Made some changes to the script embellishing a plot, but it still needs changes.
Matrix Multiplication:\\
{\ex \lstinline| c = dot(a,b)|}
Transpose of a matrix:\\
{\ex \lstinline| m.T|}
Inverse of a matrix:\\
{\ex \lstinline| im = inv(m)|}
Frobenius norm of matrix:\\
{\ex \lstinline| norm(m)|}
Inverse norm of matrix:\\
{\ex \lstinline| norm(m, ord=inf)|}
Determinant of matrix:\\
{\ex \lstinline| det(m)|}
Eigen values of matrix:\\
{\ex \lstinline| eigvals(m)|}
Eigen vectors of matrix:\\
{\ex \lstinline| eig(m)[1]|}
Singular Value Decomposition on matrix m:\\
{\ex \lstinline| svd(m)|}