changeset 34 7a243a6d8625
parent 33 b850a2b9fc21
child 39 932a7a863120
equal deleted inserted replaced
33:b850a2b9fc21 34:7a243a6d8625
    58 * Python is a high level, interpreted, modular and object oriented language.
    58 * Python is a high level, interpreted, modular and object oriented language.
    59   Python performs memory management on its own, thus the programmer need not bother
    59   Python performs memory management on its own, thus the programmer need not bother
    60   about allocating and deallocating memory to variables. Python provides extensibility
    60   about allocating and deallocating memory to variables. Python provides extensibility
    61   by providing modules which can be easily imported similar to headers in C and 
    61   by providing modules which can be easily imported similar to headers in C and 
    62   packages in Java. Python is object oriented and hence provides all the object oriented
    62   packages in Java. Python is object oriented and hence provides all the object oriented
    63   characterstics such as inheritence, encapsulation and polymorphism.
    63   characteristics such as inheritance, encapsulation and polymorphism.
    65 * Python offers a highly powerful interactive programming interface in the form
    65 * Python offers a highly powerful interactive programming interface in the form
    66   of the 'Interactive Interpreter' which will be discussed in more detail in the 
    66   of the 'Interactive Interpreter' which will be discussed in more detail in the 
    67   following sections.
    67   following sections.
    81 1.1 The Python Interpreter
    81 1.1 The Python Interpreter
    82 --------------------------
    82 --------------------------
    84 Typing python at the shell prompt on any standard Unix/Gnu-Linux system fires up
    84 1.1.1 The Interactive Interpreter
    85 the Python 'Interactive Interpreter'. The Python interpreter is one of the most 
    85 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    86 integral features of Python. The prompt obtained when the interactive interpreter
    87 is similar to what is shown below. The exact appearance might differ based on the
    87 Typing *python* at the shell prompt on any standard Unix/Gnu-Linux system and
    88 version of Python being used. The ``>>>`` thing shown is the python prompt. 
    88 hitting the enter key fires up the Python 'Interactive Interpreter'. The Python
    89 When something is typed at the prompt and the enter key is hit, the python interpreter
    89 interpreter is one of the most integral features of Python. The prompt obtained
    90 interprets the command entered and performs the appropriate action.
    90 when the interactive interpreter is similar to what is shown below. The exact
    91 appearance might differ based on the version of Python being used. The ``>>>``
    92 thing shown is the python prompt. When something is typed at the prompt and the
    93 enter key is hit, the python interpreter interprets the command entered and
    94 performs the appropriate action.
    92 ::
    96 ::
    94   Python 2.5.2 (r252:60911, Oct  5 2008, 19:24:49) 
    98   Python 2.5.2 (r252:60911, Oct  5 2008, 19:24:49) 
    95   [GCC 4.3.2] on linux2
    99   [GCC 4.3.2] on linux2
    96   Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
   100   Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
    97   >>> 
   101   >>> 
   103 Lets try with an example, type ``print 'Hello, World!'`` at the prompt and hit
   104 the enter key. 
   106 ::
   108   >>> print 'Hello, World!'
   109   Hello, World!
   111 This example was quite straight forward, and thus we have written our first
   112 line of Python code. Now let us try typing something arbitrary at the prompt.
   113 For example: 
   115 ::
   117   >>> arbit word
   118     File "<stdin>", line 1
   119       arbit word
   120               ^
   121   SyntaxError: invalid syntax
   122   >>>
   124 The interpreter gave an error message saying that 'arbit word' was invalid
   125 syntax which is valid. The interpreter is an amazing tool when learning to
   126 program in Python. The interpreter provides a help function that provides the
   127 necessary documentation regarding all Python syntax, constructs, modules and
   128 objects. Typing *help()* at the prompt gives the following output:
   130 ::
   132   >>> help()
   134   Welcome to Python 2.5!  This is the online help utility.
   136   If this is your first time using Python, you should definitely check out
   137   the tutorial on the Internet at
   139   Enter the name of any module, keyword, or topic to get help on writing
   140   Python programs and using Python modules.  To quit this help utility and
   141   return to the interpreter, just type "quit".
   143   To get a list of available modules, keywords, or topics, type "modules",
   144   "keywords", or "topics".  Each module also comes with a one-line summary
   145   of what it does; to list the modules whose summaries contain a given word
   146   such as "spam", type "modules spam".
   148   help> 
   151 As mentioned in the output, entering the name of any module, keyword or topic
   152 will provide the documentation and help regarding the same through the online
   153 help utility. Pressing *Ctrl+d* exits the help prompt and returns to the
   154 python prompt. 
   156 Let us now try a few examples at the python interpreter. 
   158 Eg 1:
   159 ::
   161   >>> print 'Hello, python!'
   162   Hello, python!
   163   >>>
   165 Eg 2:
   166 ::
   168   >>> print 4321*567890
   169   2453852690
   170   >>> 
   172 Eg 3:
   173 ::
   175   >>> 4321*567890
   176   2453852690L
   177   >>>
   179 ::
   181   Note: Notice the 'L' at the end of the output. The 'L' signifies that the
   182   output of the operation is of type *long*. It was absent in the previous
   183   example because we used the print statement. This is because *print* formats
   184   the output before displaying.
   186 Eg 4:
   187 ::
   189   >>> big = 12345678901234567890 ** 3
   190   >>> print big
   191   1881676372353657772490265749424677022198701224860897069000
   192   >>> 
   194 ::
   196   This example is to show that unlike in C or C++ there is no limit on the
   197   value of an integer.
   199 1.1.2 *ipython* - An enhanced interactive Python interpreter
   200 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   202 The power and the importance of the interactive interpreter was the highlight
   203 of the previous section. This section provides insight into the enhanced
   204 interpreter with more advanced set of features called **ipython**. Entering
   205 *ipython* at the shell prompt fires up the interactive interpreter. 
   207 ::
   209   $ ipython
   210   Python 2.5.2 (r252:60911, Oct  5 2008, 19:24:49) 
   211   Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
   213   IPython 0.8.4 -- An enhanced Interactive Python.
   214   ?         -> Introduction and overview of IPython's features.
   215   %quickref -> Quick reference.
   216   help      -> Python's own help system.
   217   object?   -> Details about 'object'. ?object also works, ?? prints more.
   219   In [1]: 
   221 This is the output obtained upon firing ipython. The exact appearance may
   222 change based on the Python version installed. The following are some of the
   223 various features provided by **ipython**:
   225   * Suggestions - ipython provides suggestions of the possible methods and
   226     operations available for the given python object.
   228 Eg:
   230 ::
   232   In [4]: a = 6
   234   In [5]: a.
   235   a.__abs__           a.__divmod__        a.__index__         a.__neg__       
   236     a.__rand__          a.__rmod__          a.__rxor__
   237   a.__add__           a.__doc__           a.__init__          a.__new__       
   238     a.__rdiv__          a.__rmul__          a.__setattr__
   239   a.__and__           a.__float__         a.__int__           a.__nonzero__   
   240     a.__rdivmod__       a.__ror__           a.__str__
   241   a.__class__         a.__floordiv__      a.__invert__        a.__oct__       
   242     a.__reduce__        a.__rpow__          a.__sub__
   243   a.__cmp__           a.__getattribute__  a.__long__          a.__or__        
   244     a.__reduce_ex__     a.__rrshift__       a.__truediv__
   245   a.__coerce__        a.__getnewargs__    a.__lshift__        a.__pos__      
   246     a.__repr__          a.__rshift__        a.__xor__
   247   a.__delattr__       a.__hash__          a.__mod__           a.__pow__      
   248     a.__rfloordiv__     a.__rsub__          
   249   a.__div__           a.__hex__           a.__mul__           a.__radd__     
   250     a.__rlshift__       a.__rtruediv__      
   252 In this example, we initialized 'a' (a variable - a concept that will be
   253 discussed in the subsequent sections.) to 6. In the next line when the *tab* key
   254 is pressed after typing '*a.*' ipython displays the set of all possible methods
   255 that are applicable on the object 'a' (an integer in this context). Ipython
   256 provides many such datatype specific features which will be presented in the
   257 further sections as and when the datatypes are introduced.
   259 1.2 Editing and running a python file
   260 -------------------------------------
   262 The