Merged heads.
authorPuneeth Chaganti <>
Thu, 11 Nov 2010 03:00:35 +0530
changeset 461 757418fff170
parent 460 5d032e253580 (diff)
parent 457 68813d8d80fb (current diff)
child 462 3a1575a45152
Merged heads.
--- a/getting-started-sagenotebook/quickref.tex	Thu Nov 11 02:28:55 2010 +0530
+++ b/getting-started-sagenotebook/quickref.tex	Thu Nov 11 03:00:35 2010 +0530
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-Creating a linear array:\\
-{\ex \lstinline|    x = linspace(0, 2*pi, 50)|}
-Plotting two variables:\\
-{\ex \lstinline|    plot(x, sin(x))|}
-Plotting two lists of equal length x, y:\\
-{\ex \lstinline|    plot(x, y)|}
--- a/getting-started-sagenotebook/script.rst	Thu Nov 11 02:28:55 2010 +0530
+++ b/getting-started-sagenotebook/script.rst	Thu Nov 11 03:00:35 2010 +0530
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 ..   #. Be able to evaluate cells, create and delete cells, navigate them.
 ..   #. Be able to make annotations in the worksheet
 ..   #. Be able to use tab completion. 
-..   #. Be able to use code from other languages in the cells. 
+..   #. Be able to use code from other languages in the cells.            
 .. Prerequisites
 .. -------------
@@ -30,10 +30,10 @@
+{{{ Show the slide containing the title }}}
 Hello friends. Welcome to this spoken tutorial on Getting started with
-sage and sage notebook.
-{{{ Show the slide containing the title }}}
+Sage and Sage notebook.
 {{{ Show the slide containing the outline }}}
@@ -57,9 +57,10 @@
 We are assuming that you have Sage installed on your computer now. If
 not please visit the page for
-the tutorial on how to install Sage. Let us move on now.
+the tutorial on how to install Sage. 
-On the terminal type::
+Let us now learn how to start Sage. On the terminal type::
@@ -81,8 +82,8 @@
 {{{ Intentional *cough* *cough* }}}
 to use Sage and nothing else! The Sage notebook also provides a
-convenient way of sharing and publishing our work which is very handy
-when we use Sage for research or for teaching.
+convenient way of sharing and publishing our work, which is very handy
+for research and teaching.
 However we can also run our own instances of Sage notebook servers on
 all the computers we have a local installation of Sage. To start the
@@ -319,5 +320,3 @@
 Hope you have enjoyed and found it useful.
 Thank you!
--- a/getting-started-sagenotebook/	Thu Nov 11 02:28:55 2010 +0530
+++ b/getting-started-sagenotebook/	Thu Nov 11 03:00:35 2010 +0530
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 #+LaTeX_HEADER:  commentstyle=\color{red}\itshape, stringstyle=\color{darkgreen},
 #+LaTeX_HEADER:  showstringspaces=false, keywordstyle=\color{blue}\bfseries}
-#+TITLE:    Accessing parts of arrays
+#+TITLE:    Getting started -- Sage
@@ -30,81 +30,38 @@
 #+OPTIONS:   TeX:t LaTeX:nil skip:nil d:nil todo:nil pri:nil tags:not-in-toc
 * Outline
-  - Manipulating one and multi dimensional arrays
-  - Access and change individual elements 
-  - Access and change rows and columns 
-  - Slicing and striding on arrays to access chunks 
-  - Read images into arrays and manipulations
-* Sample Arrays
-  #+begin_src python
-    In []: A = array([12, 23, 34, 45, 56])
-    In []: C = array([[11, 12, 13, 14, 15],
-                      [21, 22, 23, 24, 25],
-                      [31, 32, 33, 34, 35],
-                      [41, 42, 43, 44, 45],
-                      [51, 52, 53, 54, 55]])
-  #+end_src
-* Question 1
-  Change the last column of ~C~ to zeroes. 
-* Solution 1
-  #+begin_src python
-    In []:  C[:, -1] = 0
-  #+end_src
-* Question 2
-  Change ~A~ to ~[11, 12, 13, 14, 15]~. 
-* Solution 2
-  #+begin_src python
-    In []:  A[:] = [11, 12, 13, 14, 15]
-  #+end_src
-* squares.png
-  #+begin_latex
-    \begin{center}
-      \includegraphics[scale=0.6]{squares}    
-    \end{center}
-  #+end_latex
-* Question 3
-  - obtain ~[22, 23]~ from ~C~. 
-  - obtain ~[11, 21, 31, 41]~ from ~C~. 
-  - obtain ~[21, 31, 41, 0]~.   
-* Solution 3
-  #+begin_src python
-    In []:  C[1, 1:3]
-    In []:  C[0:4, 0]
-    In []:  C[1:5, 0]
-  #+end_src
-* Question 4
-  Obtain ~[[23, 24], [33, -34]]~ from ~C~
-* Solution 4
-  #+begin_src python
-    In []:  C[1:3, 2:4]
-  #+end_src
-* Question 5
-  Obtain the square in the center of the image
-* Solution 5
-  #+begin_src python
-    In []: imshow(I[75:225, 75:225])
-  #+end_src
-* Question 6
-  Obtain the following
-  #+begin_src python
-    [[12, 0], [42, 0]]
-    [[12, 13, 14], [0, 0, 0]]
-  #+end_src
-* Solution 6
-  #+begin_src python
-    In []: C[::3, 1::3]
-    In []: C[::4, 1:4]
-  #+end_src
+  - Know what Sage and Sage notebook are.                             
+  - Be able to start a Sage shell or notebook                         
+  - Be able to start using the notebook                               
+  - Be able to create new worksheets                                  
+  - Know about the menu options available                             
+  - Know about the cells in the worksheet                             
+  - Be able to evaluate cells, create and delete cells, navigate them.
+  - Be able to make annotations in the worksheet                      
+  - Be able to use tab completion.                                    
+  - Be able to use code from other languages in the cells.
+* What is Sage?
+  - free, open-source mathematical software.
+  - can do a lot of math for you, including, but not limited to 
+    + algebra
+    + geometry
+    + cryptography
+    + graph theory
+  - can be used as aid in teaching and research
 * Summary
-  You should now be able to --
-  - Manipulate 1D \& Multi dimensional arrays
-      - Access and change individual elements 
-      - Access and change rows and columns 
-      - Slice and stride on arrays
-  - Read images into arrays and manipulate them.
+  + What is Sage
+  + How to start Sage shell
+  + What is Sage notebook
+  + How to start the Sage notebook
+  + How to create accounts and start using the notebook
+  + How to create new worksheets
+  + The menus available on the notebook
+  + About cells in the worksheet
+  + Methods to evaluate the cell, create new cells, delete the cells
+    and navigate around the cells
+  + To make annotations in the worksheet
+  + Tab completions
+  + And embedding code of other scripting languages in the cells
 * Thank you!
--- a/getting-started-sagenotebook/slides.tex	Thu Nov 11 02:28:55 2010 +0530
+++ b/getting-started-sagenotebook/slides.tex	Thu Nov 11 03:00:35 2010 +0530
@@ -1,95 +1,104 @@
-%Tutorial slides on Python.
-% Author: FOSSEE 
-% Copyright (c) 2009, FOSSEE, IIT Bombay
-%\pgfpagesuselayout{2 on 1}[a4paper,border shrink=5mm]
-% Modified from:
-  \usetheme{Warsaw}
-  \useoutertheme{infolines}
-  \setbeamercovered{transparent}
+% Created 2010-11-11 Thu 02:40
+\usepackage[english]{babel} \usepackage{ae,aecompl}
+\usepackage{mathpazo,courier,euler} \usepackage[scaled=.95]{helvet}
+\lstset{language=Python, basicstyle=\ttfamily\bfseries,
+commentstyle=\color{red}\itshape, stringstyle=\color{darkgreen},
+showstringspaces=false, keywordstyle=\color{blue}\bfseries}
-    basicstyle=\ttfamily\bfseries,
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-% Title page
-\title{Your Title Here}
-\author[FOSSEE] {FOSSEE}
-\institute[IIT Bombay] {Department of Aerospace Engineering\\IIT Bombay}
+\title{Getting started -- Sage}
-  \maketitle
-  \frametitle{Outline}
-  \begin{itemize}
-    \item 
-  \end{itemize}
+\item Know what Sage and Sage notebook are.
+\item Be able to start a Sage shell or notebook
+\item Be able to start using the notebook
+\item Be able to create new worksheets
+\item Know about the menu options available
+\item Know about the cells in the worksheet
+\item Be able to evaluate cells, create and delete cells, navigate them.
+\item Be able to make annotations in the worksheet
+\item Be able to use tab completion.
+\item Be able to use code from other languages in the cells.
+\frametitle{What is Sage?}
+\item free, open-source mathematical software.
+\item can do a lot of math for you, including, but not limited to
-%%              All other slides here.                  %%
-%% The same slides will be used in a classroom setting. %% 
+\item algebra
+\item geometry
+\item cryptography
+\item graph theory
+\item can be used as aid in teaching and research
-  \frametitle{Summary}
-  \begin{itemize}
-    \item 
-  \end{itemize}
+\item What is Sage
+\item How to start Sage shell
+\item What is Sage notebook
+\item How to start the Sage notebook
+\item How to create accounts and start using the notebook
+\item How to create new worksheets
+\item The menus available on the notebook
+\item About cells in the worksheet
+\item Methods to evaluate the cell, create new cells, delete the cells
+    and navigate around the cells
+\item To make annotations in the worksheet
+\item Tab completions
+\item And embedding code of other scripting languages in the cells
+\frametitle{Thank you!}
-  \frametitle{Thank you!}  
   This spoken tutorial has been produced by the
--- a/getting-started-with-symbolics/script.rst	Thu Nov 11 02:28:55 2010 +0530
+++ b/getting-started-with-symbolics/script.rst	Thu Nov 11 03:00:35 2010 +0530
@@ -25,66 +25,65 @@
 Symbolics with Sage
-Hello friends and welcome to the tutorial on symbolics with sage.
+Hello friends and welcome to the tutorial on Symbolics with Sage.
 {{{ Show welcome slide }}}
-.. #[Madhu: What is this line doing here. I don't see much use of it]
 During the course of the tutorial we will learn
 {{{ Show outline slide  }}}
-* Defining symbolic expressions in sage.  
+* Defining symbolic expressions in Sage.  
 * Using built-in constants and functions. 
-* Performing Integration, differentiation using sage. 
+* Performing Integration, differentiation using Sage. 
 * Defining matrices. 
-* Defining Symbolic functions.  
+* Defining symbolic functions.  
 * Simplifying and solving symbolic expressions and functions.
-We can use Sage for symbolic maths. 
+Amongst a lot of other things, Sage can do Symbolic Math and we shall
+start with defining symbolic expressions in Sage. 
+Hope you have your Sage notebook open. If not, pause the video and
+start you Sage notebook. 
 On the sage notebook type::
-It raises a name error saying that y is not defined. But in sage we
-can declare y as a symbol using var function.
+It raises a name error saying that ``y`` is not defined. We need to
+declare ``y`` as a symbol. We do it using the ``var`` function. 
 Now if you type::
-sage simply returns the expression.
+Sage simply returns the expression.
-Thus sage treats sin(y) as a symbolic expression . We can use
-this to do  symbolic maths using sage's built-in constants and
+Sage treats ``sin(y)`` as a symbolic expression. We can use this to do
+symbolic maths using Sage's built-in constants and expressions.
-So let us try ::
+Let us try out a few examples. ::
+We have defined 4 variables, ``x``, ``y``, ``alpha`` and ``beta`` and
+have defined a symbolic expression using them.
-taking another example ::
+Here is an expression in ``theta``  ::
-Similarly, we can define many algebraic and trigonometric expressions using sage .
+Now that you know how to define symbolic expressions in Sage, here is
+an exercise. 
-Following is an exercise that you must do. 
+{{ show slide showing question 1 }}
-%% %%  Define following expressions as symbolic expressions
-in sage?
+%% %% Define following expressions as symbolic expressions in Sage. 
    1. x^2+y^2
    #. y^2-4ax
@@ -93,42 +92,37 @@
 The solution is on your screen.
-Sage also provides a few built-in constants which are commonly used in mathematics .
-example : pi,e,infinity , Function n gives the numerical values of all these constants.
+{{ show slide showing solution 1 }}
-{{{ Type n(pi) n(e) n(oo) On the sage notebook }}}
-If you look into the documentation of function "n" by doing
-.. #[Madhu: "documentation of the function "n"?]
+Sage also provides built-in constants which are commonly used in
+mathematics, for instance pi, e, infinity. The function ``n`` gives
+the numerical values of all these constants.
+    n(pi) 
+    n(e) 
+    n(oo)
+If you look into the documentation of function ``n`` by doing
-You will see what all arguments it takes and what it returns. It will be very
-helpful if you look at the documentation of all functions introduced through
-this script.
+You will see what all arguments it takes and what it returns. It will
+be very helpful if you look at the documentation of all functions
+introduced in the course of this script.
-Also we can define the no. of digits we wish to use in the numerical
-value . For this we have to pass an argument digits.  Type
+Also we can define the number of digits we wish to have in the
+constants. For this we have to pass an argument -- digits.  Type
-.. #[Madhu: "no of digits"? Also "We wish to obtain" than "we wish to
-     use"?]
    n(pi, digits = 10)
-Apart from the constants sage also has a lot of builtin functions like
-sin,cos,log,factorial,gamma,exp,arcsin etc ...
-lets try some of them out on the sage notebook.
+Apart from the constants Sage also has a lot of built-in functions
+like ``sin``, ``cos``, ``log``, ``factorial``, ``gamma``, ``exp``,
+``arcsin`` etc ...
+Lets try some of them out on the Sage notebook.
@@ -137,9 +131,12 @@
-Following is are exercises that you must do. 
+Following are exercises that you must do. 
-%% %% Find the values of the following constants upto 6 digits  precision 
+{{ show slide showing question 2 }}
+%% %% Find the values of the following constants upto 6 digits
+      precision
    1. pi^2
    #. euler_gamma^2
@@ -150,19 +147,18 @@
    1. sin(pi/4)
    #. ln(23)  
-Please, pause the video here. Do the exercises and then continue. 
+Please, pause the video here. Do the exercises and then continue.
-The solutions are on your screen.
+The solutions are on your screen
+{{ show slide showing solution 2 }}
-Given that we have defined variables like x,y etc .. , We can define
-an arbitrary function with desired name in the following way.::
+Given that we have defined variables like x, y etc., we can define an
+arbitrary function with desired name in the following way.::
 Here f is the name of the function and x is the independent variable .
 Now we can define f(x) to be ::
@@ -174,29 +170,18 @@
 We can also define functions that are not continuous but defined
 piecewise.  Let us define a function which is a parabola between 0
-to 1 and a constant from 1 to 2 .  Type the following as given on the
+to 1 and a constant from 1 to 2 .  Type the following 
-      f=Piecewise(<Tab>
-{{{ Show the documentation of Piecewise }}} 
-We can also define functions which are series 
+We can also define functions convergent series and other series. 
 We first define a function f(n) in the way discussed above.::
@@ -221,11 +206,11 @@
     f(n) = (-1)^(n-1)*1/(2*n - 1)
     sum(f(n), n, 1, oo)
 This series converges to pi/4. 
+Following  are exercises that you must do. 
-Following  are exercises that you must do. 
+{{ show slide showing question 3 }}
 %% %% Define the piecewise function. 
@@ -237,14 +222,15 @@
 Please, pause the video here. Do the exercise(s) and then continue. 
+{{ show slide showing solution 3 }}
 Moving on let us see how to perform simple calculus operations using Sage
 For example lets try an expression first ::
-    2x+cos(x)
-The diff function differentiates an expression or a function. Its
+The diff function differentiates an expression or a function. It's
 first argument is expression or function and second argument is the
 independent variable.
@@ -256,44 +242,40 @@
 To get a higher order differential we need to add an extra third argument
 for order ::
-   diff(<tab> diff(f(x),x,3)
+   diff(f(x),x,3)
 in this case it is 3.
 Just like differentiation of expression you can also integrate them ::
      x = var('x') 
      s = integral(1/(1 + (tan(x))**2),x) 
-Many a times we need to find factors of an expression ,we can use the "factor" function
+Many a times we need to find factors of an expression, we can use the
+"factor" function
-    factor(<tab> 
     y = (x^100 - x^70)*(cos(x)^2 + cos(x)^2*tan(x)^2) 
     f = factor(y)
-One can  simplify complicated expression ::
+One can simplify complicated expression ::
-This simplifies the expression fully . We can also do simplification
-of just the algebraic part and the trigonometric part ::
+This simplifies the expression fully. We can also do simplification of
+just the algebraic part and the trigonometric part ::
-One can also find roots of an equation by using find_root function::
+One can also find roots of an equation by using ``find_root`` function::
     phi = var('phi') 
-Lets substitute this solution into the equation and see we were
+Let's substitute this solution into the equation and see we were
 correct ::
@@ -322,18 +304,13 @@
 Please, pause the video here. Do the exercises and then continue. 
 Lets us now try some matrix algebra symbolically ::
 Now lets do some of the matrix operations on this matrix
@@ -348,17 +325,15 @@
 Please, pause the video here. Do the exercise(s) and then continue. 
 {{{ Show the summary slide }}}
-So in this tutorial we learnt how to
+That brings us to the end of this tutorial. In this tutorial we learnt
+how to
-* We learnt about defining symbolic expression and functions.  
-* Using built-in constants and functions.  
-* Using <Tab>  to see the documentation of a function.  
-* Simple calculus operations .  
-* Substituting values in expression using substitute function.
-* Creating symbolic matrices and performing operation on them .
+* define symbolic expression and functions
+* use built-in constants and functions  
+* use <Tab> to see the documentation of a function  
+* do simple calculus
+* substitute values in expressions using ``substitute`` function
+* create symbolic matrices and perform operations on them
--- a/getting-started-with-symbolics/	Thu Nov 11 02:28:55 2010 +0530
+++ b/getting-started-with-symbolics/	Thu Nov 11 03:00:35 2010 +0530
@@ -37,14 +37,14 @@
   - Defining Symbolic functions.  
   - Simplifying and solving symbolic expressions and functions.
-* Questions 1
+* Question 1
   - Define the following expression as symbolic
     expression in sage.
     - x^2+y^2
     - y^2-4ax
-* Solutions 1
+* Solution 1
 #+begin_src python
@@ -52,10 +52,11 @@
 #+end_src python
-* Questions 2
+* Question 2
   - Find the values of the following constants upto 6 digits  precision 
     - pi^2
+    - euler_gamma^2
   - Find the value of the following.
@@ -63,13 +64,13 @@
    - sin(pi/4)
    - ln(23)  
-* Solutions 2
+* Solution 2
 #+begin_src python
 #+end_src python
-* Question 2
+* Question 3
   - Define the piecewise function. 
    when x is in the closed interval 0 to 4.
@@ -78,7 +79,7 @@
   - Sum  of 1/(n^2-1) where n ranges from 1 to infinity. 
-* Solution Q1
+* Solution 3
 #+begin_src python
@@ -86,18 +87,18 @@
 #+end_src python
-* Solution Q2
 #+begin_src python  
   sum(f(n), n, 1, oo)
 #+end_src python  
-* Questions 3
+* Question 4
   - Differentiate the following. 
-    - x^5*log(x^7)  , degree=4 
+    - sin(x^3)+log(3x), to the second order
+    - x^5*log(x^7), to the fourth order
   - Integrate the given expression 
@@ -107,7 +108,7 @@
     - cos(x^2)-log(x)=0
     - Does the equation have a root between 1,2. 
-* Solutions 3
+* Solution 4
 #+begin_src python
   f(x)= x^5*log(x^7) 
@@ -121,12 +122,12 @@
-* Question 4
+* Question 5
   - Find the determinant and inverse of :
-* Solution 4
+* Solution 5
 #+begin_src python  
@@ -134,19 +135,12 @@
 * Summary
- - We learnt about defining symbolic 
-   expression and functions.  
- - Using built-in constants and functions.  
- - Using <Tab>  to see the documentation of a 
-   function.  
-* Summary 
- - Simple calculus operations .  
- - Substituting values in expression 
-   using substitute function.
- - Creating symbolic matrices and 
-   performing operation on them .
+ - We learnt about defining symbolic expression and functions.
+ - Using built-in constants and functions.
+ - Using <Tab> to see the documentation of a function.
+ - Simple calculus operations .
+ - Substituting values in expression using substitute function.
+ - Creating symbolic matrices and performing operation on them .
 * Thank you!
--- a/getting-started-with-symbolics/slides.tex	Thu Nov 11 02:28:55 2010 +0530
+++ b/getting-started-with-symbolics/slides.tex	Thu Nov 11 03:00:35 2010 +0530
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-% Created 2010-11-10 Wed 17:18
+% Created 2010-11-11 Thu 02:03
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
@@ -55,7 +54,7 @@
-\frametitle{Questions 1}
+\frametitle{Question 1}
@@ -72,28 +71,34 @@
-\frametitle{Solutions 1}
+\frametitle{Solution 1}
-\frametitle{Questions 2}
+\frametitle{Question 2}
 \item Find the values of the following constants upto 6 digits  precision
 \item pi$^2$
+\item euler$_{\mathrm{gamma}}$$^2$
 \item Find the value of the following.
@@ -104,17 +109,18 @@
-\frametitle{Solutions 2}
+\frametitle{Solution 2}
-\frametitle{Question 2}
+\frametitle{Question 3}
@@ -127,37 +133,35 @@
-\frametitle{Solution Q1}
+\frametitle{Solution 3}
 g(x)= 4*x^2
-\frametitle{Solution Q2}
 sum(f(n), n, 1, oo)
-\frametitle{Questions 3}
+\frametitle{Question 4}
 \item Differentiate the following.
-\item x$^5$*log(x$^7$)  , degree=4
+\item sin(x$^3$)+log(3x), to the second order
+\item x$^5$*log(x$^7$), to the fourth order
 \item Integrate the given expression
@@ -176,10 +180,11 @@
-\frametitle{Solutions 3}
+\frametitle{Solution 4}
 f(x)= x^5*log(x^7) 
@@ -190,11 +195,11 @@
-\frametitle{Question 4}
+\frametitle{Question 5}
 \item Find the determinant and inverse of :
@@ -203,45 +208,33 @@
-\frametitle{Solution 4}
+\frametitle{Solution 5}
-\item We learnt about defining symbolic 
-   expression and functions.
+\item We learnt about defining symbolic expression and functions.
 \item Using built-in constants and functions.
-\item Using <Tab>  to see the documentation of a 
-   function.
+\item Using <Tab> to see the documentation of a function.
 \item Simple calculus operations .
-\item Substituting values in expression 
-   using substitute function.
-\item Creating symbolic matrices and 
-   performing operation on them .
+\item Substituting values in expression using substitute function.
+\item Creating symbolic matrices and performing operation on them .
 \frametitle{Thank you!}
--- a/	Thu Nov 11 02:28:55 2010 +0530
+++ b/	Thu Nov 11 03:00:35 2010 +0530
@@ -27,10 +27,10 @@
 | 4.4 LO: | Least square fit                       |     2 | Nishanth | Punch (Done)    |           |
 | 4.5 LO: | Assessment                             |     3 | Punch    |                 |           |
-| 5.1 LO: | getting started with sage notebook     |     3 | Madhu    |                 |           |
-| 5.2 LO: | getting started with symbolics         |     3 | Amit     | Pending         |           |
+| 5.1 LO: | getting started with sage notebook     |     3 | Madhu    | Punch (Done)    |           |
+| 5.2 LO: | getting started with symbolics         |     3 | Amit     | Punch (Done)    |           |
 | 5.3 LO: | using Sage                             |     4 | Punch    | Anoop (Done)    |           |
-| 5.4 LO: | using sage to teach                    |     3 | Nishanth |                 |           |
+| 5.4 LO: | using sage to teach                    |     3 | Nishanth | Punch (Done)    |           |
 | 5.5 LO: | Assessment                             |     3 | Anoop    |                 |           |
 | 6.1 LO: | basic datatypes & operators            |     4 | Amit     | Punch (Done)    |           |
--- a/using_sage_to_teach/script.rst	Thu Nov 11 02:28:55 2010 +0530
+++ b/using_sage_to_teach/script.rst	Thu Nov 11 03:00:35 2010 +0530
@@ -19,9 +19,9 @@
-Hello friends and welcome to the tutorial on "Using SAGE to teach"
+{{{ Show the slide containing title }}}
-{{{ Show the slide containing title }}}
+Hello friends and welcome to the tutorial on Using SAGE to teach
 {{{ Show the slide containing the outline slide }}}
@@ -41,14 +41,14 @@
     t = var('t')
-    p1 = plot( e^(-t/2) * sin(2*t), (t, 0, 15))
+    p1 = plot(e^(-t/2) * sin(2*t), (t, 0, 15))
 Now if we want to reduce the damping factor even more, we would be using
 e^(-t/3). We can observe that every time we have to change, all we do is change
 something very small and re evaluate the cell.
-This process can be automated using the ``@interact`` feature of SAGE.
+This process can be simplified, using the ``@interact`` feature of SAGE.
@@ -141,10 +141,10 @@
 in the top right, we can see a button called ``publish``. Click on that and we
 get a confirmation page with an option for re publishing.
-For now lets forget that opion and simply publish by cliking ``yes``. The
+For now lets forget that option and simply publish by clicking ``yes``. The
 worksheet is now published. 
-Now lets signout and go to the sage notebook home. We see link to browse
+Now lets sign out and go to the sage notebook home. We see link to browse
 published worksheets. Lets click on it and we can see the worksheet. This does
 not require login and anyone can view the worksheet.
@@ -173,9 +173,8 @@
 {{{ Show the "sponsored by FOSSEE" slide }}}
-#[Nishanth]: Will add this line after all of us fix on one.
 This tutorial was created as a part of FOSSEE project, NME ICT, MHRD India
 Hope you have enjoyed and found it useful.
+Thank you!
--- a/writing_python_scripts/script.rst	Thu Nov 11 02:28:55 2010 +0530
+++ b/writing_python_scripts/script.rst	Thu Nov 11 03:00:35 2010 +0530
@@ -149,5 +149,5 @@
 This tutorial was created as a part of FOSSEE project, NME ICT, MHRD India
 Hope you have enjoyed and found it useful.
+Thank you!