Added while loop, if conditional, raw_input() sections.
--- a/basic_python/intro.rst Wed Sep 02 21:54:41 2009 +0530
+++ b/basic_python/intro.rst Tue Sep 08 18:34:25 2009 +0530
@@ -559,5 +559,134 @@
Let us look at an example:
+ >>> x = 1
+ >>> while x <= 5:
+ ... print x
+ ... x += 1
+ ...
+ 1
+ 2
+ 3
+ 4
+ 5
+The **if** conditional
+The Python **if** block provides the conditional execution of statements.
+If the condition evaluates as true the block of statements defined under the if
+block are executed.
+If the first block is not executed on account of the condition not being satisfied,
+the set of statements in the **else** block are executed.
+The **elif** block provides the functionality of evaluation of multiple conditions
+as shown in the example.
+The syntax is as follows:
+ if condition :
+ statement_1
+ statement_2
+ elif condition:
+ statement_3
+ statement_4
+ else:
+ statement_5
+ statement_6
+Let us look at an example:
\ No newline at end of file
+ >>> n = raw_input("Input a number:")
+ >>> if n < 0:
+ print n," is negative"
+ elif n > 0:
+ print n," is positive"
+ else:
+ print n, " is 0"
+In the previous example we saw the call to the raw_input() subroutine.
+The **raw_input()** method is used to take user inputs through the console.
+Unlike **input()** which assumes the data entered by the user as a standard python
+expression, **raw_input()** treats all the input data as raw data and converts
+everything into a string. To illustrate this let us look at an example.
+ >>> input("Enter a number thats a palindrome:")
+ Enter a number thats a palindrome:121
+ 121
+ >>> input("Enter your name:")
+ Enter your name:PythonFreak
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
+ File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
+ NameError: name 'PythonFreak' is not defined
+As shown above the **input()** assumes that the data entered is a valid Python
+expression. In the first call it prompts for an integer input and when entered
+it accepts the integer as an integer, whereas in the second call, when the string
+is entered without the quotes, **input()** assumes that the entered data is a valid
+Python expression and hence it raises and exception saying PythonFreak is not
+ >>> input("Enter your name:")
+ Enter your name:'PythonFreak'
+ 'PythonFreak'
+ >>>
+Here the name is accepted because its entered as a string (within quotes). But
+its unreasonable to go on using quotes each time a string is entered. Hence the
+alternative is to use **raw_input()**.
+Let us now look at how **raw_input()** operates with an example.
+ >>> raw_input("Enter your name:")
+ Enter your name:PythonFreak
+ 'PythonFreak'
+Observe that the **raw_input()** is converting it into a string all by itself.
+ >>> pal = raw_input("Enter a number thats a palindrome:")
+ Enter a number thats a palindrome:121
+ '121'
+Observe that **raw_input()** is converting the integer 121 also to a string as
+'121'. Let us look at another example:
+ >>> pal = raw_input("Enter a number thats a palindrome:")
+ Enter a number thats a palindrome:121
+ >>> pal + 2
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
+ TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'int' objects
+ >>> pal
+ '121'
+Observe here that the variable *pal* is a string and hence integer operations
+cannot be performed on it. Hence the exception is raised.
+**int()** method
+Generally for computing purposes
+Let us look at an example.