Renamed all LOs to match with their names in
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#+TITLE: Conditionals
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* Outline
In this tutorial, we shall look at
+ Using if/else blocks
+ Using if/elif/else blocks
+ Using the Ternary conditional statement
* Question 1
Given a number, num. Write an if else block to print num, as is, if
it is divisible by 10, else print 10 * num.
* Solution 1
#+begin_src python
if num%10 == 0:
print num
print 10*num
* ~if/elif~ ladder
#+begin_src python
if user == 'admin':
# Do admin operations
elif user == 'moderator':
# Do moderator operations
elif user == 'client':
# Do customer operations
* Question 2
Given a number, num. Write a ternary operator to print num, as is,
if it is divisible by 10, else print 10 * num.
* Solution 2
#+begin_src python
print num if num%10 == 0 else 10*num
* Summary
In this tutorial session we learnt
+ What are conditional statements
+ if/else statement
+ if/elif/else statement
+ Ternary conditional statement - ~C if X else Y~
+ and the ~pass~ statement
* Thank you!
This spoken tutorial has been produced by the
\textcolor{blue}{FOSSEE} team, which is funded by the
\textcolor{blue}{National Mission on Education through \\
Information \& Communication Technology \\
MHRD, Govt. of India}.