author Amit Sethi
Mon, 08 Nov 2010 02:02:29 +0530
changeset 403 9858ca9e3f93
parent 398 36295bb91766
permissions -rw-r--r--
Adding testing and debugging slides

Matrix Multiplication:\\
{\ex \lstinline|    c = dot(a,b)|}

Transpose of a matrix:\\
{\ex \lstinline|    m.T|}

Inverse of a matrix:\\
{\ex \lstinline|    im = inv(m)|}

Frobenius norm of matrix:\\
{\ex \lstinline|    norm(m)|}

Inverse norm of matrix:\\
{\ex \lstinline|    norm(m, ord=inf)|}

Determinant of matrix:\\
{\ex \lstinline|    det(m)|}

Eigen values of matrix:\\
{\ex \lstinline|    eigvals(m)|}

Eigen vectors of matrix:\\
{\ex \lstinline|    eig(m)[1]|}

Singular Value Decomposition on matrix m:\\
{\ex \lstinline|    svd(m)|}