author Nishanth <>
Fri, 08 Oct 2010 23:55:07 +0530
changeset 256 a3aa223c1662
parent 217 b595f90016c5
child 242 a33e942379d7
permissions -rw-r--r--
added script to using_sage_to_teach


Welcome to the tutorial on getting started with files. 

{{{ Screen shows welcome slide }}}

{{{ Show the outline for this tutorial }}} 

In this tutorial we shall learn to read files, and do some basic
actions on the file, like opening and reading a file, closing a
file, iterating through the file line-by-line, and appending the
lines of a file to a list. 

{{{ switch back to the terminal }}}

As usual, we start IPython, using 

  ipython -pylab 

Let us first open the file, ``pendulum.txt`` present in

  f = open('/home/fossee/pendulum.txt')

``f`` is called a file object. Let us type ``f`` on the terminal to
see what it is. 


The file object shows, the file which is open and the mode (read
or write) in which it is open. 

We shall first learn to read the whole file into a single
variable. Later, we shall look at reading it line-by-line. We use
the ``read`` method of ``f`` to read, all the contents of the file
into the variable ``pend``. 

  pend =

Now, let us see what is in ``pend``, by typing 

  print pend

We can see that ``pend`` has all the data of file. Type just ``pend``
to see more explicitly, what it contains. 


%%1%% Pause the video here and split the variable into a list,
``pend_list``, of the lines in the file and then resume the
video. Hint, use the tab command to see what methods the string
variable has. 

#[punch: should this even be put? add dependency to strings LO,
where we mention that strings have methods for manipulation. hint:
use splitlines()]

  pend_list = pend.splitlines()


Now, let us learn to read the file line-by-line. But, before that
we will have to close the file, since the file has already been
read till the end. 
#[punch: should we mention file-pointer?]

Let us close the file opened into f.


Let us again type ``f`` on the prompt to see what it shows. 


Notice, that it now says the file has been closed. It is a good
programming practice to close any file objects that we have
opened, after their job is done.

Let us, now move on to reading files line-by-line. 

%%1%% Pause the video here and re-open the file ``pendulum.txt``
with ``f`` as the file object, and then resume the video.

We just use the up arrow until we reach the open command and issue
it again. 

  f = open('/home/fossee/pendulum.txt')

Now, to read the file line-by-line, we iterate over the file
object line-by-line, using the ``for`` command. Let us iterate over
the file line-wise and print each of the lines. 

  for line in f:
      print line

As we already know, ``line`` is just a dummy variable, and not a
keyword. We could have used any other variable name, but ``line``
seems meaningful enough.

Instead of just printing the lines, let us append them to a list,
``line_list``. We first initialize an empty list, ``line_list``. 

  line_list = [ ]

Let us then read the file line-by-line and then append each of the
lines, to the list. We could, as usual close the file using
``f.close`` and re-open it. But, this time, let's leave alone the
file object ``f`` and directly open the file within the for
statement. This will save us the trouble of closing the file, each
time we open it. 

for line in open('/home/fossee/pendulum.txt'):

Let us see what ``line_list`` contains. 


Notice that ``line_list`` is a list of the lines in the file, along
with the newline characters. If you noticed, ``pend_list`` did not
contain the newline characters, because the string ``pend`` was
split on the newline characters. 

{{{ show the summary slide }}}

That brings us to the end of this tutorial. In this tutorial we
have learnt to open and close files, read the data in the files as
a whole, using the read command or reading it line by line by
iterating over the file object. 

Thank you!