Added Editing and running a python file section
authorSantosh G. Vattam <>
Tue, 25 Aug 2009 17:16:18 +0530
changeset 39 932a7a863120
parent 35 8f43cab360aa
child 40 ccdbbc094579
Added Editing and running a python file section
--- a/basic_python/intro.rst	Mon Aug 24 23:33:26 2009 +0530
+++ b/basic_python/intro.rst	Tue Aug 25 17:16:18 2009 +0530
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Basic Python Workshop
+Basic Python
 This document is intended to be handed out at the end of the workshop. It has
 been designed for Engineering students who are Python beginners and have basic
@@ -8,11 +8,11 @@
 The system requirements:
   * Python - version 2.5.x or newer.
-  * IPython 
+  * IPython
   * Text editor - scite, vim, emacs or whatever you are comfortable with.
-1. Introduction
 The Python programming language was created by a dutch named Guido van Rossum.
 The idea of Python was conceived in December 1989. The name Python has nothing
@@ -78,11 +78,11 @@
 up for this setback.
-1.1 The Python Interpreter
+The Python Interpreter
-1.1.1 The Interactive Interpreter
+The Interactive Interpreter
 Typing *python* at the shell prompt on any standard Unix/Gnu-Linux system and
 hitting the enter key fires up the Python 'Interactive Interpreter'. The Python
@@ -196,8 +196,8 @@
   This example is to show that unlike in C or C++ there is no limit on the
   value of an integer.
-1.1.2 *ipython* - An enhanced interactive Python interpreter
+*ipython* - An enhanced interactive Python interpreter
 The power and the importance of the interactive interpreter was the highlight
 of the previous section. This section provides insight into the enhanced
@@ -232,22 +232,14 @@
   In [4]: a = 6
   In [5]: a.
-  a.__abs__           a.__divmod__        a.__index__         a.__neg__       
-    a.__rand__          a.__rmod__          a.__rxor__
-  a.__add__           a.__doc__           a.__init__          a.__new__       
-    a.__rdiv__          a.__rmul__          a.__setattr__
-  a.__and__           a.__float__         a.__int__           a.__nonzero__   
-    a.__rdivmod__       a.__ror__           a.__str__
-  a.__class__         a.__floordiv__      a.__invert__        a.__oct__       
-    a.__reduce__        a.__rpow__          a.__sub__
-  a.__cmp__           a.__getattribute__  a.__long__          a.__or__        
-    a.__reduce_ex__     a.__rrshift__       a.__truediv__
-  a.__coerce__        a.__getnewargs__    a.__lshift__        a.__pos__      
-    a.__repr__          a.__rshift__        a.__xor__
-  a.__delattr__       a.__hash__          a.__mod__           a.__pow__      
-    a.__rfloordiv__     a.__rsub__          
-  a.__div__           a.__hex__           a.__mul__           a.__radd__     
-    a.__rlshift__       a.__rtruediv__      
+  a.__abs__           a.__divmod__        a.__index__         a.__neg__          a.__rand__          a.__rmod__          a.__rxor__
+  a.__add__           a.__doc__           a.__init__          a.__new__          a.__rdiv__          a.__rmul__          a.__setattr__
+  a.__and__           a.__float__         a.__int__           a.__nonzero__      a.__rdivmod__       a.__ror__           a.__str__
+  a.__class__         a.__floordiv__      a.__invert__        a.__oct__          a.__reduce__        a.__rpow__          a.__sub__
+  a.__cmp__           a.__getattribute__  a.__long__          a.__or__           a.__reduce_ex__     a.__rrshift__       a.__truediv__
+  a.__coerce__        a.__getnewargs__    a.__lshift__        a.__pos__          a.__repr__          a.__rshift__        a.__xor__
+  a.__delattr__       a.__hash__          a.__mod__           a.__pow__          a.__rfloordiv__     a.__rsub__          
+  a.__div__           a.__hex__           a.__mul__           a.__radd__         a.__rlshift__       a.__rtruediv__      
 In this example, we initialized 'a' (a variable - a concept that will be
 discussed in the subsequent sections.) to 6. In the next line when the *tab* key
@@ -256,7 +248,45 @@
 provides many such datatype specific features which will be presented in the
 further sections as and when the datatypes are introduced.
-1.2 Editing and running a python file
+Editing and running a python file
+The previous sections focused on the use of the interpreter to run python code.
+While the interpeter is an excellent tool to test simple solutions and
+experiment with small code snippets, its main disadvantage is that everything
+written in the interpreter is lost once its quit. Most of the times a program is 
+used by people other than the author. So the programs have to be available in 
+some form suitable for distribution, and hence they are written in files. This 
+section will focus on editing and running python files. Start by opening a text 
+editor ( it is recommended you choose one from the list at the top of this page ).
+In the editor type down python code and save the file with an extension **.py** 
+(python files have an extension of .py). Once done with the editing, save the 
+file and exit the editor. 
+Let us look at a simple example of calculating the gcd of 2 numbers using Python:
+**Creating the first python script(file)**
\ No newline at end of file
+  $ emacs
+    def gcd(x,y):
+      if x % y == 0:
+        return y
+      return gcd(y, x%y)
+    print gcd(72, 92)
+To run the script, open the shell prompt, navigate to the directory that 
+contains the python file and run `python <>` at the prompt ( in this 
+case filename is )
+**Running the python script**
+  $ python
+  4
+  $ 
+Basic Datatypes and operators in Python