    
   460 >>> print w[0] + w[2] + w[-1]
   461 hlo
   462 >>> len(w) # guess what
   463 5
   464 >>> s = u'Unicode strings!'
   465 >>> # Raw strings (note the leading 'r')
   466 ... r_s = r'A string $\alpha \nu$'
   467   \end{lstlisting}
   468 \pause
   469   \begin{lstlisting}
   470 >>> w[0] = 'H' # Can't do that!
   471 Traceback (most recent call last):
   472   File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
   473 TypeError: object does not support item assignment
   474   \end{lstlisting}
   475 \end{frame}
   477 \begin{frame}
   478   \frametitle{Let us switch to IPython}
   479   Why?
   480   \begin{block}
   481     {Better help (and a lot more)}
   482     Tab completion\\
   483     ?\\
   484     .?\\
   485     object.function?
   486   \end{block}
   487 \end{frame}
   489 \begin{frame}[fragile]
   490   \frametitle{More on strings}
   491   \begin{lstlisting}
   492 In [1]: a = 'hello world'
   493 In [2]: a.startswith('hell')
   494 Out[2]: True
   495 In [3]: a.endswith('ld')
   496 Out[3]: True
   497 In [4]: a.upper()
   498 Out[4]: 'HELLO WORLD'
   499 In [5]: a.upper().lower()
   500 Out[5]: 'hello world'
   501   \end{lstlisting}
   502 \end{frame}
   504 \begin{frame}[fragile]\frametitle{Still with strings}
   505   \begin{lstlisting}
   506 In [6]: a.split()
   507 Out[6]: ['hello', 'world']
   508 In [7]: ''.join(['a', 'b', 'c'])
   509 Out[7]: 'abc'
   510 In [8] 'd' in ''.join(['a', 'b', 'c'])
   511 Out[8]: False
   512   \end{lstlisting}
   513   \begin{block}{Try:}
   514     \texttt{a.split( 'o' )}\\
   515     \texttt{'x'.join( a.split( 'o' ) )}
   516   \end{block}
   517 \end{frame}
   519 \begin{frame}[fragile]\frametitle{String formatting}
   520   \begin{lstlisting}
   521 In [11]: x, y = 1, 1.234
   522 In [12]: 'x is %s, y is %s' %(x, y)
   523 Out[12]: 'x is 1, y is 1.234'
   524   \end{lstlisting}
   525   \begin{block}{Try:}
   526     \texttt{'x is \%d, y is \%f' \%(x, y) }\\
   527     \texttt{'x is \%3d, y is \%4.2f' \%(x, y) }
   528   \end{block}
   529   \small
   530 \url{}\\
   531 \end{frame}
   533 \begin{frame}
   534   {A classic problem}
   535   \begin{block}
   536     {Interchange values}
   537     How to interchange values of two variables? 
   538   \end{block}
   539   \pause
   540   \begin{block}{Note:}
   541     This Python idiom works for all types of variables.\\
   542 They need not be of the same type!
   543   \end{block}
   544   \inctime{30}
   545 \end{frame}
   547 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
   548 % TIME: 25 m+ Interlude break 5 mins, running 60m 
   549 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
   551 \subsection{Control flow}
   552 \begin{frame}
   553   \frametitle{Control flow constructs}  
   554   \begin{itemize}
   555   \item \kwrd{if/elif/else}: branching
   556   \item \kwrd{while}: looping
   557   \item \kwrd{for}: iterating 
   558   \item \kwrd{break, continue}: modify loop 
   559   \item \kwrd{pass}: syntactic filler
   560   \end{itemize}
   561 \end{frame}
   563 \begin{frame}[fragile]
   564   \frametitle{Basic conditional flow}
   565   \begin{lstlisting}
   566 In [21]: a = 7
   567 In [22]: b = 8
   568 In [23]: if a > b:
   569    ....:    print 'Hello'
   570    ....: else:
   571    ....:    print 'World'
   572    ....:
   573    ....:
   574 World
   575   \end{lstlisting}
   576   Let us switch to creating a file
   577 \end{frame}
   579 \begin{frame}
   580   {Creating python files}
   581   \begin{itemize}
   582     \item aka scripts
   583     \item use your editor
   584     \item extension \typ{.py}
   585     \item run with \texttt{python} at the command line
   586     \item in IPython using \kwrd{\%run}
   587   \end{itemize}
   588 \end{frame}
   590 \begin{frame}[fragile]
   591   \frametitle{\typ{If...elif...else} example}
   592 \begin{lstlisting}
   593 x = int(raw_input("Enter an integer:"))
   594 if x < 0:
   595      print 'Be positive!'
   596 elif x == 0:
   597      print 'Zero'
   598 elif x == 1:
   599      print 'Single'
   600 else:
   601      print 'More'
   602 \end{lstlisting}
   603 \end{frame}
   605 \begin{frame}{Simple IO}
   606   \begin{block}
   607     {Console Input}
   608     \texttt{raw\_input()} waits for user input.\\Prompt string is optional.\\
   609     All keystrokes are Strings!\\\texttt{int()} converts string to int.
   610   \end{block}
   611   \begin{block}
   612     {Console output}
   613     \texttt{print} is straight forward. Note the distinction between \texttt{print x} and \texttt{print x,}
   614   \end{block}
   615 \end{frame}
   617 \begin{frame}[fragile]
   618   \frametitle{Basic looping}
   619   \begin{lstlisting}
   620 # Fibonacci series:
   621 # the sum of two elements
   622 # defines the next
   623 a, b = 0, 1
   624 while b < 10:
   625     print b,
   626     a, b = b, a + b
   628 \end{lstlisting}
   629 \typ{1 1 2 3 5 8}\\  
   630 \alert{Recall it is easy to write infinite loops with \kwrd{while}}
   631   \inctime{20}
   632 \end{frame}
   634 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
   635 % TIME: 20 m, running 80m 
   636 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
   638 \section{Session Summary}
   639 \begin{frame}{So what have we learnt so far?}
   640   \begin{itemize}
   641     \item The interactive interpreter
   642     \item Basic Data Types
   643     \item Creating and running a Python script
   644     \item \kwrd{if/elif/else}
   645     \item Simple IO
   646     \item Basic Looping with \kwrd{while}
   647   \end{itemize}
   648 \end{frame}
   649 \end{document}