Functional Approach===================*Functions* allow us to enclose a set of statements and call the function againand again instead of repeating the group of statements everytime. Functions alsoallow us to isolate a piece of code from all the other code and provides theconvenience of not polluting the global variables.*Function* in python is defined with the keyword **def** followed by the nameof the function, in turn followed by a pair of parenthesis which encloses thelist of parameters to the function. The definition line ends with a ':'. Thedefinition line is followed by the body of the function intended by one block.The *Function* must return a value:: def factorial(n): fact = 1 for i in range(2, n): fact *= i return factThe code snippet above defines a function with the name factorial, takes thenumber for which the factorial must be computed, computes the factorial andreturns the value.A *Function* once defined can be used or called anywhere else in the program. Wecall a fucntion with its name followed by a pair of parenthesis which enclosesthe arguments to the function.The value that function returns can be assigned to a variable. Let's call theabove function and store the factorial in a variable:: fact5 = factorial(5)The value of fact5 will now be 120, which is the factorial of 5. Note that wepassed 5 as the argument to the function.It may be necessary to document what the function does, for each of the functionto help the person who reads our code to understand it better. In order to dothis Python allows the first line of the function body to be a string. Thisstring is called as *Documentation String* or *docstring*. *docstrings* proveto be very handy since there are number of tools which can pull out all thedocstrings from Python functions and generate the documentation automaticallyfrom it. *docstrings* for functions can be written as follows:: def factorial(n): 'Returns the factorial for the number n.' fact = 1 for i in range(2, n): fact *= i return factAn important point to note at this point is that, a function can return anyPython value or a Python object, which also includes a *Tuple*. A *Tuple* isjust a collection of values and those values themselves can be of any othervalid Python datatypes, including *Lists*, *Tuples*, *Dictionaries* among otherthings. So effectively, if a function can return a tuple, it can return anynumber of values through a tupleLet us write a small function to swap two values:: def swap(a, b): return b, a c, d = swap(a, b)Function scope---------------The variables used inside the function are confined to the function's scopeand doesn't pollute the variables of the same name outside the scope of thefunction. Also the arguments passed to the function are passed by-value ifit is of basic Python data type:: def cant_change(n): n = 10 n = 5 cant_change(n)Upon running this code, what do you think would have happened to value of nwhich was assigned 5 before the function call? If you have already tried outthat snippet on the interpreter you already know that the value of n is notchanged. This is true of any immutable types of Python like *Numbers*, *Strings*and *Tuples*. But when you pass mutable objects like *Lists* and *Dictionaries*the values are manipulated even outside the function:: >>> def can_change(n): ... n[1] = James ... >>> name = ['Mr.', 'Steve', 'Gosling'] >>> can_change(name) >>> name ['Mr.', 'James', 'Gosling']If nothing is returned by the function explicitly, Python takes care to returnNone when the funnction is called.Default Arguments-----------------There may be situations where we need to allow the functions to take thearguments optionally. Python allows us to define function this way by providinga facility called *Default Arguments*. For example, we need to write a functionthat returns a list of fibonacci numbers. Since our function cannot generate aninfinite list of fibonacci numbers, we need to specify the number of elementsthat the fibonacci sequence must contain. Suppose, additionally, we want to thefunction to return 10 numbers in the sequence if no option is specified we candefine the function as follows:: def fib(n=10): fib_list = [0, 1] for i in range(n - 2): next = fib_list[-2] + fib_list[-1] fib_list.append(next) return fib_listWhen we call this function, we can optionally specify the value for theparameter n, during the call as an argument. Calling with no argument andargument with n=5 returns the following fibonacci sequences:: fib() [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34] fib(5) [0, 1, 1, 2, 3]Keyword Arguments-----------------When a function takes a large number of arguments, it may be difficult toremember the order of the parameters in the function definition or it maybe necessary to pass values to only certain parameters since others takethe default value. In either of these cases, Python provides the facilityof passing arguments by specifying the name of the parameter as defined inthe function definition. This is known as *Keyword Arguments*. In a function call, *Keyword arguments* can be used for each argument, in thefollowing fashion:: argument_name=argument_value Also denoted as: keyword=argument def wish(name='World', greetings='Hello'): print "%s, %s!" % (greetings, name)This function can be called in one of the following ways. It is important tonote that no restriction is imposed in the order in which *Keyword arguments*can be specified. Also note, that we have combined *Keyword arguments* with*Default arguments* in this example, however it is not necessary:: wish(name='Guido', greetings='Hey') wish(greetings='Hey', name='Guido')Calling functions by specifying arguments in the order of parameters specifiedin the function definition is called as *Positional arguments*, as opposed to*Keyword arguments*. It is possible to use both *Positional arguments* and *Keyword arguments* in a single function call. But Python doesn't allow us tobungle up both of them. The arguments to the function, in the call, must alwaysstart with *Positional arguments* which is in turn followed by *Keywordarguments*:: def my_func(x, y, z, u, v, w): # initialize variables. ... # do some stuff ... # return the valueIt is valid to call the above functions in the following ways:: my_func(10, 20, 30, u=1.0, v=2.0, w=3.0) my_func(10, 20, 30, 1.0, 2.0, w=3.0) my_func(10, 20, z=30, u=1.0, v=2.0, w=3.0) my_func(x=10, y=20, z=30, u=1.0, v=2.0, w=3.0)Following lists some of the invalid calls:: my_func(10, 20, z=30, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0) my_func(x=10, 20, z=30, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0) my_func(x=10, y=20, z=30, u=1.0, v=2.0, 3.0)Parameter Packing and Unpacking-------------------------------The positional arguments passed to a function can be collected in a tupleparameter and keyword arguments can be collected in a dictionary. Since keywordarguments must always be the last set of arguments passed to a function, thekeyword dictionary parameter must be the last parameter. The function definitionmust include a list explicit parameters, followed by tuple paramter collectingparameter, whose name is preceded by a *****, for collecting positionalparameters, in turn followed by the dictionary collecting parameter, whose nameis preceded by a ****** :: def print_report(title, *args, **name): """Structure of *args* (age, email-id) Structure of *name* { 'first': First Name 'middle': Middle Name 'last': Last Name } """ print "Title: %s" % (title) print "Full name: %(first)s %(middle)s %(last)s" % name print "Age: %d\nEmail-ID: %s" % argsThe above function can be called as. Note, the order of keyword parameters canbe interchanged:: >>> print_report('Employee Report', 29, '', first='Johny', last='Charles', middle='Douglas') Title: Employee Report Full name: Johny Douglas Charles Age: 29 Email-ID: johny@example.comThe reverse of this can also be achieved by using a very identical syntax whilecalling the function. A tuple or a dictionary can be passed as arguments inplace of a list of *Positional arguments* or *Keyword arguments* respectivelyusing ***** or ****** :: def print_report(title, age, email, first, middle, last): print "Title: %s" % (title) print "Full name: %s %s %s" % (first, middle, last) print "Age: %d\nEmail-ID: %s" % (age, email) >>> args = (29, '') >>> name = { 'first': 'Johny', 'middle': 'Charles', 'last': 'Douglas' } >>> print_report('Employee Report', *args, **name) Title: Employee Report Full name: Johny Charles Douglas Age: 29 Email-ID: johny@example.comNested Functions and Scopes---------------------------Python allows nesting one function inside another. This style of programmingturns out to be extremely flexible and powerful features when we use *Pythondecorators*. We will not talk about decorators is beyond the scope of thiscourse. If you are interested in knowing more about *decorator programming* inPython you are suggested to read:||, the following is an example for nested functions in Python:: def outer(): print "Outer..." def inner(): print "Inner..." print "Outer..." inner() >>> outer()map, reduce and filter functions--------------------------------Python provides several built-in functions for convenience. The **map()**,**reduce()** and **filter()** functions prove to be very useful with sequences like*Lists*.The **map** (*function*, *sequence*) function takes two arguments: *function*and a *sequence* argument. The *function* argument must be the name of thefunction which in turn takes a single argument, the individual element of the*sequence*. The **map** function calls *function(item)*, for each item in thesequence and returns a list of values, where each value is the value returnedby each call to *function(item)*. **map()** function allows to pass more thanone sequence. In this case, the first argument, *function* must take as manyarguments as the number of sequences passed. This function is called with eachcorresponding element in the each of the sequences, or **None** if one of thesequence is exhausted:: def square(x): return x*x >>> map(square, [1, 2, 3, 4]) [1, 4, 9, 16] def mul(x, y): return x*y >>> map(mul, [1, 2, 3, 4], [6, 7, 8, 9])The **filter** (*function*, *sequence*) function takes two arguments, similar tothe **map()** function. The **filter** function calls *function(item)*, for eachitem in the sequence and returns all the elements in the sequence for which *function(item)* returned True:: def even(x): if x % 2: return True else: return False >>> filter(even, range(1, 10)) [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]The **reduce** (*function*, *sequence*) function takes two arguments, similar to**map** function, however multiple sequences are not allowed. The **reduce**function calls *function* with first two consecutive elements in the sequence,obtains the result, calls *function* with the result and the subsequent elementin the sequence and so on until the end of the list and returns the final result:: def mul(x, y): return x*y >>> reduce(mul, [1, 2, 3, 4]) 24List Comprehensions~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~List Comprehension is a convenvience utility provided by Python. It is a syntatic sugar to create *Lists*. Using *List Comprehensions* one can create*Lists* from other type of sequential data structures or other *Lists* itself.The syntax of *List Comprehensions* consists of a square brackets to indicatethe result is a *List* within which we include at least one **for** clause andmultiple **if** clauses. It will be more clear with an example:: >>> num = [1, 2, 3] >>> sq = [x*x for x in num] >>> sq [1, 4, 9] >>> all_num = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] >>> even = [x for x in all_num if x%2 == 0]The syntax used here is very clear from the way it is written. It can be translated into english as, "for each element x in the list all_num, if remainder of x divided by 2 is 0, add x to the list."