Objectives, session plan etc. for ULT
authorKadambari Devarajan <kadambarid@fossee.in>
Sun, 23 Aug 2009 19:29:25 +0530
changeset 23 93d82914b62c
parent 22 aec0c8529884
child 24 5bb3795dfc37
Objectives, session plan etc. for ULT
--- a/ult/ult_module_plan.rst	Sun Aug 23 01:23:42 2009 +0530
+++ b/ult/ult_module_plan.rst	Sun Aug 23 19:29:25 2009 +0530
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
 Module 1: Using Linux Tools
 Module Objectives
 After successfully completing this module a participant will be able to:
-* Understand the design philosophy of *nix             {U}
-* Use Linux as their day-to-day operating system       {Ap}
-* Use the text processing tools such as 'grep', 'tr'   {Ap}
-* Write and execute (bash) shell scripts               {Ap}
-* Use a text editor comfortably	                       {Ap}
+* Understand the design philosophy of \*nix          	   	{U}
+* Use Linux as their day-to-day operating system       		{Ap}
+* Use the text processing tools such as 'grep', 'tr'   		{Ap}
+* Write and execute (bash) shell scripts               		{Ap}
+* Use a text editor comfortably	                       		{Ap}
 Suggested Reading
@@ -23,60 +23,76 @@
 | Session | Topic  			    | Duration|
-| 1	  | Introduction to Course          |  5 mts  |
+| 1	  | Introduction to Course          |  5 mt   |
 |         |                                 |         |
-|         | Historical background and       | 10 mts  |
+|         | Historical background and       |  10 mts |
 |         | implications. Why Unix?         |         |
 |         |                                 |         |
-|         | Getting started–logging in; ls, | 10 mts  |  
-|         | date, who, cd, mkdir            |         |
+|         | Getting started–logging in; *ls,|  10 mts |  
+|         | date, who, cd, mkdir*           |         |
 |         |                                 |         |
-|         | Getting help: apropos, man, info| 10 mts  |
+|         | Getting help: *apropos, man,    |  10 mts |
+|         | info*                           |         |
 |         |                                 |         | 
-|         | Basic file handling: cp, mv, rm | 10 mts  |
+|         | Basic file handling: *cp, mv,   |  10 mts |
+|         | rm*                             |         | 
 |         |                                 |         |
-|         |First session buffer             |  5 mts  |
+|         | First session buffer            |  5 mts  |
 | 2	  | Command line arguments          |  5 mts  |
 |         |                                 |         |
-|	  | Basic text processing: head,    | 15 mts  |
-|	  | tail, cut, paste                |	      |
+|	  | Basic text processing: *head,   |  15 mts |
+|	  | tail, cut, paste*               |	      |
 |         |                                 |         |
 |         | Shell meta characters           |  10 mts |
 |         |                                 |         |
-| 3	  | Learning the Lingo              | 5 mts   |
-| 4       | Let there be Repository...	    | 15 mts  |
-|	  | 	- Creating Repositpry.	    |	      |     		
-|	  | 	- Cloning existing Repo.    |	      |		
-|	  |	- Branches concept 	    |         |
+|         | Looking at files: *cat, less*   |  5 mts  |
+|         |                                 |         |
+|         | Directory structure: *man hier, |  5 mts  |
+|         | ls -l*                          |         |
+|         |                                 |         |
+|         | Permissions and ownership,      |  10 mts |
+|         | *chmod, chown*                  |         |
-| 5	  | Navigating through history logs | 5 mts   |
-| 6	  | Making changes in local branch  | 15 mts  |
-|	  |	- add	    		    |	      |
-|	  |	- cp			    |	      |
-|	  |	- rename		    |	      |  	
-|	  |	- rm			    |	      |	
+| 3	  | Redirection and Piping          |  10 mts |
+|         |                                 |         |
+|         | More text processing:*grep, tr* |  10 mts |
+|         |                                 |         |
+|         | Elementary regex: . ? * ^ $ [ ] |  15 mts |
+|         |                                 |         |
+|         | One liners: show lines n to m,  |  15 mts |
+|         | show directories                |         |
-| 7	  | Sharing the changes		    | 10 mts  |
-|	  | 	- status		    |	      |
-|	  |	- pull			    |	      |
-|	  |	- update		    |	      |
+| 4       | More text processing: *join,    |  10 mts |
+|	  | sprt, uniq* 		    |	      |     		
+|         |                                 |         |		
+|	  | Generating a word frequency list|  10 mts |
+|         |                                 |         |
+|         | Basic editing and editors : vim,|  10 mts |
+|         | scite                           |         |
+|         |                                 |         |
+|         | Personalising your environment: |  10 mts |
+|         | *.bashrc, .vimrc*               |         |
+|         |                                 |         |
+|         | Subshells and *source~*         |  10 mts |
-| 8	  | Merging the changes		    | 20 mts  |
-|	  | 	- commit		    |	      |
-|	  |	- glog			    |	      |
-|	  |	- push			    |	      |
-|	  |	- merge			    |	      |
+| 5	  | More tools: *tar, zip, diff,    |  25 mts |
+|         | cmp, comm*                      |         |
+|         |                                 |         |
+|         | Environment variables, *set*    |  10 mts |
+|         |                                 |         |
+|         | Writing simple shell scripts    |  15 mts |
-| 9	  | Handling conflicts during merge | 20 mts  |
+| 6	  | Control structures and          |  20 mts |
+|	  | operators in bash  		    |	      |
+|	  |				    |	      |
+|	  | Writing shell scripts	    |  30 mts |  		
-| 10	  | Exporting the changes: getting  |	      |
-|	  | patch, diff   	   	    | 10 mts  |
+| 7	  | Functions in bash scripts	    |  20 mts |
+|	  | 	         		    |	      |
+|	  | Assessment Test		    |  30 mts |
-*total session time = 110 mts*
+*total session time = 350 mts*
 *buffer time = 10 mts*