made changes to getting started with for.
Objective Questions
.. A mininum of 8 questions here (along with answers)
1. Create 100 equally spaced points between -pi/2 and pi/2?
Answer: linspace(-pi/2,pi/2,100)
2. How do you clear a figure in ipython?
Answer: clf()
3. How do find the length of a sequence?
Answer: len(sequence_name)
4. Create a plot of x and e^x where x is 100 equally spaced points between 0,pi. Hint: e^x -> exp(x) for ipython
Answer: x=linspace(0,pi,100)
5. List four formats in which you can save a plot in ipython?
Answer: png,eps,pdf,ps
6. List the kind of buttons available in plotui to study the plot better ?
Zoom button to Zoom In to a region.
Pan button to move it around.
7. What are the left and right arrow buttons for?
Answer: These buttons take you to the states that the plot has been. Much like a browser left and right arrow button.
8. What is the home button for in the Plot UI?
Initial State of the plot.
Larger Questions
.. A minimum of 2 questions here (along with answers)
1. Use '?' and explain the similarities and difference between linpace and logspace?
2. Describe one by one all the buttons in UI of plot and their meaning?