Slides for loops LO.
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+++ b/loops/script.rst Mon Oct 11 01:00:37 2010 +0530
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
Following is an exercise that you must do.
%%1%% Write a ``while`` loop to print the squares of all the even
-numbers below 10. Then, return to the video.
+numbers below 10.
Please, pause the video here. Do the exercise and then continue.
@@ -88,8 +88,8 @@
Following is an exercise that you must do.
-%%2%% Pause the video here and write a ``for`` loop to print the
-squares of all the even numbers below 10. Then, return to the video.
+%%2%% Write a ``for`` loop to print the squares of all the even
+numbers below 10.
Please, pause the video here. Do the exercise and then continue.
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+#+TITLE: Loops
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+* Outline
+ - Loop while a condition is true.
+ - Iterate over a sequence
+ - Breaking out of loops.
+ - Skipping iterations.
+* Question 1
+ Write a ~while~ loop to print the squares of all the even
+ numbers below 10.
+* Solution 1
+ #+begin_src python
+ In []: i = 2
+ In []: while i<10:
+ ....: print i*i
+ ....: i += 2
+ #+end_src
+* Question 2
+ Write a ~for~ loop to print the squares of all the even numbers
+ below 10.
+* Solution 2
+ #+begin_src python
+ In []: for n in range(2, 10, 2):
+ ....: print n*n
+ #+end_src
+* Question 3
+ Using the ~continue~ keyword modify the ~for~ loop to print the
+ squares of even numbers below 10, to print the squares of only
+ multiples of 4. (Do not modify the range function call.)
+* Solution 3
+ #+begin_src python
+ for n in range(2, 10, 2):
+ if n%4:
+ continue
+ print n*n
+ #+end_src
+* Summary
+ You should now be able to --
+ - use the ~for~ loop
+ - use the ~while~ loop
+ - Use ~break~, ~continue~ and ~pass~ statements
+* Thank you!
+ \begin{block}{}
+ \begin{center}
+ This spoken tutorial has been produced by the
+ \textcolor{blue}{FOSSEE} team, which is funded by the
+ \end{center}
+ \begin{center}
+ \textcolor{blue}{National Mission on Education through \\
+ Information \& Communication Technology \\
+ MHRD, Govt. of India}.
+ \end{center}
+ \end{block}
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-%Tutorial slides on Python.
-% Author: FOSSEE
-% Copyright (c) 2009, FOSSEE, IIT Bombay
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-% Title page
-\title{Your Title Here}
-\author[FOSSEE] {FOSSEE}
-\institute[IIT Bombay] {Department of Aerospace Engineering\\IIT Bombay}
- \maketitle
+\item Loop while a condition is true.
+\item Iterate over a sequence
+\item Breaking out of loops.
+\item Skipping iterations.
+\frametitle{Question 1}
+ Write a \texttt{while} loop to print the squares of all the even
+ numbers below 10.
- \frametitle{Outline}
- \begin{itemize}
- \item
- \end{itemize}
+\frametitle{Solution 1}
+In []: i = 2
+In []: while i<10:
+ ....: print i*i
+ ....: i += 2
+\frametitle{Question 2}
+ Write a \texttt{for} loop to print the squares of all the even numbers
+ below 10.
+\frametitle{Solution 2}
-%% All other slides here. %%
-%% The same slides will be used in a classroom setting. %%
+In []: for n in range(2, 10, 2):
+ ....: print n*n
+\frametitle{Question 3}
+ Using the \texttt{continue} keyword modify the \texttt{for} loop to print the
+ squares of even numbers below 10, to print the squares of only
+ multiples of 4. (Do not modify the range function call.)
- \frametitle{Summary}
- \begin{itemize}
- \item
- \end{itemize}
+\frametitle{Solution 3}
+for n in range(2, 10, 2):
+ if n%4:
+ continue
+ print n*n
- \frametitle{Thank you!}
+ You should now be able to --
+\item use the \texttt{for} loop
+\item use the \texttt{while} loop
+\item Use \texttt{break}, \texttt{continue} and \texttt{pass} statements
+\frametitle{Thank you!}
This spoken tutorial has been produced by the